I was in the self-checkout in a supermarket. Look over to the regular ckeckout...

I was in the self-checkout in a supermarket. Look over to the regular ckeckout. See the cute female cashier look the male customer straight in the eyes when she handed him the receipt. It made me so fucking angry because with me they always look down. I hate my life and I hate my parents for bringing me into this world. What do?

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nothing do, just live with this

Lose weight, eat less, get more sunshine, begin social outside hobbies.

I hate this world

How many girls have you asked on date this year?

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I've approached about 25-30 women this year

That's good. Where did you go wrong, do you think?

he only approaches desperate tourists

This thread is about female employees always treating me like shit

Do they call you names or make rude comments? Because if so then that's unprofessional and you can report them to their employers.

But is it REALLY what this thread is about? Or is this thread about being resentful due to women not giving you the kind of attention you would like?

I know this only too well. Last week I was in a bank line and the clerk was so pleasant to the guy in front of me, asking him how's the day with straight look in the eyes, chatting and smiling, and when it was my turn she barely returned the greet. All I wanted that day was work to end as fast as possible so I could go home cry myself to sleep.

OP btfo.

Are you implying that female cashiers only make eye contact with attractive male customers?

Why is it that whenever a guy has grievances with a woman or women everyone starts shitting on him? But never Vice versa?

Esther Vilar pointed this out

Woah hold on, I never started shitting on him, I was about to give him advice, until he started being rude for no reason, also:

>It made me so fucking angry because with me they always look down. I hate my life and I hate my parents for bringing me into this world.
>I hate this world
>This thread is about female employees always treating me like shit

This does not sound like someone with "grievances with a woman", this sounds like an angry manchild

Go MGTOW or become a steroid using doosh.
This is basically what the west has devolved to mate. I would advise just go MGTOW maybe you will find a girl but don't waste your life looking for one.

Because life is full of double standards and expecting women to be held to the standards of men has only led to major disappointment?

So you should take that and apply it to all females. You're doing something that makes them weary of you. Maybe it's your bitterness for life that comes out in ways you don't realize or can't even control.

My advice. Start going to the same gas station and pay inside, eat at the same place for lunch (if you eat out for work or whtatever) for a few months. Work on joking around with them, about the weather or whatever. Don't be bitter if they're a little rude, let it slide off, because if you are it shows. You can practice on the old hags first and then start with the younger workers.

Hardmode: be less of a jag off. Your poor social skills tell people not to try to interact. We're fucking monkeys, its all in the nonverbal.

This guy gets it.

Life sucks, get a helmet you unbelievable cunt.

They're employees. They're likely making minimum wage or just above it. You're not even a human being, you're a thing that makes their day marginally more difficult or marginally less boring purely depending on when you show up. They don't care about you and they aren't paid enough to fake it for a guy who offers and contributes nothing.

>Or is this thread about being resentful due to women not giving you the kind of attention you would like?

You have seen into his soul.

You mumbling, awkward fuck.

Obviously. If they weren't all vapid whores or whatever OP might actually have to look inside and see what he's missing.

Because men who are successful realize that its not that difficult and that most men who whine are massive sacks of shit bitching about other people to cover up their obvious lack of efficient effort and basic social skills. The same shit that makes women pass you over makes the other 90% of guys shake their heads.

Yeah, this guy didn't shit on OP, I'm shitting on OP.

>steroid using doosh
Yes, hard work is a myth, it must be good genetics or the juice!

Way to let yourself off.

Everybody's fault but yours, eh?

>Everybody's fault but yours, eh?
What where did I say that? I'm telling him that holding others to superficial standards is pointless because life is and never will be fair

How can any of that fix being under skilled, under educated and not having enough experience to get a good paying job so I can get a girl to pretend she loves me?

