How do you become rich and successful?

How do you become rich and successful?

Working hard is a fucking meme. I've done the college thing. All I got from that was a $90k bill and a McD's salary job.

Can't afford a house. Prices are sky rocketing.

Don't really know how to start a business but am working on it. Got a business license, want to start an online site to sell things. Haven't really gotten further than that yet.

Before anyone just trolls responses, maybe we can make this a dedicated advice thread for becoming $100k+ salary men/women?

If you have advice to give, leave it here and hope it helps someone.

If you need advice on a career, post your situation.

Attached: Coffee.jpg (226x166, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

learn to invest.

become top 10% global skill in some shit.

learn to code and get a job as a programmer.

Have a Dream.

If you have a Dream then you'll do what it takes to make it a reality. It gives you purpose and draw people into you with the charisma that you emanate. Doors will open and you'll know for sure when you've made yourself a success, because you'll have done it on your own terms.

Gonna need to hear what you went to school for to at least rule out a fundamental inability to make coolheaded, rational, long-term-conscious decisions

Get a job in investments. Learn all that boring investing and finance shit. Make a metric fuckton of money. Done.

hm tha anser is bean urself
>pic relate. it u

Attached: 1536900261934.png (348x312, 175K)

>learn to code and get a job as a programmer.
anything but this

AS you say, working hard is a fucking meme, that wont get you anywhere.

You are asking in the wrong site, most anons are in the same situation than you. I really wish I had the answer, but the best advice I can tell you is that forget about the money, start your own business because you want to, not because you want money.

Never stop... Take calls at 3:00am, doesn't matter what the time'll be hard but one day you'll have employees doing everything and it will pay off.

Dream, if it seems too big or unrealistic break it down into individual steps and take them one at a time, things are never as hard as they seem when you look at them this way.


>Gonna need to hear what you went to school for to at least rule out a fundamental inability to make coolheaded, rational, long-term-conscious decisions
No you don't. You are just looking for facts to shit talk more accurately.

Attached: Awesome Face.png (336x336, 29K)

This meme needs an unironic discussion around it. Thinking always digs me into a deeper fucking hole

top 1% league of legends hasn't helped me

The basis of law and morality is the heart user.

>All I got from that was a $90k bill and a McD's salary job.
>Can't afford a house. Prices are sky rocketing.

Add random shooting and you've pinpointed the life of the american middle class anno 2018...

Enjoy your shitty society

>b-b-buttt muh freedum

>b-b-buttt muh freedum
It always makes me kek when we bring nationality into irrational accusations while pinpointing a defined problem.

>bring nationality into irrational accusations while pinpointing a defined problem

The issues faced by OP is very much a american-only issue. A massive student debt, rampant real estate market and a stagnant salary isnt a combination you find elsewhere in the developed world.

You could have definitely monetized that ability but I suppose it would require a basic amount of skill in other areas like communication and marketing

I used to boost and gave a few lessons to some chumps. Also made some money from league gambiling

>how do I make money lol
>well what did you go to college for

Don’t start a business for no reason
Start a business because you believe in doing so you’ll be solving a problem for people that you personally genuinely care about

It sucks that there are no good online forums for younger guys that are interested in entrepreneurship and money making. I assume it’s becuse all the successful guys that would give good advice are out doing something else with their time

>The issues faced by OP is very much a american-only issue
I'm going to need to see a source on this.

I think OP was more concerned about becoming successful. Not necessarily an education concern. I think they were just pointing out how useless the education was, and how expensive, and they are still working full time for high-school wages. The fact they have a business license and are trying to make something of themselves to me implies they are indeed hardworking and actually trying, but struggling to achieve results.

>oversimplifying while putting words in somebody's mouth

>Start a business because you believe in
So, I've done this. Here's the problem I'm running into.

Finding a manufacturer isn't happening. Locally, in China, Indonesia, etc. I've sent info out EVERYWHERE to make some products I personally used and designed on my apartment patio. It works great and is 100% sustainable, so there is a whole natural earth-friendly eco vibe to it, too. It has to do with food.

Nobody will make it for me. Literally, nobody. Unless I order nearly $280,000 worth of product BEFORE shipping. I don't have that kind of money.

So, my next thought was to make them myself. But labor costs put me over a price point I won't be able to sell. And making them myself can't be done in my patio on a bulk scale. Not only this, but storage fees would be excruciating. So, renting a place was an option. Except the cheapest rent near me is $10,000 a month and I would BARELY have the space to make these things, of which, I would need to sell ~500 a month just to make rent. Although I have faith in the product, I don't see it selling very well for a few months, which again, I don't have the money to pay rent for so long.



Should've stayed in school.

I only competed in the earlier stages of the site and most players weren’t familiar with the way the points worked, especially since the overlap between league players and fantasy players is not too high. In addition when it first started you had no limit to the amount of entries you could do on the easier to win tournaments. They were easier to win because you were basically competing to be in the top 25 out of a 100 for a 3:1 return, which was not difficult. You would see the same names over and over as top earners for the week, it was a system that was winnable and hardly akin to true gambling. It sucks I had to learn about taxes though

Now you understand the game's key point is balance. Watch shark tank or something for inspiration.

Right, but it seems I have to work nearly 25 years just to save up the money to start a business so I can retire in 25 more years. By which, I'll be in my mid 80's and probably already dead because of family history.

So how do so many success stories come from people who have nothing and become millionaires in a year? Are they all lies? Because they never ever tell you the exact process. It is always the same. Something inspired them and they believed in themselves.

I'll let you know when I become one user.

I have very little actual experience but from what I’ve read

>in your situation
>make and sell as many as you can working out of your patio
>record all the data
>take data and sell to an investor
>an investor can be just a family friend or someone that you know with some money that is willing to try and help
>use money to get the rent a place and start selling more or find even better find some kinda sketchy cheaper thing like maybe you can’t get anyone to invest but your uncles coworker is willing to let you store some of your product in his backyard or some shit
>if it’s really selling then you can look for a serious investor to get that China deal

That’s just how I see most of these types of things play out but also include a billion failiures and a bunch of business changes