I'm 21 and I'm going to transfer from incel to MGTOW (basically like incel but voluntary) until I'm around 35 and I'm...

I'm 21 and I'm going to transfer from incel to MGTOW (basically like incel but voluntary) until I'm around 35 and I'm done with all the harder career building.

Should I get an escort before I move on to dolls?
And please let's just talk about the escort, other decisions have already been made.

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>Should I get an escort before I move on to dolls?
gg, that's nasty m8

how about build yourself as a person to find happiness and not to ignore the greatest pleasures of life

So you're gonna be an incel but lie to yourself and say it's voluntary. Go for it dude.

That's exactly what I'm going to do until I'm 35

That's not the question. I'm wondering if I should fuck a prostitute before that.

what makes you think that starting looking for a gf in mid 30s is a good idea? at this point most women in your age group (mid 20s to mid 30s) will be taken, younger girls will probably care only about gifts and money and you will be inexperienced in dating and while its cute when a guy is 17, its cringy when a guy is about to hit his 40s

>I'm going to transfer from incel to MGTOW

So basically what you're saying is :

>I never go out and I've never had a girlfriend in my life but I'm gonna entirely give up hope in any form of relationship based on meme images I've been shown by other completely inexeperienced incels about how ALL relationships are today.

Ok, I guess? If you're that dumb it'll just be natural selection honestly.

Women want a good environment for their kids and I will be easily able to provide that. I just don't want relationships to interfere with my career.
I've had a few relationships before turning 18 but no sex, which leads to the escort question.
After I turned 18 all the girls my age simply moved on to either older men or absolute chads. I haven't been an incel forever.

Read this:
And no, I have never been a part of the incel community.

The latest models are quite nice

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Are any of you actually going to talk about the escort?

What do you dislike here? It's basically a high quality masturbator. The fact that you can tell a difference between a doll and a woman changes nothing.

Prostitutes are gross. You’re bringing a criminal into an intimate situation. That’s just stupid.

Also, the doll thing is juvenile and stupid. Just jerk off like a regular person.

user, I will tell you this now, as someone who will actually do what you are planning to do.
Being voluntarily celibate is absolutely only for those who have decided to dedicate their lives to something greater.
If you have a purpose, and you think that this purpose is worth more then your own happiness.
And you are content with pursuing it with every fiber of your being and you are fine to die trying to archive what you strive for.
Then it's an option to go celibate.
I had girls literally begging me for it, and I rejected them.
This path is a giant sacrifice, it's not something you should do based on some internet memes.

What you are writing is: "everything I am planning to do is for girls, but I won't pursue them until I'm 35"
That's just stupid, user. You will find no salvation on this path.

>incel to MGTOW
You haven't made a single decision here they're the same thing
Throw up the blackpill you loser

MGTOW is just incels in denial lol

Masturbation is not something that you should invest thousands of dollars into. I can understand gettting a pocket pussy but getting a sex doll is both sad and funny. All of those guys buy clothes and makeup for them and give them names and go on dates and watch TV with them and shit.

>all these roasties ITT SEETHING at losing another potential slave

The user is no true monk like this guy.
The way he is talking he will end up as the most pathetic cuck of them all. If he thinks he can just start dating at 35

I'm a man so I guess I should be happy that theres one less male to compete with to get women so I probably shouldn't care. It just astounds me that there are men who recognize that women are shit, so instead of finding one to put in her place, he just removes himself from the gene pool. MGTOW are just blackpilled losers who want the world to die

It's not quite human looking. Uncanny valley.

>I'm going to transfer from incel to MGTOW

I know right?
>i'm going to go from involuntarily celibate to voluntarily celibate
whose gotta wojak stupid enough for this thought process?

Mate its really not your fault if woman don't show an interest in you provided your not obese or abrasive or a bum.
Woman in the west are so stuck up that I've seen gym guys get rejected by woman I would consider 4/10 or 5/10.
40 year old woman think they can get Bill Gates.
Personally I'll either just be a permanent bachelor or maybe find myself an eastern European.

