Is it weird to want a girlfriend?
Saying it makes me think that im some kind of incel. Im 19 and currently attending a university. Im a kissles virgin who never has been in a relationship. I've been struggling with depression for a few years, but the meds seem to be kinda working, and I finally feel normalish. How do I go about getting a gf? I dont understand signs that someone might be interested in me, I usually assume every girl dislikes me. And whats up with doing the first move, what is it, and how do I do it? Here is a picture of me, Im pretty sure Im not the worst looking guy in my class.
Is it weird to want a girlfriend?
Currently im also wearing glasses
>Is it weird to want a girlfriend?
Not really.
>How do I go about getting a gf?
Meet people. Among those people, there will be girls. Among these girls, there will be girls you click with.
From experience, really going out to look SPECIFICALLY for a girlfriend isn't that good.
Basically just setting out to mean people gives you success more often, whereas looking for girlfriend gives failure more often. It's psychological.
>And whats up with doing the first move, what is it, and how do I do it?
If you're not socially inept, I feel like this happens automatically most of the time. You know, in the sense of flirting back and forth, or something like that. Ask her on a date when this happens.
>Here is a picture of me
Literally what the fuck? Keep your clothes on idiot.
meet* not mean lol
This is honestly the saddest post I've seen in a while.
Op, promise me now, while you're still naive, that you won't a become bitter womanhating incel of the years.
Thanks for the tips.
>I dont understand signs that someone might be interested in me, I usually assume every girl dislikes me.
I know that feel bro. That's really the mindset you have to get out of because it just makes you rationalize and think yourself out of it when a girl does actually show signs. gives a lot of good advice.
My question: have you ever actually asked a girl out?
I'll try not to become an incel :)
Learn to recognize when a girl is interested in you and when you see the opportunity FUCKING STRIKE.
For most guys, these opportunities are just once in a while make sure that you don't miss them.
I can't tell you how much I regret not making a move when a girl was clearly into me and I was too much of a coward to do anything.
No, I havent. I'm afraid of rejection and embarrassment. Where would I ask a girl out to?
How are you going to get better at this if you never ask anyone?
No homo but you are quite attractive
Go out, interact with women, and learn. You can't read a forum post and avoid making mistakes with girls. That's not how it works. You gotta try and learn first-hand.
>Where would I ask a girl out to?
Doesn't really matter. It's mostly about getting to know each other. You could do something crazy, give her the best first date of her life, but a coffee date or a walk in the park will do the job too.
That is, if you two click well.
Is it weird to want a girlfriend?
It's not weird, but at the same time it's also not the right mindset to be in. I found that the best way to get a girlfriend is to simply be motivated to meet people and ask cute girls out on dates. You aren't going on these dates with the specific plan to make her your girlfriend though. These dates are with the purpose of having a good time with her and seeing if the possibility for another date is there. If so, she will become your girlfriend after a few months of dating.
Bottom line, don't search for a girlfriend. Search for cool, attractive girls and ask them out. Then once you are dating you just ''go with the flow'' and let things happen when they happen.
I'd suck your dick
As long as the balls don't touch it's not gay.
Well, bad news and good news.
You are going to get rejected. It might not even be with the first couple of girls you ask out, but it will happen eventually. No matter how many "signs" people tell you and you internalize, you are going to make some false positives at some points in your life. And, at least the first couple of rejections will probably feel embarrassing. You might feel like an idiot for putting yourself out there and acting when you weren't certain.
But it's not the end of the world. Once you get rejected, you learn how to deal with it, and once you know how to deal with it, it won't get you down. For me I would even say getting rejected has increased my confidence, because I've stopped making such a big deal out of the possibility of it. And like said, the where isn't all that important as long as it's something that involves the two of you interacting. The only bad first date I can think of is a movie date because it's just the two of you sitting silently staring at a screen. Think of a first date as two people who find each other mutually attractive trying to see if their basic personalities go well together.
Thanks for the advice!
Can anyone give me the basics to recognising that a girl is interested in/attracted to me?
