Is fapping fucking bad for you?

Hi Jow Forums. I'm trying to figure out if fapping is bad for me or not but I'm too much of a braincel to come to a conclusion. Here's a pic of a huge titted mommy and her daughteru.

Also, there's so much conflicting information. You can word the google search one way and you'll have everyone telling you "masturbation is perfectly normal and healthy" and "it even has physical as well as mental health benefits." If you phrase the search ANOTHER way, you get a bunch of christcucks and plebbitors telling you that masturbation is terrible for you and turns you into an anxious, depressed mess. What the fuck am I supposed to believe?

Having a libido and sexual urges are normal and natural; of this much I'm aware. But what exactly are you supposed to do when you get the urge to fap? What about when you don't fap for a few days and you start to feel tense? If you abstain when this happens, does the tension eventually go away, or does it just continue to mount? In that case, would the best course of action - in terms of relieving tension and returning to a regular state of function - just be to get it over with and fap?

In that case, is fapping really a "relapse"? By continuing to fap, am I responding to anxiety with short-term gratification, rewarding the pleasure-driven behavior - strengthening my libido? Is it true that masturbating can result in a downregulation of dopamine?

I know that the logical course of action is to try nofap and see how it affects me, and then make a personally informed decision about whether or not abstinence can mitigate the libido, which is probably what I'll do. I just needed to sperg out, because the amount of misinformation on the topic is absolutely mind-boggling, and I have no idea if fapping is degenerate or healthy. Now that I've had sex and seen what all the fuss is about, it really feels like having a functional sex drive is just an inconvenience.

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Studies correlate increased masturbation by older males to reduce prostate cancer rates. Inordinate amounts. In younger people it had detrimental results for some reason, but that whatever the problem was was also increased due to higher testosterone, which probably lead to more masturbation (so masturbation itself wasn’t the issue).

Thanks user. Do you know anything about a correlation with anxiety? My main problem is that when I don’t fap, I get anxious, so I don’t know if the anxiety is normal and I should fap anyway or if the anxiety is a result of fapping too much.

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>Fapping is fine
>Porn is not
>Fapping is associated with porn for almost everyone; fapping almost always induces consumption of porn
>Therefore, in order to stop porn, people stop fapping altogether
>Further, due to neurological association it is required to also not fap for an initial period in order to recover from the effects of porn


If you can fap without using porn after first resetting your brain, then go for it. Just know that virtually no-one has the willpower for it and you'll almost certainly end up eyeballs-deep in porn binges before you know it

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I personally think that masturbation and the viewing of pornography can be more healthy than sexual repression, but the majority of porn has a strongly deleterious effect on sexual health which causes you to continuously seek out more extreme and specific sexual stimulation. So, maybe keep spanking it but delete your apparently expansive porn collection.

Good goy, keep consuming porn and jerking off

Never researched that aspect. I know I like to dap when I’m feeling acute anxiety and it helps. My girlfriend is across the country and she knows this and sends me shit to fap to when I’m getting tense (she knows I’ll drink to get rid of the anxiety otherwise. She’s wonderful). I’m sure if you googled it, there’d be studies on masturbation and anxiety. Given all of the stupid ways Freud endeavored to correlate anxiety disorders and sexual deviance, I’m going to assume there’s a ton of literature on it.

So fapping is fine, except it’s not because it’ll lead to porn? The reboot stage sounds pretty desirable - I’d do it if I knew that was going to happen, but I hear people say that the anxious urge to fap never goes away, and I don’t want to wade through several months of repression if it won’t actually help me.
It probably wouldn’t hurt to delete these. I don’t fap to them directly, but I can’t say that the Mrs. Incredible image doesn’t have tremendous staying power in my subconscious.
Thanks for providing nothing concrete of value. Are you the 10th grader from the crush thread?
I may have to do some research then. I’ve been “””diagnosed””” with anxiety but that’s pretty much indicative of nothing in terms of cause. It could be because of the porn or it could be, you know, “””developmental.”””

>So fapping is fine, except it’s not because it’ll lead to porn?
>The reboot stage sounds pretty desirable - I’d do it if I knew that was going to happen
I can't speak for others, but I've done nofap many times (and failed many others) for periods usually lasting one month. For me, there's a massive hurdle at ~2 weeks when my balls are full and I go damn near insane from horniness. But after 2 weeks, if I make it through, the urge starts diminishing. After many weeks I find myself completely forgetting about fapping porn altogether.

