How do I pay a girl for sex in college? I just want to get rid of my virginity by any way possible
How do I pay a girl for sex in college? I just want to get rid of my virginity by any way possible
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What do you think will happen after you pay for sex? How do you expect your life will change?
I did it, so I want to hear out what you expect so I can tell you if it's gonna work or not.
Seekingarrangement is the prostitute hub the states.
It's a loophole because the girls are sugarbabies.
The Left actually promotes this idea too now so it might be less stigmatized in the future (not that it really should be):
bump because I have the same issue. except the ratio in my school is like 4 guys for every girl; so the game was rigged from the start.
Same question: What do you expect to get out of this? How do you think getting your dick wet will help you out when the problem is that there just aren't enough girls around?
I just want to accomplish something that almost every normal human being could do. maybe then I can stop being so awkward and retarded around girls.
>maybe then I can stop being so awkward and retarded around girls.
How? You paid for the sex. You didn't go out to have fun, you didn't flirt, you didn't convince her to have sex with you. You bought her time. How can paying a hooker help you learn to flirt?
it will give me confidence. plus its good practice so that if i eventually get a gf, i wont suck as much on that aspect.
and if I wont, at least I wont die a virgin
Confidence in what?
And again, I'm not talking about the actual sex, I'm talking about getting there. How is paying for it going to help you with that?
How? How would that work? Can you walk me through your logic?
>someone was willing, whether or not I pay for it, to engage in the joining of mortal flesh with awkward scum like myself.
whats so hard to understand?
like other user said: after you buy a hooker and she services you, you will still walk and talk and act and think like a virgin.
I'm also not one of these wannabe traditional newfags who thinks that male virginity is sacred and you should only beat off to hentai until you marry your virgin white wife - but if you fuck a whore your first time that'll be a secret that you take to your grave. If someone asks you about your first time what are you going to tell them?
>whats so hard to understand?
Hookers (even non-"official" ones) are women that have sex for money, not for the dude. Anyone paying gets sex. IT doesn't make you more interesting, it just means you could pay for it.
If you pay for it, they're not really willing.
What they want is that paycheck, not really to have sex with you.
right, but they're still giving me the opportunity, reluctantly, to fuck.
Your thinking is circular and won't get you anywhere. Go and find a way for you to become naturally confident because that will 100% attract women. Thus getting your Peter wet
That's not giving you an opportunity, that's providing a service. The person that sells you burgers doesn't like or is impressed by you, neither is the dude that fixes your car or any other person that provides a service for money.
Anyone willing to sell their body is, by definition, not selective about who they have sex with. It's like paying for a friend to go bowling with you. It means you can't engage in that social interaction without buying it.
but everyone around my dorm is talking about how everyone is fucking all the time. and how fucking solved all of their problems. I just want to be a normal college student and get my dick wet
>and how fucking solved all of their problems
So... this is bait, right? If you unironically believe this, then you are a lost cause. Either way, we can't help you.
You can't go into it thinking like that. There are the party types that you hear about having sex, but really you don't want to join them because they are fake cool, not real cool. Just focus on having the best college experience for yourself and if you're lucky a cute girl will sit across from you while you're in the cafeteria and you can ask her for coffee and try and make her your first gf.
worked for me
Oh im fully aware of that, I know they're never gonna be impressed by me, but they're still willing to have sex with me because its their job.
Jow Forums is a strange religion; expectation of perfect chastity for some and how-dare-you-criticize perfect sluttery for others.
>they're still willing to have sex with me because its their job.
How is that an ego boost? They would have sex with a lot of ugly, socialy retarded and evil people, too, as long as they paid.
>after you buy a hooker and she services you, you will still walk and talk and act and think like a virgin.
what is a college experience without partying and fucking? not to mention im in an engineering college: where the guy to girl ratio is 4:1
Extremes are usually not the best place to be at.
because I got rid of my virginity.
What is your "virginity"? You can never tell any girl you had sex this way, you don't know how to flirt, you didn't earn this with your actions, just money. How are you not still a virgin?
You can party and fuck, but don't make it your identity- it's not a good rep.
because i put my dick in someone else, whats so hard to understand?
of course not, but everyone has done it at some point, well in my school at least.
i mean theres also my tinder, but I feel like this is a more rational means of losing my v card since im only 5'7.5
>after you buy a hooker and she services you, you will still walk and talk and act and think like a virgin.
you're better off just buying a fleshlight dude. It''d be less embarrassing or life-ruining as being caught or seen with a hooker.
How is that going to help you date, though? Are you going to walk up a girl at the bar and say "I had sex with a hooker" then wink?
You plan is: Step 1: I fuck a hooker, Step 2: ???, Step 3: Girls date me know.
I new for you to explain to us Step 2, because that's where you are wrong.
Right, but I would still carry the burden of being a virgin, and I don't want that anymore. I dont want to end up like Chris Chan.
>carry the burden of being a virgin
What is that burden? You are the one making it such a big deal.
Step one will give me the confidence and mindset to improve myself through various means, AKA this is step 2, then step 3 will come in no time.
Guess what Chris Chan did in 2012 lol
>Step one will give me the confidence and mindset to improve myself through various means
Why can't you date right now? Why can't you use Tinder or ask a girl out at a bar?
