Is it possible for an ugly ethnic male to get a white gf?

is it possible for an ugly ethnic male to get a white gf?

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because i want a white gf and I am an ugly ethnic man

You are filth OP. Kill yourself

yeah, that's what I thought.

It’s possible for anyone to get a girl of any race

its over

you mean....BLACK?

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how do i do it then?

Generic answer but look good and have confidence.

i cant look good if i'm ugly

Go for a SJW who wants to show how progressive she is

Sounds like you need to get Jow Forums asap

Being ethnic puts you at a disadvantage already but being ugly pretty much confirms a hard no.

at least your honest

If bolivia user could...

Yes, however if you are unattractive yourself, and your personality isn't that wonderful either, and you are not rich, you won't land a gf like the girl you posted in the OP but more like pic related

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I think that kind of woman would prefer a guy named Cletus.

The real answer is money or success

well said. too bad the rules are:
1. Be attractive
2. Don't be unattractive

no not possibly. white women hate ethniks for the most part

Why do you specifically want a white woman?

i want a white woman because they are the most attractive women

Most men want to fuck supermodels. Doesn't mean it's going to happen. You'll have a better chance if you stick to your own race. There's attractive black girls too.

litteral beta advice.

Not OP or particularly ugly but I grew up around whites, had white friends, have white coworkers, dont really speak my ethnic tongue, have white fellow students, and was never a part of my ethnic community.

I don't particularly care for women of the same ethnicity as mine as a result.


No it is not possible.

If you do by chance it will be the lowest of the low and it will always be a reminder that she couldn't get her own men so she had to stoop so low and you were beyond the bottom of her choice.

Sure, but if you're ugly yourself then don't expect and attractive one

>Is it possible
Yes. Most women don't really care about race unless they're culturally taught to and, well, the less racist societies are the occidental ones (or rather the only ones where racism is seen as an issue) so a lot of white women won't just reject you for being ethnic.

That being said, you shouldn't want to be specifically with a white girl and that's not healthy. It's not natural to be exclusively attracted to people who are not from your own race. And it's not a goot thing. Also race-mixing sucks ass so you should un-jew yourself and stick to your own kind.

Yes, if you settle for an ugly one

If you care that much about the ethnicity I suggest you address your personal problems first. Of fucking course you can date a white woman. They range from absolute cave trolls to beautiful supermodel, like every single race of people on the planet. Get over your race issues man. Date whoever is attractive to you, but I can just tell you right now, white woman on average are no more beautiful than any other race. You learn how ignorant that perception is when you work in retail or service industry.

>white woman on average are no more beautiful than any other race

Found the other non white in the thread.

It's objectively true that white women on average are the most beautiful in the world and have the best facial features.

There is no such thing as objective beauty. People are naturally more attracted to people of their own race.



lmao white people are the most attractive race. Every other race tries to look white with skin bleaching, plastic surgery, makeup, etc

This, everyone pretends there's only rule 1.
If you cant fulfill rule 1 then you better do your damndest to not break rule 2

It depends if youre talking about the nordic people but I digress. Apparently isrish people arent white? I also herd italians arent white...

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>clears throat
thats nice stacy

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>You'll have a better chance if you stick to your own race

But mad white nationalist detected

They're usually retarded and but ass ugly, beasts of burden if you will. However you cant deny every white kid was taught a little bit of racism growing up, usually its towards blacks. If a white man hates an asian, they always blame it on chinese people, but its not like they can tell the difference.

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>That being said, you shouldn't want to be specifically with a white girl and that's not healthy.

Most ethnic women treat their men like shit and have been willingly sucking white dick for years. Cut it out.

>its not natural to be exclusively attracted to people who are not from your own race.

Appeal to nature. Not an argument. Your logic falls apart when you consider what "race" really is. Why would an Ethiopian black be obligated to find a west African gorilla face attractive. Are jews obligated to breed with Germans? Do mestizos actually have a race? Iberian 'whites' and Brite?
Or are you drawing arbitrary borders from an americentric view of race to protect your own sexual insecurities?