Fact is, porn is a druglike experience and our brains respond to it like drugs: the more you do it, the more you want it; the less you do it, the less you want it. If people are never getting free of the urge to look at porn, I'm going to guess it's because they're continuing to indulge in visual-sexual stimuli. They probably 'edge', or look at lingerie flyers or something because 'it's not porn!'. Well, that doesn't work. The neuron circuitry will never get a chance to actually change/reset unless you leave it properly alone. When I do nofap, it's always PMO. If I find a thing sexually stimulating, I don't actively look at it (swimsuit magazines, etc), because it is ALWAYS a slippery-slope.

Reboot does in fact occur for me. My Porn-induced ED is 70% fixed at ~1 month, and my brain works much better at ~3 months (more motivation, etc)

the physical benefits are your prostate is cleaned out. (this is good if you're not getting sex on the regular)

the bad part is you're mentally rewiring your brain with dopamine re-uptake to desire something unnatural. and that can and will fuck you over.

the best thing is obviously to just get sex from your partner all the time, but that's obviously the biggest issue isn't it?

Damn it, user. You've convinced me. I was honestly about to go crank one out. But nothing has changed for me in the past few months, so if I'm really serious about improving, I have a responsibility to at least give nofap a shot.

I honestly don't know how long I'll last, because it's only been two days and I'm already getting all kinds of uncomfortable, anxious feelings. I went four days last week before I caved. It's not like I've regularly masturbated more than once a day, even at my worst - but I guess it's not so much about the fapping as it is about the porn. I don't have social anxiety at all, even when I fap. I know most guys do nofap to get pussy, but I just desperately need to rid myself of the distraction that is the urge to fap.

Yeah. It'd probably be way easier to have someone on hand to fuck, but I'm too autistic for tinder/bars/horny thots and can't be assed to put in the effort to meet someone under the pretense of a relationship. Maybe that'll change if nofap really has a miraculous effect on me, and I find myself with an abundance of mental energy, some of which I can allocate toward having a qt gf - but as it is now, it feels like I need to devote all of my effort to work and school.

Masturbation is absolutely normal functioning, just not since societies evolved and people were forced to feign they didn’t masturbate for religious and social reasons. Our pre-human ancestors wanked as did or more recent ancestors. Any neurological resulting changes are only in comparison against people who have been forced to not fap, which is actually not natural. Go look at monkeys in a zoo. As someone with degrees in neuroscience and psychology, I hate idiot mother fuckers like you that propound a false narrative. Masturbation is normal and preponderantly healthy.

Do you think our biology accounts for access to porn, our ability to access highly erotic material with what is essentially zero effort?

you mean brainlet

braincel = brain incel = intelligent incel, name of the last surviving incel subreddit after the other one was banned.

brainlet = brain manlet, where manlet is deficient in height man, so brainlet is deficent in brain.

dont mix them up, they're very different.

I mean sure but
>intelligent incel

>I honestly don't know how long I'll last, because it's only been two days and I'm already getting all kinds of uncomfortable, anxious feelings. I went four days last week before I caved.

I can't say if this will work for you, but the biggest 'trick' I have is to start nofap on the first of a month. What this does is that it makes it extremely easy to be aware of your progress/how long you've gone (just look at the date). It also activates a sort of 'achievement-whoring' instinct in my mind, like with a video game, that makes me not want to lose my 'streak'. Further, by only starting on the first of a month, it makes it so that you only have so many chances to blow - making the activity have more gravituous in my mind. And if I fail, I lose that nice and neat '1' starting date.

It's weird, but it works for me. Hell, I'd even say it's the biggest tool to help me succeed at all.

Just FYI

W the body is horny, it naturally finds a way. Cavemen probably jerked off to cave drawings or a tree that looked like a hip. Fucking animals became taboo via religions all over because... well... people saw something to fuck. They fapped when they wanted, they fucked what they could, etc.

Society works because people like to fuck. America was called the smelting pot. It should’ve been called the place that works because we’re down to fuck without religion making us biased. Even when we were slave owners, we fucking made mulattos. People like to fuck. People like to get off.

I went almost three years without fapping or looking at porn intentionally until ending up in a sexually frustrated rut due to no gf. I was having a stressful time personally I guess..

I couldn't convince myself an escort was worth the risk and just beat it. I regret it instantly and have not been able to get back on track to no fap since Christmas just gone. I'm now at months since my last gym visit and a lot of brain gains feel lost.

Tldr My anecdotal evidence suggests there are benefits but I'm too depressed with crippling loneliness to have the willpower to start again

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Okay user, I will give you my analysis of this issue. One on hand, I understand that cumming regularly is good for prostate, good for testosterone levels (which I personally really like as it helps keep the fat off, helps keep the sex drive up for my gf, etc.)

On the other hand, the detriments that I'm aware of are twofold. Firstly, the 'death grip' used when jerking yourself off makes it harder to cum via alternate stimulation (i.e., my gf sucking or riding my cock).

