The last one is at bump limit. Time for a fresh bread.
I just want to say "I love you" to someone, and mean it.
I'll never amount to anything so what is even the point of going on?
well... I feel at a loss.. I have to keep my mind busy and focused and take it easy to avoid the stress and panic again.. but I want to talk to you.. it is not your fault for anything.. you are hurting and expressing that hurt in your own way... please hug me once again
I need to get the gadolinium out of my brain.
I need to get something done today. Anything.
Everything is going to shit in my condo and I don't have the fucking money to fix it. I'm getting sick of things falling apart constantly. I just want a break from all the chaos but that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon.
You are hurt now, but you will realize one day you dodged a bullet and it is better this way. Consider that I did what I did to protect us both, even though I really do have feelings for you and it doesn't seem like it. Love works in mysterious, sometimes painful, ways.
That's not your decision to make. You're just full of shite trying to be nice. If you cared you would consider their feelings
Daddy or mommy issues?
I did consider their feelings. It's why I left and made myself impossible to contact rather than dragging them into a facade relationship. You see, I am not good for them and they are not good for me. They will move on because it was a stupid crush that meant nothing and would go no where. There was simply no real chemistry, only physical attractions.
I believe in us.
Believe is just lie in disguise.
>I considered their feelings
>I ghosted them
These two things can never coexist. Vanishing makes it harder for someone to move on.
It really doesn't. It's a simple equation
Me+them=bad news
I take myself out of the equation and they will be a little heart broken, but it is certainly best to leave them with as little memories of me as possible. They will move on. If they get hung up over someone the hardly knew ghosting them and don't, it confirms they have an unhealthy obsession and I certainly don't want to deal with someone who is sick in the head.
Except the best way to move on from someone is to remove them from your life completely. Make any thread here about how to move on from a oneitis and the advice will basically be to ghost them, avoid any form of contact.
>Love works in mysterious, sometimes painful, ways.
A bit of justification and cognitive dissonance later
>If they get hung up over someone the hardly knew ghosting them and don't, it confirms they have an unhealthy obsession and I certainly don't want to deal with someone who is sick in the head
So much for that "love". You're a coward and your behavior is self-serving as anyone else's. Do what you want, but don't try to make it seem as if it's some torturous moral choice for their benefit.
>Hahah if you care that much you're just clingy teehee
Guarantee you're a woman or a man with a really feminine mindset
That is the advice of weak people who think only of themselves, when you do such things you push all the problems to the person you ghost. It causes the other person to doubt themselves and wonder what happened. The mature way is to let the person know you decided and then cut them out. Tinder culture has robbed people of basic communication skills.
See . The best way to make someone obsessive is to deny them answers or closure.
I love my wife but I wish I fucked around more before I met her
Real chemistry vs physical
Explain your idea of these two
Why would you ever defend an unhealthy obsession and clinginess? Probably because you are an unhealthy and clingy person yourself.
Love isn't always about a romantic interest, there are many ways to love. I know when someone is being stupid and in lust. I could use them for sexual favors, but instead I chose to let them go, forcing them to grow up and move on from a fantasy. That is a type of love, I care enough not to use them.
>Why would you ever defend an unhealthy obsession and clinginess? Probably because you are an unhealthy and clingy person yourself.
Yup, I'm talking to a woman. I never once defended clinginess, just called out your self-serving and flimsy transparent justifications.
>tfw suffer from gastritis, acid reflux, and hiatal hernia
>not taking my meds regularly
>yesterday had 5 shots and 3 beers and ended up throwing up in a bush
>tfw stomach hurts now and still feel sick
Why am I like this
Can I see myself raising a family with them? Can I share the majority of my interests with them? Can I see them as a friend or just a fun fuck? Physical attractions aren't permanent, we all age and become wrinkled so I would prefer to build a relationship off of something more secure than "yeah I would bang them". I won't use someone just because they are attractive, especially when I know it would never ever develop beyond casual dating. I only wish to date someone I actually know, you don't have to date someone to get to know someone. Either we click and THEN date or we are just a fling and I help to create another slut who doesn't take relationships and dating seriously. And if they become a slut anyways, then I certainly dodged a bullet. If they hate my guts for this then they dodged one too.
I wish I could completely forget you for a while.
Then I want nothing to do with them because we weren't even friends and they really didn't know anything about me. If they are that torn up over someone they hardly knew then they are clingy and obsessive and, again, I dodged a bullet.
You are damn right I was being self serving, but it also serves them to know they have no choice but to move on or be cursed with their obsession for someone who was practically a stranger.
Same user same
As long as you admit that, you can't say you cared if you did that as opposed to telling them the truth before breaking it off.'s human instinct to survive user..
