I'm a 28 year old woman...

I'm a 28 year old woman. Everyone I used to know from school has either moved on to bigger and better things (which I'm proud of them for) or has stabbed me in the back. I have a history of abuse so I have a hard time trusting anyone. I can't even talk to people without being paranoid they're going to use what I tell them against me or being scared they think I'm the stupidest person they've ever met. For some context, my parents would never let me go out and if they did they wanted me to update them with a complete play by play of my evening and would call me angry if I neglected to do so. They always criticized my every move and shat all over my choice in friends even though they were genuinely nice people. It really fucked me up as a kid/teen and hasn't gotten better as I go through adulthood. I have a good job and a decent living place but I have no people I would call friends. I don't really identify with my coworkers so I figure I'd try to make friends online. I have a really hard time talking so I don't know if people would put up with me in discord. I'm really anxious and stutter a lot after all of this shit that's happened to me. What should I do?
>inb4 kill yourself
I will if the loneliness becomes entirely unbearable.

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take it slow when meeting new people

Yeah but where do you go to meet new people if you're scared to leave your house except to go to work or the grocery store

This isn't even advice.

Do you play any video games? Find a discord or something that plays a similar game and go from there. Find people with the same interests and then get to know them better. You'll be making friends in no time.

Also, this could be applied to any hobby. Just find somewhere that accepts your hobby, and try to interact with people who enjoy the same thing.

Play World of Warcraft and get a mic or become a twitch streamer. If you're a 28 year old lonely female then you have options that men don't- might as well take advantage of it.

Get a cat

I would recommend discord. Even if no one interacts with you, you can shout into the ether like Jow Forums.

I like to play them but I suck at them. Also I don't really like multi-player because I'm really sensitive. I have a thick skin on Jow Forums and in text but I don't respond well to audible bantz. It feels so much more personal. Should I just be a silent player? Should I hide my gender?

I tried discord but I have a really hard time talking. I stutter a lot.
WoW sucks. I quit playing that in like 2006.

I'm unironically allergic and a sphinx sounds too high maintenance. I think they're all super cute though.

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Forgot to say I tried to stream on Twitch last weekend - no facecam, just my mic. I had two viewers one night when I was drinking lightly then the second night I decided to stay sober cuz I used to be an alcoholic. I got self-conscious and then said I was having technical difficulties and ended the stream. Haven't touched my account since. I don't know what's going on with me.

Just try and keep it simple.
I'm just about as paranoid as you, it takes awhile to trust.
Something i try and do is small talk with random people to build confidence. Usually is instances where i can make a joke or just dumb small talk.
Asking people for help finding things in grocery stores helps, even if you dont need it.
I still dont trust people but this usually makes it easy to interact with them.

That stuff is easy though. I was a retail worker for 6 years and I can do the small talk stuff. I don't really like anyone I know around me - gotten to know a few coworkers over the years and they are just not my kind of people. I'm sure they are OK with me but whenever I hang out with them, I'm almost silent except for a few words here and there. They're really nice people and all but I don't know. Feel like I can't be myself around them. They kind of saved me during a crisis where I almost admitted myself to a psych ward so I think they keep me around cuz they feel bad for me. It's probably not true but fuck those thoughts don't go away.

I keep asking myself if there's a Jow Forums for femanons like wizard chan is for wizards but they probably would all end up like /cgl/. Don't get me wrong, I think /cgl/ is great and all but I don't belong with those kinds of girls.

If thats the case then you just need to find like minded people.
I've had the same friends for almost a decade now because its so hard to make new friends with the same interests.
Its alright if you're quiet. Half the time people barely hear me in conversation and talk over me.
Just find people that are interested in the same stuff as you.
Its hard to find people you can be yourself with, if you find the answer id love to know.

If we can't have the Boy Scouts then you sure as hell don't get female Jow Forums.

I feel your pain, I identify with so much of what you say because I also have social paranoia.
If you like to read I suggest going to the library, my library hosts all kinds of book-of-the-month clubs and also a club for writers. And they are used to dealing with shy socially awkward women so you shouldn't feel self conscious there.

Lmao fair nuff

Discord has chat.

Wanna go on a date? I don’t like or want friends. It’ll just be us and some booze and some blunts. We can get a cat or dog.

Just lurk and then maybe talk.


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Yeah I know.
You sound like a degenerate faggot. Get lost.

You opprobrious neurotic cunt; you’re life is pathetic and you’re slowly going to die and suffer in anxious loneliness. I’m glad to know you’re fearfully going to sit back and watch existence pass and pine until your haggard and broken body and soul have nothing or anyone to be there in your dreadful hours. The only fortunate thing you have headed your way is that your existence one day ceases.