Why do I want a girlfriend even though I have a personality no girl would like?
Why do I want a girlfriend even though I have a personality no girl would like?
I think the same way about myself, yet I've had quite a few girlfriends.
Yes, but do you post >tfw no gf threads as often as this OP does? Probably not
I guarantee you my personality is worse.
Then fix it
Already tried. Can't.
>just improve yourself, bro!
Not with that attitude. Let's start off with you telling me what's so terrible about your personality.
just fake your way through relationships, if you yourself know your a shitty person then you are and then you come online for advice u must be desperate.
What's so wrong about your personality? My 10/10 best friend fell in love with a guy who had no looks OR personality imo.
Anxious, selfish, passive, lazy, ignorant, childish, coward, antisocial, crybaby, compulsive, weak-willed, aimless, only into video games, etc.
Work on your confidence, it will help.
Work on thinking about others first, before yourself, it will help you later in life
Confidence helps
Break your routine that is making you lazy. Start something that is opposite of what is making you lazy, and do it for 30 days (only takes 30 days to start automatically doing something)
Improving this just comes with time and experience.
I assume you are over 18, if so, act your fucking age mate. There is no reason for a grown man to act like a child, it's pathetic.
>Anti social
You don't have to be the guy that talks to everyone all the time, start with one person you can comfortably keep a conversation going with, and move on from there. You'll eventually break out of your shell and be comfortable talking to people.
Why? Grow the fuck up.
Who isn't? You just need to work on managing your habbits better.
Improving other aspects of your life will help you change this as well.
Set a goal and try to achieve it.
>Only into video games
That can't be true, I'm sure you have other hobbies/ things you enjoy doing.. if not, then find other people who have similar hobbies... you can definitely find people like that online.
Just remember that you can't change yourself overnight... slowly work on yourself, eventually you will start to notice a difference, and other people will too..
>just improve yourself, bro!
You forgot firm hand shake and confidence
wow this advice just changed my life.
Is this bait? Are there srsly people who think that phrase is bad?
You honestly are lost if you think this lol. Put a gun to your head.
>Is this bait?
Is your post bait? Nobody actually thinks it's bad to improve yourself, it's mocked because it's the most generic, useless advice you can give. When people ask for help they usually want concrete steps they can take, not the
>be urself
>just work on ur confidence bro
>man up
which most people on this board post. That kind of lazy advice is given to feed the ego of the advice giver, not to actually help others.
Those are genuinely the steps, retard. It is actually that easy. It's also absolutely impossible to suggest anything else unless you give us a real life situation that you fucked up.
Well yea it's actually good advice. 90% of what is wrong with you can be fixed by installing discipline. Wake up at the same time everyday, do your chores, organize your life and get your work/schoolwork in order. The rest will fall into place.
top stuff man, without cutting insights like the ones you provide we'd all be lost about how to deal with our issues. You should write a paper about your original ideas for self improvement.
>thinking i even suggested anything
my mistake, I didn't think two people with such retarded opinions would be present in the same thread.
>how do i help myself?
>by helping yourself
>how do i do that?
>by being disciplined
>so how do i become disciplined?
>by doing it.
That's it. You make a conscious choice to change for the better. No magic advice is coming your way anytime soon to motivate you to do better. quit being such a sadcunt.
if it's that simple we should just stick your post and delete the rest of the board. Maybe it would help get rid of people like you.
are you OP? because i can tell from here that you indeed have a personality that girls don't like.
Nobody said that it was easy. Like I said, there is no magic advice pill to take here. only reality checks.
>are you OP? because i can tell from here that you indeed have a personality that girls don't like.
No, but I can see you're sniffing around for reasons to call him a failure. When your shit "advice" doesn't go down well the next step is usually to call the person an incel. You see it on this board all the time. People aren't genuinely looking to help, they're looking for that little dopamine boost they get from being a "good" person.
I was looking to help. You do not know my intentions. I'm guessing OP is long gone and that is has been you posting all the smarmy, rude remarks in the last few posts.
Don't seek advice when you really want hand holding and coddling. So like I said, add some structure to your life and stop being a sadcunt. I'm not sure what else can be said to someone who won't change anything, but wants their world to change.
not the guy who's arguing with you but can you just elaborate a little more? i know all of my problems have very simple solutions and most of them you said about earlier, but i just give up too easily and my emotions just take hold of me so i cant think clearly anymore and all i think is how pathetic and dumb and etc. i am
is there a way other than "dont think like that" to get rid of this self-hatred and giving up easily? i have confidence and motivation until i run into a big roadblock, and i can't seem to get past them. every time, and it just destroys me for a day or two.
The answer is always confidence, but no one tells you how to get it. Do we really need this board at all?
Some girls are fucked up and are attracted to abusive men. Actually a lot are. Don't hit them but treat them as worthless and they'll do anything to show you they're worthy of your attention.