Women, what are your biggest turn offs in a man?
Women, what are your biggest turn offs in a man?
>rude to strangers
>no self humour
>cares about being a "real" man
>doesn't like animals and afraid of most bugs
>doesn't have an interest that's not sport or gym
>has a proper cover for his cellphone
this is very personal tho
>>>has a proper cover for his cellphone
did you get raped by a sentient yet well-fitting smartphone cover or something wtf
>afraid of most bugs
What if he hates bees, and only bees? Tiny six legged fucking terrorists.
Well, I pass almost all of these, except being afraid of bugs and having a cover for my phone... wait, what's up with that?!
>doesn't have an interest that's not sport or gym
Fuck me.
Bugs are evil
>>has a proper cover for his cellphone
I’m a woman, he’s a man. Men should be strong, not fearful or needy or soft.
>Hates bees but not wasps
Fucks going on here mate?
I don't know why but some phone covers show too much of attention for the phone, and I don't find attractive guys who spend too much money on their phones.
Especially this covers you can open and close and protects the screen. Don't know why but deep down I'm a bit eugh if I see my crush with something like that.
It's very very personal though.
Well it just means you cannot date ME, chill
Doesn't look the guy in OP.
Sorry, I count them all as the same group. I'm glad they're going extinct.
>edgy / non-empathic
>not eloquent
>smaller than me (5'8)
>normie interests
>sexually or romantically loose or easy (had several girlfriends or sex partners before me)
>Short AND fat
Tall and fat guys are sexy as hell, but short and fat is gross.
>financially irresponsible
I wouldn't date a man with credit cards or excessive debt from spending; I hate men who eat out a lot etc.
>poor hygiene
>abuses drugs/alcohol
>uses medication for depression
I can deal with most other things, but I would seriously reconsider a relationship with a man if these things apply.
>lacks empathy towards people and animals
>dislikes animals and/or plants (or nature and outdoors in general)
>mentally ill
>his only hobbies are anime and vidya
>stupider than me
>bad personal hygiene
A bonus one would be
>is more than 5 centimetres shorter than me (I'm 165 cm)
>sexually or romantically loose or easy (had several girlfriends or sex partners before me)
How many sexual partners would be too many? How would you feel about a virgin?
Depends on how old the person is, the less partners or sexual encounter, the better. The man I married was a virgin at 28 years old when I met him. If he had one or two partners before that it would have been not ideal but okay, anything more than that would point towards manslut to me.
I understand that most women don't feel like that though.
i have credit cards and pay them off in full everyweek what does that say about me (real question btw)
ITT: Wishful thinking LARPers
I just think it's more responsible to live within your means. People who have credit cards don't have savings - and I can't imagine spending all of your pay check every month, you know? I don't like people who spend, or don't factor in a potential rainy day.
I wouldn't consider you as a serious partner. If I found out about them after we'd already got serious - would ask you sternly to never use them again and close your accounts.
>posting ms. Marvel
I just can't take you seriously after that.
>People who have credit cards don't have savings - and I can't imagine spending all of your pay check every month, you know?
Good luck buying a house or car
I don't think you understand how credit cards work. Take some expenses that you HAVE to pay. You HAVE to pay for gas, food, rent, and bills.
If you pay those necessary expenses in cash or debit, you don't get points. If you pay them with a credit card, you get rewards points, and that's literally free money.
Obviously there are exceptions, such as if he's paying a mortgage. Though, I don't expect a single man my age to be buying a house and sort of expect to a purchase a house with a man I'm serious with. Sure, I expect no savings to be acquired when paying off mortgage debt. But a working man or woman should live within their means. I truly believe that.
Also, I'm a Brit; it's not common to take out loans for cars.
>ugly fingernails/fingers/hands
>not in stem related & not doing law
>talks about his feelings too much
>follows red pill theories
>lifts for girls
>grooms for girls
>has no ambitions or goals in life
>lives at home past the age of 23
>changes personality depending on the attractiveness of the girl
>financially illiterate
idk there are more basically men are dumb and are not worth shit
You can use a credit card and live entirely within your means you retard. Some of us dont feel like carrying hundreds of dollars around all day and enjoy the ability to purchase things online
>>grooms for girls
I don't get it. So you want a slob instead?
I know how credit cards work. And I know about the reward points and things. You know what's also free money? Interest on savings.
I just don't like the philosophy of taking out credit for things you can feasibly pay with income/savings. It's risky and kind of short sighted in some cases, it's a slippery slope sometimes, and I would just prefer a man who used a debit card/current account instead.
Also, no one takes Amex in the UK.
Savings accounts aren't shit. Enjoy your below-inflation savings rate, you are losing money by not putting it into the stock market
Never had an issue buying things online with my debit card and paypal, user. And have never had a card stolen, also Barclays was great and refunded my mum her money when her card was cloned.