>and it's not a goot thing.

>Also race-mixing sucks ass so you should un-jew yourself and stick to your own kind.


OP if you're ugly that's bad. If you want a white girl that's fine. Stop being ugly.

Just remind yourself that the same white boys saying stick to your own are the same white boys who sexpat to China and Thailand for Asian girls.

Have fun!

Everybody knows your average western woman is a temple of doom

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Honestly whites dont like racemixing with blacks and pajeets so good luck with that. Idk some like asians??? Who cares

Get a white passing Arab or Latina

pic is you OP, keep trying pajeet dont give up

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you will always stay a virgin redditcel

This was your ideal human in ancient times, it still is now. Looks more arab than brown though.

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Could easily be light skinned black desu

>Most ethnic women treat their men like shit and have been willingly sucking white dick for years. Cut it out.
No they don't. You spend too much time on the internet.

>Or are you drawing arbitrary borders from an americentric view of race to protect your own sexual insecurities?
You have no idea what races are, do you? Maybe you should read a little about it before saying nonsensical things. There are five human races. Caucasoids, Congoids, Mongoloids, Capoids, and Australoids.
People are naturally more attracted to people of their own race or who display traits reminding of their own race.
Of course it is also valable to a lesser extent for sub-races/ethnicities so yeah, to take your own example, like you said, an ethiopian is gonna be more likely to be attracted to ethiopians than to other congoids.

Races have been stable for hundred thousand years and basically yeah, things change sometimes and that's my fucking point : we've seen in the past 50 years th massive change that multiculturalism constitutes and we've seen how shitty and unbearable it was for everyone (except for the lefty white liberals who live among themselves and haven't witnessed the consequences of it first-hand).

>Just remind yourself that the same white boys saying stick to your own are the same white boys who sexpat to China and Thailand for Asian girls.
Nope. I'm a white man and I would never date outside my race.

im black

What the fuck is an ethnic person? Everyone has their own ethnicity and is ethnic in their own boundaries. Fuck off with your garbage terminology and call yourself brow/black/non-white/People of "Color."

You would never date outside of your race because whites are the most attractive race. If you were an ethnic you'd want to date white women because they are more attractive than your race of women.

No. If I were an ethnic and I hadn't been brainwashed by the jews I would be more attracted to women of my own race because that's how things are by default.

lmao sure

>Fuck off with your garbage terminology and call yourself People of Color

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That's the reality of it. Women of your race are not any less good, you've just been brainwashed by the kike media into believing white women were superior, just like you've been brainwashed by the kike racebait shillers online into believing women of your race are not worthy of you because they're whores for white cock.

the only ethnic women that are attractive are the ones with white features and those ethnic women date white men

None of these two affirmations are actually true.

That's why "color" is in quotation marks.

post a pic of an attractive ethnic women without white facial features

What's up with this obsession of white women?

>Races have been stable for hundred thousand years and basically yeah, things change sometimes and that's my fucking point

They really weren't.


Monocultural multiracial societies is a thing. Maybe you should actually encourage people to integrate and assimilate into a new culture instead of shoving them into retarded groups and causing unnecessary violence.

>People are naturally more attracted to people of their own race or who display traits reminding of their own race.

Again, not every group has solid boundaries as you think. By your logic an Ethiopian would be an effective pair with an Arab or any "whites" in the Mediterranean are compatible with North Africans. You're going to get triggered and go on a purity IQ rant reading this anyways.

>by default

Please explain what "default" is. You're defining "default" as some mystical ethnic homeland that in the grand scheme of things never fucking happened. Lighter skinned foreigners made India what it is today. Asians migrated to the America's and that's what became the natives. What you're seeing now is more migration and population change, adapt or die.

The mixed heritage individuals in North and South America should "default" to individuals just like them, or should they just not exist in the first place cause MUH RACE MIXIN IS JEWERY.

>Nope. I'm a white man and I would never date outside my race

Good for you.

