Why is it so easy for normies to get a gf? I'm 27 and still can't figure out how this shit works

Why is it so easy for normies to get a gf? I'm 27 and still can't figure out how this shit works.

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Because normies go outside where other normies are.

This. It‘s all about exposure and being social.

You won’t figure it out at a computer or looking at any screen.

Why would you ask on Jow Forums?

There is nothing to figure out. That's the problem.

Exposure to what? I go outside when I go to work and can't see how more of this would help.

Dont worry about it... you would just argue with us and how we’re wrong if we teied to explain.

Why won't the 10/10 asian chick come delivered to my door ANONS!!.
Is it because of travel expenses etc that we don't ship live humans to someone?.

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Why are you even on this board if you don't want to give advice to others?

"Normies" is a meme term for people who are neurotypical and well-adjusted to society. People on Jow Forums tend to be neurotic outcasts, you are likely one as well. That makes it harder to get a gf.

Your thread gave us literally no other info to give you personally-tailored advice. I really don't know what you're expecting to hear.

Because they hang out with people who think the same way they do.

Which not everyone can pull off.

Is it? I

Finding partners is a really difficult task for a lot of people.

We are just going to have to admit it, the internet gave us waaaaaay to much knowledge that we fear going outside. Or at least its the case for me and Op over here.

Normies don’t take pride in being dysgenic weirdos for 1

Because you're using labels like normie as if there's some genetic separation from you and more socially successful people. It's a symptom of having too much self-pity, which is pathetic to everyone. The reality is that you just haven't put in the effort to be sociable and/or fuckable like just about everyone has to. Even people born pretty have to work to stay physically and mentally healthy in this world.

We have this same thread over and over
>why can't I get a gf
>you should go out and interact with people in a non professional setting
>wtf like some kind of degenerate nOrMiE?
Waste of fucking time

because you're boring and uninteresting.

1 - use appearances to get her attention (pua tactics apply)
2 - be yourself
i really dont recommend the first though, you will get flooded by shallow girls, but that is perfect for those looking for a quick pussay

Don't forget the classic
>rejection will give me a heart attack, a stroke and Super AIDS all at once! I can't handle being sad! You're insane!

They make it known that they want a girlfriend
Usually by flirting
It escalates and eventually some is brave enough to go for it

flirting is kind of surveying and seeing how far you can get
you're seeing what you can and cant say/do

Normies get their gf through mutual relationships
the 3 girls Ive ever been with were from class, work, and mutual friends

If this were true, why is everyone in public either old(50+), crazy, or homeless? The only time you see people between 25 to 35 is when they're on their way to or from work

The problem is that people in your shoes put the pussy on a pedestal and the behavior is so subconscious by that point and has gone unaddressed so long that it's virtually impossible to break the behavior from outside; we really just have to wait for you to clue in to it and move past treating girls like they're different beings.

It's not that it's easy for them to find girls, it's easy for them to meet and mesh with people because they're usually more concerned with the circumstances than with thinking 'oh maybe she's into me or maybe she's not' or 'oh I wonder if saying this will make it awkward'

Most people understand that awkwardness is part of life and so is learning, making mistakes, and coming past both processes as something more than you were before them. The real trick is that we all fucking die anyway so stop giving so much of a fuck and start learning to enjoy life for the small things.

We don't need tripfags who don't leave the house to give us their social anecdotes and barter them off as facts
Alternatively you live in a small town, and sucks to be you

Actually live in one of the bigger, more hated cities on the planet but keep assuming shit, that's gonna really get you far in life

>accuses others of assuming shit
>says nobody in public is under 50 and not going to work
Nigga you're a tripfag, why are you even doing this
Just cede that it was an ass-backwards point to make, you don't have to always be right.


Reminds me of crazy scientists isolating themselves from public because they don't understand their true intentions and wisdom that society couldn't comprehend.

Jow Forums is the reincarnation of that.

I think the problem with these kind of answers is that they are too vague for someone without social skills.
>where do you go to interact with people?
>how do I meet new people
>what do I say to new people I've just met
>how do I keep the conversation flowing
It's not like I don't want to get better at socializing, I just don't know where to begin with it, and nobody on this fucking board is willing to help.

You should have friends. You're supposed to get those back in high school and during college. You can still get them on work or you can go to activities like group sports and meet friends there, or maybe even at a gym.

Then you organise parties with friends, or go out with them. There a friend brings her female friends, etc. and your circle of people you know increases.

In a social non-working setting, especially if there's alcohol, women will be more receptive to flirting, so you pick one and go talk to her. Then you either look for her on social media, or ask a number and start chatting, or you go for touching and a kiss as soon as you meet her and get her to be alone with you. You figure this shit out by yourself.

If you can't find friends, then go on a dating site and look there. Or try meeting women directly by going to dance classes, languages courses and similar activities.

As for conversation, don't think that it's about you calculating what is the most interesting thing to say, small talk is more of an exchange of emotions and positive social signals than actual content of the conversation. Ask questions, find common topics, comment on whatever is happening around you, etc. You look for a way to make the other person feel interesting, comfortable and related to.

PIck something you like and do it. Volunteer, pick a group activity at the gym, join fun classes (like acting or shit, something that people do to relax), join a boardgame night at a shop, join something that's fun for you. Have fun with other people.

If you can't have fun with other people, then you are not ready to date. Start by learning to make friends and then move on to dating.

Don't listen to this fucking sperg

Hooking up and getting a gf is "easy" if you don't have too many preset filters.