Again, this is just my preference.
>I would just prefer a man who used a debit card/current account instead.
Its dumb as shit to carry those around because if they get stolen the thief draws your money directly out of your bank account. With a credit card you actually get the chance to review past purchases, never mind that you're not completely fucked it a surprise expense comes up like a hospital bill or car crash. You sound really dumb, I hope that you never get fucked over but your condescension over a very basic factor of modern living is doing you no favors.
The fact that everyone uses a credit card, and banks peddle opening up a credit card for these "reasons" you mentioned, doesn't mean I have to agree with it. I replied to another post; if you're with a reputable bank, and don't put all your savings into a current account, you're money is safe and banks actually repay you very quickly.
No one I know has had a need for credit cards. It's literally only American men that I've seen using them; and one I know ended up crippled once his financial situation changed drastically. And when you can't pay back the amount you borrowed, and interest stacks up (because the rates are heinous), you're in a pickle. I'd rather budget hard and use the money I actually have than ever take out a card like that, or date someone seriously who uses such things and threatens our financial stability.
At this point I'm just gonna assume your larping for attention.
Here's you last (you), dont spend it all in one place, you need to live within your means after all
Don't worry, I wouldn't consider you as a serious partner, because you are obviously not very bright. I have multiple credit cards, no debt, always pay them off. I also make 6 figures.
I'm a mainland European and you're a retard. Everyone uses credit cards here. How else would I book a flight or hotels or buy anything online?
Debit card?
With a debit card or paypal? I've never had issues buying anything using my debit card - there's a little risk, but an airline getting bust you just lose a couple hundred for flights. If you can't pay off a loan on a credit card you're hit with interest and more interest.
Why are anons getting so defensive?
Making sure my stuff doesn't break by buying a $10 cover is a bad thing? what
Not even want to argue or anything, I just find that kinda funny
>Travel insurance.
>Safety guarantees
Why are you so defensive? People have explained to you the advantages to using a credit card over debit. Yet you double down on the stupid. You for some reason think that people use credit cards to buy things they can't afford. Most don't. It sounds like you are very irresponsible with money and couldn't handle having a credit card, since you imply using a credit card means going into debt. You are projecting your own irresponsibility on others.
I am a female Brit and I have a credit card. I use it rarely because using credit cards bumps up your credit score, and getting any type of loan on low credit is really difficult. I thought best to have a card that I use for maybe one smaller purchase a month if that, than not have one and just leave my score to be shit for when I need a loan for a mortgage or something.
I don't think so. I have over 10k worth of savings and I'm at university. I have no need for a credit card, and whilst I understand other people's reasons for using them, it's definitely not a necessity. For me, it's still a turn off. I don't want the unnecessary risks associated with taking out loans; student loans are a headache enough, I don't think any of the perceived benefits of needlessly borrowing money outweigh the risks.
Banks peddle credit accounts, offer these benefits, when they're just not needed.
Well, mine is just a plain black cover that protects the back of the phone and adheres much better to my hands so it doesn't fall. Don't see any point or sense in ditching it to date a girl.
Meet a guy for a date
> What do you do for a living?
> Uh huh
> So, are you a virgin?
Seriously, are these the only 2 questions a guy thinks about?
I think you have some misconceptions about credit card ownership. If you pay it off fully at the end of the month, you do not get charge any interest at all. I probably get $6-900 back a year just from using it on bills that I'd have to pay anyway. Also, it builds credit massively which gets you better rates for when you buy a house or a vehicle.
Yeah I've got 15 grand in savings and they give me $0.08 for it.
This one gets it.
>disgusting body hygiene
>no sense of humor
>shallow or egomaniac
>sits around all day
>no real hobbies
How often do guys fail these things? I'd like to think I pass all of those but they seem pretty standard
groom for yourself instead not solely for the purpose of impressing the other sex
t. 650>
Get a card and use it for gas and groceries. Pay off the entire balance each month. Do it, your future mortgage/land loan will thank you.
I feel you, once to me, after 10 minutes
>How was your day user?
>Played videogames all day ahah, you like videogames?
>Only played when I was a kid to x
>Oh I have it, why don't we go to my place and play it?
>treat me like your phone senpai~ ugu
please fuck off
The financial illiteracy of this broad is astounding.
t. 755 credit score
If you pay for gas with debit you're a retard. You also need to maintain a certain number of open credit lines to keep your score up, a card is an easy and free way to do that.
Or you could listen to her, and get fucked on interest rates and pay a $200 deposit every time you sign up for utilities. Your call.
Don't forget a higher credit score makes you more employable.
When they tell me they want an open relationship and start hitting on my friends that dries my pussy up real fast
How to fix credit score after credit card got sent to collections but I paid it off
You still don't understand. You think having a credit card equals having loans and debt. What risk is there to having a credit card if you don't use it beyond your means? That's right, none. It's safer than a debit card and with other advantages.