Secondly, I believe too much porn leads to desensitization. I find myself trying to visualize porn-like images while I fuck my gf, as opposed to really enjoying the moment.

TL;DR: having regular erections and ejaculating is good for maintaining sexual health.

pornography and squeezin ur dick too tight lead to desensitization.

Also it's probably worth mentioning desensitization may not necessarily be such a bad thing as you could find yourself more focused in your life as opposed to chasing women all the time which imo is a pretty stupid way to spend your time in the long run

hope this helped

you're confusing you being a weak little beta bitch with not fapping.

I had went 2 weeks of nofap and since then lost libido, couldn't get erection, no wet dream, almost no morning wood.
How long before i can call this a meme and proceed with my life with more porn?

There is nothing wrong with fapping, in moderation. But the phrase "in moderation" applies to literally everything in life. You people focus so hard on nofap because it is the easiest thing in the world to accomplish.

I don't understand where all this nofap came from. I think most men probably masturbate multiple times a week unless they have a live in partner who they get to screw. Then I'm sure they probably masturbate when their spouse is not available.
As a woman I personally don't feel the need to masturbate multiple times per day, but if I'm not getting laid, then I'll probably masturbate from time to time, but I'm the type of person who can go a year without sex.

Christfags just think you shouldn't look at porn that humiliates women or is full of fags. They have a point. But otherwise masturbation is pretty normal and even healthy for you.
Just don't do it all day every day. Everything in moderation.

The most recent generation has had unprecedented access to porn and completely disregards the fact that it's intended for people 18+ and now they're acting like it's some fucking revelation that pornography doesnt accurately represent sex or love in the real world

Oh. I guess when I was a kid they probably just had dirty magazines like penthouse and Skinemax channel. But don't trust a millennial.

I'm not sure what porn has to do with true love though.

I think not fappening has a positive increase on cognitive memory. I’ve noticed if I go a while without fapping my grades improve a lot in uni. I can absorb my study material much better

Fapping good, porn bad

There is no scientific proof that wanking has any negative health effects.
When is wanking good?
Wanking before bed helps you get to sleep
Wanking can give you clarity, wanking before a night out will reduce the likelihood hat you lower your standards and fuck a fat chick
A tactical nut can help you in the bedroom with your romantic partner

When is wanking bad?
Wanking to porn fucks your brain chemistry, eventually you can't get off unless you are watching some blonde bimbo with fake lips, cheeks and tits following a really dirty script, I've experienced struggling to stay hard fucking my gf because it was so vanilla.
Wanking can become a problem once you start wanking when you should be working/socialising/any activity or preparing for one, I've wanked first thing in the morning or even when I've overslept and had a very quick shower and gotten to work late looking like shit.

tl;dr wank for clarity, wank to get to sleep, wank to the mental wank bank, don't wank when you have plans

Fapping once a day to whatever gets you off, is probably ok.
Fapping 5 times a day, because you spend all your day on Jow Forums and anons keep posting anime tiddies, is propably not healthy at all.
I speak from experience.

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Fapping is good.
Replacing things with fapping is not good.
Fapping more than, ah, once a day or twice maybe, is not so good.
Porn, however is the real demon, that shit is all sorts of poison.

If you cure anxiety with fapping it may be a problem. Try to search for more convenient ways to calm yourself down. I could just see you getting stressed from a meeting at work then rubbing one out in the bathroom then getting caught with a stain on your tie.

I was on Jow Forums back in 2005 when I was 15. I'm 28 now. I don't use Jow Forums anymore. inb4 underage, you are all fucking underaged or were underaged here at some point. lmao

Here's my truth:

Jerking off once or twice a day is not bad for you. If you can't get women, it's not because you jerk off. I get women still and I jerk off once or twice a day. I usually pull some of the best looking girls as well. Not that that's the end all be all to women.

However, there was a time I did not masturbate for two months once when I joined the army. My dick was noticeable harder and healthier feeling. It was nice for my girlfriend (because I was fucking diamonds hard and I also hadn't fucked in months) when I got out of training but nothing felt better for me sexually. I also came WAY faster than I normally did.

More importantly, I was still getting depressive mood swings. Like I always do. Nofap is a snake oil.

Masturbating is healthy and honestly, you should look at masturbation partly as YOU loving YOU. Not some puritanical backwards view of just feeding your inner urges, because that's what is unhealthy.

For example: How to know if your masturbating is unhealthy?

"I really want to jack off right now."
"Do I have something important to take care of right now? Am I neglecting someone?"
"No? Oh ok, I'll go masturbate."

And just a reminder: the internet is a toxic place. If you're not aware that it is, it will affect you.

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