How do I find a girlfriend with some type of mental disorder? I've tried chat clients like Discord but whenever I happen to fish out a decent girl they're always the worst type of person (cant post anything that isn't twitter/tumblr meme humor and uses a smartphone) and they have a million faggots orbiting them. I just want a genuinely autistic girl to cuddle w/.
How do I find a girlfriend with some type of mental disorder...
>How do I find a girlfriend with some type of mental disorder?
Date a trans girl
>how do I find a girl with faggot orbiters who is the worst kind of person?
>except I don't want them to be the worst kind of person nor have faggot orbiters
>using a phone makes her a bad person
Meme just a liiiiittle bit harder.
Who are you quoting
Hang around outside a shrink's office until a girl comes out
>How do I find a girlfriend with some type of mental disorder?
Most people have some form of a mental disorder. You don't want to date a woman with any mental health issues, you aren't going to get someone grateful, you aren't going to get a virgin QT3.14 waifu, you aren't going to be able to "fix" them regardless of what you think you can do to help them.
Most women with some form of mental health problems are covered in tattoos, will drink/smoke/use drugs, have kids, a sketchy past or anything, it's fucked.
Dating a woman with autism/aspergers is shit if you dated anyone "normal" before them or are "normal" yourself, you find their quirks very early on, they don't get particularly invested in certain areas but get very attached (in my experience), they won't show a great deal of emotion and won't understand much. Simply put, going out of your way to find someone with mental health issues is only going to end badly, you're not going to find your imaginary oneitis, you're going to find a turboweeaboo with a history of abandonment issues that doesn't look you in the eye while obsessively organising her cutlery.
I have mental health issues, but not the kind you're interested in. Because you want an "autistic" variety of a manic pixie girl, and they simply don't exist in real life. Girls are either mentally unwell in one way or another, but functioning and therefore too normie for your (and not only yours) standards, or completely wrecked by their mental issues and therefore undateable.
Be careful OP, I was with a girl that like anime a lot, loved MMRPGs, and played Minecraft. I was fine with all of that. I like animes (not a lot but I can say I love a few for sure) I like playing video games (not all the time but here and there) and I did love Minecraft. It was great finally finding someone that I could share that with (my only guilty autistic pleasure I suppose). She was a bit shy (I don’t care, I’m a quiet dude) but I ended up finding out that she had a bit of an anxiety and depression problem. Would bring it up here and there. Long story short, she tried to leave once, I convinced her to stay but 6 months after that she said she felt she couldn’t be romantically involved due to those issues and we haven’t spoken since.
I thought it was going great, and now she’s gone.
Apparently when you’re like that you don’t think straight, or reasonable. Or maybe I really fucked up. Maybe she got bored, or maybe she found someone better. Thing is I’ll never know, because she never told me.
Watch what you wish for.
At this point I hope she’s doing better. I hope she found some peace.
After a couple failed relationships early on, I thought "huh, I'll find someone who seems kind of fucked up like I am, she'll be able to understand me better, she'll have more patience for my shit, and we'll be able to help each other get better together."
Nope. Most people who are fucked up don't have the capacity to deal with someone's else shit, they're trying to hold it down just dealing with their own.
And that's me too. I try to remember that the stuff she's doing that's fucking with my head or making me feel insecure isn't personal, it's because it's how she behaves because of her own shit. But it still messes with my head or makes me feel insecure. Two messed up people together isn't easier, it's harder.
And your idea what makes for a decent person is pretty fucking shallow. Using a phone or enjoying viral images and videos doesn't make someone suck, and it certainly doesn't mean that's all there is to them. But hey, whatever you have to tell yourself to explain why you haven't been able to find anyone who's much interested in you.
How are you doing now user? Have you worked on yourself?
Hopefully everything is going better with your mental health and life.
You’re not alone in your journey man, stay strong.
She's probably a dyke now
>And your idea what makes for a decent person is pretty fucking shallow. Using a phone or enjoying viral images and videos doesn't make someone suck, and it certainly doesn't mean that's all there is to them. But hey, whatever you have to tell yourself to explain why you haven't been able to find anyone who's much interested in you.
If I wanted to date a smartphone normie I'd go on Tinder. I don't want an autist gf for selfish r9k tier reasons like "she won't leave you for Tyrone111!!1". I want one because I want someone to relate to.
You know, I’ve thought of that. She was always with a childhood friend, female. It could, but then again I’ll never know. The point is it doesn’t make thing better, most times they just bail on you at the drop of a hat
Eat a phonepost faggot :^)
>relate to
>over mental issues
I wonder what it's like to have your head so far up your own ass that all you can hear is your own shit.
