Two questions: what is 4cchans obsession with "Chad" and why are you all such fucking faggots?
Two questions: what is 4cchans obsession with "Chad" and why are you all such fucking faggots?
I don't think it's an obsession, but more of a "redpilled, wow I'm woke now" sort of thing. "Chad" is the the quintessential handsome White man. Symmetrical face, long straight nose, prominent facial features, strong jawline, tall, etc. He just gets all the women and everyone knows this, but most people won't accept it. They delude themselves into thinking that "you just have to be confident bro". I mean it'll help, but it only does so much if you are objectively ugly.
> faggots
Idk, but I guess I am pretty degenerate desu. That's why I like Jow Forums I guess.
The whole "Chad" thing was originally a meme but it somehow became a reality in the mind of Jow Forums incels and their mentality spread across other boards.
They now legitimately believe it.
A majority of posters are huge losers with no social skills so there is a tremendous about of negative labels that apply to them. They ste attempting to redefine the negative association with their labels by creating a new labels like "Chad" or "normie" as a defense mechanism. Chad is also a scapegoat for all of their perceived failings. They refuse to believe that any of their shortcomings are within their control so they offload that guilt onto things outside their control like height or race or "intelligence", all of which Chad has, and thus Chad is equally not in control of his success. Their lives aren't in the gutters because they failed, they just drew the short straw at birth. That way they can justify never improving and essentially rot while still alive.
your only apparent directive in life is reproduction. your body is designed to crave for a partner and to fuck her. chad accomplish his purpose. you do not. there the angst.
Yeah fuck you guys who deny Chad is real.
Women have CONFIRMED that Chad is real. Sorry but there are countless women who are obsessed with Chad and Brad.
Everyone likes attractive people and you can't get wrong at women for liking hot guys right? It's not that simple.
The average girl in reach of the average 4channer is NOT Stacy. They're the homely 5-6/10 nerdy girls who are shy, also into gaming and Internet culture, maybe they're a little hipster and artsy, but they are fully into that "alt" lifestyle with Jow Forums bois.
If you've hung around these types of people, and really any other fringe clique, they pride themselves on being different and not mainstream.
Nerds are just hipsters who aren't self aware.
The rage and pain begins when these nerdbois find out that their homely nice girl waifu is OBSESSED with football playing normal Chad, or in some cases, Tyrone.
Nothing is more crushing to the nerd male ego than a merciless Chad skull fucking a nerdy gamer girl. In a way they feel that they're being "betrayed" by women who belong to their social group.
Chad isn't just a scapegoat. Chad is a reminder to nerdy males that for them, nothing is safe and sacred.
I've witnessed nerds break down and almost commit serious self harm because their nerdy cute gamer girl friend who cosplays as link or some shit gets spit roasted by two fratty Chad's who could give a fuck about that lifestyle or who look down on that shit.
Hearing "lol that girls a fucking loser nerd but I came in her butt" is a recipe for a school shooter.
This is why everyone hates Chad here.
I am chad.
*snap* this is going to my feels compilation
does that mean chad became man and died for our sins?
me on the left
Not just across other boards, but it also leaked to other sites
Kind of like how literally anything on Jow Forums finds its way elsewhere in most cases
Chad is only human smartass
Yeah this is pretty much it.
Once you realize you will never even get the women on your level you just become bitter and angry.
>in the right board
>pretending you dont know anything about the site
For what reason?
God I hate life.
How do I become chad.
1st , chads just a ,metaphor for the ever present more attractive male
2nd , because life is shit ill do what i want then die fuck off
The only way to win is to become Chad yourself.
Most of you are analytical introverted thinkers. Probably INTJ/INTP with an IQ of 100-130 Jow Forums selects for this pretty hard.
Your key to becoming Chad is to become a caricature of Chad. You have to cynically implement a persona. You should legit be thinking "get into character" at the bar. This will only work if you're jacked. Head over to Jow Forums for a bit.
Distance yourself from nerd shit. Just literally imitate what you think a chad would do for a day. You're going to fuck up bad but when you see how differently people treat you that's actually the true awakening and redpill.
What wakes someone up harder? Having your girlfriend cheat on you or actually fucking another dudes girlfriend?
The latter. Every time.
Be the bad guy. If only for a month. Once you taste what Chad tastes and see what Chad sees you'll never be the same.
>why are you all such fucking faggots?
Ironic coming from op.
Ever hear the phrase "a little bit of truth can be dangerous?
It applies here. Incels, Jow Forumsers, redpillers, etc. are acknowledging something with basis in reality when they go on about Chads and Staceys and hypergamy, but they are taking that little bit of truth and exaggerating it WAAAAY beyond any sensibility.
Yes, attractive people have it easier.
Yes, there's a higher probability of an attractive person being with an equally attractive person than there is of them being with a less attractive person.
Yes, male and female mating strategies are different, and this has social consequences, making it harder for males to attain female attention than vice versa.