For context I have lived in NZ and Australia so this problem is global at this point.

>For context I have lived in NZ and Australia so this problem is global at this point.


I guess if you fucking go west from australia you do eventually reach new zealand by taking the long way around the globe, brother incel.

It's weird. I have theory that we have fewer outcasts than before, so the bitterness that is usually spread amongst a lot of outcasts is concentrated into the fewer outcasts that exists now. So have these super-bitter delusional outcasts.

I mean, I don't remember my generation of outcasts being this insane and delusional.

My generation used to shoot up workplaces/schools cos they were heavily bullied. This generation shoots ups a school cos they lost at a video game.

If its a problem in NZ, Australia, Europe and the USA then its a global problem, buy a map.

This guy OP. Maybe get a fleshlight if you are giving your johnson the deathgrip but that's it. I watched a show once about guys with sex dolls. The guys were weird. Think about what you are getting into OP.

usually the guys saying this don't realize they aren't attractive or appealing in any way. it isn't stuck up to not sette for that.

I don't know what career you are building but after a certain point having a wife and children is an asset for you. People will see you as stable and responsible if you are a good family man and it helps with promotions. Being a 30 something virgin who fucks a sex doll won't help you move upwards in your career.

Uh huh you keep believing that "hottie".

Yeah you met every single girl in those countries and continents, past present and future.

> assumes I'm a woman to let his incel aggression on

lol wow.
how are you single? xD

>and I'm done with all the harder career building

The hardest part is finding a good mate to start a family, not getting a good job if you have half a brain and work ethic.

I went down the similar road. An average guy that got rejected once so never asked out another woman again. I focused on fixing other things in my life and told myself that women would come to me, and be easy. Lifting, really good job, learned some foreign languages, got into crypto. Then when you step out into the world, you realize you are a 28 year old virgin, 90% of the marriable women were wifed up by the end of college, your don't have any past experiences to help woo the 10% of remaining decent women, assuming you can even find one, and end up settling with someone that is probably settling for you. Women will have kids, previous loser partners that don't have anything going for them hitting them up all the time, looks fading, jaded shitty personalities, working mediocre jobs, ect.

You're still really young and don't have to end up like this. Focus on your career, but get out and try to meet as many women as you can.

I ended up like this.

How do I fix myself. How do I go back.

>basically like incel but voluntary
I don't think it's you that gets to make that choice.

Sorry for the late response, I had to sleep.

They're legal where I am.

Stop LARPing.
You're glorifying women as the only source of happiness and instantly proceeding to strawman me to "only do it for women".
Go back to licking up Chad's cum out of some feminazi's pussy

I'm too redpilled, it's too late to try to shame me out of it

I just want to trick my body as best possible into believing it's a woman. I have no intention on LARPing with it.

I'm not delusional.. I'll just come back to the dating pool when I'm sure that women won't monkey branch off of me, leaving me to get fucked by the family court

I just consider a doll a better version of a fleshlight, not a waifu. And I think that 1.5k for over ten years is not too much

You're assuming I'll go for women my age.
I intend to be a smart boy and date younger women who just entered the dating pool and who don't have a thousand cock stare

U need spiritual bullshit in your life my man.
not this mgtow stuff

if you will become attractive , will you not fuck a girl whos into you?

marriage is shite

and none of you guys are even 1% redpilled hahaha

>omen were wifed up by the end of college, your don't have any past experiences to help w
date younger girls , there is a reason they are in higher demand

Hey screw you, I use a full size magic wand™ on my dick and no other form of fapping comes close to how hard that makes me shoot

I'm not planning on ever marrying.
The whole purpose of MGTOW is to say no. I will only say yes when I'm sure she won't be able to upgrade from me.

I prefer dolls because they simulate an actual sexual expirience. Unlike with an onahole, when upgrading from a doll to a woman, you'll at least have the right muscles to dick her down hard enough for her not to seek dick on the side.

you can't escape incel that easy. MGTOW is just a philosophy, go straight to the dollies

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This so much. You don't know the first thing about life and women yet you've chosen to stay away from them because of what a bunch of losers who don't have any experience either told you online. Like user said, if you're that big of a retard it's natural selection.

