So, I go to this mandatory uni class and it's 90% women. I just can't stand it when they are looking at me...

So, I go to this mandatory uni class and it's 90% women. I just can't stand it when they are looking at me. As if I can feel their disgust towards me. They are not nasty whores or anything, and I don't particularly hate any of them, however, I can't stop feeling anxious and irritated

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You’re overthinking it. They probably don’t pay much attention to you. Just listen in class and try to get a good grade.

Paranoia is a hell of a drug.

go to therapy asap

It really is. All these dudes preaching about becoming self aware need to realize if you become too self aware you become paranoid as fuck. I’m at the point where I’m always conscious of my breathing when I walk around because I think people can hear it.

holy shit are you me i hate breathing especially when taking the bus and sitting next to strangers

Holy shit another person who has this bs. I’ve been researching it as much as possible and the closest thing I’ve found that pertains to it says you’re too focused on yourself and need to somehow manage to focus on things external to you. Still have yet to actually get this to work in reality but it makes sense.

Start taking relora

just because youre paranoid doesnt mean they dont think you're disgusting. women are fucking terrified of ugly guys

Sit in the back row...

I don’t want to be too dependent on any medicine or drugs. Could I perhaps take this for a certain period of time, then hop off once the effects have been normalized for me or is this something that you must continue taking forever.

Idk, I just take one everyone morning with a nice cup of joe?

You’re just self conscious. What are the chances you’re so hideously ugly that people are afraid of you?

Idk if Im ugly, I get rated around 6 on /soc/. However I'm autistically quiet and I think they hate that

not just self conscious. when i look at girls they get visible spooked/shaken by my ugly face.

how guys rate guys on /soc/ rate is not the same way girls rate guys.

>goes to uni class
>90% women
Sounds more like heaven to me rather than hell.

heaven if youre chad. hell if youre not

>The virgin breathing vs the chad aspiration

This OP, also try to talk to a few to gauge how they perceive you. At most you'll find out it is/isn't true without assuming and hell you might make a few friends

Well, stop breathing then.

it's hell

if it was 90% men you can at least have 89+ iq conversations and perhaps make friends
women in college are pure NPC

How is it 90% if MANdated

Women have higher IQs on average. If you compared two classes, one with 100 men and the other with 100 women, you'd statistically find more morons in the men's class.

Smile and be friendly. Smiling can make a 2/10 look like a 4/10, and a 3/10 into a 6/10. And dont worry too much about it. How often do you stare at other prople and judge them? Never, right? same for those girls.

This guy knows it. I feel I can't engage with a meaningful convo with them and honestly, the memes might be right. I think most of them are dumb, like the Jow Forums and r9k memes dumb, you feel me? Not to mention that they have 0 opinions and hobbies, watch k-dramas all day and soap operas, can only memorize shitty college assignments. That's all they do. I'm telling you man, pure walking npc memes


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