It is funny and it's stupid as fuck, I know.
Anyway, it's a turnoff for me but it's not that I wouldn't date a guy over that, cmon
Get another card and start over. Use only for gas and food. Autopay it, and don't miss any other bills either. Check your banks app to see what else is affecting your score if they offer this (Wells Fargo does) and fix each item. Then you play the waiting game.
>Fully grown adults in the western world don't understand how a credit card works.
I honestly think we need to add some financial literacy courses to our mandatory education systems.
Of course not, guys don't have a perspective on what other guys are saying to you though. They usually have no concept of what's overdone or what's unique.
It's not about keeping your score up, it's about having a credit history. People easily have credit history by paying their student loans, etc.. Don't forget a good credit score doesn't necessarily you won't be denied from opening up certain accounts.
I was denied opening up a student current account with Santander (wanted the free railcard) - why? Because I wasn't taking out OPTIONAL loans from the government for University living costs. In the UK you don't have a universal credit score, and banks look at a lot more than a single number.
I'd rather my boyfriend just live within his means and not be irresponsible. If you don't need a credit card, you don't have to get one. No point risking not paying it off - it's short sighted to think that you'll always be able to. Your life and financial situation can change irreparably - credit cards don't propagate stability.
Plenty of people live within their means and are not irresponsible, and have a credit car. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
Well, good for them. I just can't be arsed to get involved with them, realise they actually aren't responsible too late, and then be too deep to get out. It doesn't help that you can't ask people about money nowadays, either. There is a risk that one month you won't be able to pay it off, and you're spiralling in debt and difficulty - I'm not comfortable with that and I'd rather not get involved with someone where that's a possibility.
I highly doubt I'll suddenly not be able to make a $100 autopay each month. The week I moved out I incurred hospital bills over $36,000. Didnt ruin me. You'd have to hit me harder than that to run my checking and savings down to the point I can't pay my lowest bills.
>Falling for the credit jew
Yes goy enjoy paying 200k for that 60k loan you took out once. Enjoy forever living in debt and always spending more and more and more because "dure my credit covers it".
I don't know a single person who is well off financially and uses a credit card. There is no such thing as free money, the ultimate redpill is to never get in debt and use leftover money to invest into acquiring passive income so that you eventually earn enough money that "risk" situations like a car crash don't completely fuck you up. Credit is there for people who are financially retarded and live paycheck to paycheck like the wagecucks they are
>I have $800,000 in liquid assets to buy a house with
Nice LARP. Go back to Jow Forums.
Student loans and a mortgage are different from credit cards, mate. Normal people feel satisfied and happy when they pay off either - who in there right mind feels happy taking out petty loans from credit companies who WANT you to slip up, so that they can make heinous interest off of you?
Also, having savings and putting down a deposit will have a great impact on your mortgage interest rate - again, it's not all about credit cards. Especially since loan securities have become spotlighted since the 2008 crash.
I would rather pay using the money I have, live with a tight budget, know that my future isn't in the hands of credit card companies if something goes pear-shaped - than reap the """benefits""" from using a credit card (wow, at least if my card is stolen...it won't technically be MY money that get's taken because I'm with a shitty bank that wouldn't compensate me!!)
You'd never know the difference.
no humour
innactivity, lazyness.
lack of interest for politics and culture
I agree with user, them flippy cases are for spergs and old fogies.
>I would rather pay using the money I have, live with a tight budget, know that my future isn't in the hands of credit card companies if something goes pear-shaped
How much do you fucking eat where this would be a problem buying groceries with a Mastercard, fatass?
>"(wow, at least if my card is stolen...it won't technically be MY money that get's taken because I'm with a shitty bank that wouldn't compensate me!!)"
>complains about bank
>doesn't go to a better bank
>>complains about bank
>>doesn't go to a better bank
You're a retard - that's what I'm saying about people who take out credit cards. The anons who've responded to me have used the "it's better that YOUR money isn't stolen if you're card is stolen!!!!" excuse. Which is only an issue if you have a shit bank who don't compensate you. So, yeah, credit card fags should get a better bank, you're right user!
I don't get your obsession with this. No matter what, you associate having a credit card with being in debt and bad with money. It sounds like you come from a poor environment and have no concept of financial planning. The idea that some people make a good amount of money and spend less than they earn seems completely alien to you.
>I don't know a single person who is well off financially
Which is why you uneducated poorfag hanging out with other uneducated poorfags should not think he understands anything about personal finances.
What kind of traumatic experience did you have with a credit card to foster this kind of ignorance and delusion?
If you spend less than you earn, have savings, have a good job, why do you need to borrow money from credit card companies who want you to miss payments?
