Can someone tell me if guanfacine or clonidine can help with emotional blunting due to taking adderal. Adderall is the only medication that helps my ADHD, but it destroys my personality and humor.
Can someone tell me if guanfacine or clonidine can help with emotional blunting due to taking adderal...
>helps my ADHD, but it destroys my personality and humor.
One and the same. Being a spastic is not your personality.
t. ADHD kid
Cant always have your cake and eat it too. Do you think its a quincidence that most brilliant scholars, artists, celebrities, suffer from some form of mental illness?
I honestly don't understand what you mean. But I believe that my personality off medication is influenced by being too hyper. I just feel not like myself is all. It's odd, being the quiet one
I've always heard that, but I don't feel intellig in the fact that I feel superior to other's, I am extremely creative off medication but at the cost of not remembering or putting what I do into practice (music). When I am on medication, I can focus on playing music or studying, but I don't feel as creative, I know I can't have my cake and eat it too, I just feel odd. Like I'm another person. That is all. I just wonder if others do also.
>It's odd, being the quiet one
You learn to live that way. It beats being a pariah because you can't control your own actions.
You're right, it just feels off putting I don't respond to humor, I feel like a robot when I try to speak to people. But it does beat being extremely annoying, I remember all the times when I would act like a spaz due to being off the handle at times. Thanks I didn't think about it from this perspective
> I just wonder if others do also.
Oh definitely. I remember my friend from my school, we'll call him T. He had ADHD. He was that kid who loved to dance. Always dancing in front of everyone. When he started he was so bad and people would laugh, but he would just be dancing away in his own little world. Eventually he actually was pretty good and people were genuinely impressed by his moves. But some days he wouldnt dance, and would sit quietly at the table keeping to himself. Those were the days, he told me, that he had taken his ADHD medication.
Anecdotes aside, there are other methods of instilling focus (mindfulness exercises, reading, sports), but im not sure if there are other ways you can supplement your personality.
Im trying to ween myself off ritalin. Im still shit at keeping focused but i can actually function now and i can still relax and enjoy the ride if i want to.
Stay tough mate. One day when you're fully grown, you'll be strong enough to put the pills down for good and control your impulses enough to live without controlling them medically. It takes a long time and a lot of self control though. I got off it when I was working my second job. I'm well versed at remaining stoic these days.
Ah this described me to a t. I also noticed when I am on medication, I am very mellow calm and just chilled out. What usually takes 2 epresso drinks works all day. I usually am very loud hyper and spontaneous, I interrupt constantly, driven by a internal motor, play with my hands or doze off into my own thoughts. I actually was very distracted today in class while learning about learning disabilities in psych 101. So far I plan to go back on the medication, I just feel bad like it could help someone and I'm just whining about it. But I believe it is for the best. At least for now
It kills your personality.
ADHD is a spook, don't take the drugs, it's not worth it. I would rather be there paranoid gay fuckup on government assistance fucking teenagers I am now than the drugged up engineer I used to be.
I do agree it alters it, but it's no spook. It made me go from 0 to 100 in school and my personal life to be honest. I agree with you about it killing the personality, but maybe the personality was just a manifestation of the symptoms, looking back I never had close friends because I would push them away by being so annoying. Now I have friends and can remember things easily too. I guess it's a trade off.... Sadly
Let me ask a different question, what does guanfacine do
>ADHD is a spook
Tell that to literally everyone who had to deal with me between 2 and 16. When my parents finally got meds for me in 2nd grade it was as if God had granted their prayers. I didn't have disciplinary records, I SET them. They instituted in-school suspension because of me. The program didn't -exist- before I came along. ADHD is fucking real and when it's real it's fucking horrible. I was literally not in control of my actions. I once cut a girls hair just because I had the goddamn scissors in my hand. Adderall was the one thing that turned my asper-hulk back into the banner I needed to be in order to get by. I could not have survived my childhood without it. Now that I'm grown and making my own living, I don't need it. But as a child there was just nothing else that worked even remotely.
I know
I'm not in control
But I would rather be out of control than be another person with constant side effects and wondering if I wanted to kill myself every fucking day.
Well at least for me it wasn't worth it. Thankfully through clever investing and shielding, and taking the drugs from time to time to get the work done, I can live without them 99% of the time.
I spent 15 fucking years being a compliant drone on those things and I'm never going back, I would rather be an annoying burden on everyone. I don't WANT to be that person anymore, I would rather be hyper. That person on the drugs isn't you, the disease IS YOU, that's what YOU are. Treating it is just killing a bit of yourself so everyone else can be happy with you, not so you can be happy.
I'll decide to go off of it once I have my engineering degree. So I will keep this post in my photos. Thanks.
>Treating it is just killing a bit of yourself so everyone else can be happy with you, not so you can be happy
And this is where its important to remember that the way they diagnose ADHD isnt by brain scans, blood tests, or anything biological... Its all based on social constructs. Thats not to say that ADHD does not exist... but that its not a 'disease' in the sense that someone can cut open your brain and say 'look there it is, ADHD cluster right here' like they can with a tumor or cancer.
Its a disease in the sense that its a condition that is diagnosed based mostly on one's one interpretation of their behavior, as well as other's interpretation of that person's behavior.
Actually no it is a specific neurochemical malfunction.
Diagnosed by a questionnaire
It's a deficit of the executive function or front of the brain.
I believe your referring to a dopamine deficit? Because if ADHD medication increases dopamine, it must mean that ADHD is caused by a lack of dopamine, right?
>“While the results show that Ritalin has a ‘therapeutic’ effect to improve performance, it does not appear to be related to fundamental underlying impairments in the dopamine system in ADHD,” said co-author Trevor Robbins, Ph.D., director of the MRC Centre for Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute.
Ritalin is not Adderall. Ritalin did not work for me.
Ritalin made me an emotional mess. No thanks. Never again.
Dexedrine; instead of killing your personality it'll kill your appetite. Get ready to lose 30 lbs this month if you switch over.
ADHD is made up. Everyone struggles to deal with life because it's a fucked up world. It's not abnormal to struggle and trying to become more normal won't help.
No it's real
The treatments are just shit
Same idea. The fact is that like most mental illness, the 'chemical imbalance' theory is an oversimplification of the problem just as drugs are an oversimplification of an answer.
If it was directly linked to a deficit of a neurochemical then one drug would work for all with that disease, and ADHD diagnosis would be based on chemical tests, not as this user stated, self-reporting.
Again, im not trying to downplay the disease or say its 'not real', just that you cant point at one neurochemical and claim its the problem in something as complex as the human brain
>t. psych grad
Already tried that it made me extremely irratible and I got angry easy, I've tried Vyvanse Ritalin Metadate dexedrine Adderall XR and the only one that really worked well was Adderall instant release.
You know how you can really focus on things to care deeply about?
That's the thing I lost when I went on the meds.
Yeah that is one thing I've missed these past few years. I could focus extremely on drums or watching anime or fitness. Ever since I started meds I just an average at everything. But what I do is take weeks off usually at a time.
I am so focused when in nature, or tracking something.
I am convinced my ancestors were hunters or something. It's not right for people with this to be sitting in an office.
People with ADHD just think differently it's not a disablity