Is it wrong for daddy to be very touchy-feely with his little princess? To often kiss her (not on the lips), hug her, have her sitting on his lap, sleep with her, sometimes massage her shoulders and feet while watching tv, etc.? I'm asking for a friend whom I wouldn't like to get into trouble for "excessive fondling".
>sleep with her
>massaging her feet
Depends on the age, if her feet hurt then why not
Generally touching/cuddling/massaging is fine as long it's not coerced, excessive or sexual.
I've become friends with him thanks to our common interest in hiking and camping. He's also an amateur photographer who takes photos of nature during our outdoors activities but also quite a lot of his daughter for whom he told me that he mainly bought the camera for, 8 years ago when she was born, and he has a habit of not deleting all the photos after transfering them to his computer. He's currently planning to go on vacation to the US (Colorado) with his wife and daughter and I'm afraid TSA will be inspecting his camera and other electronic devices. If they saw all those photos of his daughter, could it be a red flag and could they question her? I wouldn't want them to ask questions that'll make her sound like she's a victim of molestation. I hope you'll understand my concerns, thanks.
What do you mean?
How old is your daughter?
>for a friend
Yeah sure dude. I hope your ass gets locked up and Jamal makes you his princess.
sounds like a great recipe to fuck up your daughter for life
She's not my daughter but she's 8.
Why so edgy?
How so?
My dad did these types of things to me when I was growing up and as a young thing had no problem with it, but once I started getting older he got hella obsessive and controlling. He'd divorced my mom when I was four, but I'm now sure it's because he knew she would have been furious if he tried those things on me with her around. I realized he had also been using me as a pawn to score dates and sex with every woman who fell for the "daddy" trap, would ditch the woman as soon as she started showing signs of attachment. Next thing you know I have a legit boyfriend and he's googling this guy's address to make sure he wasn't lying. Mind you I went to a Christian school and the guy was extremely religious, wouldn't go farther than rubbing with out clothes on, I tried. Anywho the next boyfriend I went to church with and when my dad found out (from snooping my things like a creep) we'd fucked, it was a nightmare. Suddenly I'm a monster and my boyfriend was competition. Literally called my very faithful highschool boyfriend of 2 years he'd been shaking hands with a day before a "player." We eventually broke up but he'd seen how weird my dad was being and opened my eyes to it. I found out a few years later from my half-brother he'd found CP on my dad's computer while visiting.
Yes it's wrong, it's called grooming, and it's either going to fuck her up later, or fuck up his relationship with his daughter/family if she escapes like I did. He needs to treat her like a person, not a pet or emotional replacement for his wife. Everything besides hugging and light kissing should be reserved for his/your wife, the person you fuck and get romantic with, not an innocent little girl who will one day have another guy do that for her. It's creepy as fuck.
I think sleeping with her is too weird unless it is a thunderstorm.
>My dad did these types of things to me
What exactly?
>he got hella obsessive and controlling
My friend isn't like this, he's just very caring it seems.
>if he tried those things on me with her around
What are "those things" that would make her furious?
>Next thing you know I have a legit boyfriend and he's googling this guy's address to make sure he wasn't lying.
>Anywho the next boyfriend I went to church with and when my dad found out (from snooping my things like a creep) we'd fucked, it was a nightmare.
Such "weird" behaviour is quite common from fathers.
>I found out a few years later from my half-brother he'd found CP on my dad's computer while visiting.
That's unfortunate.
>Yes it's wrong, it's called grooming
What were you groomed for? Do you consider yourself a child molestation victim? Did he hurt you in any way other than being mean to your boyfriends?
Just thought I'd add, I've been married seven years now and have a little girl. I let him back in when she was little because I needed money to get a lawyer and guess what, he started saying outlandish stupid creep shit about her, a six month old and his granddaughter (I was putting leopard print tights on her as he watched and said "kinky!" like what the fuck mate). After we got into an argument about how Trump is literally a piece of shit pedophile and garbage person where he called me names because he didn't (can't) have a good defense, I had to cut him back out of our lives. I will never let him back in and feel so much more fulfilled without. Most of his side of the family is following suit.
Seek therapy or kill yourself.
Relax dude, you got some navel gazing tumblrina “ABUSE SURVIVOR” shouting her HOT FUCKING TAKE from an ivory tower, I would not look into it too much
>he started saying outlandish stupid creep shit about her, a six month old and his granddaughter (I was putting leopard print tights on her as he watched and said "kinky!"