You're okay OP just stop overthinking things and don't assume you're unlikeable
Just be a you that you like and other people will too
>Can anyone give me
No, that's not how social interaction works. The "tricks" about mirroring, touching her hair, etc. are crap. All that matters is that she tries to spend time with you and doesn't avoid your touch. But that only means she could be interested, not that she is.
Why shouldn't I look specifically for a gf?
Because there are more important things you should be focusing on.
if your mind is focus just on the outcome of getting a girlfriend, then you will settle for anybody whether they're actually good for you or not.
This is the reason most relationships fail.
You need to accept that you can't just figure this out and never make a mistake, forever. Human interaction is chaotic and messy, that's just it is. Learn to deal with it. Learn to take a risk. Learn to try again even if you fail.
Girls won't date you if you are desperate for a GF. If you go on 1 date and you already have the purpose to make her your girlfriend, she will back away from you. None wants to date you if you put this kind of pressure on them.
What if I feel lonely right now and I don't care about the future?
"Single" is not "lonely". If you feel lonely, a GF won't fix it.
Well if you feel lonely, that's exactly why you go out and engage in social situations with your fellow humans.
What if no one wants to go out with me?
Do you have friends?
Go places where people will be and make friends
I have, but i see them once every 2 or 3 weeks, they are busy and so am I
Then how would you date? You don't have the time!
Try hanghing out with your friends more often, Set shit up, don't wait for them to call you.
Idk, I kinda don't get your advice user. I just want to ask this girl out. We have a lot of common interests and she seems to have a nice personality. She is pretty average looking while I get rated a bit above average. So I want to get to know her FIRST and then ask her out if I like her. Why shouldn't I do this?
>Why shouldn't I do this?
I don't get your problem. Are you still OP?
Ifyou know this girl and there's something in there, ask her out! Why not?
But you don't even have time to hang out with friends and you make it sound like you like a girl, but you don't know her, so yeah, don't ask a stranger out.
I don't know her, but what if I want to get to know her.
Asking her out is not the way. Where do you see her?
Well... I just kind of stumbled on her while I was stalking random girls on fb(pic unrelated, I'm being real btw)
Yeah, get a life. I'm being real too. You know what you are doing is sad, so leave your home more often and get real hobbies. I don't know what else you expect to hear as advice.
Jesus Christ this gets worse and worse
so, texting girls Is weird and wrong? sorry grandpa, but I think you forgot to sip that monster ultra.
>texting girls Is weird and wrong?
Out of the blue? To ask them out? Yes it is. Modern man still meets people in the real world, still has social shit to do.
If all your friends are just a computer screen, well, that only speaks about your laziness. And probably cowardize.
He is not OP, people have hijacked this thread.
Did I ever mention that I wanted to ask her out without getting to know her first?
This dude aint OP, a real loser is he
YOu don't know her, so anything you do to approach her is clearly aimed at dating. Women can tell.
Soo? What if she likes me?
She doesn't know you, she doesn't like you. Add to that the fact that you need to go hunting for strangers because the girls that do know you are not attracted to you, and you get why I think you are going to bother her.
Go ahead, do it. I'll see you tomorrow when you complain about ghosting. Then, a few years down the line when you are not a teen anymore (my bet is that you are 15 right now) you'll look back at this and see how stupid you sound.
Good luck!
What do if I don't know any girls?
Befriend shy girls. I have noticed that they are rarely mentioned on these threads. If you see a girl with her head down, or someone who is nervous while speaking, they are most likely lonely and will welcome friendship after the general getting-to-know each other phase, which will be longer with insecure girls. But once you have established a friendship with one, a relationship could be more likely. My opinion is that making a friendship first makes relationships more likely. Also since you have no yet had a kiss, being with someone who is gentle in personality will make it easier. Unless you want a highly sexual woman, they enjoy virgins, it is fun for them to deflower them. But the possibility for heart break and emotional instability is higher, and seeing that you have depression, maybe you should avoid that.
OP here, thanks for the tip, but some nibba has hijacked my thread
>Grandpa gets mad cuz it ain't like the old days anymore
>Grandpa thinks that people don't get to know each other via social media in 2018, fucking 2018
Ok, good luck dating in today's age. My guess is that you are over 30?
