Someone randomly softcore doxed me on a discord server. They revealed all of my accounts on other websites and made fun of everything I posted with said accounts. How do I mentally cope? I'm not used to getting meme'd by strangers.
Doxxed, How to Cope?
Don't be envious of their 'power'. It's not impressive and let them do what they want with your info. If you're lucky they'll be dumb enough to do something illegal and you can get proper justice.
Thank you kind user that helps
I was in the same situation a few years ago. Some Jow Forums mod/janitor was pissed about my shitposting, so he doxxed and revealed my information to a small group of users who browse the /vg/ forums. Every now and again they enter threads I regularly visit and mock me, maybe make a vague threat here or there, but didn't do anything outside of that.
My best advice is to ignore them. If you're worried about somebody doing something illegal, such as revealing credit card info, then go to the police. If you're worried about somebody stalking you then go and delete your digital footprint. Ditch old emails, delete forum profiles, change your phone number etc.
The worst thing you can do after being doxxed is to give whoever did it attention. They want to provoke a reaction, so just chill and let the situation sort itself out. You should also definitely delete any sort of social media accounts you have if you want to prevent this from happening again.
So here’s a story, about five years ago I was WAY into Wikipedia. I had a lot of edits, wrote some great articles, was really involved with the community and stopping people using it for self-promotion. It was fun, I loved it, I got a rush out of it.
Then I came across an article about an indie game I used to play, whose devs used to be friends of me. I noticed they were doing a lot of self-promotion in there, and really they didn’t merit an article on Wikipedia. So I nominated it for deletion. They put up a full-court press defending it, getting everyone on their forums to jump in and argue. And because I was such a genius as to use the same username for Wikipedia as I’d used for their game years before, they knew it was me and started harassing me personally. They outed me on their forums, but not on Wikipedia (since they’d have gotten banned).
Welp, the shit that got ginned up also got a few other people siding with them. Wikipedia politics at its greatest. Combined with the pressure of their harassment and these new people calling for my head, I ultimately decided to cut my usage. It just wasn’t fun anymore.
I was on the track to becoming an admin. Another six months and I’d have applied. But my reputation was shattered and knowing that I had this entire community of people ready to come out of the woodwork to fuck with me.
I’ll say this much though. I’m glad I moved on from Wikipedia. In the long run, it wasn’t worth my effort.
>I got doxxed for shitposting
You probably deserved it you fucking faggot. God I fucking hate shitposters. You actively make this site worse as your fucking HOBBY. You shouldn't be doxxed, you should be shot dead.
Is using different usernames for different accounts really that hard? Don't link your shit. Don't use the same email/pass/username for different accounts, or at least keep your publicly used ones seperate from the ones involving your degenerate fetishes or whatever you're trying to hide.
Let if wash over you, they can't keep memeing forever and it will be old news for them soon. If it's not CWC tier juicy meme shit and only something a small circle can appreciate as inside joke, it will get old soon. Next time use different nicknames on different sites.
Nah. The threads I actively participated in genuinely asked for my opinion, which I frequently gave, that others construed as shitposting. The group in question was hyper sensitive about anybody having a contrasting opinion, which led them to believe that they were justified in upturning some random users life.
The problem with Jow Forums in general is that because the website is anonymous, you have users such as yourself trying to assign motives to coinciding opinions to an entity you don't like, form a shadow profile around that psychological manifestation and blame all of the sites problems on that person. Which is weird, considering how transitory Jow Forums is on the whole.
/vg/ is nothing but discord clique circlejerks theres a reason its the second worst board out there
>a discord server
>made fun of everything I said
who cares
I was almost dox'd here and I was scared for a while because I read plenty of horror stories about autistic retards that did ruin people's lives to some degree or another.
If they don't have your name or phone number or address or anything else you're fine.
If you're that concerned you can just delete all your shit.
Like other people have said; lay low and don't give them attention, in the future just use different usernames for everything, don't shitpost or try to give people a reason that they'd want to dox you, etc.
/vg/ really is like tumblr lite.
its part of why i think Jow Forums is more divided now
everyones in a discord which its own rules and morals
>they can't keep memeing forever
I know of someone that might disagree.
That's only because since being exposed like 11 years ago he maybe spent a total of three weeks offline and not continuously giving shit to troll to work with.
Bob should have followed through with his threat of cuttin down the internet.
The lumberjack was the only positive influence he had. I'm working on it.
You know, 10 years ago, it didn't seem like that much of a problem. That's the shit coming back to bite people. Or at least that I need to look out for.
What if you're not in a discord at all?
IRC channels and subsequent related forums have the same issue. Boards like /vg/ are difficult to moderate because each one has it's own sub-culture and identity, which branches further out if they use off-site social media platforms. And if somebody is doing something they don't like on Jow Forums, they will organize on those websites/clients and oust them here.
This happened to me earlier today lmao.
Stop being a pussy and roll with it
What if you're a known content creator? I can't just ditch all that. But thank you.
I use different usernames. Also I don't have a single fetish. I just got mocked for the sake of mocking. I think earlier I linked my discord in one account to tell people to hmu and drop a few things for a contest.
Thank you for the tip.
I see, thank you.
You have a point i suppose. Why did they do that to you though?
How did you get doxxed? How do I avoid getting doxxed??
Want to know also
>calls shitposters bad
They would not be here if they did not feel they were among kin, Einstein
Ignore them
They're doxxing you because they're too pussy to do anything else. I'd let them do it and move on with your life and if they want to dwell on it let them. That's their sad choice and not yours
In all fairness, most of your information is basically public domain anyway.
Be quiet and don't shitpost at people and if people are acting like they're directly out of Jow Forums, just don't associate with them-- chances are they have a personality disorder that causes them to become irrationally hostile in short order.
The truth of the matter is that you avoid it by just not feeding it. They can't do anything with your info anyway and if they did, the cops could do something about them and most of them can barely face down their own fucking parents, forget the long cock of the law.
If you show them their internet games have no power over you, they'll probably just avoid you. That's what happened to me in online communities, I stopped giving a fuck about all the internet 'dramas' and 'friendships' and 'relationships' and suddenly everyone who was shitty basically left me right the fuck alone and I got to keep talking to the cool people.
Granted it's a dumbfuck community but the fact remains, once they can't drag you down to their level you're golden. They'll soon enough realize you're too Chad for them and bail.
As always, don't send your nudes to someone you can't wring out at the neck.
>are acting like they're directly out of Jow Forums, just don't associate with them-- chances are they have a personality disorder that causes them to become irrationally hostile in short order.
>are acting
it is important to note that anons here are decent, the original demographic doesnt deserve the shit they get.
redditors and tumblerettes types can fuck right off, those were the actual shallow assholes all along.
>What if you're a known content creator?
That depends on what you make. Finding a doxx target is easier to do if that person has an easily identifiable method of writing, drawing or speaking. Generally speaking, if you're an artist like Shadman you are going to be visible from a mile away to anybody looking for you. Conversely, if you're a writer or youtuber, you might be able to get away by switching up syntax or using a voice changer.
The key thing to remember about doxxing is that nobody is immune. You can always shrink your attack surface, but never completely remove the possibility of it happening unless you leave the internet forever.