So, I recently told my boyfriend about a certain fetish I have...
I really like the caretaking role that comes when your partner is sick. The other part is that I like how the breathing changes with colds and it's kind of cute/hot and makes me want to take care of them. I like sneezing as well, because it kind of like, I dunno, the breathing/hitching and the glazed over look on the face. The convulsion that happens is cute/hot too...
Anyway. With that in mind, what can we try? I have no idea where to go from here. Does anyone have advice on what we can try? He never gets sick, so we're kind of stuck with the sneezing part unfortunately, so I guess keep that in mind. Sorry if this is weird... I'm looking for literally any suggestions.
Fetish help. I'm still embarrassed
How peculiar...
How about give him a massage and take his temp and learn how to check blood pressure???
Hopefully he will dump you before you go full Munchausen by proxy on him.
Sorry, I've heard it's something more common in women because we have a nurturing side. I'm not sure if I could handle Roleplay, since I'm still super embarrassed about it. But the massage sounds like a good idea. I like making him feel good.
I would never do something like that. I'd feel incredibly guilty if I even if he caught something from me on accident
well, if its a fetish, then you must achieve some sort of sexual release from it, correct???
try to incorporate sex into it somehow?
try something like "this blowjob will make you feel better" somethign
i dont know desu.
If i was your partner i would love this desu, this is super cute to me
Yeah, he said it was very innocent. I would like to give him one and make him feel nice. It's ironic though since I'm the one who's always sick because I have an auto-immune disease.
>It's ironic though since I'm the one who's always sick because I have an auto-immune disease.
Suddenly it's not cute anymore but depressingly sad and somewhat strange
>I have an auto-immune disease.
did you have this during childhood??
just the process of growing up, and puberty creates fetishes
Huh? I don't really understand. I don't WANT him to be sick. I just want to take care of him if he ever is and indulge in it a different way if possible.
I'm not entirely sure when it started. But no one really took care of me, so I don't know if that plays a part in it...
Oh, also the sexual release comes more from like, the body I guess? Like when someone is coughing or sneezing they take really deep/desperate breaths and I guess it sounds/feels hot to me... I also want to give good sex and blow jobs if he feels bad and take care of him so he feels better if the situation arises.
I'm not sure if it will work, but it's worth a shot.
Put on a nurses outfit and make him cum as many times as possible in 30 minutes.
A smart man learns not to question the steps it takes to get laid.
Oh, I plan to. Actually have a maid costume for it as well. Also a white lab coat open with white lingerie.
The next time he's sick give him sex.
Continue until conditioning.
That's a really cute fetish
That's a really sweet kink OP. Anyway, Assuming you live in the northern hemisphere, just tell him to dress lighter and the problem should sort itself out
Disgusting, I bet you want to touch his benin when he's sick. Absolutely disgusting
>stuck with the sneezing part
Wut is pepper?
marry me
Yeah, but he never gets sick, but that's a good thing to be honest. I'd rather him be healthy
I don't know about cute. It's embarassing... I live in Texas though. It's awful and has a pretty much year round summer. It's still getting to upper 90s where I live.
I don't think it works, I read up on it because of the prior suggestion (I wanted to make sure it was safe) and it looks like it's more of a trope than anything.
It would be a disservice to you user
>He never gets sick
Honestly go out to the zoo or something
Kids these days barely have to have clothes much less wash themselves or get vaccines. Your boy will be sick the moment you set through the entry gates.
No kidding. Kids can be pretty gross. I'd probably get sicker though. I don't want to be taken care of, I feel like a burden if someone does.
But I'd ask him what he'd want to do, regarding this. I'll probably show him the thread at some point when I can.
5 1 2
You can take things to boost your immune. Maybe a pair of gloves, take some tea with... Vitamin C I think?
On the other hand you could suggest he start working with kids, that'd do the trick too.
And yeah, kids these days are fuggin gross. Like way gross.
OP, this just sounds like a slight bastardization of normal maternal instincts. You're lucky that's your fetish, personally I think it's cute.
Try being a sizefag. My fetishes are physically impossible to fulfill, and too much of the porn is drawn by footfags.
I don't get it...
It doesn't help. I have an auto-immune disease and it just makes me shit at being healthy. It's actually at the point that I often have to wear gloves normally.
I'm sorry user. I actually do art as a hobby, I could try to help you out there if you'd like?
What autoimmune disease?
You probably want to separate yourself from your own difficulties, and by caring for someone who's sick you find comfort in that you're above it. It's proof you're doing it, strong, so forth.
That's an area code, sweetheart.
It's not Lupus.
Everyone who says "sweetheart" or "hun" just sounds condescending and unattractive as shit.
I agree and used it anyway.
The only thing you can do is wait for him to get sick. If you roleplay with him being sick, I wager it'd feel supremely artificial and you'd get turned off since you actually know what it's like to be sick. Tell him to stop wearing sweaters.
Damnn, that's pretty hot, I'm a hypochondriac so this really grabs my goat.
Maybe you could get him drunk or something. Do not legitimately poison him though, that's a no.
Why can't you just do doctor roleplay with medical equipment? Or would that be insufficient- does the fetish owe it's allure more to the symptomatic side of things?
Feed him small bits of poisonous mushrooms