I simply can not stop masturbating.
Its becoming an adiction, if its not already one.
It drains me, I have less hours for sleep because I choose to watch porn, hence im tired at work, and im not productive.
Sex is not really desirable for me, nor do I have the stamina for it, my dick barely erects. I much more enjoy a handjob than any other sexual thing.
How can I stop this? How can I quit jerking off all the time? Its really a problem right now and I dont want it to scale.
Try not fapping for a week
If you wank X amount of times a day, cut down.
When you have cut down, if you really want to wank last thing at night, wank first thing the next morning, then continue putting it off
Thats the thing, i cant. It currently Is stronger than me.
Here's a trick I've used in the past. I was also jerking off way too much. Try giving yourself a fixed amount of times that you're allowed to jerk off for the next month and keep track of it on a piece of paper. Start with 10. You can manage 10 for sure, right? That's once every three days, it's not too bad. Then progressively lower the amount of times you're allowed per month.
This way you don't feel bad about yourself for relapsing. You're "allowed" to jerk off. When you quit something cold turkey and mess up you're streak, you just say fuck it and go back at it.
Schedule a lot of things to do. Never be at your house for a few days. I'm talking couch surfing for a few days so you have no chance to jerk it.
Cut off porn and it's likely you'll drastically reduce the number of times you jerk off daily.
What you have to realize is that masturbation is important and actually healthy if you are moderate about it.
I haven't fapped for 2 days and I'd really want to right now but I am imagining that holding it will feel a lot better later
Is it true or just placebo?
Should I fap whenever I feel like would be the good time or hold off forcibly?
2 days is about the most I can hold it for a good feeling. If I hold it more it just hurts when I do it afterwards.
The best faps are always the first one after a day 2 break or the 3rd-4th-5th etc in a normal day.
Oh yes, holding off makes it feel so much better. I held off for about a week then decided to fap with some time off and, goddamn, I almost passed out afterwards, that's how good it felt.
The point of this is to quit, not to boost the feeling kek
enjoy it while you can because there will come as time where your sex drive will dive.
Have you ever stopped yourself peeing? That 'squeeze' thing? when you masturbate and are going to cum, do that squeeze. Hold it. You will block the semen from releasing, and transmute the sexual energy through your body. You will find that the sexual tension is gone, but without negative side effects of ED, tiredness, etc. Instead you will find you feel rejuvenated and full of energy.
You must practice this. It is the key to many secret doors.
Listen to the advice in this thread op. Rule your desires, don't let them rule you. Stop being an animal, become a human again.
>Have you ever stopped yourself peeing?
Sometimes, I mean, I can hold it by tightening the muscles on my penis. Is that what you mean?
Also, I started masturbating once again a couple of hours ago, but got too tired and went to sleep, I feel like I have acumulated cum on my balls and I want to release all of it.
Thats why im asking here. Im turning around on the street to check every ass, and I never ever did that before. And the thing is that I dont want to "fuck" that ass, but rather jerk off because of that ass.
Im somewhat scared even of crossing the line someday, trying to cup a feel "by accident" or touch a woman in the ass.
stop doing it. worked for me. I still have a propensity to be addicted to it, but I’ve had satisfying sexual relationships, and haven’t lost sleep over it.
>>Have you ever stopped yourself peeing?
>Sometimes, I mean, I can hold it by tightening the muscles on my penis. Is that what you mean?
It's already too late for you bro
I get you man, I've been in a similar situation. If I were you, I wouldn't quit cold turkey, it's really difficult.
Also, I reccomend getting a new hobby, sonething that makes you tired, like going for walks, or start a sport. Being tired reduces your sex drive, and that's what you need
nice trick senpai. gonna use this
I can vouch for this, but it will take some time to master it. Plus you have to train your kegel muscle a descent amount before you can successfully attempt a dry orgasm.
that doesn't sound healthy