Is there any site like Jow Forums but for "normies"?
I really like the format but I've outgrown the weird shit and get really pissed off at all the incels, weebs and alt-righters on here
Is there any site like Jow Forums but for "normies"?
I really like the format but I've outgrown the weird shit and get really pissed off at all the incels, weebs and alt-righters on here
Plebbit is probably the strongest competitor, but any big subreddit is gonna have a really nasty culture. Goodbye satanposter.
Jow Forums
/soc/ is basically just /sex/. And Facebook/Reddit have no anonymity. Though FB shitposting groups and some smaller subreddits are fun.
Basically I want an anti-Jow Forums. Like a general discussion board but for people who don't whine every time sex is mentioned and aren't extreme racists and sexists.
satan poster begone
Whats a satan poster?
I guess Reddit. If you want anonymity a la Jow Forums you can use one account per thread/day/subreddit or whatever but keep in mind some subreddits require x days of membership/posts. You don't need an email for an account and I also think VPN/Tor works. You can sort threads by New instead of Best if you want linear view to make it more like Jow Forums, probably some setting to make it default.
Anywhere else. Be gone
You haven't been here long, have you
I've been here since 2010 you fucking nonce
Sorry that I have an actual life and cant keep up with the new fangled slang you nerds have invented in the past few years
Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, whisper
Pick one
The op post number ends with 666
Thanks user
There's no such thing. Anonymity is what attracted the incels, weebs and alt-righters here in the first place. You can't have this format without the cancer that comes with it, without dogshit crazy moderation that's bound to make the site unusable.
True but I think years ago the site used to be more tolerable. Its never been "normie" and always un-PC but it used to be in a humorous way. 2014-2016 really changed Jow Forums. That was when genuinely fucked up incels started to congregate, and then obviously Trump attracted swathes of fucking imbeciles who never posted here before but came because "its le alt-right troll site :^)"
wanna know how I know you've been here since Yesterday?
I've been hunting around for a similar site for years, but haven't come up with anything that captures the spirit of pre-2012 Jow Forums. Part of that might just be that I'm a grown-ass man now and not an edgy/insecure teenager anymore, but I do agree that things have generally become worse all-over around here.
The best I've found have been Discord servers for oldfags/communities I'm into. It's not the same experience as Jow Forums, but people are more consistently pleasant and entertaining to interact with.
Hmmm sounds oddly like the 1st Amendment
>That was when genuinely fucked up incels started to congregate, and then obviously Trump attracted swathes of fucking imbeciles who never posted here before but came because "its le alt-right troll site :^)"
Everyone uses the internet now.
Those original people always were like this, and they were loud, but now there are more of them, and now they have more people to talk to, which multiplies their voices as conversations flourish.
This is evolution of ideas through force of will and memeability. If your stupid ideas could be shared and garner as much attention they'd be competitive. Otherwise you could get a VPN and IP spoofer, could code a bot machine and forcibly change the culture. You aren't willing to do either of these things, and so you are starved out and replaced by stronger posters.
real life
also most of us will battle with cancer one day, so theres no sense living in fear or getting pissed off at God like “why did you give my board cancer?!”
>without dogshit crazy moderation that's bound to make the site unusable.
I'll take literally moderation at all at this point
Try suicide you retard
Normies don't have the need to hide behind anonymity.
Reddit is a good middle ground, but it's not full-blown normie you still get retards from Jow Forums on there and also the general population of reddit is still very much a "banzinga pickle rick epic bacon ftw" crowd.
>Otherwise you could get a VPN and IP spoofer, could code a bot machine and forcibly change the culture. You aren't willing to do either of these things, and so you are starved out and replaced by stronger posters.
some of us only come here to relax and have fun and don't take this vietnamese basket-weaving poetry collection so seriously.
>. Anonymity is what attracted the incels, weebs and alt-righters here in the first place.
It took 10 years for them to show up here and shit on the carpet, minus the weebs which was the original purpose of the site so don't lump them in with those other retards that ruin everything.
>That fucking image
This is why I never take anyone seriously who peddles alt-right shit on Jow Forums. The majority of the time they're guaranteed to be a Reddit bandwagoner
if you're here you're not a normie
pretending to be an oldfag proves you're a newfag
You are correct, but this is not a problem that exclusively affects Jow Forums. The world is going insane
It's called reddit satan, now fuck off
Reddit isn't normal, they are "special" (see any meetup photo). Facebook is a bit weird too, normal people avoid posting there.
I can't think of anything general right now but there's experience boards, which is mostly normal people talking about life. There's student forums, finance forums etc. There's also photo sites. Some games work too.
Nothing great though, people with normal lives are too absorbed with real life.
>wanting to be normal
Jow Forums is actually the most "normie" imageboard out there. It's just that everyone on here pretends that it's a secret place to make themselves feel special.
not anymore. maybe back when then written unwritten rules were followed.
Reddit get out.
That was actually more or less on everyone's mind on Jow Forums until the frogposters didn't regonize irony and took over and started taking their autism seriously.
Look into an app called whisper it should be a but more normie,
This, it was nice around here when everyone was ribbing each other for being fucking losers instead of justifying it
>some of us only come here to relax and have fun and don't take this vietnamese basket-weaving poetry collection so seriously.
And some of us do, you fucking normie.
>instead of justifying it
Hell it's worse now, being an autistic retard loser is a badge of honor and any "normies" need to be chased off the board cause muh safe frogposting space.
Early Jow Forums, hell even the first iteration of Jow Forums was people just talking about funny shit that happened to them or saw happen to other people and self-deprecating humor at most like
>trying to impress girls at gym
>squat more than usual
>accidentally fart really loudly
>they all giggle, trying tno to just point and laugh at me
>never go back to that gym even though I paid for a years membership
and now it's like
>I saw some ROASTIES at school (I'm 18 btw don't ban) that were TEXTING on their CELL PHONES and so I walked up to them and farted as loudly as I could and even poopooed in my pants! KEK! TAKE THAT ROASTIES! #MGTOW
You're on the advice board, not reddit or r9k, what are you doing here REEEEing about normies? Do you go around handing out advice on how to be the biggest fucking internet retard possible?
I wonder how the average frogposter would respond to bachelor frog
I still think feels era Jow Forums was the best. We were all sad fucks complaining about the world, but we weren't bitter and hateful about it. We didn't despise the normalfags but we didn't envy them either, we just knew things were a little different for us.
Man that's just the internet in general these days.
Those tech barriers actually kept the riff-raff away.
Anything pre-2012 is considered "reddit". They probably literally think it comes from reddit.
Hell, most of them don't know who Lowtax is. I'm almost sure that they're forgeting who moot is and probably think jmoot is just a weird spelling.
The problem us that the out society has become extremely politically fragmented and people want to cling to political identities like they're religions.
This isn't a Jow Forums exclusive problem, but Jow Forums is an edgier website due to the anonymous system so those types are attracted