Femanon here. What makes a hot girl a hot girl? Most of my life I (assuming) have been seen as either too studious, professional, or generally closed and prude to be considered "hot".
What makes a hot girl a hot girl?
First it's different for every person who is attracted to women but
Symmetrical facial features. Good hip to waist ratio. Clear skin. Large breasts. A sense of availability without sluttiness. Flirtatious without being lewd. Slim without boniness. Athletic without being too muscular.
But then, norms of hotness change as fashions change. Compare porn stars of the 80s and now.
Nice face
Not fat
Hips, boobs, lips, nose, unique features like dimples or moles, skin clarity, hair and scalp is healthy
Some threads on /soc/ have people posting themselves asking how to improve themselves. It may help for you to do that here or there
Has a vagina
big eyes
big lips
big boobs
wide hips
big booty
slim frame
blonde hair
good brain
Hot is physically attractive.
Me being a 26 year old male, I define hot as having a nice butt, nice breasts, nice face, Green eyes and blonde.
No need to be blond or have Green eyes, just have a nice face and a nice body and men Will be all over you.
Get in a gym, have a good diet and develop a good body + have decent genetics and you'll be hot in most men eyes. Now, you say you are very profesional and studious, that's not bad at all, just some men won't find you interesting but you don't want those types in your life anyway.
Hm, alright. I've never really worn any makeup nor done much with my hair. That might not be helping my situation.
The hottest I've ever seen a woman is in the morning as she was wearing an old tee shirt of mine. I'm personally into a tomboy look and body hair. It changes from person to person.
I would suggest learning to flirt and confidence would go further than a bit of makeup, though learning how to use an eye pencil goes a long way.
Oh yeah, I also find extremely attractive when girls take the time to wear red lipstick, dress well and all that. I try to wear decent clothes, hit the gym and have abs. I don't need a girl with abs (that would be cool tho lol), but as long as you stay in shape, wear makeup and care about your appearance that's all I ask for a girl in terms of appearance. Personality wise just be a fun person to be around, just be you and I'll be me and let's see if we have chemistry.
Hot means “pretty good looking and plausibly fuckable”. Fuckability is the important part. A beautiful woman is nice to look at like a painting but realistically we know we can’t dick her.
Hot women are easy on the eyes and seem easy for the dick too.
Any advice on what I should do to try and help my situation? I'm a pale brunette, pretty average looking, but I'm at least tall and have a good bod I've worked on for a while.
A lot of it has to do with your personality/the way you carry yourself, unironically.
>wanting to be hot
Unironically, it's better to be beautiful than hot.
Work on your spiritual health. You are probably young, white, and beautiful and many high-value men would marry you. What causes far more failures in long-term relationships is not some makeup-routine but instead a bad attitude, abuse of alcohol, laziness, infidelity, etc.
Beyond the physically attractive traits mentioned earlier, what really gets me is someone who’s actually interested in me and can hold a conversation. Someone who has strong convictions, asks questions about me, likes to discuss ideas, etc. I see countless hot girls but this is what really turns me on.
In addition, I’m Christian, so this is really a personal preference, but I only feel confident about having a relationship with someone who doesn’t have much dating experience and is still a virgin
>I'm Christian
There was once a time when Your Kind would have been laughed all the way back to GoGaia and rightly so, pal
I’m actually more of a Gnostic but whatever
Are you going to post your fedora collection next? It's not okay to be a leftist faggot anymore.
Your newfaggotry tires me
Go back to celebrating communism and atheism you fucking hippie.
Sounds like you have something better than "hot" going on. Shrug
>asking how to improve themselves. It may help for you to do that here
No. This isn't a rate thread.
This and my nigga
If you are on test every girl is a hot girl. fuarrrk
Good stuff
those don't work mate.
Fit body, pretty face, clothes to show off said body, well taken care of hygiene, smile, glowing personality, charming.
This user is way more correct than you realize, OP
Hard to explain, but I group girls are "Hot" and "Pretty".
Hot girls are attractive as fuck, but pretty girls are anger inducing, if that makes any sense. It's like squares and rectangles, OP. Pretty girls are hot, but not all hot girls are pretty/beautiful.
Take fuck/marry/kill. Hot is the girl you'd pick to fuck, beautiful is the girl you'd pick to marry.
Also, most people have it described physically pretty well here. Pretty face, symmetric, good features etc. I think one that people neglect to mention is jawline. Literally every single pretty girl has a defined jawline. Don't have a doublechin and you're good.
I've met people and I can't imagine a shitter goal than wanting to be 'hot' in the eyes of average people. Average people are the worst. I am a guy though and as such I believe my opinion is the best opinion.
I guess if I was a woman and a bit of a chump I'd look around me and think, gee the secret to health, wealth and happiness is clearly the validation that comes from average people wanting to fuck me before they know me. Unless you are actually hideous a lot of them probably do anyway. I know when I'm bored I visualise you gasping with pain and pleasure as I stretch you over my fat dick. All of you, except the actively hideous ones.
That said, I'm getting older now and can see the difference going from hot and attractive to simply slightly irrelevant in the eyes of others. If you've never had it you never realise what a difference some playful flirting and just having high energy made in getting what you want in everyday situations. I can feel the loss of that.
