How do I know if I'm really transgender or if I'm just making it up in my head?
How do I know if I'm really transgender or if I'm just making it up in my head?
The whole transgender thing is a mental illness. Nothing to be super ashamed of, lots of happy functioning people live with mental illnesses. You just need a psychologist who will help you deal with it.
Your more than likely an autogynophile. Stop fapping to sissy hypnosis and you'll get better
Only you can know through life experiences. My current LTR girlfriend went through a period of her life where she felt like a boy because nobody gave her any real attention in regards to her being a girl. By the time I met her, she still had residual thoughts of it until we started going out.
Not OP but I think I have a m2f transgender transformation fetish because I feel like I have been subtlety emasculated for an extremely long time.
There you go, exactly what I was talking about.
The whole of reality is something you make in your head.
Life is whatever you want it to be
How do you know that you have a female brain when you don't know how a female should feel like? How do you know that you're "born in the wrong body" when all you do is desire another one without having any frame of reference of how a female body should feel like
Stop watching porn, lift weights, get a job, and find a wife you faggot. Quit putting things up your ass.
Wow, what an awful board. Sad to see Jow Forums took over this place, too.
Promiscuous, child-molesting fags with prolapsed rectums and HIV run enough of the world.
Same thing.
Who hurt you?
Who molested you? Was it your uncle? Your brother? Your dad? Be honest. Or maybe it was a woman and that's why you're intimidated by them.
I think it's horrible that gays end up gays because of child sexual abuse, but quit trying to normalize it.
The whole trans thing, it’s all brainwashing, although a part of it is linked to the body being genetically assaulted by toxins and heavy metals. It’s mostly hardcore mind control.
Being transgender is just delusional, so you're making it up in your head.
Listen man, you're on the fucking precipice of greatness. All you have to do is get yourself on some HRT, maybe a couple of incisions, and your life will be golden forever. Visualize yourself in the future(it's the most powerful tool your imagination has!), visualize you as the fucking boss of a company! With long, purple hair and a dress on, mannish features betraying your identity but still you're the boss! Still, you aren't the item of ridicule in the world! People look at you and see success. That's what being trans is like!
See a medical professional. The recommended treatment for body dysmorphia is transition so if someone assesses you and determines you have body dysmorphia then go for it. Aint nobody's business but yours.
If I get full facial feminization surgery, voice surgery, breast implants and the bottom surgery, can I be a hot chick?
Yeah and the best part is that you can even get your memory zapped so you aren't weighed down in the thought that you are a phony, an actor, a frankenstein creature(TRUST ME, if you don't get the brain zap you will end up depressed and feeling butchered!). Makes you wonder though, why not get your brain zapped before all the surgeries and just restart as a man?
I don't feel like an actor because I accept I have XY chromosomes and not a biological woman. I just want to live as a transgender woman, a hot one. I want a boyfriend =(
So far the responses have been pretty respectful ways of telling op not to transition. I don't see how Jow Forums has taken over.
listen man, no one's gonna tell you to go for it unless they consider you lower than a dog and do it for their own moral philosophy without regards to the consequences.
in the words of the great Fyodor Dostoevsky(paraphrased), it's only bad until you realize it's good. Everything is good.
You can be happy trans. You can be happy as a male. Your current desires, when fulfilled, won't solve the puzzle to happiness. Unless you have monomania(meaning you are consumed with the idea, in other words are crazy), you can be happy as a man with a lot less risk than fucking around with chemicals and surgeries on the potential that you can be happy
user you're just gay. Chill.
Sorry I like being very feminine and being a girl
Being a man is the exact opposite of happy, so you're wrong.
That doesn't increase their happiness or decrease their 40% suicide attempt rate. What you're describing is little more than psychological political activism.
Gender dysphorics need therapy. Cutting off a healthy penis is an unfathomable medical abomination.
Most likely you developed an autogynephilic fetish (or perhaps just a kink you indulged in too much). Try reminding yourself that having sex with a women is better than masturbating to your own self image. It is much better to be able to love someone else besides yourself. Also you probably do it to make up for some kind of insecurity about yourself in relation to other men. You need to figure out what that is and overcome that.
Also transitioning is not a good idea. Would you recommend someone who wants their limb cut off because it makes them feel good go through with that? I think that is sickening that society would support that even if it does make them uncomfortable.
>I just want to live as a transgender woman, a hot one.
But would you want to live as an old transgender woman? You need to ask this question because you aren't making some kind of short term decision this is lifelong. Also why would you need to be a girl to have a boyfriend? Is that the only way you would enjoy having a boyfriend? Then I think you are not really attracted to the boy you are attracted to yourself, you are developing a narcissistic fetish for yourself.
I have no problem growing old as one.
I think that's you that has a fetish for yourself. Might want to get that checked.
Is your imaginary friend real? If you answer no, it's probably the latter.
Is this b8
You said you wanted to be hot. To me that seems like you care more about your appearance than anything. Either way if you want to be an old transgender woman that is your call.