Is cold approaching women worth it? I've done like 20 in the day and usually they either don't text back or we talk for a bit and it fizzles out if I get their number, although I actually did end up having sex with 1. Seems like a huge pain in the ass walking around the streets for a couple hours just for a 5% success rate. Whats a better way to meet girls? I'm a decent looking guy but I'm not in college or anything. I get sexually frustrated a lot. I haven't been laid in two months and it was 7 before that time. This can't really be that hard and I know I'm a good looking guy cause girls give me looks and grins all the time and even come up to talk to me sometimes, I just can't seem to seal the deal most of the time. Is it this hard for everyone? How are there dudes that can just get laid whenever with no effort?
Is cold approaching women worth it...
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>Seems like a huge pain in the ass walking around the streets for a couple hours just for a 5% success rate.
You can improve your success rate a little by watching pua stuff and practicing, but it will only ever get you this far. If you don't have a social circle it's kinda your best bet though. If you have a couple of friends you can go to clubs with you'll have way more chances of getting laid approaching girls there than in the streets.
one of these threads was controversial and funny last time.
In my experience, cold approaching has the highest success rate since women interact socially rather than artificially.
What probably doesn't work for you is that you "do it in the streets". Try at venues, events or clubs (like Swing Dancing clubs).
If your issue is sealing the deal, what do you do when you get their number? The idea of cold approaching is to get their interest and their numbers and then call them a day later to set up a date.
However, if all you want is to get laid, get tinder or a swipe app and post hot pics (fake ones even) and just ask women if they wanna have sex. You'd be better off that way if all you want is sex with no strings.
Cold approach doesn’t exist. Room temperature approach does though. Women give off subtle signals to indicate they want you to bump them.
What a smart thing
-Go to people that fears being robbed, that fears being victim of a prank, that fears you are a potential rapist and all other metropole fear and try to bond connection in the middle of street disrespecting all social rules and showing for clear that you dont care to social judgement
What can go wrong?
PUA faggots don't get this or pretend not to get this
Well maybe girls have higher standards then just good looks. The guys I’ve turn out to like usually aren’t the hottest guys but they make me laugh and we have great conversations. Maybe change the way you approach girls not with just the sole intention to fuck.
pretty much this
>women give signals meme
You pick those us passively, not actively, you idiot.
>everyone else is as fearful as I am a pussy
>woman thinks she knows what she wants
you don't honey, you are just as hysterical as the rest and can't string a sentence expressing your feelings.
>You pick those us passively, not actively, you idiot.
What the fuck?
You are an aspie or someone with real problems to understand the real world.
It's not to be a pussie or something else, it's about social rules that woman always follow as they are social being, a woman isnt like a man who go "lone wolf mode". so she will follow social norms because they fear social isolation/ostracization.
When you do that thing in the middle of the street you clearly show that you dont care for social rules. We dont chat with every woman because that would mean disrespect to their partners if they had one, so as a social strategy we just hit them when they are at "potential single places" like a bar, club, etc. not in the middle of the street.
To not be able to understand that its why you failed and still fail.
>5% lay rate for cold approaching
Uhm this doesn't sound too bad at all though.
What can go wrong, right? You dont have the risk of being called a sexual abuser that "mentally opressed the girl" and become a feminist meme and lose your job and ruin your life, right?
Well the one I actually ended up hooking up with was the first approach which is probably why I had the persistence to do 19 more.
I went to a big party school. Getting laid was the easiest thing; just go out Thursday to Saturday, and have fun. Eventually, just make fun comments to some qt, and you both are having fun at the bar or club. Next thing you know it, go outside and start making out, then go fuck.
But man, it feels empty. It's so much better and more worth it when you build up trust and connection with a woman, and then things happen. Go do some hobby, get to know a girl that way, and you get together that way.
I personally think cold approaching should be an asset that you should be able to use if there is an opportunity. You don't exactly need to go out and start machine gun approaching random girls on the street.
However, let's say you go out grocery shopping tomorrow. You see a stunning girl walking around in the shop and you would really like to get to know her to see if you have any chance at all with this girl. 99% of guys wouldn't strike up conversation because they think it's weird or harassment. But having the balls to actually go up to her and try to have a casual conversation can mean the difference between getting that amazing girl or not. I've done a few cold approaches lately but haven't had much success unfortunately. But it's definitely something i want to practice on because i want to stop letting opportunities pass me by.
Yeah but disregarding social rules and showing you don't give a shit about the social judgment of those below you, is one of the things that make you more attractive to women. As a leader of men you don't follow social norms and rules, you set them. Buit the soical rules do exist for a reason, it's a filter. Women don't want to be approached by betas, and betas are natural followers, so they wont break social norms. The alphas don't give a shit, because they are going to do what they want anyway, and the women know this.
See I don't really need college to do what I wanna do but sometimes when I hear things like this it makes me wish I didn't dop out. I'm not some foreveralone permavirgin wizard but my social life and sex life could use a lot of improvements and people say those things are awesome in college.
I can't imagine getting laid every weekend :(
Yeah, but it was only temporary. Once you get out of college, it's over. Sure, you gain a lot of social xp points, which helps in the "real world" with making friends, etc. I know some guys who would've been completely socially inept had they not gone to my college. But even what little experience they got, they are way better off than they could have been.
IRL women just make fun of you with their friends after they reject you
>Once you get out of college, it's over.
How's that? If you get out of college you can still hit the clubs during the weekends.
No, just no.
A leader is someone that have a pack under him, a lone wolf is a lone wolf.
But students in a college town fairyland are way easier and more open to making friends and acquaintances with new people. Sure, it can happen, but real world people have more defenses, and who has the time to be going every weekend to the club when they have a real job/graduate school/ etc?
No sex for two months huh? How about no sex ever? Now that sounds more like a real issue.
8 month dry speller checking in here.
I'm actually more sexually frustrated now than when i was still a virgin.
whats pua? pick up artists?
i hate abbreviations
OP here. One of the girls actually just texted back so maybe I judging this too soon lol
>>You pick those us passively, not actively, you idiot.
lurk moar and learn
>Is cold approaching women worth it?
No, and watching PUA videos or buying their books or tickets to their seminars or energy drinks is all a big scam to exploit unfortunate incels or just lonely dudes.
>Whats a better way to meet girls? I'm a decent looking guy but I'm not in college or anything
Join just about anything. A fucking bird-watching group, improv classes, a pokemon card battle league, MMA classes, volunteering at a homeless shelter, go walk your dog at the dog park, etc.
As long as you're not telling yourself that you're flirting, and you're not trying to flirt, it won't be painfully obvious that you're trying to flirt with them them and they won't immediately shut you down like they do with cold approaches.
You can also try this thing called the internet.
Jesus fuck, stop acting like animals in captivity and leave your house already