Why the fuck are you on Jow Forums?

Just find a japanese christian wife OP. Stop complaining.


What does any of that have to do with my magic wand™

>too redpilled
Fuck off you idiot
There is NOTHING redpilled about MGTOW. Anyone truly redpilled would suck it up and try and nut in as many women as possible. You have taken the black pill and deluded yourself into thinking it's the red pill

I'm not complaining. I'm asking your opinion on prostitutes.

It doesn't simulate actual sex

So all redpilled men should get fucked by the family court as much as possible according to you?
Or do you mean that I should increase the burden on the taxpayers by creating single moms?

I’m about 17 years younger than you doing something similar. I’ve been an incel, been a chad for 3 years, and I’m back to incel. I made it to Chad status by just working on myself. I lost weight, lifted and got swole, got out more and socialized and got more comfortable in social situations. Bitches fell into my lap without me trying. I fell out of it all and now I’m working on myself again. Even right now I COULD go get pussy so I guess I’m not an incel.

You should let go of sex altogether. Just work on yourself nigga. At 35, you should just start taking testosterone. You can eat it prescribed by a doctor or buy it online if you find a source. I promise you that doing that and eating+working out while pursing hobbies and passions will have you feeling like a king. At 35, that’s the perfect age to start using test, especially if yours is low.

Redpilled men should have as many white babies as possible. Don't breed with shit tier women who want to fuck you over. Again there is nothing redpilled about MGTOW. It is the cowards way of saying "women don't want me so instead of improving myself I'm just not going to deal with them and remove myself from the gene pool"
It's blackpilled and defeatist by design

One less loser for females to deal with.

If you are a real MGTOW then you no longer get to complain about girls because you have gone your OWN way.

He hasnt gone his own way
Involuntarily celibate to voluntarily celibate isn't even fucking possible because he didn't have that choice to go his own way to begin with

Every woman is going to fuck you over if she can upgrade.
I'm taking time off from the dating pool to work on myself without distractions.

I could get a 6/10 or a cougar if I went for it, my standards are just too high for that.
I guess you're right, I'm not a true incel

>Every woman is going to fuck you over if she can upgrade.
You're a cynical little loser whose feeding some ego that no woman is worthy of you which is bullshit because you're a shit male who deserves a shit woman

I have to refrain from doxing myself despite the fact that that would immediately shut all the cucks like you up.
Does all of your knowledge on the red pill come from some libtard journalist's article or are you just pretending to be retarded?

You seem to not understand what being redpilled means. It means understanding the nature of this world and all that's fucked with it and using that knowledge to raise yourself up and improve society by not letting yourself get out bred by shitskins. You have given up on women because you find them worthless and not worthy of your falsely inflated view of yourself. This is by very definition blackpilled because instead of improving anything about yourself, you're choosing to just let women be garbage instead of teaching and putting them in their place. MGTOW is just a bunch of incels like you who decided they were smart patricians by saying no to women who never ever would say yes to them to begin with.

I've said multiple times that I haven't given up on women so stop strawmanning me.
The red pill refers only to knowledge and what you do with it is your choice.
You're narrowing the red pill to the race issue so I guess you've been partially red pilled by Jow Forums and didn't care to learn anything else.
This isn't a race thread so go back to your favorite board or create your own thread of you want to talk about that.

God. There are actually people in the world like this, who think like this. That's so scary

>havent given up on women
You see how contradictory this is?
Again you're an incel you don't get to choose when you can and can't get women

Hey, there is people that attack innocents with baseball bats and bike locks
And they are protected by the state
Does that spook you blue boy?

Read the original post and

fuck off back to your reddt hugbox

On Jow Forums you can link to the post you're responding to.
Please do so as to avoid any misunderstandings

Sure there will be sugar babies and daddy issues girls that will be available but no decent 20 year old is going to want a 35 year old dude that spent the past 15 years fucking love dolls lmao. I gave you good advice here but you're too retarded to take it. You'll see eventually.

vasectomy - the game changer... cum all over that pussy... watch and laugh as she tries to snare you in her trap. Rinse and Repeat. To give up on young pussy.. for 35 year old pussy... uhhhg, gross... hotdog down a alley full of chemical lubes.