Start by going out more.
I hope you enjoy dating this girl. You sound like asmart young man and I'm sure girls don't run the other direction when you walk by. Your dating life will be a great one!
I go out a bunch but none of my activities include interacting with girls. Do I have to go out drinking?
>Do I have to go out drinking?
No, as long as you get to interact with girls your chances of dating will be bigger than now (0%)
>I'm sure girls don't run the other direction when you walk by.
They don't run in the other direction and they don't come flocking to me either, because I am simply not interested in them, so they are not interested in me either. Why would I want date a normie,generic girl? I want someone who shares at least some interests
Like I said, it's a psychological thing. For both sides.
For you; you wont get a girlfriend right off the bat. It will be disappointing. You will be let down day after day, making no progress in finding what you seek. This will not help you progress.
However, if you seek to meet people in general instead, THAT's something you can actually do reliably. Meet cool guys, cool girls, make progress. Progress = fun.
And for girls, idunno how, but they SENSE that shit. Once I stopped looking for a girlfriend, is when I met my girlfriend. That it works for me won't mean it will for you, but I actually hear this a lot.
Well I'd still have to ditch the boys and go do some other stuff to find girls. Sounds kind of desperate. I guess I'm staying single and pure.
Don't mention you're a kissless virgin
Get past the kissing and fucking stage
>Well I'd still have to ditch the boys and go do some other stuff to find girls.
If your only hobbies are meeting the same dudes over and over again, then yeah. If you had a job or studied you would meet new people and meet more girls. You can also try Tinder if you are so lazy.
Op here, thanks for the tip, but I dont think anyone would match me. And I have no idea how to sex.
I do have a IT job befitting my sperglord tendencies. The women there are married and I don't know what kind of job you have that constantly puts you near women in a casual setting.
I'm only asking because my folks are telling me that 27 is too old to not have dated. I guess they'll give up soon enough.
>I don't know what kind of job you have that constantly puts you near women in a casual setting.
Yeah, no. You hang out with the poeple from your job and that helps you meet new people. That's the point. Go out.
The dudes are from the job and we're all pretty much the same. Everyone else seems to have kids, they don't do shit outside of changing diapers every now and then.
I'm fine as it stands, seems like a big undertaking for a mere possibility. It just makes me a bit confused because people make it sound like this stuff just happens as you go through life. I guess it does, but only if you have a specific kind of life.
>I guess it does, but only if you have a specific kind of life.
Well, social stuff happens to social people, yes. Do you ever call your frineds to hang out or do you wait until they call you?
If nobody ever calls you to go out, they will never go out with you, even if you call them
So, you are saying "No, I don't call my friends", but you are saying it like a bitch.
Sure I do, but if I ask them to go out for dinner, running, playing tennis or whatever it never includes strangers outside of some small talk. I do live in Northern Europe so I don't know if it is a cultural strain of autism, but it's not like no one gets married anymore.
That's cause your hobbies don't include new people! I host boardgame meetings at my home. We always get new people. I also roleplay, same thing. Yes, there aren't many single girls in these hobbies, but at least I expand my social circles. THen I get invited to birthdays, concerts, and other shit because people like to hang out.
I'm not the most social person either, as I said, the most organizing is do is at my home. But it's more than nothing, man. If you do nothing, don't complain when you get nothing.
That much is obvious, really. I wouldn't even be opposed to finding some new hobbies and people but something like seems to be nothing but Pajeets in my area. I guess I'll try to look for events somewhere else.
Thanks anyways.
Those kind of things only work in america
South America bitch.
>I wouldn't even be opposed to finding some new hobbies and people but something like
Yeah, leave the couch more often. Every problem can't be solved online.
Do people there just plaster their ads on your village's bulletin board? Get real, man. Everything has an event listing nowadays somewhere on the internet, mostly facebook.
Idk how this society is so inept far from a chad, infact i was on/off chubby through h.s. from 2005-2009 yet lost my vcard at 15. Had a 2 year relationship in H.S., and another one at that the tail end that become a 7 year one, and countless dating/up to 3rd base hook ups... in all seriousness is this a new social issue, are people more retarted now than before?
