Post your Life Goals
Other urls found in this thread:
-Become a successful and famous actor in my 20s, 30s
-Run for and get elected to Office in my 40s and 50s
-Build a successful company in my late life
I think im too ambitious
Be able to make music for a living (on my way)
Start a family, have kids
Keep healthy
Maintin my friendships
>live and work in foreign countries for a few years
>fulfilling job i enjoy before 30
>become more proficient at my profession
>use my money to build finance confidently
>kid *eventually*
My girlfriend of a few years has a game plan for marriage and kids and shit but I don't want it to be like that
I need to get a divorce
Then while wage slaving a bit hopefully sell art and get into more galleries/the scene around here
Maybe start a band if I get bored enough
Lose the lil belly thing while keeping my butt
Drink more water
Drink more liquor
Try to enjoy life more before climate change and the wrath of Yahweh cooks my godless ass in 15-20 years
Trump and Reagan literally made it
Find balance and contentment in life
Escape extensive social pressures and ambition.
Accept death as an old friend
Have four children with a beautiful woman who will remain loyal to me for the duration of our marriage.
What keep you from making music now?
> finish community college
> transfer to uni
> get my own apartment
> become a better at cooking
> get a qt314 girlfriend who lets me perform cunnilingus whenever I want
> graduate in 2 or 2.5 years
> get my own place and take vacations in Canada
I hope you find a beautiful woman to marry and get older, pal
>Lose all of the weight and get muscled out
>Have a metric fuckton of sex to make up for my wasted youth
>Make music just for myself even if it's bad
>Clear off my mountain of debt
>Find a fulfilling career
Good income
Loyal husband
Nice house
Better physical body
1-2 healthy children
I feel like my ambitions are low but damn most of those are hard to acquire.
I'm in my late 20s and have everything I need to start -- except a woman. Life is just passing by...
I'm a male -- I have a good income, and I'm in great physical shape. I can buy a home, but I'm not right now because I'm missing a loyal wife with whom I can have three or four children.
How sad.
I meant on my way as in I'm getting closer to my goal. I've started working in a little studio and I've got a government grant to help me keep making records.
Yeah I doubt that I would
Reagan only did a few films as a B list or C actor.
Trump just did cameos and reality tv and had his life handed to him from his dad's money and contacts.
I think I'm too ambitious, more ambitious than most people.
I'm confident you'll achieve that goal some day, pal.
-Lose virginity
-Have sex with a person of every major race
-Sort out my ADD-like thing
-Travel solo to Europe, US, and SEA
-Make over 100k/year or the equivalent at the time
-Set up passive income to enable 20 hour working weeks or less
-Find a nice girl
-Have a family
-Do really well at raising kids
-Have an excellent marriage
-Do one of my many ideas to help the world
I think I'll die happy then.
You are still young pal and there are millons of girls, you can do it
age cant beat her
Make my obsessions disappear and be a normal person again.
-Peace of mind.
-Be satisfied
-Have time to do the projects I want to do
-Good relationship with God and Jesus.
-House with no neighbours attached.
-At least two children
I am making good progress this year. Obtained a permanent job contract for a job that I very much enjoy and has great potential to make me even more professionally satisfied. If nothing goes wrong, I will be sleeping in my first bought house before Christmas this year, together with my fiancee. I will be marrying in Februari. I started going to church and finished my first pass through the bible.
Get my mental health back together.
Graduate college
Open my own business
Have my own family
Excel in my artistic endeavors
Practice and compete in my sport at a high level, and be a great coach.
Be financially stable, live simply and contently.
Buy a decent trailer to live in
Sell a lot of actual junk in my life so I can afford to do that
Have a stable job that doesn't make me want to kill myself
Live to see the war and act as a gross surgeon as people die on our streets, my hands in their guts like ribbons on a box as I scream "Oh the humanity" knowing all too goddamn well what it means.
