So I was walking to work today and I saw a woman being beat in the alleyway. For a moment I thought I ought to do something, but it looked like they knew each other and I decided that I had no business coming between them because there's always two sides to every story and I don't know enough to intervene, and she probably cheated on him or something anyway. I don't really feel bad about it, but in case someone finds out about it and I have to answer for my choices, did I do the right thing? Why was I right? Is there anything I could have done better that I can claim to have done?
So I was walking to work today and I saw a woman being beat in the alleyway...
Plead the 5th if questioned
Nah, but you action is questionable. I would not blame you for being neutral/bystander but under law(like for bullying), it's illegal. Also, people being passive was not great in WWII. You could have called the police though.
You didn't do the right thing, but you did the smart thing.
Feminism: reap what you sow. You didn’t see anything.
You did the right thing. Most likely she deserved it based on her actions. If she didn't she probably voted for liberal policies supporting free welfare and importing more of these subhuman nogs that were attacking her.
There was a story where a nog was beating his gf in a marking lot and a dude stepped in to try and help her, and was beating the dude up in the ensuing brawl. The chick that was getting beat pulled out a gun and fired on the dude saving her.
You carry a cell phone, don't you? You could have at least called the cops. Sure, there are two sides to every story, but the "story" might have been that she was getting robbed. Even if they were a couple, even if your most cynical assumptions were correct, a beating is never really justified.
I am not saying you're a bad person for ignoring it and walking away. That is what MOST people do in these types of situation. But no, you did not "do the right thing," and yes, you could have done more. The right thing would've been to intervene in some way and try to stop the beating. It's not always safe, easy, or even logical to do the right thing, and you're not "bad" for doing the safe logical thing.
It's highly unlikely that you'll "get in trouble" for not stepping in, but if you're a morally healthy person you'll probably feel guilty about it
Honestly imagine this, she came at him with a knife over him taking a new lover and it wasn't the FIRST time she'd done, so he decided to leave mementos of his visit.
In truth, it's impossible to know what was up and people who need help typically scream and call for it. People who know they're merely lying in the beds they made tend not to do these things. My experience anyway
>a beating is never really justified
Someone murders your kid and rapes your wife. Would a beating (and more) not be justified?
Keep walking but dial 911, talk to them when it’s safe to do so...
You did what you had to do.
>never really justified
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
m8, read the whole sentence, I am talking about the specific incident OP witnessed. He said
>there's always two sides to every story and I don't know enough to intervene, and she probably cheated on him or something
I said that even if THAT scenario were true, it wouldn't justify a beating
In your situation, I don't know, that's a separate ethical debate. I actually don't think it would be justified after the fact, but I might be angry enough to do it anyway. I think it would absolutely be justified to beat or kill someone to PREVENT them from harming you or others. But theoretically, I don't think it's "morally justified" to beat them as punishment after the fact, when it's too late to stop it or take it back. But if a guy's child was murdered and his wife was raped, I really would not blame him for beating up or murdering the perpetrator, so it's actually a good question. But a completely irrelevant question to this thread
Did the OP mention race at all?
Do whatever your morality says. You're the one who has to live with the decision.
You follow the context clues. Didn't you pass middle school English?
4/10 someone will respond
Here's your (you)
OP this is lacking in common sense severely and so are most of the replies in this thread.
The obvious answer is that you should have first called the police and then gotten help from strangers to help get that guy off of her and restrain the guy until police got there. You basically let a woman get beat and possibly to death in an alleyway on the grounds of "It's not my business and she probably deserved it" Which is...really..really..bad.
When somebody is in need in front of you, help them. It is your business to help other people. You are not intervening rudely to help out. This was a very sickening display of inconsideration to somebody who was in a great deal of distress and pain who could have used your help more than anything in the world at that moment. And you just walked away without giving a single fuck later.
>Maybe she cheated or something
There's nothing you or anybody can do to deserve getting beaten. Physical abuse is horrifically psychologically traumatizing and is not to be used ever.
So yeah OP you basically did the worst possible choice in that situation. Not to guilt trip or anything but yeah. You fucked up big time.
No, you didn't do the right thing. You did what a coward would do and you generalize these situations and make assumptions because you are lazy, stupid and afraid. You should have called the police. You are a terrible person.
>W-Well she was probably cheating and deserved it!
Wow. I am at a loss for words.
I'm just the asshole here with the 'what if' on it being a justified beating.
>did I do the right thing?
no. there is no valid reason except for self defence to beat another person. You could have called the cops. You didnt. You are scum.
Fuck off retards. It's not his problem or his business. For all we know, the guy could've had a gun.
Not your problem and not your business.
Save the white knight shit for marvel movies.
Ignore these fucking Superman losers. You did just fine
So criminals with guns need to get shot by cops. He should have called 911
Calling the police is racist you fucking asshole
No, you acted like a cunt and now you're trying to justify your cowardice and spinelessness.
Chinese mentality.
>For all we know, the guy could've had a gun
ehm yes so do the cops. so he could have called the cops as i said.
This. Don't think it was right, but you could've gotten hurt intervening so it's understandable to some extent.
Not every woman is a feminist you literal virgin
Like everything else on this fucking website captain obvious.
back to r9k
they're just pussies man. beatings, albeit not serious ones, are often times helpful, so to say, for educational purposes. a woman without a beating is like a glove with 4 fingers, it just doesn't quite fit.
>If you say I'm dumb, I was just trolling and you're triggered! If you agree with me, I totally meant it and I'm a badass!
You're not just an idiot, you're a coward.
That was really brave of you. Do you feel proud?
go back to africa, shitlib nigger
A simple call to the cops would have ensured that a women being robbed wasn't ignored, or that a domestic dispute didn't end in blood. Either case it was "wrong" to do nothing.
So I'd just lie, like you didn't see anything, cause most people aren't going to like your real reason.
lmao trying to blame her for your cowardice
You did the wrong thing by choosing to ignore her. Can't change that now, so you should accept it. Do not continue your mistake by lying to yourself.
It doesnt matter if the victim is male or female. If you see someone getting hurt; you try to help.
>all these faggots telling you to call the police
Can't a family just have a nice beating without the police getting involved? Police don't ever fix shit anyways
>did I do the right thing?
You have no obligation to put yourself in harm's way to protect somebody else. By not intervening you probably saved yourself a trip to the hospital or death. Some people might call that cowardice, but morality is a luxury when it comes to savage violence.
>Is there anything I could have done better that I can claim to have done?
Call the police, probably. You don't know who they were or why they were being beaten though. If they were entangled in the dealings with a crime syndicate that may have been the much worse choice. Unfortunately you will never know.
>falling for this bait of a thread
the first couple of replies should've made it obvious
I'm not trusting some fool that barely passed highschool to fix my personal issues, and I wouldn't want that for smeone else either. Family won't be fixed by 911