You don't need credit cards - it's not a necessity, you're not forced to take one out, visa cards and debit MasterCard's are in existence. Might be useful when you're buying flights, sure, but most airlines actually have a surcharge for credit card payments.
I don't understand why people latched onto this preference of mine? I've had boyfriend's who don't own credit cards, it really isn't as widespread as American's think it is here in the UK. If you can avoid risk and if I can avoid risk, I'd rather do that. Doesn't matter if you have a great job and think everything will be fine - you can't predict the future.
>My dream in life is to pay excessively high student loans because some kike says that's the right thing to do, have a 40 hrs/wk job (which nowadays is more like 50-60 hours a week), have to pay off a stupid fucking mortgage over the next two or three decades, mindlessly consume a ton of trash because "durr I get free points from my card" and expect some jew in a bank to reward me for having to pay $200k when my initial loan was just a mere $60k
Fucking brainlets still thinking we're living in the 1950s and that credit cards are the answer to life's issues. Oh and if you ever try to bring up that maybe, just maybe having to be a slave to the banking system isn't such a good idea, you immediately get the classic boomer response of "just work hard and get good credit son lol who cares if half your paycheck goes to paying off interest, when you want that shiny new TV just like use your credit card lol, no harm in paying $500 over the course of 6 months which ends up being way more due to interest"
It's so fucking surreal. So many fucking people legit taking baby boomer advice to heart and then having a mid life crisis at 30 because turns out that economy is fucked sideways in 2018
Your list is too funny. I'm fucking dying rn
>Men are dumb
>lives at home past the age of 23
Like hell would you want a man to live in a fucking box or something? They will have a home when they're that age. I'll give you props for your red pill theory shit though, just cause it is retarded
You are a retard with zero reading comprehension and you deserve everything that happens to you
There shouldn't BE interest you fuckup. If you're paying interest you DID IT WRONG.
>2 partners at 28
Yikes, that's a tough one.
>Good luck buying a house or car
There is a massive difference between an investment and no savings.
Did you by any chance work at Lehman Brothers?
>If you pay those necessary expenses in cash or debit, you don't get points. If you pay them with a credit card, you get rewards points, and that's literally free money.
Oooh, that's also a massive turnoff, a man that doesn't understand the meaning of the word 'literally'. Thank you.
>Uses medication for depression
But, why...
>>Travel insurance.
>>Safety guarantees
I get all of those on a debit card. But then I live in Sweden, so maybe things are different for you.
Well, gave me a laugh anyway user
He's ugly.
At least you're honest.
Literally never seen a debit card that gets airline miles in the US.
Anyway, thanks to this thread I'm gonna get a credit card this week for recurring expenses and set that shit to autopay so there's no worry. Airfare to Japan is like $1,000 round trip and fuck that, I'll just use the miles I get buying gas.
smart girl, I hope to find someone like you.
>using credit is falling for Jewish schemes
>but loans and mortgages dont count
I take it back, you're not larping in this thread, this is full blown autism
>>Falling for the credit jew
Great start, really shows off your education level.
Yes goy enjoy paying 200k for that 60k loan you took out once. Enjoy forever living in debt and always spending more and more and more because "dure my credit covers it".
Who would take a 60k loan on a credit card? What credit card would even allow such a massive debt? Do you know how credit cards work?
>I don't know a single person who is well off financially and uses a credit card.
This I believe, since I don't think you know a single person.
> There is no such thing as free money, the ultimate redpill is to never get in debt and use leftover money to invest into acquiring passive income so that you eventually earn enough money that "risk" situations like a car crash don't completely fuck you up. Credit is there for people who are financially retarded and live paycheck to paycheck like the wagecucks they are
red pill, wagecucks... Yep, my initial assessment was correct.
literally: informal
used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true
There's a reason you will remain poor you inbred
Oh, I'm not the original user that started the whole credit card thing. It makes no sense to me that the mere use of a credit card would equal debt. Anyone that is financially responsible should be more than able to use a credit card without going over budget.
>sincerely calling things “the x jew”
>speaks about education and wisdom
if you want to come off as human at least make an effort
>literally: informal
>used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true
You're trolling right? You define literally in your own way then use it differently in the very definition...
Interest only accrues if you don't pay the balance at the end of the month. If you're only using it for recurring necessities like food and gas, like you ought to, there should be no risk whatsoever of accruing any debt whatsoever. You're just getting airline miles and gas rewards for free. If I'm unable to pay my credit balance at the end of the month then I've somehow lost $6,000 in the span of three weeks and I have much bigger niggers to hang than a $100 grocery bill.
But I don't borrow money from credit card companies? On the contrary I earn from them, whatever I pay through them is at 0% interest. You apparently don't understand that credit cards have monthly limits, and people often have many times that limit on their account. There is not the slightest chance I could ever miss a payment.
But I think it's pretty clear you lack basic understanding of personal finance. You are the type who would spend everything she has in an instant.