>Become a chef
>Find a girl
>Actually enjoy living
maintain a solid hard stiffy for 2 hours
>Become a chef
>Actually enjoy living
There is a reason why so many chefs are coke addicts, alcoholics, chain smokers or all of the above.
I just want to get a girlfriend.
Be in a relationship with a woman that is truly loving, caring, and lasting.
Be content with myself and accept my mistakes
Be able to express myself naturally
Find a good career, make loads of money, and retire.
Job in IT
In that order
Get into uni
Overcome the emotional bullshit that is the human sentiments.
Save enough money
Go to a.concert
Await for death or seek it
I don't have any I'm not good at anything and suicide has been on the table for awhile
get a new gf, maybe marry her
have kids
>Master music theory
>Convert to Catholicism
>Find qt virgin waifu and stay together our whole life
>Have kids with said qt waifu
>Achieve artistic masterpieces (literature/music)
>Get fit
>Make money somehow
I'll do it all, faggots.
Join a sport or some type of group fitness thing that I enjoy without compromising all my other obligations.
>start a noise rock band
>start a postpunk band
>make a solo album
>make a film
>make art
>have a wife that is as passionate as I am while also good-natured
>have two to three kids (at least one boy and girl)
>maintain friendships
>support family
Oh and:
>get fit
>become a good cook
>become knowledgeable about art history
>finish the copious amount of books I have
>have 2 kids with current bf
>live a happy marriage
>grow old and happy
It doesn't get any better than that does it
>stop hurting
>escape to woods
>10 millions kids
>live from nature
>live outside economy
>no money
>no healthcare
>no benefits
>nothing, just nature
>Finish my degree in mech engineering, maybe get a master's, and to get a solid career established.
>Fix my health issues. Primarily chronic back pain that can be crippling at times.
>Find a woman to settle down with, have a large family. Put in some good works with the world.
First two are straight forward enough, fucked on third. My dating history is fucking garbage, recently got dumped for another guy basically and it's still messing with me. I'm clearly doing something wrong if I keep pursuing these women.
>lose my virginity
>actually acquire a gf
>become a mechanical engineer
>travel the world
>get ripped
simple really, at least I know ill get the last one :)
Start my CS degree and finish it before I turn 30
Lose weight and stop eating junkfood
Learn a side skill that can make me money instead of working in a shitty part time job with no future
Be more social
Quit video games forever
Marry and have kids
Be more religious
Is it bad not to have any ambitions? I just want to not disappoint anyone and live quietly.
Go to prison
>own some small milk cows
>raise chickens/ducks
>big ass garden
>grow and grind my own wheat
>eat only meat I’ve killed
>expand my reptile collection
>breed Amazon tree boss
>have as many kids as I can handle, homeschool them and raise good adults
>live the rest of my life happy with my partner
>Don't kill anyone
>Survive beyond 35
>Don't die on the toilet like all the other men in the family
Got quite a few but my main one is to get called a racist in greggs
Be happy no matter what happens in life. Focusing on a goal can give you tunnel vision and makes you blind to the other options thrown at you. Learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable and accepting that change is the only thing in this world that we can truly count on.
- Transfer to a good college and makeup for how badly I did in HS.
- Pursue a bachelor's then master's.
- Get married to a wonderful person who loves and cares about me a lot and I do them.
- Have a satisfying career.
I'm about to start my computer science and maths degree. I have very little experience in cs but I'm very good at maths, managed to get into Oxford which I'm very proud of. I'm excited desu.
My main goal atm is to lose my virginity. Hopefully this will be a bit easier now that I've started university.
>move out from mom house
>quit my job as web developer
>works several short term part time jobs and keep looking for new ones
>have a girl that i hate to be my girlfriend until i die
>die a virgin before 30 from heart attack
im 23 now can i still do it?
to not die
Kill myself before 50
>find a job that matches my skills and education
>own house
>pick up and carry a llama
find one thing i care about in life so i can have something to offer the world, besides mere attention and emotional support.
kids, the more the merrier (found the person, but doubt and distance is a bitch).