Yes, there is no point in self-improvement if it won't feed into your monumental self pity.

honest to god, and I normally don’t give good feedback to frogs, but here: the main problem is you have yet to grow up. this is not to be insulting! I understand your pain. social anxiety and low self-esteem are actually quite common. many people struggle with these issues. however, you’re going to need to enter the adult world at some point regardless, better sooner than later. in the adult world, people have power and (in theory) responsibility over their own lives. in the adult world, you can find girls who will want to stare into your eyes for hours. as an adult, you can turn your whole around to the point where you aren’t looking to cashier girls to validate your existence. I hope you aren’t too weak or stupid to absorb this advice and really consider it. life is survival of the fittest. getting suicidal over pointless minutia is basically nust extreme patheticism and waiting around to die. harden the fuck up.

>the west
oh christ another intellectual

go to another grocery store

I only feel so much self pity because I have a desperate unfufilled craving for attention and validation, it's not my fault I never got any of it as a child and now I have a disorder


>I only feel so much self pity because
And here we are about to see an excuse in it's native environment...
>I have a desperate unfufilled craving for attention and validation,
See how first it attempts to elicit empathy by pointing out something a child of six realized from the context...
>it's not my fault I never got any of it as a child
Oh! The rare double guilt maneuver, will they frame this later as being genuine insight or irony? We'll have to watch to see...
> now I have a disorder
No, Walter, you're just an asshole.

I'm confused, you never told me I'm wrong nor did you provide any advice

What would the point of either be? You'd just brush it aside and keep voguing on your cross.

What would be the point of giving advice on an advice board?
What was the point of posting something that doesn't even attempt to contribute but rather to pick every single thing in my post apart? Like what kind of reply did you even expected to get?

Retail is not even a good place to meet girls, especially the associates that work there because it is based on the false merit they are interested in you when the goal is for you to return so they try to smile and be sociable within the time of them ringing up your items and you paying. It's nothing to cry spilt milk over.

>Like what kind of reply did you even expected to get?

Pretty much this.

>What was the point of posting something that doesn't even attempt to contribute but rather to pick every single thing in my post apart?

Maybe to show you that your problem is internal and personal and that all this shit about girls and your parents and whatever other thin prevarication you're gonna land on next is just obscuring the real issue?

That attention and validation isn't coming from trying to befriend or even oogling your eyes at cute cashier girls.

calm down Elliot rodger, work on yourself. fix yourself up until you cant, if youre not happy by then just drink yourself silly and stay that way

Well I know it's internal because I said so myself but I really think the issue is just that, unfufilled needs and I'm not sure there is even a way to fix that, I can't go back in time and prevent it from happening

I don't know about you but any amount of attention makes me feel good and I take wathever I can get

You could seek therapy. You could work on social skills. Instead you're whining on Jow Forums about how "female employees" (and you're very specific that its a male/female interaction you're missing) are "treating [you] like shit." Your feigned taking of responsibility not withstanding, all this thread is about is you wanting your life's failure to somehow be the fault of some chick making minimum wage because she was insufficiently on your dick.

>How can any of that fix being under skilled
Apply for fast food or retail. A job is a job, you're not trying to start a business here. A lot of the time experience isn't required for first timers.
>under educated
Proliferate your room with pretenious books and be sure to have a few John Green shit in there too, he may not be prentenious but a lot of these nerdy girls love him.
>and not having enough experience to get a good paying job so I can get a girl to pretend she loves me?
See what I said above. And never ever mention money or how much you make to a women. Some are greedy as hell minxs and will drive your bank account empty. Always bring how much you think is necessary for a date or a simple outing.

>John Green
No pussy is worth giving that hack a dollar.

I am going to therapy, I have been going to therapy all my life and it got me nowhere yet I still go to therapy because someone somewhere decided that talking to some random person for 40 minutes every week solves your problems
You know what would really solve my problems? Being attractive or rich so women would have to look at me but im shit out of luck and I was too stupid to get a head start on everyone else, I guess I could just pay a prostitute but if I'm honest is not even sex that I want I just want who likes me and wants me and is nice to me nobody is ever fucking nice to me, is it too much to ask? Am I that much of a monster?

>40 minutes

Welp, we know who isn't doing private pay and doesn't have BCBS.

I bought some milk and was listening to some music and this cashier walked out idk she probably had to use the washroom

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