Hey Jow Forums!23 female here
my boyfriend told me that he had a surprised planned for us this weekend and we haven’t had the weekend off together in almost a month so I was super excited thinking we were going to have like a date night or something.... yesterday he ended up having to work until like 4pm and that was ok I literally detail cleaned the whole house and when he got home he was so surprised I thought we were going to go have dinner or something and we didn’t we just stayed home and I made quesadillas ,and this morning I woke up and made breakfast and he said after breakfast maybe we can go do something and I thought we were going to go on a hike or the movies but he suggested we go to this stupid sand show for off road vehicles and I’m not into that stuff at all. I’m so bothered Jow Forums we are in the car driving to the show because I don’t want to seem like a bitch so I said ok . Am I wrong for being upset ?
Hey Jow Forums!23 female here
You weren't explicit about your discomfort, and did not verbally tell him anything to the contrary.
You are completely wrong for being upset.
>You weren't explicit about your discomfort, and did not verbally tell him anything to the contrary.
You're not wrong for being upset. But you should let your boyfriend know how you feel & what you expected.
Guys are not mindreaders so learn how to communicate better.
This. /thread
Been together long, should he know you wouldn't like the suprise or you just assume he was listening?
I'd be unhappy being dragged into some shit I didn't enjoy if I'd made it clear but there's serious lack of details..
Sometimes you have to do what the other half enjoys and what you get out of it is their fun and passion.. other times you find them a friend to take your place :)
male fwiw
Not really, but like others have said, you gotta communicate rather than just sit there pouting. An ideal relationship is give and take. So he should do nice things for you, and you should do nice things for him. It sounds like this weekend has been a little too one-sided with "nice things for him," and not enough nice things for you.
In an ideal relationship, you would go with him to his off-road vehicle show, and he would then ALSO take you to do something you really want to do.
Gotta agree.
Respect to you for keeping it cool, I understand you waiting to see his surprise because he hyped it up. I have been in this situation on both sides of the fence. You just need to tell him that you'd like to do something more special next time such as ____.
Why are you unable to make plans?
This is your fault for being passive.
You disgust me.
>This is your fault for being passive.
>You disgust me.
yupp, typical female
Is that steak
>not getting the meme.
So innocent. You should leave Jow Forums while you can.
It's roast beef.
Looks delicious. I would eat that all day long. With extra mayonnaise
I agree in general, but her boyfriend said he had plans. As others have said, it was then up to her to voice her dislike of the plans.
The male literally works weekends and she's bitching.
This is the kind of shit that (((women))) have to worry about.
Bonus: completely unrelated attention whoring selfie in heels and tight pants. Because even she knows that's the only way anyone will take her seriously.
femanon here. its fine to be upset because if he knows anything about you he should probably know that you would not be interested in that. HOWEVER, in his boy mind, he probably thought this was a funny cool date to do that is different from the usual. just make the most of it.
Give me a revenge blowjob.
So what was the "surprised" he promised?
It was obviously homemade quesadillas.
Your boyfriend is a flake and a dick and you shouldn't of gone to that show. People will treat you how you allow them to treat you and every time you just fold and allow him to get away with doing shit like this the more he thinks its okay.
I feel like I've said "it's a surprise" before because the girl will grill me on what we're doing, where, when, why, how long for, bla bla bla. When you say it's a surprise it shuts them up. However, when I've done this I've at least taken them to dinner or something.
So did you ask him what were the plans for the weekend and make it a big deal, since you both hadn't had the time off in a month or whatever?
You should ask him in my opinion why, and be aware it might be from you playing 20 questions to any plan he says. Maybe if he said "I just want to chill inside and make some food with you", he knows you would've started an argument that it was the first time in a month and you two should do something.
Yes, you can always go and enjoy the thing instead of moping about it not being what you wanted.
"Surprise" doesn't mean what you expect.
So next time, you plan a weekend.
And since most people don't know how to plan things, this is what you do:
Write down some things you want to do.
Then make a minute plan where you account for how much time each thing will take, often down to the minute.
Then you figure out what kind of things need to be scheduled and write down who to contact and an approximate timeline for when to do so.
Make a meal plan and write down a shopping list for these items.
Then set a weekend that you both promise to keep clear. If you want it to be a surprise, just tell him when, not what will happen.
Then give him a weekend you would like.
It can seem like a lot of work, but break it down into small manageable tasks and it will be easier.
This is good advice. Instead of creating this a big issue, focus on solving it so it doesn't happen again. Enjoy the time you get with him this weekend. It can only improve next time lol
I disagree. It's important for both to have their hobbies and sometimes include the other in it. They should also have some hobbies together. I think communication and expectations are the issue. Dont' sour a relationship over a "surprise weekend", work on it and improve the relationship