Yeah same
You are just incredibly shallow and you are generalizing ghosting because you are lazy and simple minded. It is easy for you to vilify this because you have probably been on the receiving end of it so you have a personal bias.
It is simple, I couldn't actually connect with them. There was no conversation potential because we shared nothing in common. They were sweet, they were pretty, but they also weren't right for me and vise versa. She was a really nice girl, she would make someone else really happy, so I gave her the chance to actually find that person. She would keep herself in a mental box over me if I am in her life. It was very obvious she was in lust and that is not something I wished to take advantage of. That is caring for them, it really is.
She will find someone worth her time and able to hold a conversation with her, but that person wasn't me no matter how much she wanted to delude herself into thinking it was. I snapped her out of a rose tinted version of me and that is the best thing I could do for her.
>stupid Wojak.jpg
I've convinced myself to commit suicide when I turn thirty. I turned 25 this year currently sitting in my car outside my house trying to find the will to even continue with my day. I've been having way too many thoughts just to do it now. Every single day is getting harder and I have no idea how to get out.
Then you don't love her.
I'm 27 and I never thought I'd make it this long. I don't know why I did, either.
Got my heart broken back in January.. Still hurts sometimes, like tonight :(
No, I am vilifing it because it is genuinely spineless and self-serving. Are there situations where ghosting is unavoidable? Sure, but it should never be your defacto way of terminating a relationship.
Ghosting shows a lack of basic consideration for someone else's time, and an inability to own the consequences of your decisions. If you choose to end a relationship for any reason, that is totally fine. But lacking the common courtesy to let someone else know isn't sparing their feelings or being considerate. It is childish conflict avoidance, because you fear what they will say. People given closure move on with their lives much faster, because there are no lingering doubts. It also shows that you aren't afraid of your decisions, and are prepared to own them. What is easy and what is correct often conflicts.
This. If people could stop pretending ghosting is being nice and just admit it's to avoid seeing the consequences of their actions I wouldn't even be half as pissed about it.
They are trying to get her in invade me dream because she is everything they raised her to be. She follows every single one of their beliefs. She is on of them. She doesn't think for her self, she doesn't understand logic or reason... only what she has been told.
That's why they are pushing her into this so heavily... because she is everything they wanted.
and I am everything they fear, what they hate.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
We don't owe you a damn thing. Get over it. Ghosting isn't the worst thing that can happen to you. Weakness is being unable to move on from someone who wants nothing to do with you. You have no self respect and that is why you demand an explanation to feel confident again.
Your ego makes you believe you are more important than me but the truth is you were the one designed to stop me.
No one is owed a thing, nor have I been ghosted. I just hate when someone who makes the choice to do so pretends it is some selfless act of kindness instead of what it actually is.
the anxiety, it is my day my afternoon and my night
it's nonstop, fucking torturous holy moly
it's worse when you know better but you also know that doesn't make a difference
Ego is useless. I chose to humble myself instead. If I tell you I am great, you will think I am bragging. If I tell you I am no good, you will know I am lying.
If I am rich and live and dress as the poor do, I will know your true colors when we interact.
It is not selfless, but is is an act of kindness depending on the context. In my case it certainly was. Maybe not judge someone based on a few anonymous posts with little information to work with? but who am I kidding? Your heart is hardened on this.
>Weakness is being unable to move on from someone who wants nothing to do with you.
This. Ironic people cry that it's the cowards way out. They are terrified of not having closure, sometimes it is better to give them none. You aren't owed closure and their life and time isn't owed to you just because you crushed on them. And if you are constantly worrying what ifs over it you are simply weak and lack confidence in yourself. You are wasting you mental energy on a ghost.
Fuckboy justifies his pussy-ass emotionally retarded behavior.
Why do you think “ghosting” and “fuckboy” are common pejorative terms?
Because you suck. Clearly you fucked someone you had no real interest in, or you were emotionally withholding from. Then when you ghosted them, they were hurt and confused. You didn’t have the maturity and decency to let them know that you were just using them for sex and planned to immediately dump them. Congrats — that’s shitty behavior. Don’t try to justify it.
And for the record, I myself have engaged in that shitty behavior. But I see it for wha it is — retarded and sad.
All they had to do is throw a few celebrities at you and you fell for it hook, line and sinker. I tried to warn you that they were testing you but you were so starstruck and vain you wouldn't see it. I'm immune to that shit but you are a fucking fool.
Yeah, I think enough has been said about the ghosting thing. I just wanted to corner him and make him face that he's not doing it out of any kind of love, but callousness and self-interest. No point in filling up the thread going back and forth about it. At the end of it all, people will do what they want and the people who allow these kind of folks into their lives, well they'll learn the hard lessons.
