What have you achieved in life? How? Any tips for us that aren't there yet?
What have you achieved in life? How? Any tips for us that aren't there yet?
I have a house, car, degree, and average paying job ($75k/year).
None of that matters because I'm morbidly obese and horribly in debt. Ask me anything.
I'm in med school, published some science papers, also, I still haven't killed myself despite constant depression and despair. That's it.
I'm working for a wealth management fund and have actually made profits both for myself and the company.
I'm surprised too because I feel like I'm winging it.
had sex with virgins, been in threesomes, fucked my way out of the friendzone, had girls cheat on their boyfriend with me, also been in loving normal monogamous long-term relationships where we mostly just had missionary sex.
>Any tips
No, you're just going to REEE at me
Find your own Self, kill your Ego
Give tips, man.
-Lower your expectations and standards by like, 3 points. Everyone around here posts about how they want a 10/10 unicorn waifu while they themselves are bottom of the barrel
-Stop watching porn, or at least so much porn. it fucks with your perception of women and society and sex itself.
-Don't try to be an NPC, be yourself to the extent that it's socially responsible and go out and meet girls that are just as weird as you.
-Always be as casual as possible, don't ever make it obvious that you're flirting.
-Don't watch PUA shit.
-Don't take identity politics so seriously
>had sex
>go out and meet girls
This is mission impossible for me. I hate myself too much to talk to a girl without feeling like I'm annoying her.
The friendzone doesn't exists.
Essence precedes existence
im currently re-reading notes and re-educating myself in things ive done over the last decade in an actual job environment
next up get a certicate to prove i can do what ive done week in week out for the last decade
then get job that pays what i should have been paid for the last decade
mortgage is tiny, bills are tiny, shit goes to plan i can retire at 50 and then kill myself with excessive alcohol, drug and prostitute abuse
living the dream baby
realize that no matter how smart you are the only thing that will actually get you anywhere is hard work. Fulfillment in improvement is better than sex desu
I have completed two educations, one practical and one academic. Besides my mortgage, I have no debt and I am doing well financially. I have an active social life, several groups of friends, a decent wardrobe and a solid supportive family.
I am in decent health although I am always trying to improve.
Obviously, I don't have a wife or kids (otherwise I would have left this place), but I haven't given up on that.
>Any tips
If something is hard, work hard at it.
Always strive to be in a position where you can learn something.
i finally realized completely that literally everything is pointless and that meaning/value and purpose don't exist, which is both freeing, and incredibly bleak. my only goal in life is to die, which will probably be soon.
Got a PhD in STEM, now am studying CS to apply to my STEM field. Thinking about moving abroad when my CS skills get better.
Not virgin, yet celibate for a lot of years, because of self isolation and depression, but I've started to work hard to change that.
My advice - work hard, fail with style. In life you go only by repeatedly failing, coming back on your feet and exiting your comfort zone. That's what I do.
Been married seven years. Slept with many people before that. Have three kids, two were adopted out.
Tips lol. Everyone cheats. No one really cares. Wear protection and don't rape anyone, or fuck drunk girls. Involuntary celibacy isn't real because human beings don't owe each other anything. The world is probably about to end due to fossil fuel overuse, breeding is the most irresponsible thing anyone could be doing right now, besides the fact kids will take up all your time and resources and happiness.
Plant more trees, learn how to build a fire/shelter off-ground/hunt, what plants are medicinal and how to dress a wound. How to build a water solar or well with limited tools. The more survival skills more of us learn, the better chance the human race has for survival.
>-Lower your expectations and standards by like, 3 points. Everyone around here posts about how they want a 10/10 unicorn waifu while they themselves are bottom of the barrel
This is stupid for 2 reasons. Most guys aren't holding out for a 10/10, we'd be lucky to have an average girl. Save the bullshit and just say go for ugly fat girls, cause no one here even has the balls to approach a model tier girl. Also the quality of girl you're capable of getting often is a reflection of the quality of your own lifestyle. Instead of saying lower your standards like a nigger, you should encourage men to improve their living situation so they can attract better woman.
Shut up virgin
Thanks for the tips.
I busted a nut for the first time in my life yesterday. I’m 22 and had sex with 5 girls so far.
It was in her big fat ass, maybe that’s what does it for me. Want to try it on a small skinny chick next time.
Well, that was my most recent accomplishment. I’m pretty proud of it.
>Most guys aren't holding out for a 10/10
On Jow Forums? yes they are. They're waiting for their version of a 10/10 which is some sort of pepe-collecting white supremacist girl loves to destroy feminists with facts and logic and also has a fetish for virgin boys who post on Jow Forums and she herself is a virgin.
everything else is just SJW roasties in their mind
Here are some meaningful things I achieved so far in my life; some will probably sound shallow or dumb to you guys, but everyone´s got their own ambitions, values and goals
>Got to kiss and sleep with the person I wanted the most in my life
>I had the highest grade ever in my school in 11th grade
>Succeeded in trying to grow a beard
>A song I co-wrote was featured in a really famous TV show in my country
>Fucked a hot, big tittied, entitled rich girl on several occasions
>Had a fantastic European tour with my band
>Have formed very strong friendship bonds with people in my life, something that as a teenager I genuinely thought would never happen
>Took a hot groupie backstage after a concert
>Finished a documentary about a dance school that made the director of that school cry when she went to the premiere
As for tips, I dont really know what to say. I think I´ve been extreme lucky, as I am not that handsome, smart or charismatic. Maybe it´s on account of my luck, but I believe that life has a tendency to work itself out. I do believe that the company you have really shapes your energy and your attitude towards life, which in turn shapes your action
oh fuck off with your bullshit hyperbole
if my options are my hand or the ogre-faced obese idiot that works the cash register at arbys I will take my hand
Fitter. Happier. More Productive.