Oh, man, you've never benn over here? We have fucking cities! They got built last year.
But no, I usually get invited during one meeting for the next. I don't use social media at all. The most online interation I get with people I know is a couple texts. I only hang out with stranger online. There's no point in spending my online itme iwth people I see all the time anyway.
Yes, that's the thing. If you only had a group of loners, where would you start?
>where would you start?
hobbie shops, in my case, because that's where you play the games I enjoy.
Volunteer and classes are good catch all options. Anything else comes down to your likes and dislikes.
...And I would start by going online to find where those things happen. I honestly envy you if asking people down the street for a board gaming store or volunteering positions gets anything but the laughs.
I'll be heading ~outdoors~ now, this has been a great discussion.
Looking up the adress of a shop is not the same as going to, man. Just the fact that you know what you want is different from randomly scrolling through posts.
>I honestly envy you if asking people down the street for a board gaming store or volunteering positions gets anything but the laughs.
Yeah, that was my mistake. I forgot you had no one to talk to, so you can only imagine asking strangers. But even then. I see classes and shit just by walking down the street. Walk into any music store and you'll see information for music classes, ensembles and shit.
I kinda assumed you had interests in your life that would allow for a more focused search.
what. the. fuck.
you arent bf and gf until a few months of dating? i always thot that once you kiss ur bf and gf, which i usually go for on 2nd or 3rd date.
Go to
It's not a dating site, is a website where hundreds of groups in any city post activities they do. Find one's you like, or you simply wanna try. I tried random ones and found one that is fucking amazing. Anyone is allowed to join in.
Dude, people date around. A kiss is not binding. Usually, BF/GF situation implies exclusivity, which you can't expect by the third date.
what type of fucking asshole kisses someone and goes on another day and kisses them too, i really cant tell if you're just a psychopath or what. Kissing should always mean dating.
>Kissing should always mean dating.
Let's talk again when you are not 15 anymore.
im 23, and i've even had this convo with friends before. I dont have much experience dating, and i was told pretty much its confirmed when you kiss.
Stalking girls and sending them a message out of the blue without knowing them is weird. u ok hun?
how do I get a gf then? all girls I know consider me unnatractive
I'm in a similar situation except I have anxiety instead of depression and I'm 10 years older
currently I'm at a Starbucks on the advice of my dad (who also has anxiety and more issues than I do), just kind of hanging out, getting a feel of the place
I've been trying to do on-line dating for a while but so far no one's messages me back
any advice for me? please?
that's bullshit, I never was looking for a girlfriend until recently (late 20s) and I only ever had one girl approach me and I'm pretty sure it was on a dare or something (it was in high school-- a black high school, and I'm white-- and she was rubbing on my chair and shit acting all thirsty)
>i always thot that once you kiss ur bf and gf,
Lol. I don't know where you live but generally speaking, in the western world, this is bullshit.
Have you ever been in a nightclub? People there make out with random strangers all the time. Have you ever made out with a girl on a first date? I know i have and most of the time we were nowhere close to a relationship. I have meet a girl on tinder once and we meet up 1 day later to go for a walk in the park. We made out before i headed back home and we ghosted each other after the date lmao. Never heard from her again and i never texted her anymore either.
So no, kissing does absolutely not mean you are in a relationship. You are in a relationship once you and the other person have verbally agreed upon becoming exclusive. This usually happens after you've been dating for a few months. Chances are you have already slept with this person multiples times by the time you become exclusive.
Call me a manwhore, basic-bitch or whatever. But that's the way it works.
not that guy but I just tried that and all it has is stuff in and around Detroit, and I'm two counties away from there
ah, I found the "Browse cities" link at the bottom
Lower your standards
even the out of shape, ugly ones wouldn't consider dating me. I am a 6/10 lookswise, but my personality Is 2/10 because I have depression and anxiety/social anxiety
Then how about you fix yourself up before even entertaining the idea of a girlfriend. A relationship in your current shape is bound to end in ruins then.
I don't know how to fix my depression. Should I see a therapist?