Why is teaching chastity and sex in the confines considered not sex-positive? Why is sex being treated as some fun activity you can do with just any one sex-positive?
Why is teaching chastity and sex in the confines considered not sex-positive...
Because people don't like feeling they're judged (particularly women) so they attack opinions other than their own to delegitimize them.
because feminism and progressives desu.
You will understand one day when you turn 18.
All I thought about when watching this movie was like damn I wish I lived in the 40's when I could literally wife a cute girl through the mail and as long as I don't treat her like shit she'll be into me.
Because telling people not to have sex when they want to have sex is counterproductive and marriages is shit 90% of the time because the person you married either changes for the worse or reveals shit they purposefully hid from you that would have made you not marry them if you knew, so you become disgusted and don't want ever to have sex with that person anymore.
What did your wife do, user?!
He means why is it so “cool” now to go swap body fluids with random people you don’t know and trust? that’s promoted now in today’s society. Go have random hook ups. Go fuck strangers. “But don’t worry, you’re not responsible if you get pregnant or give someone an STD”
>He means why is it so “cool” now to go swap body fluids with random people you don’t know and trust?
I only swapped fluids with my 1 bf now turned husband. While he was not a random people I didn't know and trust I still did it before marriage because I didn't want to tie myself to someone who could have discarded the mask and turned out a rapist after getting me into the marriage trap. Divorce is expensive and takes way too much time, had he turned out a bad boyfriend I could just kicked him off my property without him having any saying about it or over my assets whatsoever. I don't know what you're talking about here, society didn't promote to me swapping fluids with random people I didn't know and trust, but it did promote to me not getting myself into the marriage trap letting a bad man get his disgusting hands on my property and I'm glad it did, fucking thieves should be necklaced.
Except being aware of risks, staying within your comfort zone, and erring on the side of caution with consent are HUGE aspects of sex positivity.
Well you sound like you made smart decisions, I’m not sure what country you’re from, but here in the US... random hook ups are encouraged. It’s sad desu.
Why are you so afraid of sex?
i’m no afraid of sex within relationships. But random hooks ups is fucking retarded, unhealthy, and risky
I see. Because you are afraid of sex, you conclude that those who so have it are retarded.
I waited until I was over 35 to lose my virginity and get married specifically because that's when I felt ready and I didn't want to do anything I wasn't 100% sure of, and while I'm not from the US my culture is the same as the US, in fact men from your culture have done nothing but bitch at me because "hurrrr bitch uppity feminist cunt how dare you not want to get married and shit out babies when you've not even built your life yet" and "enjoy ur cats" while the ladies that actually promoted choice one way or another RESPECTED my choice. Fuck you and go kill yourself, you toxic pieces of shit deserve to end up alone forever.
no, you’re retarded because you can’t read. I said I’m not afraid of sex within relationships but that random hook ups are retarded. Then you say “you’re afraid of sex”.
You’re a moron. Would you ever allow a stranger to borrow your car or credit card for the night? No because you don’t trust them. So why would you let a stranger use your BODY? Your fucking body.. think about that. No self respecting person would ever loan a total stranger important personal belongings. But apparently your body isn’t that important is it
So don't have random hookups.
>“But don’t worry, you’re not responsible if you get pregnant or give someone an STD”
prevention of STDs and pregnancy is treated with huge importance
“Go have lots of hook ups but wear condoms” condoms don’t 100% protect from STDs. I know several people who got STDs while using protection.
Sex isn't letting someone "use" your body. Sex is a mutual activity with mutual benefits/risks.
If people didn't trust the person they were having sex with, they wouldn't be having sex with them. It's just that peoples' thresholds for trust are different.
You forgot "make sure to get tested every year and between each partner"
>it isn’t letting someone else use your body.
That’s literally what a random hook up is.
>why would you let a stranger use your BODY?
I plan on having my organs donated to anyone who needs them for surgery after my death, come at me bro.