But these patterns aren't as extreme or rigid as neckbeards make them out to be. The correlation between attractiveness between partners is weakened by the time the partners have known each other. Meaning, if you're not Chad, sure, you'll have a hard time picking up a total bombshell from the club, but personality and compatibility DOES matter, and it's perfectly within the realm of possibility for "Stacy," if you want to call her that, to fall in love with something less than a "Chad" if they share propinquity, interests, values, and like each other's personalities.
Stewing in your own bitterness on the internet will get you nowhere. You have to suffer the pain and hard work of getting out there and trying and failing again and again and again until you get what you want. It won't be a linear progression. You'll have your dark moments, where you believe it's not worth it. But you'll come out a lot better than if you start commiserating with other malcontents on Jow Forums or r/braincels.
Tldr "just be yourself XD"
>The correlation between attractiveness between partners is weakened by the time the partners have known each other. Meaning, if you're not Chad, sure, you'll have a hard time picking up a total bombshell from the club, but personality and compatibility DOES matter, and it's perfectly within the realm of possibility for "Stacy," if you want to call her that, to fall in love with something less than a "Chad" if they share propinquity, interests, values, and like each other's personalities.
Chad isnt nessecarily good looking he just gets what he wants.
I'm not sure you belong here little brudah
I don't even want to fuck a girl, I just want to know I could.
If I can be chad for a bit, get to the point of fucking a girl and then back off I'll be happy.
It's just another thing on my checkbox list of life I need to do. Would love to have kids too I guess, but IDK if I could pretend to be chad my whole life.
>but IDK if I could pretend to be chad my whole life
Change requires sacrifice
What would chad do?
why would anyone listen to you about women when you can barely handle yourself?
like, look at you
you're a fuckin' mess, you sad man
Tip harder faggot
But you're just a dime a dozen sadboi on Jow Forums
like there's nothing unique, interesting or compelling about you
why would anyone want to listen to you talk about women? you can't get any, you never do get any... why would anyone think you know how to get women?
How do you feel right now?
Before "chad" people in the 2000s and 90s and 80s and 70s and 60s and etc just called them "popular" or "jocks"
but the dumbest thing about "Chad" is that retard-pill belief that it's something that they're born with. I knew some "Chads" in college that used to get bullied and picked on in college and were ugly as sin. They simply hit the gym hard for a few years and fixed their face as best they could and got haircut at proper barbers instead of giving themselves uneven buzzcuts or having their mom give them bowlcuts.
I mean yeah some kids are born with aestheticaly pleasing facial features, but r9k places so much emphasis on "muh genes" it's fucking stupid.
>nerdy girls want Chad and it's Chad's fault I can't get a gf. Chad Chad Chad.
nice incel copypasta. I'm not Chad and I've been with loads of girls; nerdy, goth, normie, stoner, furries, etc.
The problem is that by getting women you basically become Chad by proxy to them
Like they will enter any amount of mental gymnastics just to get away from responsibility for themselves. Just look at them.
They're pitiful. That's their problem. They don't need to be Chad, they just need to not be woman-hating losers with no self-esteem. Except they're all woman-hating losers and don't know why they aren't getting women.
>dodges the question
It's like every other weedy teenager I've talked to on Jow Forums. Next you'll disengage like you won the argument
>you can't get any, you never do get any... why would anyone think you know how to get women?
Mate when the focal point of your shitpost is blindly "you don't get girls lol you're really a virgin" with you having virtually 0 way of actually knowing there's no point in continuing
So since we're just going to fling shit at each other, your moms a whore and your dad fucked you when you were a baby kys
>literally does what I said
It's not a shitpost if it's true, though. You're also a whiny boy on Jow Forums. I don't need evidence, you provided it all. It takes a special kind of dickless wuss to bitch about 'Chad' on the internet.
You people all evade the accusations as if it's not painfully obvious... why?
Like if you did get laid you could just say it. But you don't and you can't and that's why we're here
You're just relying on anonymity on the internet to hide the uselessness of your "LOL GIRLS AND GUYS CAN'T BE FRIENDS" argument outing you as a socially inept autist
r9k culture is fucking retarded, it's sad.
I once had someone there trying to argue that Juggalos are normies.
The grown who listen to clown rap about how magnets are a miracle and use that as their entire sense of identity.
Those are normies to them, so yeah the fact that I've been with more than one girl makes me a Turbo Chad even though I'm skinny and work a shit wage job and still live at home and was bullied all throughout grades like 7 to 11.
The cherry on the cake is how they speak as if they're authorities on women and relationships despite never even going on a date once or anything.
>Like if you did get laid you could just say it.
This is the problem with user boards. I could easily have said 'I've fucked multiple women, had threesomes, currently in an LTR, have fucked people's wives and girlfriends' and you could've easily called me a liar. The hell am I supposed to do, timestamp the nudes I get and post them on a blue board?
You assume too much friend
Walking around in public with her and her fox tail/ear things was not my proudest moments, but man did she fuck like an animal, I guess pun not intended.
>still won't come forth
Like you think you're super subtle and wise but you guys all act alike
You always swing these 'what ifs' and 'but nos.'
All you do is out yourself as a teenager with no worldly experience. And if you aren't one, you act the part and that's even less flattering.
