Are my friends suicide threats real. He has been going on like this for weeks. Me thinks he is a narcissist emotionally blackmailing everyone around him and hoping he can manipulate his ex girlfriend in getting back with him.
Are my friends suicide threats real. He has been going on like this for weeks...
When some of his friends saw through his charade this is what he posted. It's like treading on egg shells around him. Everyone's afraid about saying the wrong thing in case he gets violent (he is handy with his fists).
>He has a group of friends that care about him. Jesus, he's just looking for attention and is being a cunt. Ignore him and if he kills himself it's one less jerk in this world (I would bet money that he would not kill himself)
>He has a daughter and even more friends than I thought. Jesus, why are you even friends with this asshole?
if you don't go on facebook you dont have to deal with shitty people and their shitty soap opera dramas. works great, life's good.
It's rarely serious when people are continuously broadcasting in such a way. If you actually want to die you don't share it like that, it could make it harder to actually get to die.
If he ever get close to writing something that could be understood as a direct thread of suicide (not just "lmao life sucks"), call the cops on him. People usually stop that shit when the cops come to drive them to the ward.
Are you really so fucking retarded that you didn't take their fucking names out? Mate, I'm about to go rat on you for posting about this just to fucking teach you a lesson.
lmao and who are you going to tell him posted the screenshots?
I have lost good friends to suicide. There was no outward signs they were going to kill themselves.
Your friend Jay Page-Fuller comes across as a narcissist. He is emotionally bullying his friends in order to get his own way. I believe his end game is to emotionally blackmail his ex so she comes back to him to stop him killing himself.
Those of us older and with life experience can see through Jays game. Looking at his Facebook posts he is lashing out with anger at those who rumble his mind games.
Is he really worth having as a friend? Are you afraid he will turn your shared friends against you if you tell him to stop being a manipulative faggot?
Call his bluff and tell him to do it or else he's a bitch.
Damn he is right but we are still snitching because you are dumb and must learn your lesson
Why do I have a feeling that the op is actually Jay Pagefuller the person in the screenshot? Think about it for a second. He can now claim he is being bullied online by trolls and this will make him feel more suicidal and he hopes his slutty ex girlfriend will feel sorry for him and come running back. Thought on this ppl?
what a fucking retard
how pedestrian. there is no lesson to be learned here, you are just going to make some suicidal fuckwit feel like he can't trust his friends even more.
>because you are dumb and must learn your lesson
if he winds up killing himself it'll be because you are dumb but you won't learn anything.
>if he winds up killing himself it'll be because you are dumb but you won't learn anything.
He isn't going to kill himself. Narcissists are more likely to use the threat of suicide as a means of manipulation. A clear indicator of whether the threat of suicide is being used to exploit someone is if they consistently make the threat when you’re not doing something they want you to do. Look at his Facebook posts. He threatens suicide to get the reactions he wants. He is an immature faggot.
Over the years I have been involved with more than one suicidal person. I have learned one thing – when someone is planning to commit suicide for real they almost never tell anyone. If they really want to die they are going to and there is not a darn thing you can do about it. A person who is really suicidal won’t usually make phone calls or create drama. They will figure out exactly how many pills to take or where to position the pistol and they will do it. I have had two friend die by suicide and I saw each of them just a short while before it happened. They were acting normal.
A narcissist on the other hand will make a show out of it that rivals anything Hollywood and Broadway could come up with together.
He may actually cut his wrists but you can bet he’ll miss the major blood vessels. He is calculating enough to take just the right amount of pills and make sure that someone will find him in just the nick of time.
Anyone can get suicidal. Anyone can get to that dark place when life seems hopeless. The narcissist will use it as a manipulative tool and he’ll use it as many times as it works. In fact, if you come to the point where you are ignoring his threats of suicide he’ll often step it up a notch and threaten social violence – a mall, an office, or whatever.
That usually will bring you to your knees and he gets whatever it is he has been trying to manipulate you over. Here’s a thought. The minute he threatens to harm someone besides himself you just need to call 911 and report him. Let the police handle his drama because you don’t have time for it.
When a narcissist threatens suicide it’s often emotional blackmail. They are counting on you being empathetic, concerned, and worried that they will do it. They can use that suicide card over and over again just as long as you keep letting them play it. Your life and your responses will be under their complete control until you let them know that you are finished.
I’m more worried about his daughter.
It’s not about you getting caught, it’s that it’s a dick move to plaster someone’s name on Jow Forums like that. No wonder your Facebook friends with a loser, you’re just as bad.
His daughter will have a string of step dads and 'uncles' for the rest of her childhood.
You do realize that you just posted both your identity, and your friends identity on Jow Forums? You didn’t even bother editing out the names. Everyone knows who both of you are now.
get off of facebook for a while
Can't see the so called friends identity?
Jay Page-Fuller.
Why do these freaky Essex folk talk like some deranged afro-gangsters? Is this a prerequisite of being a 'yoof' in Essex these days?
That's the suicidal faggot. But who is his friend that posted the screen shots?
My opinion that Jay Page=Fuller and the 'friend' are one and the same. He has posted his own details in the hope of being trolled and claim 'victimhood' to garner sympathy from his friends. Ultimate aim is sympathy from the ex in the hope of getting back with her.
One of the other 5 people who commented on Jay’s posts.
I did a search on Jay Page-Fuller. I now have more personal information about him, and pictures from his Twitter account. You’re just lucky that I don’t wish to post that information all over Jow Forums. You won’t be so fortunate if someone from /b/ sees this though.
What kind of stupid fucking moron posts his friends full name on Jow Forums of all places. Do you have any idea how much of an idiot you are? Not only have you have failed miserably at solving this problem, but you’ve also put your friend in danger of having his personal information revealed to everyone on Jow Forums. You have also potentially caused him even more emotional distress. You truly are a complete retard, and a very bad friend. I hope your car gets a flat tire the next time you go out.
Are you the same 'friend' that posted her nudes on /b/?
The faggot himself with his ex. Found on her Twitter page.
Do tell