My friend really isn't like that, quite the polar opposite actually.
>After we got into an argument about how Trump is literally a piece of shit pedophile and garbage person where he called me names because he didn't (can't) have a good defense, I had to cut him back out of our lives
It's also common for political arguments to fracture familial relations.
>Seek therapy or kill yourself. this directed to your father or to me?
Wow, he has a lot of nerve to say Trump is literally a piece of shit pedophile and garbage person
Good thing you cut him off, MAGA
That's "unfortunate"? Which, that he had naked children's photos on his computer, or that he was found out?
I was being groomed to be his sexual partner til I found one on my own more appropriate. He was hurting me emotionally and mentally by making me think I'd done something wrong by having sex with someone else. He did not set and maintain clear emotional boundaries as a father.
It is not "caring" for a grown man to be controlling of another human, nor does it being "common" make it acceptable. A daughter is not a father's property, her virginity his not his responsibility. It's her body to do with as she pleases, her life to make mistakes and learn. Not setting clear boundaries and doing romantic things like foot-rubs, shoulder-rubs, sleeping with her, venting about relationship problems and anything that he doesn't do for his wife/women age-appropriate is unhealthy for her. If he refuses to set clear emotional and physical boundaries with her or any young girl he's a garbage person. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fucked in the head.
You seem fucked in the head.
lol tumblr. Defend pedos dude, go you.
الكلبة تجديف ، وهي ابنة تنتمي فقط إلى والدها وزوجها ، أبدا نفسها. يموت الكافر
Bitch woman father own her
I hope the FBI is watching this thread.
They should really be earning their keep around here.
Daddies can be very needy emotionally since they generally only have their little princess for emotional support. Its ok for him to be that way as long as it doesnt hurt her. Your friends boundries and feelings about this are what matter, and if she says he should back off a little, then he should.
>That's "unfortunate"? Which, that he had naked children's photos on his computer, or that he was found out?
That he was addicted to this shit, if it was actual hardcore porn of preteens.
>I was being groomed to be his sexual partner
How do you know that? Did anything sexual happen between you two?
>He was hurting me emotionally and mentally by making me think I'd done something wrong by having sex with someone else.
The issue could just be promiscuity/fornication.
>It is not "caring" for a grown man to be controlling of another human
I said that my friend, who is not controlling of his daughter, is very caring, not your father.
>romantic things like foot-rubs, shoulder-rubs, sleeping with her
Is that inherently romantic though?
>You seem fucked in the head.
You don't know me, young lady.
Go back to your sand cave nigger
This seems like a reasonable reply.
>making fun of a woman to distract from the fact you defend pedos
Keep going man you're on a roll
Go fuck daddy again cunny
I guess the devil doesnt discriminate on who gets possed. Yeah its kinda weird. But I can sense the excessive touching gets worse.
Er. No.
Grown men need to deal with their feelings like grown men, not demand or expect innocent little kids fill their void. What an entitled horrible fuckbag you/your friend is if this is their thinking.
>Do you consider yourself a child molestation victim? Did he hurt you in any way other than being mean to your boyfriends?
Still no answers...
Yeah...this sounds like the same creep shit my pervert father did when I was a girl preparing to fuck me
Burn in hell
Also I'm not young, I'm over 40, fuckbag. You can defend your "friend" (you) all you want being a creep and messing with a little girl's head and sexuality for your own pleasure and amusement, but it's going to bite you in the ass down the road.
>preparing to fuck me
Did that actually happen or are you yet another pseudo-victim?
>Also I'm not young, I'm over 40
Well you don't sound like a grown adult.
>your "friend" (you)
He's not me.
>messing with a little girl's head and sexuality
As far as I can tell, there is nothing sexual going on and she's not distressed about it at all, she loves daddy very much and loves how nice he is with her. Sorry about your dad being a pervert but you still haven't answered my question about whether or not you consider yourself a victim of child molestation, like those girls who get raped.
Imagine not being white, I guess no one is perfect huh.
As long as his member isnt involved then Its just play.
I’ve found that guys who are weirdly fixated & physical on their daughters tend to be betas that use them as an emotional proxy for all the chicks who kept him at an arm’s length. After all, a girl can’t say no to papa.
