Yknow, I keep seeing threads about guys crying that they're 5'6. Soooo am I just straight fucked since I'm 5'3? Even Jow Forums users aren't as short as me. Im not really insecure or self conscious most of the time about my height but people on here make it seem like it's horrible just to be 5'6.
Yknow, I keep seeing threads about guys crying that they're 5'6. Soooo am I just straight fucked since I'm 5'3...
5'5 here. It is. Luckily girls are around my height or below, so talking to them isn't always discomforting. It's those high maintance ones that "prefer taller guys" that get me. I want to execute a Dahmer and turn them into my zombies. Friggin' Hell.
Short guys land taller girls
The more you worry about it, the more true the self fulfilling prophecy becomes.
if it bothers you THAT much buy heel lifts. Also julius ceasar wasnt 6 ft so have fun with that knowledge
meant for op
My boyfriend is 5'4 op. Your day will come.
Im 4'10 if it matters. His ex was a 5'10 woman
I'm not really comfortable lying about my height to everyone by wearing heels. I'm not that insecure, I just wanted to know if I'm just straight fucked or not.
Yep that's what a lot of people say. Hopefully it actually does come. And Jesus you're short, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but can you qualify as a migit? Legitimately asking.
Lmfao dw, im pretty used to that as a genuine question by now. If i was 1 or 2 inches shorter than i am, i would be.
I still look really normal, (if not pretty curvy for my size) so its just the outcome of having a short family+ being born small/premature + some uterus shit that stunted my growth.
Otherwise, id be roughly 5'3 or so.
Im 4'10 to 4'11. evidence says im 4'11 now as a result of my last growth spurt - yes, they happen up to 21 - but it still needs testing, so i cant confirm.
If i was 1 or 2 inches shorter than i am, i would be clinically considered a midget. But i think it all depends on where youre born. In my country, women are naturally shorter (around 5'4 max), so im just a shorter than average woman. If youre in europe or some shit, then i could as well be a midget, since yalls women (including my bfs ex, who os german) are like 5'10 and up
Im just gonna put this here. Keep in mind rome was the apex of the west so yeah
I think so
I am tallish for a woman (5'7) and I don't think I could ever consider a guy under 6'0 as attractive or a potential romantic partner, I basically just ignore them outside of being colleagues.
I want to date a strong man who can protect me and our children as well as create ones that can do so for their own future families. Short guys just seem embarrassing in a way that is hard to explain. The man you attract as a woman has a huge impact on your social value so if you are dating a small guy it also reflects badly on you
You are so obviously a tall man larping.
5'9 here had an early groth spurt and felt superior to everyone for a time because of it now everyone is just as or a few inches taller than me
My dad was like 5"4. He was stocky, he had a Joe Pecsi type build, but he was dark skinned. My mom is 6 feet tall, and people used to tell her she looked like Princess Di, all the time. How does this happen? Not giving a shit is how it happens. It's not an anomaly either. I married a guy shorter than I, and I have had plenty of friends over the years who married shorter guys, who were (in some cases) much less attractive than themselves. None of these men were wealthy either.
It's all a fuckingmind game, man
I mean a few inches under and I could, I'd take a well built 5'10 any day over a 6'4 lanky nerd
The main thing is just overall volume of their body lol, all other things being equal the taller guy will just be bigger. I don't mean dick size but a man's upper body (shoulders/back/arms especially forearms and hands) has a lot to do with their height.
If a guy doesn't have the strength to really move me around and look like he does too it will not work romantically/sexually so why would I waste time?
I think this is a case of 'in spite of' and not 'because of'
The first may indeed be true, but I would never imply the latter be a thing. The point is that your fate isn't predestined by your height, or any other shit like that.
It is in no way an anomaly for a man to be with an attractive woman who is taller, the same height as he. I see it all the time. For every woman who is a cunt about the height of the men, there is a dude who lets his insecurity about his height fuck him over, when there isn't any real external issue.
I honestly didn't notice I was taller than the man who became my husband until OTHERS brought it to my attention
Also I feel like height is kind of an issue that you project. There are people who are picky about anything, height, muscle build, nose shape, feet, thigh gap, tooth gap, but plenty of times I've heard said "I never noticed how short you were" the way people carry themselves informs a lot of what you think of them. The way you see someone in your minds eye isn't always who they are.
I'm a 5'4 guy . My ex was 5'2. Currently dating a girl slightly taller than I, like 5'6? Who is also more attractive than my ex. But I'm decently looking and a doctor, so yeah, that helps.
I don't know what to tell you OP. Women can be as stupid as they can get, so take whatever they say with a grain of salt. Height matters A LOT but also does many other things. So try to improve yourself as much as you can. Play your strengths and not your weaknesses
Confirmed for larping lanklet virgin. You don't understand the difference in strength between men and women. A guy of the same height as a girl will toss her around like a ragdoll.
>Height matters A LOT
But you just showed it doesn't?
To be fair, there are a lot of things thatpoint after in the dating world if you're. Fuckign doctor.
News at 11
Height is extremely important to all girls I think. My gf is maybe a 4/10 (with other redeeming qualities) and even she said that she's relieved I'm not an inch shorter because it was really important to her to be able to fit her head under my chin. I'm 5'10" which all the memes aside is pretty average height for my country. That's the expectation of even relatively unattractive girls. It made me a little uncomfortable to hear it because you know... I felt like this girl shouldn't have very high standards. That's the reason I feel no pressure dating her.
It does. I don't delude myself thinking I could be dating her if I wasn't a doctor, making decent money, have interesting hobbies and a personality that she likes.
As I said, height matters but it isn't the only thing that matters. Play your strengths, make them see you are way more than your height
They aim high because they will be always desperate dudes that have no standards wanting to fuck everything even if they are unattractive as hell
You're saying a boring NEET could get girls easily just by being 6'3"?
Honestly I have seen so much shit that I wouldn't be surprised
Ways of the heart are mysterious. You see the oddest couples sometimes.