>Go to a concert
What? How can that be an objective in someone's life?
my mom recently gave me shit cus i've never had goals :( i just live life as it comes, is that so bad?
I don't know just is
Take someone's wife sexually in front of them
Have a job where I get to fire people
Author the code in the system that brings the status quo to it's knees
2 of these things might happen
How’d you get a grant for that?
Make more money so I can have more babies.
>own moderate size bit of property (1/2 acre+)
>with a tiny house on it (300-400sqft)
>work for myself as a consultant 3 or 4 days per week
>farm sizeable amount of my own food on my land
>live responsibly
>be happy
Save white race after marrying a virgin racist Christian qt pie
>get a gf
>start and finish uni
>lose gf
>work a couple of years abroad
>back to my country, buy a tiny cabin and a piece of land in the middle of nowhere
>live a frugal off-grid life off my savings and some freelance income until I die alone
Own a house, wife and kids, also honorable military career. Things are heading there and I am really happy.
>meet a wonderful girl and possibly get married.
>create something that people will enjoy (music, a computer program, etc)
>live in a decently sized house
>never be without a dog. Probably other pets too
Get gud at programming and drawing. Find a job I can be happy in. Find swole QT gf and live frugally until I can retire at 50
>Get my master's degree
>Move abroad
>Master French, Italian, and Portuguese
>Get a gf
>Lift till' I can't lift no more
>Try to learn an instrument
That's all I can think of for now.
Short term
>quit my job which is making me miserable
>find a new job that either doesn't make me as miserable or at least makes me more money
>move to a new place
Long Term
>meet a nice young lady
>do the datings
>do the marriages
>do the children makings
-Become a homeowner
-No longer worry about money
-Make alot of friends, strength bond with current ones
-See my mom be happy
-Have a healthy body
Oxford user here. Well done! Hope you enjoy it
Find a woman that is actually excited about sex.
Im making a program that will get people off social media and they will be more productive, healthier, happier people.
fart harder louder faster
Send it to me
Woah he said goals not fantasies.
-Come up with some sort of 4d chess move to get out of shit I'm currently in
-Fix up my health and my brain to at least tolerable levels
-and in the long, get a part time job that isn't complete shit and write AI's and chatbots in my free time
Get a good job in tech
Start a business
Find a woman who isnt a ho (basically impossibe unless she's a delusional christfag)
Buy a nice house
Be free from work while still having a healthy life
Attend this interview tomorrow and not have a panic attack like I have in all the others.
Canada part is smart.
so many retired US government workers come here since USD > CAD
>Get to a level at my job where I make really good money. Maybe become self employed one day.
>Find a intelligent and honest wife to have a family with.
>3-5 kids
>A house where it's beautiful, preferably close to where I grew up since I think it's a wonderful place to raise kids.
>Retire there and watch my kids grow and succeed.
Then I wake up and realize I'm a 29 years old kissless virgin with maybe a good job and income but zero friends or social contacts. So out the window it goes.
I don't have any left. This world has taken nearly everything bit by bit, inside and out. And it continues.
I've always been into "experience" design, movies, games, music. Cinematography. The way I kept myself functioning previously when my conscious mind wasn't really usable was by creating multiple stories and leaving them to build and ferment in the background, one of which I drove myself mad and thensome to develop. There are 5 lengthy stories fairly well developed, and multiple shorter stories in various states. They're all stored as images and associations, I used to be able to say with confidence that it was all stored in there, somewhere. Recently I'm not so sure, I'm not able to remember much anything. Nothing came of it regardless. My health continues to fail. The stories are rarely thought of. When I'm gone it all goes with me, and no one will ever know how it all really was.
Other intentions are:
-Replicate Royal Rife's microscope and the effects of his frequency machine
-Finish my lossless compression algorithm
-Remember many things. Determine why, for all of it.