Neither of you deserve to breed

Right, and kike Media is brainwashing white women to fuck blacks, Indians to rape white women, and white men to lord over pretty much every ethnic group. Even when jews themselves date and marry outside their group more than everyone else.

Media is powerful but you overestimate its power. Corporations invest billions and billions into advertising and film. These organizations would not waste money by putting out things for people to consume if they knew people wouldn't respond positively to it.

This is the flaw in the brainwashing media logic. Media only gets consumed and promoted if the core audience, already and at some level, can relate and resonate to what is being displayed. If I see an advertisement for cereal and it's two gay dudes eating cereal why the fuck would i care? It doesn't speak to me.

Any interracial couple you see in the media is reaching out to the core audience who at some level care and identify with that shit.

You think evil jews sit in a dark room and go "how will we racemix America today?" in Hollywood and use this fantasy as a prop against your own sexual insecurities.

I don't have these kind of pics. Besides, I'm white myself so I'm biased towards finding white traits attractive.

>They really weren't.
Yes they were, otherwise there wouldn't be different races out there with such obviously distinct features.

>Monocultural multiracial societies is a thing.
No they're not. That would be against all human instincts which is why it never happened throughout History. Every time two peoples have lived on the same territory one of them ended up disappearing.

>Again, not every group has solid boundaries as you think.
Yes there are. Go educate yourself about genetics please.

>By your logic an Ethiopian would be an effective pair with an Arab or any "whites" in the Mediterranean are compatible with North Africans. You're going to get triggered and go on a purity IQ rant reading this anyways.
No. Reread my post :
>Of course it is also valable to a lesser extent for sub-races/ethnicities

>Please explain what "default" is. You're defining "default" as some mystical ethnic homeland that in the grand scheme of things never fucking happened.
No I'm not? When I say " that's how things were by default" I meant that OP would have been more attracted to women of his own kind if (((they))) hadn't made him culturally biased against them.

>The mixed heritage individuals in North and South America should "default" to individuals just like them, or should they just not exist in the first place cause MUH RACE MIXIN IS JEWERY.
Both. It is still more likely they will be attracted towards either another person with the same race mix or towards someone from one of the two races they are from themself.

>jews themselves date and marry outside their group more than everyone else.

Jewde. You're not fooling anyone. Really.

Can you explain to me why people exposed the jewish plan 100 years ago and what they described is exactly what's happening right now?

Can you name me one non-jewish interracial porn producer?

>Every time two peoples have lived on the same territory one of them ended up disappearing.

Or both when the offspring are a new race.

> Go educate yourself about genetics please.

You need to educate yourself on genetics. Every group and tribe you consider "original" is a mix of a whole bunch of different shit on the scale of many years. It's happening today at a faster rate cause globalization.

> (((they))) hadn't made him culturally biased against

Scapegoating jews gets you nowhere.

>Can you name me one non-jewish interracial porn producer?

Ya this guy

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>Or both when the offspring are a new race.
First that makes no sense genetically, second this has literally never happened.

>Every group and tribe you consider "original" is a mix of a whole bunch of different shit on the scale of many years. It's happening today at a faster rate cause globalization.
>Claims the hundred-thousand year evolution process is now happening over the course of 50 years because of globalization
>Thinks I'm the one who should educate myself on genetics

>Claims the hundred-thousand year evolution process is now happening over the course of 50 years because of globalization
>Thinks I'm the one who should educate myself on genetics

>people being able to fly across the globe at the drop of a hat isnt going to accelerate demographic change

Whew lad

>about ten thousand years ago there were at least four major populations in West Eurasia — the farmers of the Fertile Crescent, the farmers of Iran, the hunter-gatherers of central and western Europe, and the hunter-gatherers of eastern Europe. All these populations differed from one another as much as Europeans differ from East Asians today. Scholars interested in trying to create ancestry-based racial classifications, had they lived ten thousand years ago, would have categorized these groups as "races," even though none of these groups survives in unmixed form today.