No wonder you're scared of sex.
that doesn’t mean they will disclose it to a random hook up. If it’s a ONS why should they even bother telling their hook up?
>in the confines
What the fuck do you mean with this phrase
No wonder you’re an idiot who can’t read
No because presuming that it's a consensual activity, you're enjoying each other. If it's not a consensual activity then you're not letting anyone do anything, they're doing it against your will, and they deserve to get locked up and have the key tossed away for that.
>if you're not full abstinence you're fucking different people everyday
Yes, a girl goes on tinder, meets some random guy from there she doesn’t know and rides his dick that night. She doesn’t know him, she’s just using him as a toy. That’s the whole point of random hook ups, for quick physical pleasure. But you don’t know if that person is diseased, you don’t know if that person is dangerous, you literally know nothing about them. If that girl gets pregnant by him, she’s fucked as a single mother, she may never be able to find him again. And not only is she fucked, but her kid will be even more fucked without a father. But apparently, these risks are worth 10 minutes of sex with a total stranger
You get tested to get treated, dumbass.
Sure you do. It's not like you would make shit up.
Why do you care so much what other people do with their lives?
Seems like a typical case of "my life is shit, so it's unfair that others are having fun".
I don't think any school actually teaches young people the philosophy of regular, impersonal sex. We had sex-ed classes in secondary school. I'm abstaining and waiting until marriage to have sex (I'm 23 and that hasn't changed). I thought sex-ed classes were still useful and didn't change my philosophy about sex at all (so there wasn't a "positive" vs "negative" aspect). Instead, they taught me about things I wouldn't even KNOW about sex; including learning about the most effective non-hormonal birth control. I wouldn't have known about that because in popular culture the hormonal pill is so often cited. Open discussion doesn't encourage casual sex, it just reduces ignorance.
You know people can talk to each other on tinder, right?
>If that girl gets pregnant by him
That's why promotion of safe sex and birth control is important! So that people don't get STDs and pregnancies they don't want no matter the status of their relationship. Too bad your kind does NOT promote that. Plus with pregnancy, at worst she can always abort. It's much worse if the girl is pressured into an early marriage she doesn't want or isn't sure of, then not only she can get passed an std by a bad husband and/or get pregnant by him when she doesn't want to be pregnant, society also expects her to be happy about it when she isn't and she can't just dump him and move away from him as easily as a non-marriage relationship. Depending on how property is divided she may not even be able to do that all without losing everything and becoming destitute and homeless. THAT is the absolute worst.
>what others are doing
others sure seem to care what everyone else is doing too. If you don’t believe in hooking up, you’re “lame”. Hypocrisy
>Condoms and Birth control!
Not 100% effective.
>just go abort!
wow, way to be a responsible human. “Oh I got pregnant by some random guy, so now i’m just going to have this fetus sucked out of me because I make bad decisions. This fetus can take one for the team”
people shouldn’t marry if they don’t feel ready. That’s common sense and it’s absolutely irresponsible to get married when you don’t want to. So fuck people who do that
>If you don’t believe in hooking up, you’re “lame”. Hypocrisy
The only thing that's lame is judging other people, whether it's for hooking up or not hooking up.
>Not 100% effective.
Neither is abstinence; you could always get raped. Best avoid going outside altogether.
kids are going to have sex with eachother in highschool no matter what you "teach" them. In school districts that only tell kids "don't have sex" the rates of sexually transmitted disease and teen pregnancy are the highest.
tldr: the best way to keep kids from getting diseases and from getting pregnant is to give them a comprehensive education on what sex is, how the reproductive system physically works, what sexually transmitted diseases are and how theyre transmitted, and what the different kinds of birth control are and how to use them and how to get access to them.