It doesn't matter if he was addicted, they weren't his children and they weren't on there for art. The issue wasn't my being sexual, it was his entitled gross fuckbag attitude that I and my vagina were his property and not my own. A woman having sex with someone on her own terms is not "fornication."
Again, it is not "caring" for any grown man, including your friend, to be controlling of any human being. We aren't talking about my father. Your friend seems very uncaring to be crossing lines like he is. You think so too, otherwise you wouldn't be asking about it.
Sexual and emotional are closely related and he/you are not setting clear boundaries for yourself as a father figure instead of a boyfriend/future mate.
It doesn't fucking matter if I consider myself a "victim" of child molestation, what he was doing was wrong and gross, what you're doing is wrong and gross. I didn't give a shit if he was nice to me, it was his job as a parent to teach me how to be nice to others and grow into becoming an emotionally, mentally, and socially mature human being. He tried to use me as an emotional tampon to blow up his fragile ego, like you're doing to her or wish you could because this story sounds like bait with how you're fishing for detail.
We know it's actually you because you're saying "she loves daddy" instead of "she loves her dad" like a normal person you disgusting fuck.
[citation needed]
Yeah no this is bait by another pedo and should be saged
Dude's getting his tiny rocks off to another tab of little girls everyone just sage this piece
>It doesn't matter if he was addicted
Is it fortunate or unfortunate that people can end up addicted to it?
>they weren't his children and they weren't on there for art
So it would've been ok to you if they were his children? Sounds like it wasn't actually hardcore porn of preteens...
>I and my vagina were his property and not my own
What makes you think of this? So far, all you've described is your dad being upset about your teenage dating.
>A woman having sex with someone on her own terms is not "fornication."
Fornication is pre-marital sex, you can't escape words that have clear meanings. Again, it seems your promiscuity is what actually made him angry and not his alleged "grooming" for sex that never happened between you two.
>not setting clear boundaries for yourself as a father figure instead of a boyfriend/future mate
How so?
>what he was doing was wrong and gross
Shoulder massages and hugs are wrong and gross? Hmmm...
>We know it's actually you because you're saying "she loves daddy" instead of "she loves her dad" like a normal person
I'm saying this partly from the little princess' pov, yes, she does love daddy very much.
you are a bad person. let me educate you. Men are socially conditioned to not emotionally rely on one another, and so pretty much all men use their spouse as their only form of emotional support. thats why guys cant tell the difference betwen a girl being nice and a girl being into them.
But when a princess is in the picture, things shift a bit, and the Daddy has the opportunity to be the emotional support of his princess. If he decides to support his princess, then his princess is automatically supporting him back, albeit not intentionally and in subtle ways.
I have schooled you. Donot reply to this post, for i will ignore you. Nobody has the right to pottymouth the sacred relationship of a Daddy and his Princess, unless it is to deliver impartial critique of the Daddies actions.
You need help dude. Stay away from children.
O lord the pedophile showeth.
God please get the little girls around him away forever and send him straight to hell when he finally dies. We lowly anons know You will because there is no greater Father than You, who does not treat children as emotional support, and instead blesses them and lets them go to spread Your word.
Thank you. Amen.
You replied to two different people.
Also, substantiate your claim please, your post is useless.
I'm a dad to a 7-year old girl, and qualified to reply on this.
Hugging, kissing (not on the lips), holding her hand, giving her rides on my back, carrying her on my shoulders, tucking her into bed, brushing her hair at night, holding her little feet in the palm of my hand while she falls asleep (my daughter has loved this since birth) are things that I love doing and will continue to do till she gets bored of them.
I used to give her a bath till last year, and put a hard stop to it when she turned 7 years old - same as I did for my son a few years before.
When my daughter grows up, she will choose her boyfriends and eventual husband based on a reflection of the best qualities in her father - every girl does this.
So, it is important that she knows the feeling of being protected, and cared for and loved by a man. It is important that she associates the smell of a man's cologne or the feel of his sweater with warmth and security and joy.
Because then she will pick a man who is able to make her feel the same way. And that will be a man who truly loves her.
I come to Jow Forums and see all these misguided feminist rants about how all men are busy "grooming" and "molesting" every little girl they see, and it saddens me. Most men are good men and good husbands and good dads, and we go about our lives quietly caring for the people we love - without speaking too loud or making a fuss.
To /OP/ - your friend is all right. Just delete the photos so that it is not misunderstood.