>Why do you think “ghosting” and “fuckboy” are common pejorative terms?
Insecure bitches unable to move on and have actual confidence in themselves without closure from a man/woman who doesn't love them the way they wanted them to. All you want to hear is the ol' "it's not you it's me!" And put any self doubt to rest. Realize one of two things;
They don't fucking like you like that and never will. Incompatibility to no fault of your own and just bad chemistry.
you are a clingy, insufferable and entitled cunt and you need to change or face a life of getting ghosted by the people who wish to not deal with the fall out of your unstable emotions because they have no obligations to.
They call this “blame-shifting.” It’s when you engage in hurtful behavior (“ghosting”) and then blame the target of your abuse for being somehow weak.
Would you like being ghosted? Let’s say you meet the girl of your dreams, you have sex, you catch feelings — and then she disappears without explanation. Would you feel hurt? Yes you would.
^ this is called EMPATHY.
>Goes from "love works in mysterious ways" virtue signalling to excoriating bitches who have the nerve to be affected by some dude who convinced them he liked them just disappearing from their lives without a word
And it barely took any prodding lmao
You’ll get what you deserve one day with this attitude, bitch. I guarantee it
>your spergy crush found new friends and doesn’t care about you anymore
Yep. Bingo.
Move on. Just fucking get over it and have some self confidence not reliant on the words and praisings of others.
You don't need or are owed closure, you are just so weak and useless without it you are mentally destroyed by the mere act of someone not talking to you and removing themselves from your life.
>Would you like being ghosted? Let’s say you meet the girl of your dreams, you have sex, you catch feelings — and then she disappears without explanation. Would you feel hurt? Yes you would.
I realize it was just that, A DREAM, and I snap back into reality and realize my self confidence doesn't rely on a girl reciprocating my love and I move the fuck on because if that isn't a redflag it was never meant to be I don't know what is. Plus there are so many people I am bound to meet in my life it is just foolish to think I won't find someone better.
While I don't agree with how he said it, I do agree with what was being said. That wasn't me, that is another user chiming in.
clearly something not meant for you, you god damn fucking slack-jawed faggot.
I ghosted everyone I knew ~18. Assumed it didn't matter and figured my absence wasn't a substantial change. I had my own stuff to deal with, had always been alone as a child, had always felt alone with other people. I believe the mind stores artifacts of these states and regresses to them to continue performing the same action.
"Childhood is what makes ya."
>that left behind feeling
student affairs is a bullshit field
wouldn't them stop you make them more important than you|?
Did you think that through all the way?
nah they didn't trust me or your right what do I know.
Join me in being lonely and left behind user
You're still playing checkers while I'm playing chess. I don't even care about money, it doesn't motivate me.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
Also, a spark of genius is not about logic, it's inspired intuition and being open to the source. Someone like Tesla is far greater than you and that's why.
I hate you and miss you and love you and never wanna see or hear from you again. I stupidly wanna know about your life and what's new but i know it will only hurt. Me and my fuck buddy had a pregnancy scare and if it happened I'd want to tell you for some reason. Like I'm apologising or something .
The only comfort i have is knowing finding someone better will be easy. The hard part is being open to love again.
moving away isn't ghosting. It's called moving on.
Moss doesn't grow on rolling stones.
Can't stop me. That's the funniest thing ever. He's even playing on our platforms but he thinks he is being sneaky.
My work will always be more important than you.
I think i'm over you but then you walk past in a form-fitting green dress and basically ignore me like you've ben ignoring me for weeks. I just want closure.
I didn't move.
i want everyone in the world to get someone thats perfect for them in love. i wish people whould relise that mindless grinding away for money is noway to live and for others to help empower others. i want women to stop blaming men for there problems and for men to stop blaming themselves and thinking theres only one way to be a man, i want this world to grow up and understand the harm its done to relations with others. i just want people to be happy and give a chance to tos omeone who deserves it instead of making the same mistakes over and over again. im so tried of all this negativity in the air, calm down and focus on what really matters in life, your sleeve and your own will. i want everyone to get the help they need and for all you to realize that suicide isent the way, you are alive enjoy your life for you and for those that care about you. i hope all of you feel better soon and understand your wanted somewhere in the world, dont give up on living.stay safe all of you, it isent your fault, shit happens. stay strong and kind and forgiving, everyone is hurting.
>i wish people whould relise that mindless grinding away for money is noway to live and for others to help empower others.
As long as a significant numbe rof people are willing to serve the machine in return for cold comfort, trinkets, and toys, they will force you to comply.