If you get raped and get pregnant, that wasn’t a choice you made. It’s a very unfortunate circumstance.
getting impregnated by a ONS is a girl (and the guy’s) fault. They are responsible for the consequences of their action. But in today’s world, we teach that people shouldn’t take responsibility and accountability of what they do. There is always a way out. This is what is killing our society
>we teach that people shouldn’t take responsibility and accountability of what they do
except we do. including teaching them that such precautions aren't 100%, and what their options are in the event of a failure.
so killing fetuses because the mother likes to have sex with random men is responsible?
If a girl is having sex, with perfect use of condoms AND birth control, but she's in the 2% of people who have the condom fail on them AND in the 1% of people who have the birth control fail on them, how is that her fault? That can happen regardless of whether you trust your partner or not.
>Not 100% effective
Depends on the method. If you're a christian that believes in bullshit like NFP or the rhythm method yeah, that shit is hilariously bad. But IUDs and other fire-and-forget methods are 99.9% effective, that's close enough. Only drawback is they're expensive to get at first.
STDs can be treated.
>wow, way to be a responsible human
Well you just said she is fucked as a single mother, and the kid will be even more fucked without a father, so looks like abortion unironically is the most responsible and humane thing to do. You've just said you hate fatherless kids and you don't want them around, and here you have a 100% efficient method that guarantees they won't be around, and you're bitching at that too? Just admit it already you just want people to suffer. What a disgusting hypocrite.
its more likely that he is angry that none of the women will have sex with him, and rather than blaming himself for his beta status, he is telling women they shouldn't be having sex at all.
Did you know that looking both ways before crossing the street is not 100% effective against being run over by a bus? You better not go outside at all and remain in the basement.
you seem to be very focussed on women here. were you raised by a single mother by any chance?
>2% of people who have the condom fail
Yes, prevents people you have stated to consider bad and undesirable from being born, solving the problem before it gets worse.
when you have sex even with using proper protection, the moment you decide to have sex you chose to accept the risk you could have a kid from that. Even with such a small margin of error, you knowingly still made the choice to have sex with this person and you could have a child with them. But by having the sex with a ONS, you may never see this person ever again. So whatever the outcome is, the mother is on her own and the child won’t have a father. However, if this happened within a relationship, the mother may actually have support from the father, and the child might actually have a dad.
If you look both ways and still get hit by a bus then that’s natural selection
>Even with such a small margin of error,
Like the margin of error when you leave the house knowing you could get raped by an AIDS ridden fertility god.
That’s a shitty comparison. When I leave the house, i’d not putting myself into positions to be raped. when two people have a ONS, they are directly putting themselves in the situation and actively participate in risky acts.
when someone gets bit by a shark, everyone says “he shouldn’t have went into the water with sharks”. But when someone gets pregnant from a one night stand, everyone says “oh no that’s awful! How could this happen?!”.
>were you raised by a single mother
>you knowingly still made the choice to have sex with this person and you could have a child with them
Fuck no, my husband and I are childfree, we're not giving up on sex for the rest of our lives or destroying our marriage just because I might get pregnant. Since doctors refuse to sterilize either of us if I get pregnant off to the abortion clinic it goes. Fuck you for trying to destroying our marriage with your attempts to force a shitty kid we don't want on us. And if you hate childfrees, guess what, my married friend wants no more than 1 kid because that's what she can afford while keeping a comfortable life for herself and her family (future kid included) and she's not giving up on sex with her husband just because she might get pregnant so any other pregnancies after the first still off to the abortion clinic they go. Fuck you for wanting to ruin their life and their marriage too. Your mother should have aborted you, imbecile.
>i’d not putting myself into positions to be raped
Except you literally are. You're going outside knowing full well that this is a possibility, however rare it might be. Just like a girl who uses condoms and birth control knows STDs and pregnancy are possibilities, however rare they might be. And that's pretty fucking rare.
>when someone gets bit by a shark, everyone says “he shouldn’t have went into the water with sharks”.
Literally no one says that. The ocean's environment is completely fucked because people are killing all the sharks and putting up nets so people can enjoy the beach.