>David Reich, Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2018, p.146

Wheeeeewwwwwwww lad

Post your face and I will give you your chances, am female

DESU you could be ugly as fuck and there will be some girl who thinks you are a great dude, she will associate your face with all the positive emotions about you she has, assuming you arent a total shithead

back when oxytocin was more common, this might have been true.


i dont want to post my face on Jow Forums

It's a pretty slow board, no one will recognise you and no one here is degenerate enough to save your picture.

Unless you're really sexy (then I'll save it).


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Preach it user

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Lol look at this handsome Arab. Im not gay by any means but id totally let him fuck my ass. And you think white girls are saying no to this??

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>people being able to fly across the globe at the drop of a hat isnt going to accelerate demographic change

>confuses evolution for demographic change

Whew lad

Try and be more subtle with the racebait kikeshill. You just sound pathetic.

As long as she doesn't have to be eastern European (who have harsh social misgivings about multi-racial pairs) it's possible. Doesn't matter if you're ugly, become somewhat well-off financially and then go find an American white mutt woman.

Having white/light skinned children improves their chances in life significantly. Having offspring with females higher up the food chain means your progeny has a better chance at survival.

>have kid with black woman
>*15 years later*
>it joins a gang and gets shot

>having white/light skinned children improves their chances in life significantly. Having offspring with females higher up the food chain means your progeny has a better chance at survival.

Nobody in the US actually has this cultural baggage. Most darker dudes like light skinned girls cause it's sexy and exotic much like pale white dudes like fucking tan and darker women.

Most dark dudes I know actually don't want lighter skinned kids, they just want a hot spouse that won't beat the shit out of them or grow a mustache and cop an attitude when it's time to do fucked up sex (black and Indian girls are PRUDES with their men)

The ones obsessed with actually BEING lighter skinned in some way are the women. They actually are insecure. The men just want something to fuck and enjoy a high quality of life with

>not accepting that Mulattoes and Arab rape babies are the future

Lol nope the majority of people are not keen on dating outside their race, you have to be a proper attractive minority for white women to want you (purely on looks)

>Hello sexy lady, my name is Cletus Ramanujan.

Easy fix.

Guess I'm part of that top % I get white girls all the time


Sure it is possible

I'm not attracted to whites and they throw their loose pussy at me, they all look plain to me. My thing is latina or middle eastern.

This desu

Western euros suck

Meds Greeks Arabs and Arab looking jews are goat

Might just be that I live in a cuck city, but I see an insane amount of black men going out with white women. It can’t be that hard OP

OP said he was ethnic, not black.

Black and white men are the only ones who can pull off dating across racial lines with success. Maybe some of the whiter looking Latinos and Arabs.

Indian men and Asian men get shat on

Maybe in the next life we'll roll luckier.

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There are two factors that are important here, attractiveness and intelligence. It’s worth noting that both of them compliment each other at times. With that being said, if you are an ethnic minority there is a statistically lower chance that you are both attractive and intelligence (see IQ studies) however, this is measuring IQ on average. People seem to forget that there are still a cluster of people from a studied sample that are above the median IQ in any given race. The big factor to remember is that it’s about the average number. On average there is a higher concentration of individuals with lower IQs than the Ashkenazi jew and the White European races. It’s quite a progressive conjecture, but you can in someways be equal to whites in intelligence and behavior if you are one of the lucky few to have a higher than normal IQ than your ethnic group. The main thing that causes alienation in multiculturalist socities is behavior and intelligence, I don’t personally believe that it has anything to do with skin color. You need to eradicate the stereotyped and frowned upon behaviors of your people and your culture as they historically speaking, have never created anything of much value. The only reason that whites will still have the upper hand if they had the same triple digit IQ as you is because social constructs have given them better opportunities.

Tl;dr just act white and basically be white in everything but skin color and you will find someone that is equal and that will love you for who you are. This is basically impossible to do if you really do have low intelligence. If you have a low intelligence then you will likely attract the same person or you should not even breed at all according to Darwin.