Have you ever had to choose between two people clearly into you Jow Forums?
Have you ever had to choose between two people clearly into you Jow Forums?
Every day? That's literally life. Something something it sucks then you die
>choosing between two people clearly into you
>two people being into you at the exact same time
>more than one person being into you
>someone of the opposite sex being into you
must be nice.
what do you mean everyday? do you constantly have girls actually close to you in your friendgroup pining after you?
not as great as you think if you are into both people because then you would feel bad about rejecting the other.
Finn has like, every princess in Oo after his tiny peen so please stop imagining yourself this great character
he does but he doesn't want most of them. Just PB, huntress wizard, fire princess, and possibly marceline. I don't mean to compare myself to him but I feel like me and him are in similar positions rn in life if that makes any sense
t. 18 yr old zoomer/doomer
I have. The hotter one wins every time all else being equal
did the uglier one cut all contact with you?
>if you are into both people
you deserve every bad thing that happens from this
im not sure what to say man, I just can't help it. However I have refrained from making a move on either and staying neutral because of this
No and I wish only the most excruciating pain conceivable by man to anyone who's in or has ever been in such a position with any quality women.
Jow Forums is the other way my man, not it won't happen if you aren't an interesting/good looking
The hell does my post have to do with Jow Forums?
If you dont know which one you want within the first minute of debating it, neither are suitable.
It ended badly and I broke 2 hearts who would have been broken regardless since both were incompatible with me.
My advice is to choose one NOW and letting the other go and block off totally NOW, so the pain is not prolonged.
how did this happen user?
>I just can't help it
uh huh. have you so little agency over yourself?
well ofc I do or I would have been a dick and made a move on both but as said I have refrained from trying to act on my feelings
Whichever makes your dick harder bro?
Yes. My advice is that you probably don’t like either of them enough, otherwise it would be an easy choice. But you’ll ignore me.
Choose the one who's more likely to suck your dick
Honestly not a bad idea
This is good too but more likely to bite me in the ass
You choose neither and you will regret it, life's too short. Have relationships, have sex, drink as much as you can because one day that lifestyle will be behind you and you'll wish you had done more
Pick the nicest one, the one who better complements you and your personality
i wish
>bite me in the ass
literally why
Nope, even the two women I did date more than a month weren't that into me, one was cheating and the other was a pathological flirt with her male friends.
Yes and I pick both everytime
yes and i choose the hot one
>huntress wizard
Haven't watched since the lich king, I know it just finished but should I marathon it?
No. If I cannot choose then I don't like either of them. I prefer to start as friends and begin to like someone and discover they return the feelings than choose whoever offers.
Once. Made the wrong decision I think. If I went for one, the other would be out of the picture forever. Ended up with neither and the one I chose is likely thotting it up at college.
this likely more people will be interested in you in the future
It goes down hill from there.
I did this too one evening when I was out with friends. One of my friends just brought girls to our table and we started talking. One friend is gay, one is fat and the other is in a relationship.. So I was the lucky one that night and could choose. For some reason every girl liked me , but there were two girls being my favourites. One hot and one immensely cute. The hotter one was more forward and flirted with me , so I took her home with me. Turns out the sex was pretty meh and now I always think back, trying to imagine what could've happened if I would've chosen the cute one instead.
No and neither have you.
This is what scares me with choosing. I dont want to think of the what ifs man
They're grape jelly or a jellyfish?
Grape my nig. But why does any situation about a guy having women in their life on this place meet negativity from faggots here
Lol because they tell it like it is and some are jaded which is understandable
>wishing pain on any guy with women on their dicky
>telling how it is
Choose one
why not both! I can't type a
Because it just shows you are a bitter faggot over something he could also easily get
I mean, then there's the bitter faggots who draw out internet fights to prove some guy on the internet wrong, as if that isn't equally worthy of admonishing and just as narrow-minded.
Almost like this place is a honeypot for bitter people who want to take it out on others, huh? Not that YOU'D know anything about THAT sort of behavior.....
Yeah I picked the one I was hitting on first cause the other was just trying to get sex while the one I wanted was an actual relationship
You should
Ignore what the other guy says, it just starts to focus a lot more on an actual story after that
You fucking daft tosser I'm not being bitter stfu
Bite me
Yes, multiple times
First time I chose the one who liked me more, the other became a model in Paris, felt kind of bad
Second, chose my coworker over someone in my circle of friends, had a falling out, became awkward at work, feels bad as well
To conclude my essay, whatever you choose you will always have a nagging sense of regret and be kept awake at night by what ifs. Take it from me
Why can't it be just as easy as my anime V/Ns also possibly you may have chosen the wrong girl both times
yeah that's my point I will never know how it would have happened if I chose the other I could be living large in Paris right now but alas I can't change the past