Pretty girls are always hot?
confidence and not caring what others think is key.
also how the hell are her boobs doing that without a bra.
Good cleavage, well tone voluptuous figure.
I think it's not just about being good looking. I think hot girls know how to talk and present themselves without coming across as cheap.
>too studious, professional, or generally closed and prude to be considered "hot".
Smile more, laugh more, flirt more. Besides the physical part that makes a woman attractive
check out bimbo porn on tumblr
Good question. E N H A N C E
If you zoom in on them they look wrong/different to other bits of the pic. I believe they have been photoshopped.
Just drop your clothes off.
Do having braces kill being hot?
can speak french
Makeup is polarizing, it depends on the setting you're in.
You won’t have them forever and after your teeth won’t be fucked up, so naw
It's subjective. Just know that by default, you have sex appeal
as long as they arnt obese its good
as long as you're not older than 25 you're good.
If she gets paid a lot of money to stare at a camera then shes hot
glasses can be pretty hot. legs are highly undervalued in my opinion. being slim ish, having some breasts, and hair that isnt short short.
L8 and B8 but chiming in anyway.
There is a looks barrier for everyone everywhere. For women this barrier is pretty darn low since they have this inherent sexual value, though "hotness" can be defined as good ratios across the board in their body. Symmetrical faces, breasts and butt, lower body fat, how their hair is done in proportion to their face and forehead, and fashion which is a whole other ballpark. This is speaking generally though as I like chubby girls. Though I feel like you're asking about attraction (?) which is different for everyone with physical attraction always factored in.
For me it's definitely wit/intelligence. The "hottest" girl I dated I got bored and frustrated with because there was no back and forth in the conversation, jokes wouldn't land, and even real simple stuff would just go by the wayside with her. Another girl was largely not conventionally attractive, though I enjoyed her because we had similarities in our sense of humor and she was pretty knowledgeable/intelligent.
Hope this helps.
Ouai, un peu
I’m 28
so do your hair and use make up to enhance your facial features
looks aside, be more open/vocal, that helps with the prudeness
Sorry to say, but as far as hotness is concerned you're pretty much in free fall.
Is that a pedophile's data sheet or something? Fuck off
Wheres pic from i swear i know that beach.
>14 most attractive
Fuck off incel paedophile
Personaly girls that are beautiful, and also try like wear makeup and wear sexy clothing
>pic related?
Would be hot.
>Most of my life I (assuming) have been seen as either too studious, professional, or generally closed and prude to be considered "hot".
You're assuming wrong. Men are lustful creatures. We absolutely do not need any kind of hint like the girl acting slutty or showing cleavage to project our sexual desires onto her. Provided you're somewhat attractive, men will never consider you too studious or professional to consider you hot.
They might consider you too studious or professional to dare approach you, but I assure you that's not something that prevents men from finding a girl hot.
OP wants to be approached
OP I'm always mystified by this questions like this. It's pretty fucking obvious.
> Good looking face
> skinny waist
> large breasts and ass
> good skin
> overall good muscle tone and skeletal frame
Like what more do you need to know?
Hey OP, here's what I did but went slow since most of it made me very uncomfortable and you need confidence to pull some of this off.
My mom has a friend that is a seamstress and I talked to her and she went through everything I have, to me to discard most and the cute things she altered to fit me perfectly. Now every piece of clothing, even jeans she alters to fit ME.
I went to several cosmetic counters at the mall, picked the most stunning girl and asked her for makeup tips including skin care and what perfume to wear. (little tip. if you pick the right perfume and don't over do it, guys will remember you)
Never go out in flats especially if you are in shorts.
Get rid of all your old panties and bras and get the smallest that holds everything in but do not wear panties if the panty lines show.
Don't be afraid to direct attention with your clothes to your breast and especially your vagina.
Grow out your natural nails and have regular manicures and pedicures.
Tastefully highlight your hair and have it styled. I'm not talking about a box from the drug store but at a salon. I know it cost a lot of money but save up you'll look stunning.
And here is the hard part. When you are out, ignore all the men but quickly look occasionally to catch them looking at you. Its a great game and make sure you pose and move your body in a way to get attention. When you catch them staring, stare back a second and slowly turn your back to them.
>NOT fat
>normal face (particularly clear skin)
90% of guys just want these, and anything else is gravy
>direct attention with clothes to your vagina
How the heck?
Decently pretty face, doesn't have to be skinny, just not fat, big tits and a fat ass are just a bonus. I have fairly low standards but I would be perfectly happy with a girl with a pretty face and in decent shape
Your pants tight in the crotch, the cut low in the front and your top should show some skin near your waist line. Even if you have a blouse with tails unbutton the bottom and top buttons
Shorts, well thats easy and if they are loose have them short enough the guys can think they can see your vagina when you sit.
I have some dresses that have a split in the front
Personally, the less accessories like makeup, nail stuff or hair stuff I see the more attractive she looks. Mostly because the lack of those things give me a feeling that she is someone who I could actually talk to normally. Sure things like red lipstick or hair color can look well, but every one of these has her feel less and less approachable.
Gllhhrrrr i love gravy
Different men, different tastes. I like Victoria Justice: not just her looks, but her love of puns, and basic niceness, calmness. You will find a great guy who appreciates you.