Thanks user but my energy is twisted and misclouded right now, thank you for your kindness and gesture.
sadly yes, but it has to start sometime, this system is makeing people lose there soul. its not god for them, if all i can do right now is put the intent out there and give kindness to others then so be it
i pray for your energy to heal, stay stong user. it will get better
You never saw the significance of our union because your vanity blinded you. All this time you thought it was all about you and your image. Did you not notice how they all came to defend me? Are you that blind?
I told my father it would be war, he was terribly upset. He wanted peace. You had that opportunity for peace but you were so high on yourself introducing me to your cult of followers. I kept my mouth shut while you made a fool of yourself.
You built an empire on hatred, your cult of fool followers followed your command.
You were wrong, your values have ruined the world.
They cut my power - that's how they let me know I said enough.
we're not playing a game you dumbfuck. also you're horribly retarded. I don't even know where to start with this. lay off the drugs kiddo.
I'll tell you what, I will give the command now.
Good luck, you'll need it.
do you really think I don't know you? that we were incompatible and that I wasn't in love with who you are at your core? hmm? really?
do what you want, but I don't need closure, I won't forget you, and my targets and goals are set in stone. you still don't see what I did out of love for us, the infrastructure I built to protect us. but it was never meant to keep you in and so you were always able to leave without seeing any of it.
I am sorry if what happens next is jarring to you. but this was made personal and I think most people that know me knows that there is little more than disrespect that will piss me off to the utmost degree and put me on the warpath.
oh thank fuck. finally. bring it bitch, you took too long and I've been stockpiling weapons and putting nooses around your neck. you're gonna get fucked 7 ways to sunday and this ends with a 9 shoved up your ass and you yelling "i'm your little puppet, sir"
because slavery, illegal human experimentation, and torture are all love filled activities fun for the whole family.
You realize that when killing evil.... it's an act of good, right? You people are fucking disgusting and the worst part is that you're all completely oblivious to how shitty and horrible your actions are.
Last I checked I never hurt anyone, I never kept slaves, I never tortured anyone, nor have I experimented on anyone. (I mean, other than sexually amirite)
I honestly can't tell if you fucking assholes are just incredibly fucking stupid or if you're just incredibly fucking stupid. You all joke around like this is some kind of game. You revel in how shitty you all are and mock the people you hurt.
Fucking kill them all.
you won't get you want with that mindset that is not good, boyo!
every time you post to someone that isn't me, I just roll my eyes.
goddamn you're an insecure stupid fuck S.
You ruined my life, you don't give af if anything hurts me. In fact you intentionally did it again and again. Don't think I don't see everything you did. You don't deserve respect you ego-manic.
No one deserves anything user no one. You should be forgiving it isn't right to hold on to anger or hate. You forgive and clear your head.
From whom
To whom
You are the evil one.
>1chance at life
>born ugly and retarded in a bad enviroment
Eugenics when
Eugenics now. Kill yourself.
you culty motherfucker. goddamn I want to see you dead so bad. and you just keep making issues and escalating. you're fucking stupid. I even put an outcome in my plans of you straightening the fuck up and everything being alright as an acceptable outcome. I have given every opportunity for peace. I have stacked the odds in favor of it in fact, tending to a policy of instigating mexican stand offs and MAD. I do not fear death, I do not fear destroying my life, you want to go, I'll go to the bitter end.
lets fucking do this, I promise I will end this.
do you faggots really think posts like these work? It's just noise. It's all noise. I don't know if they are bots or what but it's fucking retarded.
Someone is responsible for this and I'll fucking find them.
You'd really have to get to know someone before dating them.. that would take sometime. Have you not dated many individuals?
you have at least two different posters there friend. my guess is there's three based on post style, syntax, and special character choice. yeah, three different posters, and none of them are talking to you.
You think you're good and righteous but you don't even understand the game we're playing. Don't you understand that you are the evil one, you were the only one fighting in the first place. They tricked you to find out what you we're like and now they have you by the balls. Checkmate.
again, when have I tortured, enslaved, or murdered anyone? When have I robbed anyone of their human rights?
I just don't know how you people do what you do and consider yourselves the good guys... well, not the good guys but you consider yourselves some kind of "necessity". That you fuckers do what you do because "someone has to." and "it needs to be done.|" which is just horrible justification for disgusting acts.
You all say that sacrifices must be made but it's never by any of you. You assholes never have to sacrifice anything and you all try to worm yourselves out of any responsiblities or consequences.
would you like for me to dig in the archives and provide evidence to the contrary?
fucking do it. doitdoitdoitdoit. lawdy give me the reason I need to get them IP addresses and nail your sad ass in a coffin.
you're going to jail S. there is no way to escape it. it's inevitable. sorry not sorry.