Unless your gut tells you there's something wrong enough for you to intervene, don't. Let him enjoy the few years while his little princess is still a little princess, before she gets corrupted by all the external noise from a paranoid, wicked world.
- My 2 cents
What a lovely post. Screenshotted for further personal meditation and I'll fall asleep thinking about it.
Thanks, user, you made my night.
Honey I'm not a feminist for saying men should back off their daughters physically and emotionally. It's just good for the girls. "Most" men are not good fathers, how far up your ass did you have to find that? You're told you're doing well because they need someone to protect them and for some reason bringing home money is seen as protective, and their smile makes you feel good, so you must be doing good. But it's all ego, and the better you keep it from leading your actions, just like it's better to not let your dick lead your actions, the best it is for everyone involved.
There is literally a pedophile in this thread so please stop catering to his fantasy.
>you didn't listen to daddy
>you slutted it up
>probably had 2 abortions
>your looks faded
>now you're single, miserable, feminist and browsing this dumb site at 43
>also, you hate men who are affectionate with their daughters
sad desu...
My daddy actually taught me that all men want is sex.
When he complained years later that I, a grown woman paying rent with my little income to him, a millionaire who financially ruined my college career because he got jealous of some teenage boy getting to fuck his "Princess's" birth canal, was not "helping him out" with his loneliness and emotional problems anymore, I realized that's all he wanted as well, including from me. I and little girls and other human beings are not your belongings. You are not God. You too, will die and rot, and your damaged, evil soul removed from any chance of retribution.
Begone, pedophile.
I'm not a pedophile, your father is not responsible for all your problems and you're a godless shameless fornicator so don't try to speak of God and retribution with your dirty semen-smelling mouth, thx lass.
This is one of the posts I feel sorry for.
To keep this reply short, let me agree with you. All men want is sex.
But all the sex I want is from my wife, the mother of my children. She's great in bed and I would give an arm and a leg to be with her any time.
I do want sex from my daughter
Or her friends.
Or other underage girls.
My wife's dad did want sex with his daughter, nor did he ever molest her
My dad did want sex with my sister nor did he ever molest her.
The vast majority of men (including on Jow Forums, especially on Jow Forums) simply want to be good boyfriends and husbands and fathers.
I'm sorry that your incomplete relationship with your dad left you feeling inadequate. Try and forgive him if you can, he's only human.
A friend of mine once said "A day surely comes when our parents become our children - to be cared for and forgiven and treated with kindness. That is the day we prove ourselves adults by becoming the caregiver"
- My 2 cents
Yes yes. Letting a child experience stimulation and things only mature adults able to decide if they want or not, like shoulder rubs and foot rubs, hearing about relationship problems or emotional problems, money trouble, etc, is immature of the parent and unhealthy for a child. You don't have to touch someone to fuck with them and potentially hurt them. But yall know that.
>things only mature adults able to decide if they want or not, like shoulder rubs and foot rubs
get a load of this brainlet
From your attitude and values, I can clearly see now your daughter is going to be a huge slut. I’ll probably have my fun with her when she turns 18.
Wholesome post friend. Feminists are cancer and they are affecting our culture negitively.
I really don't get this no touching rule that modern society created. Human beings need to touch each other it is a sign of love not just of sex at least that is what I think. And asking permission everytime doesn't make any sense if you put your hand on someone's shoulder you have to ask? That's just dumb.
I was going to say this also. A child learns what being treated right is by their parents.
When I was a little girl I’d massage my dads feet just because he liked it (his feet hurt) and I felt useful. Wasn’t any different to me or to him than when I’d polish moms toenails.
I’d also cuddle with him on the couch watching movies and what not, and sometimes he’d rub my shoulders not because of anything sexual or perverse - he was just my dad and was totally comfy/chill and I found it comforting.
Your friend has a normal and affectionate relationship with his small child. It’s completely normal. Little girls usually have a period of really loving their dads because he makes them feel safe. As she grows older they will grow more physically distant, this happens with all kids with both the mother and father, assuming development is normal.
This is a normal picture made sexual only by people outside the relationship who’ve been conditioned to think of the world as if sex predators are around every corner
TSA isn’t going to give a fuck and if they do that would be absolutely nuts and I’d group it in the same class of cases as the one where the parents were charged with neglect for letting their kid play in the backyard alone
>cuddling with 8 year old daughter
>fucking her up
You’re right, the dad should be very distant from her and not at all make his care for her clear. That definitely will avoid any daddy issues.