All it is is manchildren. There's not a drop of maturity in the lot, it's people who are entitled in life and expect things to be handed to them. Not one of them has a reasonable opinion and when they do express opinions, it's always in a vulgar, accusatory way, making sure to damn an enemy in the process. That seems to be their (and SJWs') rule: always have someone to blame.
The problem is that they can't ever admit to being wrong. When they do that, it causes some short-out in their brain and they sperg out to the tops, become a prickly ball of name-calling and anger and run to their friends, appealing for group process.
If I had to guess at what caused it, I'd probably point a finger at, "a bunch of people used the internet to escape their problems and as a result, never bothered to solve said problems which simply exacerbated over time."
If juggalos are normies, I'm a thick-built jock, star of the school sportsball team.
Not him, but from what I saw you were for a lack of a better term "triggered" because he said that sometimes Stacy will date someone who is not Chad. Stacy and Chad, let me remind you, are empty strawman terms made up by pissbottling NEET retards on an vietnamese oil painting message board.
I've been with girls who I felt were may more attractive than me, and I've been with girls who I felt were way less attractive than me. Dating is not a scientific method or some Goldilocks porridge bullshit.
>still didn't read between the lines
Great. People who actually fuck furries and reddit virtue signalers who stick their heads in the sand when someone doesn't fit their angry obese warcraft incel mental image
>yet another disengage
What a shocker.
I don't usually try to reason with people who subscribe to the Chad/Stacy dichotomy. The problem is that they don't understand... you know, reality.
All these Chad posts reek of the same thing: ignorance of their privilege. They downplay their own natural advantages (which coincidentally is also the root of their success) in order to villify those that don't have those advantages as faults of their own. It's disgusting to watch and they are often ignorant of even doing it.
>stick their heads in the sand when someone doesn't fit their angry obese warcraft incel mental image
who/what are you even talking about?
>this attitude
Nothing kills your chances with women more than being a sanctimonious woman-hating loser.
>everyone he doesn't like is reddit and furries are bad
You don't actually think that Chads come here on Jow Forums do you
They're so far down the rabbit hole that they believe anyone who gets a girlfriend is a Chad
I'm talking about the autist who automatically assumes that anyone who acknowledges the Chad phenomenon is a virgin. He thinks he's slick by posting "you still haven't posted that you've gotten laid so ur a virgin hurrr durr" when you know damn well that had I posted "actually I'm not, I've done xyz with so and so" he'd screech "LOL NICE LARP FGT"
He's going to reply to this with a greentext >still dodging because as I said, sticking head in sand.
>I'm talking about the autist who automatically assumes that anyone who acknowledges the Chad phenomenon is a virgin.
He's not wrong.
If not a virgin, maybe they had accidental pity sex or bought a hooker (doesn't count), but no one in their right mind is thinking about Chads and Red Pills. That's for Jow Forums autists who don't understand social norms and so they have to reduce everything down to differently colored pills and only three groups of people for society to make sense in their mind.
>If not a virgin, maybe they had accidental pity sex or bought a hooker (doesn't count), but no one in their right mind is thinking about Chads and Red Pills.
I want you to *really* think about that. Why is it so hard to imagine that a seemingly normal person, out with his girlfriend, fuck buddy whatever, might be having an inner dialogue about redpills and Chads? Is it *really* that outlandish?
People in this world have done things so fucked up its insane but the idea that a Jow Forums poster is capable of having an above average, let alone normal sex life is unfathomable? What?
>a Jow Forums poster is capable of having an above average, let alone normal sex life is unfathomable? What?
I'm a Jow Forums poster with a normal sex life and romantic life and the reason why that is because I don't make posts like
or take any of this Chad red pill bullshit serioously
At no point did I say or imply that I hate women. You're just assuming that to fit your narrative of me. Nice job refuting anything, though.
Sure they do.
>I'm a Jow Forums poster with a normal sex life and romantic life and the reason why that is because I don't make posts like
But that's a post like that...
You cannot reason with people who are this far down their own rabbit hole.
Don't try. It's a waste of time. They'll just lie through the filter of the anonymity, and then backpedal and deny and perform all mental gymnastics to get out.
This thread is just him playing full-time damage control. It's not even entertaining anymore, it's just... worrisome.
Is this what our men are becoming?
Shh. He has no self awareness, don't break him
This thread has become a goddamn mess
This is what 'redpill' does, it turns men into blathering morons who start internet fights
Men, stop going your own way. Come back! Dinner's, you can come back now!
yeah if there's one thing that Chads love to do, it's posting on Jow Forums on a Friday night.
It's two pm.
>what are time zones
oh that's right there's only one time zone in the world.
Even if its 2pm, Chad is with his friends in school or at football practice or with his girlfriend or playing NBA 2k19 on his XBox.
Lol implying western women want to cook dinner for anyone
Blame the neoliberal complex for rewarding feminine behavior and pushing feminism
You're retarded. It's ok. I didn't expect much from you.
>You're retarded.
Yeah I'm retarded for thinking that Chad is NOT a NEET who stays at home and has 15 threads open at once to cyberbully anons 16 hours a day
Someone help me become chad.