Get happily married with the girl of my dreams
Have a family with her
Develop an app that becomes very popular because it's actually good and not because it's easy cashgrab
Same for a videogame. I want to design the game of my dreams that will be remembered as a classic even in a 100 years.
Be fluent in french (all) and japanese (spoken).
Have passive income
Write my own recipe book
But I think I'll already be happy if I get a qtpie girlfriend.
>participate in the upcoming Balkan/Euro wars and commit slaughter so great it will be remembered down the ages
a pig. in a cage. on antibiotics.
Overcome depression, regrets, self-pity and hate
Find love, understanding and forgiveness for myself, in God, in my family and friends
Be more kind, caring, loving and disciplined
Be a better person in general
Get fit
Be less socially awkward
Get nice income
Get house
Start a business
Travel all over the world
Give back to the community
Die peacefully and with no regrets
Maybe get a masters if the time/company permits it. Or when I'm already loaded from my own business that I can take my time with it.
Somewhere along the line, date and get married. Hopefully to my bestfriend
2-3 kids, maybe more or less depending on wife
Short Term:
>Get back to the US. Sick as hell of being overseas.
>Save Money, I'd like to have $30K in the bank before I return to CONUS.
>Buy a Newer Car.
>Purchase several Rifles and Handguns that have been on my list for a while.
>Get fit-er. Back to running 5.5 miles every other day or so. Maybe lift some too, but I hate lifting.
>Eat healthier.
>Read all the books.
>Learn to be a better Leader.
Long Term:
>Maybe become more social, but being around other people is exhausting for me.
>Buy a home in either Arizona, Alaska or Idaho.
>Complete a 20+ year career in the Military and retire. 13.5 years left to go.
>Actually write and try to publish one of the 4-5 reasonably well-developed science fiction story concepts I've been slowly developing in my head for the past few years.
>Get a job as a GS and keep working for the DOD.
>Retire, finally, in my early 60's with two retirements and a Roth IRA.
>Perhaps find a GF who shares my boring niche interests, someone who is both a Girlfriend and a Best Friend.
>Maybe get Married some day. But probably not, because I think being around another person constantly would drive me insane. Also, “Divorce Rape”.
>Maybe start a Family. But probably not, because kids irritate me, they're expensive and I think I'd be a horrible Father, what with being inconsistent and impatient as hell.
>Die fighting in a major conflict against a peer/near-peer power or in a bitter civil conflict fought for the heart and soul of the nation in the near future.
Honestly, the latter is more appealing to me. Nobody in my family has died in a war since Vietnam and before that, WWI, so I think we're overdue to pay the blood price to the eternal war machine.
100 years ago, I'd be dead in a tench. Some men are just meant to be expended greasing the gears of civilization. I'm fine with filling that role.
Besides, is there any better way to go? Better than dying slowly of Alzheimer's like my Grandparents did.
Get married
Own a home
Pay off that home
Save a large amount of money
Be happy
>eat a pizzy in every pizzeria in my city
>create some stuff people like
>reproduce sexually
Have an ffm threesome
Live on the countryside in my hometown's county in a decent house with rail access to the nearest big city. May or may not have a family, it's not that I don't feel like it, just that I'm not actively trying to make it happen. Taking care of various animals.
Financial security
Peace or mind.
A decent looking wife conservative wife who isn't a whore or a republican
Good health
Also control of my b.o issue
-Get the kids to adulthood, prepare them enough.
-Finish paying this house
-Travel a bit more
-Avoid going insane
-Maybe write
-Maybe become an LSD "therapist". Well, that's not a goal, just something I think about some times.
- get a fucking degree finally
- get a nice stable job (working from home if possible)
- travel like my life depends on it
- get Jow Forums and stay like that even through the winter
- avoid mental health issues lol
- move into a nice apartment (or 2) with my husband
- get a kitten or 2
- have kids (?) and do what i can to help them become curious, healthy, smart and kind human beings
>get a nice stable job (working from home if possible)
What type of job is that?
Wish i knew. Programming sounds like it tho?