Having the brain of an adult is no fun. Music isn't the same anymore, colors are less vivid, everything is dull and uninteresting and I'm also more stupid.
Is there any way to bring my mind back to what it was when I was a child?
Having the brain of an adult is no fun. Music isn't the same anymore, colors are less vivid, everything is dull and uninteresting and I'm also more stupid.
Is there any way to bring my mind back to what it was when I was a child?
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Kill yourself and hope that reincarnation is real
I was on a dry spell with enjoying music until I found this album. Rekindled my desire for independent projects dripping in angst.
Literally this. Literally the reason most people do psychedelics as far as I can tell, cuz it's like reliving your youthful brain
Be more goofy. Do childish shenanigans
Wait really?
There is hope?
Which ones.
this music is excruciating
try and experience new things. go to unfamiliar places.
IIRC your brain starts taking shortcuts because you aren't having new experiences.
Try doing something different. Wildly different, something totally outside your current life.
A better use of this thread would be brainstorming those things. Might I suggest skydiving?
I heard if you hit your face with a hammer you can revert ur bain back to a kid
Mushrooms dood. Psilocybin
Last time I tripped my girlfriend and I sat on my bed staring at the patterns and tripping balls over it because it was so colorful and alive.
I'd find reliable pals and a reliable dealer and away you go.
>Might I suggest skydiving?
Joining a club would be a more sensible thing to do.
As a 33 year old boomer, I can guarantee you that it's the internet and video games that fried your serotonin and dopamine and all the other fun juices in your brain.
Constant overstimulation from everything and anything that you're immediately bored with before it's even done downloading and you chase the next thing.
There's no worth or value or anything because you don't pay for it, it's just a bunch of pixels and data on your phone or computer.
Also this. One's comfort zone is basically just a tiny coffin.
The best way to revert your brain back to a child is to capture some children and to slurp their brain juices. This is the only way I would know how to revert your brain back to a child's brain.
I never thought of the internet as being the thing that killed my brain.
The clear solution is to take drugs so the internet is as fun as it was when I was 12.
I would like some ways to get out of my comfort zone though.
That's what pain feels like.
>drugs and the internet
If you're good you won't have time for the internet, nor the capacity to sit and wait for it to churn out something good or interesting enough
You do realize that there are ways to affect the chemicals in you brain?
For me I stopped most of my addictions such as smoking and watching porn. I take a retarded amount of vitamins. I also supplement ashwagandha, gaba and occasionally phenibut. I exercise when I can. My diet is pretty clean, mostly focusing on foods that increase testosterone production. Dont be lazy.
>As a 33 year old boomer, I can guarantee you that it's the internet and video games that fried your serotonin and dopamine and all the other fun juices in your brain.
Online porn definitely does this. But video games don't fry the brain. In fact it's healthy to play video games when you're older because it stimulates the brain and body, from my experience. A lot of times I find myself feel too lazy to play video games, and just aimlessly surf the web, which is a worse activity than playing video games.
Soon there will be drugs to reverse it
You won't be allowed to have them for less than a million though.
>I never thought of the internet as being the thing that killed my brain.
It absolutely is.
Part of why the internet was more fun as a 12 year old is for sure because are brains are different when we're kids but also because back then everyday is a process of new discoveries. Finding new websites and whatever feels like unearthing treasure. When we get old we settle on the same few websites and that shit gets old.
I've downloaded so many hours of music and TV shows and movies and anime, and watched so much porn, that I also reached the point where nothing was doing anything for me anymore.
The internet is a combination of Skinner's Box and the Law of Diminish Returns. It's great at first but the more you invest yourself in it over time the less fun it becomes. It's like eating cake. It's great as a kid and you could eat a whole cake for supper one time, but if you eat a cake for every meal everyday especially as an adult you're not gonna get any more satisfaction out of it if you were to eat more cake or to eat cake while high.
>The clear solution is to take drugs so the internet is as fun as it was when I was 12.
Drugs are fun, and you should try them out, but again you can and will get bored of them. Especially if you waste your high going online.
>I would like some ways to get out of my comfort zone though.
The smallest effort counts. Doing as simple as going for a walk or bike ride and going down a road or path you've never really taken is reward enough for your brain to experience new things and be stimulated.
>But video games don't fry the brain. In fact it's healthy to play video games when you're older because it stimulates the brain and body, from my experience.
Video games are absolutely good for your mind, in moderation.
There's loads of benefits like relieving stress and anxiety, helping you with learning thigns like problem-solving and making decisions in a split second, spatial awareness, etc.
But at the same time, playing Fortnite or whatever 8 hours in a row or more everyday isn't great either.
Maybe I'll just burn 5k and go to asia or something.
Tell me more about supplements.
You can use the world away a child because your brain has already made the connections that yield hits of dopamine. Think of the first time a child plays with those springy door stoppers. It’s like their life was a lie until that moment. You can make new connections, it will just take a little more effort
>everything is dull and uninteresting and I'm also more stupid.
I don't think this is a problem with being adult, I think this is a problem with you being you.
I'm way smarter as an adult. Almost everyone is. I look at the things I liked as a kid and realize that a lot of it was really pretty boring. There's less that captures my attention as an adult, but that's fine. I have less free time to be entertained because I have a lot of shit that I want to do.
If you feel more stupid as an adult, you're probably stupid. There's not a whole lot that's asked of kids, and if you were able to handle that simple shit well as a kid but don't deal with simple shit well as an adult, you may not be too bright. Or you may be lazy and lack motivation.
I don't know what your deal is, but my guess is that you spend most of your time wanting passive entertainment, and that you fail to challenge yourself in any sort of meaningful way.
Turning to drugs to try to feel a sense of wonder is some losery shit. Be the sober guy around a bunch of people who are tripping and you'll see what I mean.
lol 33 year old boomer. Dude, generational names are based on when you were born, not how old you are.
>But at the same time, playing Fortnite or whatever 8 hours in a row or more everyday isn't great either.
Right it depends on the game. The more mindless the game, the worse it is for ya.
You sound like a child OP, you're already there.
I thought for so long this was correlated to the baby boom following the world war, I have no idea how it came to represent 30 year olds who have never seen a war, war time, or a baby boom in their lives...
The origin of the meme is to make fun of people who turned 30 and immediately started acting like said boomers.
Trepanning, it allows more oxygen to your brain, reverting it to a childlike state
It's a newfag meme since this board is now mostly populated by kids under the age of 25, anyone over 30 is ridiculed as being sold and out of touch with the hot pepe memes and words like "kino" that they're now boomers.
>30 year olds who have never seen a war, war time
The US went to war with Iraq twice in my lifetime.