Tell that to all the 20s dating 40 and above.
And nobody has to ever know that I haven't had a relationship in 15 years, they literally have no way of knowing that.
>inb4 it will be obvious to any woman you'll talk to
Do you expect me to be a hermit?
I will still interact with women normally and even go on dates, and if they sperg out on me, I'll tell them that I'm gay and was just being friendly. Nothing less than a search warrant will let them know about my doll.
And your "good advice" is simple ignorance coming from your lack of a family. Just like a virgin with sex, you glorify something just because you don't have it, and you don't have it just because you overthink and over complicate the process of getting it.
Your "good job" is most likely mediocre wage cuck tier by my standards if anyone with half a brain can get it.
I'm not looking for a Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 job to wagecuck for a life in downtown fucking Detroit feeding myself with McDonald's. I'm looking for a job that would bring me enough money to invest in profitable assets which will eventually bring in enough revenue to live off of without working and will even let me buy nice "toys" like a car or a flamethrower for myself.
Are you seriously giving up on your life at 28? You still have more than enough time so get your shit together and stop whining about reality. Stop being a pussy and adapt.
Talk to me when you stop projecting.

I'm not dumb enough to give up on reproduction for petty revenge

Thinking that a man should do all of the house work and proceed to call yourself redpilled....

Good luck dude.

>the escort
Seems like contributing to your problem rather than removing from it
Just get the doll and subsist until you make a meaningful connection so you don't end up held to your shitty, hasty decisions in the past, ten years from now when you don't want anything to do with them.

Fuck off retards

>lash out at people on the internet
You're your own problem and you always will be.

Ugh I agree with you, these fucking basedboys probably date some hamplanet

You're 21 you faggot. Your life hasn't even begun. If you're the Chad that you claim to be in your other posts, finding and keeping a quality woman should be no problem for you. But we both know you're full of shit or this thread wouldn't exist.

you should focus specifically on escorts, because a man like you will never receive enough female attention to get into a legitimate relationship by now. honestly it's better this way, you provide them money, and they provide you the sexual gratification you'd have to work twice as hard for with much less of a payoff.

How has this post gone so long without being checked?

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volcels are incels in denial bro
start taking steps outside your comfort zone, don't be afraid to ask the uncomfortable questions
don't be a faggot and think you can ignore your biological impulse for 14 more years, it'll come back to haunt you and you'll wonder where the time went to snag a young girl who can have healthy kids

Damn. This was actually a pretty good and mature post. I was trying to help you out but you brought up some valid points about my own problems. But my job is actually good and I'm practically retired on crypto. But everything else hit home.

Anyways, I still think you will regret it even with what you said. It really isn't that easy finding young girls as an older man as people make it seem.

I'm doing the same thing but it helps that I don't mind dying a virgin. I don't think this course is good for squares who have their hearts set on having a family someday.

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the only soiboi is the guy who thinks he can get back into the dating pool when he's 35

>I'm 21 and I'm going to transfer from incel to MGTOW
Man, the paperwork for that takes ages

Who the fuck said anything about housework?

Women stay with those who can support their child you dumbass. I'm 21. I don't have money.
And your definition of "Chad" is wrong if you call a virgin a Chad

Thank you. You're the true spirit of Jow Forums.

I don't mind dying a verb in either but I'm pretty sure my opinion will be different in 10 years



>My generation used to shoot up workplaces/schools cos they were heavily bullied.

The recent santa fe shooter was bullied, according to his own father, and confirmed considering that he spared the students that he liked.

The florida video game shooter you mention had a history of mental illness and was on meds.

I felt that, user.

This isn't Jow Forums you sack of shit

You guys got your board back years ago
Leave mine alone

It's only quads. I'll take that image though.

Hey don't you dare touch that, that's mine

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