Patent, black belt, published 3 papers, eagle scout, full ride to a college, and bought some good stuff. I'm pretty early on in life. For a lot of it you needed the drive early but for stuff like the patent and papers I'd say if you have a good idea for an invention and will have fun working on it then push your self to do it. If you have little money search for related companies early on who will be willing to buy your patent, pay for research, or pay for the patent. The motivation to do something is hard to gain but when you do obtain it, it is so rewarding.
Well if this thread is serious
>went to small town hick highschool with 350 kids in the rural south
>shy, awkward, social ostracized nerdy kid
>get accepted to Harvard
>come out of my shell into my own in college, feel like I can really be myself
>newfound confidence inspires great academic performance, double concentrate in 2 fields I really enjoy
>leave college, move to Tennessee for job, start LDR with girl I meet online
>relationship really starts to blossom, we get super close
>I end up transferring jobs and moving to the town where she's going to college
>LDR converts to in person, things go even better
>I decide to go back to school to get my masters
>gf accepted to pharmacy school, we get engaged
>I complete my masters, apply for and get a job I really enjoy
>wife gets accepted to extremely selective residency program with the VA after she graduates pharm school
>federal government is paying off all her loans for working with the VA
>3 more payments left on my student loans to Harvard
>we have a house, multiple cars, awesome pets
In short, succeeded in getting myself out of a shit hole rural death trap to a top tier college, got over being an awkward shy fuck, had a successful LDR, married a smart, successful woman who I actually love, have succeeded financially, kicked student debts ass, and have a career I truly enjoy
I legit am super happy with my life, which in this day and age is actually a hard thing to share with people
>Don't watch PUA shit.
They say tons of retarded shit but their tips to overcome social anxiety were pretty good. I was surprised when my coach psychologist suggested me the same.
Don't get stuck in the trap of working a deadend job. Work on acquiring skills to rise up and take a better job.
>have a car, house, career in IT, a great gf and generally happy
I'm gonna be honest OP, a lot of my success had to do with a very supportive family. Not that they are rich and give me handouts, just that they were always supportive of my decisions and made me feel safe, that I can always count on them if anything bad happens. I love them very much and my biggest fear is disappointing them (even though they always say that I could never disappoint them when it comes to life decisions, work etc. unless I do real harm to somebody). I never wanted to take advantage of their kindness so I always strived to do the right thing/never went the deep end like many in their teenage years. Focused a lot on school and found good people to associate with. Also, being polite and kind to everyone can go a LONG way. Trust me, a lot of people don't expect you to go the extra mile for them, but if you do, many opportunities will come up and they'll also be happy to help you if you're ever in need.
21 yr old, have worked in many countries making more than i need. Live in a luxury apartment.
- learn live with yourself, i mean, with your ego, you are the only one that will be with you all the time.
Your friends won't be carried over to your new country
-humble, learn to bow when needed
-prepare an elevator pitch, my name is user, i do x y z, always have business cards on hand, i got at least 3 jobs by being the only one with business when needed.
-be well dressed.
-be smart, or at least appear smart. People love smart people (don't cross the i know everything line and become a dumbass)
You know what man, im happy.
I sacrificed just about everything to live to my fullest.
AMA i guess. I will go to sleep soon though
>Don't try to be an NPC, be yourself to the extent that it's socially responsible and go out and meet girls that are just as weird as you.
How do I do this?
I’ve pretty much lived my life on the computer for the last 10 years. I haven’t been to school in 3 years. Thankfully I go to the gym on and off so I’m in decent shape. How do I get out of this cycle? I have social anxiety and I don’t know what to do. Being on the computer is literally all I know in life. I’m so scared to die alone. Please someone give me advice.
What made you came out of your shell? Is there some kind of event that start the process?
What work that made you live your life on your computer for 10 years?
I'm not old, I switched schools and lost all my friends in middleschool, had trouble making new ones. This is where I started playing games all day (from the age of 12)
Now I'm 22 and I have one good friend that I hang out with basically once a month, other than that I don't leave the house except for the gym
Did you go to college?
If it helps, my father left us at a young age so I never had that father figure to push me
I feel lost desu
Yes but I started skipping classes because of social anxiety
I took a year off and went back, same shit happened
I last a few months until they start forcing us into group projects and it’s really hard for me
I make six figures at my day job, drive a cheap sports car (BRZ), own a business, have a qt ethnic gf who I'm going to visit and by next year she will he here with me. Multitalented, well-dressed, and genuinely happy with my life.
I graduated high school at 16 but I don't even have a college degree. Dropped out and when I considered going back I started my business instead.
My biggest tip is to stop wasting effort on something that does not get the result you want.
Ah I know that feeling, at least you didn't dropped out just because of your social anxiety.
Why aren't you losing weight fatty?
>I'm too tired abloo blood
Literally an hour workout every two days, and you'll sleep like a baby right after. Just turn on a podcast or whatever and that hour will fly by