My girlfriend is breaking up with me. For the sake of closure, she wants to go on one last date and have sex one last time. I don't think it would bring me 'closure,' to me it just sounds incredibly weird and painful. Is it okay if I say no?
My girlfriend is breaking up with me. For the sake of closure...
Tell her to buy herself dinner and fuck her self one last time.
why are you breaking up if you're on good enough terms to go on a date and have sex?
don't do it if you don't want to
lol :)
She says that she's not in love with me anymore, but that she still has some lingering attachment to the old days and wants to have one last date/round of sex to properly say goodbye to what we had. I dunno, I don't really get it either.
>>Is it okay if I say no?
Of course it is. It's your body and your emotions.
In fact it's a fucked up headgame. She is the star of her own stupid little drama series that exists only in her own mind and she's imagining some kind of elaborate series of scenes where she be some wistful character lamenting the demise of something which was once great.
Fuck that noise, just tell her no and ghost the fuck out of her. That will blow her mind in a way that no words that come out of your mouth possibly can.
That is one weird ass way to deal with a breakup op, even for women (so i shpuld know)
Have you been sticking your dick in crazy?
10/10 advice
Don't do it, it'll only hurt you and won't give you any form of closure, it will only make the breakup and moving on even more painful.
"Closure" doesn't even really exist, all you can do is focus on yourself and try to move on, eventually you'll start feeling better again, with enough time.
You should do whatever she tells you to do. Because you're obviously too much of a bitch to make decisions on your own.
Do it op, this is your one god given chance, fuck her ass hard, and make her choke on your cock. Then when you done, finish on her face, drop a 5 dollar note on her chest and thank her for her services.
Say no and stop ALL contact with her. Seriously. No contact. For at least 4 months. Best to just block here everywhere so she can’t contact you. If she does manage to contact you during this period just be polite and say “I don’t think that it is appropriate for you to contact me” or something. This plan works best if she can’t contact you for the initial period though. After this period start unblocking her on the various contact channels. If she contacts you then you “assume the sale” and invite her over after a couple of messages (don’t fall into the text buddy trap). If she wants to meet then you’re safe to try a move. If it doesn’t pan out just go back to radio silence. Pretty much the only plan that will works in this situation (if you want her back that is).
Not OP, but this is relevant to my interests: I already blocked her everywhere. However, why should I unblock her somewhere down the line? I mean, if she really wanted to contact me, she could write a letter or visit me at my workplace or some other stuff. Wouldn't it be strange to simply unblock her?
You should do what’s best for you in this situation. Don’t go on that date, don’t even fuck one last time. You should be the one to end it, tell her you care for her and you’re sorry she feels the way she does. And just delete number/block (because she will finangle her way onto your dick again if you don’t until you’re over her) and move on. It is perfectly fine to do what’s best for you while not allowing yourself to be used by someone who doesn’t care about you.
She’s most likely got another dude on stand by who she’s trying to compare you too. Fuck that, don’t be a puppet or a used gym sock for her
It's okay to say no, but you're missing a huge part of normie relationships, which is pretending you both still have feelings for your each other for a night and going back for sex after you've broken up for months or years afterward.
Can't beat it, my man.
She is a mouthbreathing TV watcher who thinks life is like a movie. That or she thinks that if she gives you a good send off she wont feel so guilty herself afterwards. my advice: go on the date. get your dick wet. it could be a while before it comes around again.
Well, do you want her back? Women are emotion driven creatures. If she has any spark of emotion left for you the best way is to leave her alone. She will convince herself that she wants you back way better than you ever could. She needs time to do this. Not too long but longer than will be comfortable for you...
This. She has a new boyfriend and just wants to make sure the sex is better with him.
Just tell her to fuck off, frankly. That's what I'd do, tell her to fuck straight off to her new boy-toy. Goddam slut.
>Is it okay if I say no?
Honestly it bothers me that you're even asking this. Say "no." Tell her you got all the closure you needed when she told you she wanted to break up, tell her it's over, and then stop talking to her.
>is it okay if I say no
Is she pointing a gun at your head to force you to go on this date?
Definitely say no. Or tell her you guys can fuck one last time but you'll call her and tell her when. Then walk out the motherfuckin' door like a pimp
this is a solid nope. don't listen to any other advice. move on, develop yourself beyond this terrible relationship.