If you do overcome the birth control and still get hit by abortion then that's natural selection too.
Wow. You’re a shitty person. That’s fine if you want to be childfree, I don’t give a shit. But you’re garbage person by thinking that if you do accidentally get pregnant, that your solution to the matter is to suck your child out of your pussy. You’re a fucked up individual.
Stupid comparison. the DIRECT outcome of having sex could be pregnancy. That’s literally the only reason living things have sex, to produce offspring. So by having a ONS, those two people are directly rolling dice on if they will get pregnant.
By going to work, I am not directly putting myself into situations to get raped.
>That’s literally the only reason living things have sex, to produce offspring.
If you're making an appeal to nature, give me a minute to compile a list of all the animals that fucking eat their young.
The fact I banged a bunch of chicks who will eventually marry some guy makes me feel happy unironically
Am I a psycho
>a wife who wants to have sex with her husband without getting any unwanted pregnancies that would wreck the couple's life and marriage is a fucked up individual
So you want women to just never marry and die virgins? Or you want men to suffer shitty sexless marriages that drive them into mental illness and depression? Or you want people to shit out more kids they can afford like in Somalia so everyone can be poor and starve? Pick one dude you don't get to have your cake and eat it too.
>the DIRECT outcome of having sex could be pregnancy
Pregnancy is not guaranteed. An orgasm is more likely. That’s literally the only reason living things capable of orgasms have sex, to have orgasms. See: animal species that have recreational sex like dolphins, humans or bonobos.
Google is not a source. Especially when you use it to post something with no source.
That was my way of saying "fucking google it faggot." I'm not going to cite a source for stating that the sky is blue. This is common knowledge and at your fingertips.
"Google it" means "I have no source but I will pretend it's your job to find it"
Why would doctors refuse to sterilize you?
There's always the Romania solution, dump all the kids you don't want in a orphanage and give them AIDS! I don't see how that's more humane than an abortion, in fact I think an abortion is way more humane than dumping your unwanted kid in a orphanage and pumping him full of aids-infected blood, but Ceaucescu hated abortion and he still approved of that so I guess it's okay to kill children once they're born.
there is court precedent for suing a doctor who sterilizes you while you're young, before you had children. Doctors arent going to take the chance you change your mind and sue them.
I didn’t say that retard. they can have sex and use their protection. But if they do get pregnant, they need to accept the consequences for their action
The only reason orgasms exist is to encourage reproduction... idiot.
"But you might change your mind"
"But you might want children once you get pregnant"
"But it's against God's plan to let good fertile people get sterilized"
That's nice, dear.
To be fair, tubal litigation is allegedly less effective than an IUD, so I dunno if you're missing much.
>they can have sex and use their protection
>But if they do get pregnant, they need to accept the consequences for their action
Except that the point of protection is NOT to get pregnant, retard, that's why abortion exists as a last resort in case protection has failed. What makes you think having a tragedy such as unwanted child happen to them when they don't want one would make them change their mind? What if this unwanted kid wrecks their stability and ruins life for everyone else in the family with the added costs he brings? Looks like you've chosen the Somalia option here, financial ruin and destroyed marriage and mass poverty for everyone. Don't be surprised when the unwanted shits get beaten, punched, abused, neglected and generally treated like shit then, infant and child mortality is very high in poor shitholes and poor families like you're pining for.
Tell that to homosexuals, retard.
I can have orgasms without reproduction and orgasms have certainly not encouraged me to have kids.
Well, that's funny isn't it. Humans have to be encouraged to reproduce by sensual pleasure.
Because who in their right mind would actually want children.
