Why are some men against dating a larger women?
Why are some men against dating a larger women?
Why are some women against dating shorter men?
because 99% of the larger women dont look like pic related, they look like landwhales, they have fat making a 2nd chin on their face, they have a disgusting lifestyle and usually smell bad too
Ego is a weird thing OP.
>bro I only date smaller chicks because I feel HUGE
>bro I fuck taller/bigger girls because I feel like a dominante man
Because if a woman is lazy and fat pre menopause she's going to be a literal ham planet by the time she's 40.
How can you not understand my disgust when I see someone fat in their early 20's when everything's so easy?
They don't find them attractive. Crazy idea I know
It’s not attractive. I would date a man if I wanted a large person to fuck.
echo chamber of little boys in here.
Over and over and over.
t. butthurt fatty or chubby chaser
not against dating larger women, i just cant get anyone to actually go out with me for more than one date
desu i prefer taller women more than rounder women, but i dont think her body (something she has little control over, unless shes like super obese) matters if i like her enough
Fuck of pig. Dont you have aome ice cream to eat?
You need a shower.
I'm not butthurt, I'm bored. How many times a day do you incels need to post about your insecurities?
It depends really. I mean shaun would disagree but what does he know, hes only 12. Have you seen him? Ive been looking for sean.
>ask question
>get answer
>hurr why are you fucks so insecure
resist any thought that is not of the group mentality, resist. resist.
Warning, there is someone who doesn't blend in and say the exact same thing as us all. Target! "Fatty" "chubbychaser"
Explode ! reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I don't see any incel projecting any insecurities, OP asked a question, multiple people give the same answer and you bitch about it. If you're bored go fuck yourself.
It makes them feel superior because they are so gawdawful to look at and possess no social skills...which is why they are incels dumbfuck.
>Makes them feel superior
>They are so gawdawful to look at
>No social skills
>They are incels
Four big claims you just made without a single shred of evidence, you have no idea what the people posting here look like or how they live. Also, I wouldnt be calling anyone else a dumbfuck when you can't even properly reply to a fucking post.
Just not attracted to it
Yeah I do know what they look like and how they live because they whine about it all the time and post their ugly pics.
I left out an > I must be so stupid! Fuck off ugly incel.
Because fat chicks are disgusting
there's a reason she's fat
that reason is a red flag
Wouldn't you be doing the same?
It's very obvious you aren't from here, and you're only trying to push the idea of "fat pos". We don't fit that mentality of illness where we think obesity is somehow acceptable. Why? Because it's not. We have to accept you exist because you exert a gravitational pull on us, but never do we have to accept the weird ass view that you are somehow beautiful.
You will get fucked because we sometimes like the "lazy hunt", that easy target with shit self-esteem and nice cushioning, but dating? No thanks. Even trash like us here have some decency.
If a girl is naturally ugly, well she can't really change that. Make up can only do a few things but it's allowable. If a chick is fat, that's on her. Go run a mile or two, take care of yourself you fucking cow. I do it daily, why can't you?
In other words, stop being fat, and get out of here.
You made this bait thread once already. Fuck off.
Why would I want to date fat?