Fuck off rudeposter. I just want to be loved
>I want to turn on this light but the bulb is broken
>wtf I don't want to replace the bulb just tell me how to turn on a broken one
Who are you quoting
Right, that's what I'm saying, this is a selfish generalization you're making based on self-indulgence. Not only is it destined to fail, it's inherently retarded from the get-go. It doesn't help that you have all the personal tact of a fucking cactus.
Your problem is, and always will be until you get over it, that you want to relate to people over words and classifications rather than actually getting to know them.
As per my first post-- and I was quoting you, dipshit-- you're deliberately marketing yourself to girls who are noted for being shitty, flaky, and irrepressibly in need of constant attention (read: gathers orbiters) and then you're all buttmad in the exact same post-- hell, the same line-- that you're finding girls who are shitty, flaky and irrepressibly self-indulgent. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I know you're sick, need help and this seems like a genuine reach-out to you or the fact that you don't realize you're reaching into a fucking pot of live crabs and wondering why you're getting snibedy snabed.
Girls-- and guys-- with issues tend to be bags of baggage of bags. You get all the worst of women AND of mental issues thanks to the internet's """social conditioning""", IE coddling literally anything and everything but multitudinous numbers. So now, unless they're antisocial and probably avoiding you anyway, they're likely to be permasingle girls whose nudes mysteriously end up circulating and they keep saying 'I just want to be loved' but they absolutely, positively refuse to love anything that they don't see when they stand alone in front of a mirror.
Don't do it to yourself, man. Find a girl who DOES love YOU, who loves YOU FOR YOU, not because you're an anxious, depressed mess. Find one who'll understand that you are trying and always looking to be better than you were, and find one who'll push you to that rather than justify your and her failures and perpetuate them.
You can do better. Just stop bein' a fuckin dingus
The reason people are rude to you is because you're a fucking dipshit
tl;dr. I just want a comfy girl who likes everything I like and isn't a fucking robot submitting to social media/smartphone culture.
>who likes everything I like
lmao pff, good luck with that
Then look for that and not a fucking schitzo or autist.
Thanks for the good luck fren
You kind of act like a pissant so it doesn't surprise me to learn you only find pissant girls.
You said what you said and presumably meant it with some level of investment. The truth is, your approach is what's flawed, and leading you to finding these girls you don't actually like. You have delusions about what you're after.
The truth is, a total normie girl would be one of your best fits because she'd be able to shoulder some of your burden with you, and your intricate understanding of suffering (or at least, you SHOULD have so developed) will allow you to empathize with her when she feels weak and wounded from the world.
Instead, here you are on Jow Forums, asking where to find mentally damaged girls. Tut tut.
Honestly you seem to be a cunt, so I'd suggest just keeping whatever comes your way. There ain't no cure for being a cunt, unfortunately.
Blah blah blah. I'm asking for advice not nagging you britfag. So basically what you're saying is I need to date someone I have 0 interest in and couldn't even hold a conversation with.
>I can only talk to people who will make my life shit because they're mentally damaged
This is what you are saying.
broken people are people too.
People who are not capable of leading unfucked lives. You think their mental problems are something to bond over. They are not. You will want to die because of the shit they will put you through.
I thought I did give you some advice. I told you to keep whoever can tolerate your bullshit, if you ever do find a girl like that. I sure as hell don't, though. You can kill yourself for all I care.
Canadian, but nice try. Europeans are notedly more whiny, shove blame off themselves and are voted in class 'most likely to cry about something they did to themselves.' Let's not forget 'Europeans solve their problems by throwing childish tantrums and prop gags.'
Broken people are people but broken people who want to help themselves are. Broken people who want validation and lauding for being broken are just the human equivalent of Made In China substitutes for things. They don't do what humans do, they don't act like humans act, they break twice as easily and fix twice as slow, they require double the attention for half the output and all of this comes wrapped in an "I deserve equal treatment" package. The fact is, you don't, and that's for better AND worse-- you don't deserve the same tenets of friendship when you don't offer them but at the same time, you DO need help and DO need to get it and have someone pay special attention to you and your problems so you can move past them.
We're giving you advice. Be less of a shit person. Being broken isn't your problem-- being a fucking pedant, a sarcastic cunt and an entitled twit all at once is just about the surest way to scare every girl off.
EXCEPT, that is, the one you listed in your OP which you APPARENTLY don't want, despite your actions veritably screaming otherwise.
Remember, behind every post-- it's a fucking Leaf.
Lol... you want my gf. She’s a 2/10 on the autism spectrum, has like 1 friend, is obsessed with anime and Nintendo games, is a memelord with no social media accounts.... has no idea who the Kardashians are. She’s basically a typical user’s wet dream. Only problem is she’s only attracted to normies like me. Like I don’t even like anime/Nintendo. I think that whole culture is cancerous. Life’s a bitch, ain’t it?