What the fuck is wrong with you people to think that normal plantonic physical affection is grooming?
I’m sorry your dad sucked, but don’t project his behavior and failure onto other situations
A daughters wellbeing is partially his fathers responsibility - that includes concern over who she decides to make her sexual partners.
This doesn’t excuse controlling behavior, verbal or physical abuse, or privacy invasion.
But a dad definitely SHOULD be concerned about his daughters partners, he should pass judgement and give advice, he should if she lives with him be able to make rules about what’s acceltable for his household.
You were fucked up by your upbringing to hate normal and positive things about the parental relationship between fathers and daughters
You’re telling a random dad he’s “thinking with his dick” because he’s affection with his own fucking daughter.
You’re saying that it’s DAMAGING for females if their dad clearly loves them and is kind and affectionate, rather than distant and doesn’t engage physically?
You’re fucked up. The kind of “dad” you want is the sort who produces a nervous and anxious woman, who wasn’t sure of her fathers care for her and doesn’t know how to recognize in men when they actually give a fuck or are ambivalent, who didn’t grow up feeling like her male role model kept her safe and won’t have a good sense that her future male partners should keep her safe. Your type of parenting is what produces the girls who end up with cold and abusive boyfriends, but because they will claim they love her she won’t leave.
She called Trump a pedo and her dad defended him you absolute retard. No wonder you magafags voted him in
>my dad raised me in a cold and manipulative way and got mad at me when I was a slut
The cope is unreal
>only adults get shoulder or foot rubs
>shoulder rubs or foot rubs are inherently sexual
You seem like the one person in this thread damaged by grooming and molestation if you think this. The rest of us have a healthier view of physical touch untainted by someone trying to fuck us as kids.
Thank you. This site, man
an emotionally vacant and unstable woman arguing with a pedophile this is fucked up
There is no pedophile ITT, brainlet.
Don't project your fucked up family relationships onto other people's more normal experiences.
Alright, I'm going to go through this list as a parent.
To often kiss her (not on the lips)
This is fine
>hug her
This is fine
>have her sitting on his lap
This is fine
>sleep with her
This is actually fairly normal as long as it's within reason. My kids often come into the parental bed during the night, so we always make sure that the adults are appropriately dressed. Our oldest is 9 and even he came in the other night because the Fell Beasts in LOTR gave him nightmares.
>sometimes massage her shoulders and feet while watching tv, etc
The feet seems a bit wierd, but nothing explicitly sexual and nothing which can't fall under simple fatherly affection.
If there's nothing else going on then I think it's fine. I get the feeling that your concern is not so much about the behaviour you can see, but what else might be happening?
Therapists are for losers who can’t find friends to talk to.
>massage her shoulders and feet while watching tv
It really depends and is impossible to gauge without seeing the dynamic and broader family dynamic. However I think the feet is a bit far and crosses into excessive touching. The feet are in fact an erogenous sexual zone, and it's probably not the right sort of affectual connection to be creating.
You can test this yourself. Get your foot wet and stroke the arch on the bottom, you'll often feel a response in your genitals / crotch area. While standing works the best. It can actually be fairly pleasurable, and I don't even have a foot fetish.
Part of my family has a history of sexual abuse, and it affected my mother greatly. So I was raised very aware of all this. Probably fucked me up by proxy without even being molested because my mother wouldn't touch me and was irritated if I touched her, until I was late teens. Anyway, it depends on the whole context. Be wary of excessive touching and creating connections and subtle signals you don't intend to enter into the relationship. Non-control based touching is not unnatural overall for families. Society and this world is just a mess of self replicating trauma and degeneracy.
Concise summary of the intended message. You have to ask yourself why. Consider purpose and the actual outcome of your actions, relative to the ideal for your children. As a poster above said, there is such a thing as grooming and subtle trauma bonding.
Personally, in the unlikely case I have children I probably wouldn't really make physical contact with them much beyond hugs and such. I can't see it in any way other than control.
>>sleep with her
>This is actually fairly normal as long as it's within reason. My kids often come into the parental bed during the night, so we always make sure that the adults are appropriately dressed.
How do you avoid accidentally poking your children with your morning wood? What happens if you get a wet dream?
>What's that, daddy?
>Sorry, I was dreaming about fucking a garden gnome
>Sorry, I thought you were mommy.
Interesting thread.