>Because telling people not to drink with strangers when they want to drink with strangers is counterproductive, and drinking with friends is shit 90% of the time because the friend either changes for the worse or reveals shit they purposefully hid from you that would have made you not be friends with them if you knew, so you become disgusted and dont ever want to have drinks with that friend anymore
Also what the fuck user, why would you marry someone with that little trust and knowledge of each other in the first place
Your fuck ups dont mean shit for people who actually marry when they should
Hey OP, dont listen to these fags who are just trying to justify their own shitty behaviors. My first sexual partner is my husband, we're completely happy, and I didnt marry him knowing fuck all about him. We both genuinely trust each other and could share ANYTHING with each other, and do. We know that what we have together is just impossible to be matched by being with anyone else, because each of us would have fucking laughed at anyone who said you could have a relationship like this before meeting each other.
Maintain hope, dont fall for the sad sacks of shit who try to fill the void in their soul with random sexual encounters and cheap relationships which go nowhere.
If abortion is cool why do people shit on my state for euthanizing the retarded
>Why is teaching chastity and sex in the confines considered not sex-positive? Why is sex being treated as some fun activity you can do with just any one sex-positive?
Because the first teaches girls to be very afraid and reluctant of male advances, without affecting men (other than making it more difficult to get sex), while teaching everybody that sex is fine, makes no difference to guys, but makes girls more open to it.
It's really a win/win in most cases, and the whores who go nuts and fuck everything, would have done that regardless. Either way, considering the whole "Incel" thing going on, it's pretty clear it isn't working yet, or nobody would struggle to find someone to fuck.
>Instead, they taught me about things I wouldn't even KNOW about sex; including learning about the most effective non-hormonal birth control. I wouldn't have known about that because in popular culture the hormonal pill is so often cited
What fucking country do you live in where Condoms aren't known to everybody from the age of 10 and up? Guatamala?
Whether or not he knows those people personally is irrelevant, wouldn’t you agree?
Finally, a voice of decency.
Marraige is to have kids
Yes people should be virgins if they dont marry.
Listen here, folks: this is someone who actually knows what they're talking about for once.
fake and gay
I feel stupid as all hell for believing in the chastity bullshit as a kid. Little did I know it wouldn't any difference because I'm unattractive and no woman would touch me with a 10 foot pole anyway.
I was just travelling for work and I stayed with a Mormon family for a week. I tell you what, they are incredibly sex positive! Sex is treated as a natural part of life. Just get married, have lots and sex and pop out lots of kids. Seems simple enough to me.
Yes you are, the final goal of sex is to reproduce, unless you have at least one child you won't ever have anything to show for it, meanwhile the men will have children who will grow up and have children of their own. You're also an idiot for thinking that a hookup will ever amount to anything years down the road.
As long as you don't have kids at nigger tier ages(below 18) then yeah.
>Why is teaching chastity and sex in the confines considered not sex-positive?
It has nothing to do with sex positivity. Statistically, abstinence based sex education doesn't work. That was the main style of sex education and attitudes in the mid to late 20th century and those generations were the most promiscuous in the past century. Teen pregnancy rates were through the roof. This current generation is statistically the least promiscuous since the 1920's.
>Why is sex being treated as some fun activity you can do with just any one sex-positive?
I'm not sure what you mean but there is strong data to support the idea that sex-positivity has actually reduced sexual activity in young adults and teen pregnancy rates. Recent studies in the U.S. based on CDC statistics provides data that shows as the attitudes concerning casual sex and sex positivity have become more accepting the number of average sexual partners and teen pregnancy rates have decreased. A study performed in Wales and the U.K showed that not only are young adults less likely to participate in casual sex than past generations but are also statistically less likely to participate in other risky behaviors such as crime or drug use. A lot of people here want to blame "feminism" or portray the supporters of sex positivity as emotionally fragile reactionaries but the data supports their position if anybody would bother to read it before spewing their Jow Forums theories about our "degenerate society". Its just flat out untrue.
Obviously. These ones all seemed to get together early 20s (absolutely not dating in high school)
Bitter incels in this thread. Go get laid retard. You only dislike casual sex and hookup culture because you can't participate in it. You know this is true, stop lying to yourself and coping.