Tell the story user. I have never heard it and I thought I knew all about Chris-Chan, but if what your implying happened then well.... big if true
yeah, but he was in his mid 30's. im still only 18, the year before the last year where its normal to lose your virginity.
also, Chris Chan isnt self aware, so he made an ass of himself in public just to try to find some coochie. I am different from him, I know that Its not possible for me to get some the normal way, and I know that you cant really be an adult unless you pop your cherry at the most socially normal time to do so (19 y.o is the limit).
because I keep being ghosted and shit for my height or awkward manner, and guess how I will lose that and gain self confidence???
>t.salty roastie
let the guy have some fun.
sex with love is the greatest thing you can ever accomplish. sex without love is top 2.
>I know that you cant really be an adult unless you pop your cherry
I hope that hooker teaches you about personal finances and everything else that makes you an adult.
You know that's locker room talk right? Those are things you say to flex your muscles. What they don't tell you is that gaining a social bone is what really fixed their problems
>I keep being ghosted and shit for my height or awkward manner,
Fucking a hooker won't fix that, I can 100% guarantee it right now. You'll regret it if you go for a hooker. I did regret it. It doesn't work. Learn from me, man. Learn from me.
>let the guy have some fun.
He thinks this will fix his problems. He will see it won't. He is not having fun, he thinks he is going to take a shortcut to avoid having to develop a personality and some self-respect.
go to the philippines and talk to a cute filipina, bam! you didnt need to hire a hooker
With what money?
>He will see it won't
he will learn from it.
I say he should have all his sexual needs covered. A man without sex can go crazy.
op guy, try to get call girls who are close to your age and practice. you can have conversations with them. they are also interesting people. treat them with respect and they will be kind to you as well. try to have as much sex as your wallet allows while being prudent in your finances but don't starve from sex. I'm telling you from experience.
>A man without sex can go crazy.
That's bullcrap. Spending all your cash in the rush of a cheap whore is worse than having to fap. You've never had sex with a hooker if you really think it's better than an anohole. There's nothing to it, it's empty as fuck.
>treat them with respect and they will be kind to you as well.
And then he is the dumb guy that falls for a hooker that is paid to pay attention to him. Dude, this is just bad advice.
>don't get a hooker, but try to convince someone that's dtf with you.
Ok, but with what confidence? Besides they probably belong to other people.
It's not "big if true" it's old as shit already and common knowledge to any Christorian or anyone who's lurked the cwcki for a few hours.
>where its normal to lose your virginity.
It's not normal to buy a hooker, context is everything.
>and I know that you cant really be an adult unless you pop your cherry at the most socially normal time to do so (19 y.o is the limit).
There is no limit, and you won't have really lost your virginity like I said earlier you'll still think and act like one. You're stuck on this "socially normal time" thing that you think it's totally normal and okay and legal to just gamble on a hooker.
>but with what confidence?
Do you think buying milk at the store makes you a better farmer?
you are making scenarios that are just possibilities.
>cheap whore
if you pick the right ones you'd see that there are also humans
>it's empty as fuck.
you must fuck 10/10 girls every day or you are just talking out of your ass.
>And then he is the dumb guy that falls for a hooker
if he is dumb that's another problem he must solve. nothing to do with what we are talking about here.
I just hate being left behind and out of the loop of everything. and I know that if I dont do this by the time I turn 20, let alone 30, then it will haunt me for the rest of my life. I'll remain on this board, trying to convince myself not to end it by whatever excuse user pulls out of his ass.
Why are you so fixated on having sex with a prostitute before you turn 20 or whatever?
Excuse me for not majoring in Chris-Chanology
because then I'll know that I wont become a damn wizard. this is one of the last few years in which Ill have some free time, and if I dont fuck at this point, then I'll probably never will
the phillippines is cheap as shit, the girls will date you, believe me i was there on vacation.
>you must fuck 10/10 girls every day or you are just talking out of your ass
Looks have nothing to do with it. Even in a one night stand at least you get the comfort of knowing that you picked this girl up. A fat ugly asshole can fuck the same whore as you for the same price.
>this is one of the last few years in which Ill have some free time, and if I dont fuck at this point, then I'll probably never will
What? Are you going to be so busy that you won't have time to fuck a whore? How do you expect to date, then?
Here, I didn't link right because i'm dumb:
if you are seeing it as a competition fine, it's your opinion. but from metal health point of view op should get his dick wet.
You'll still become a wizard, fucking with a hooker doesn't count. It's the same as a fleshlight or sex doll.
I wish I didn't have so much of Chris Chan's life occupying my brain which could be used for literally anything else, especially his sex vid and pics of dick and infected taint and everything else.
>if you are seeing it as a competition
it's not a competition, it's pointing out that there's no merit in doing it, you are not more capable or knowledgable after hiring a hooker. OP wants confidence, and hookers can't give him that.
>It's the same as a fleshlight or sex doll.
It's not, though.
The mechanics, verbal and non-verbal communication with the whore, the exact time window instead of whenever
It's not congruent to a non-directly-contracted sexual encounter but it's more prescient experience towards his stated goals than using a vampire fanged pringles can to jerk off
>It's not congruent but it's more prescient
You sound like a guy who's an authority on having sex
True lmao
I'm not, but I've fucked all three types of the holes up being discussed (hooker, sex doll, fleshlight.) I can tell you that fucking silicon/tpe/rubber won't make you freeze up any less around women whereas fucking a hooker, however artificial the exchange, helped me demystify SIIHP. I can now talk to qt girls without getting flustered and, if I weren't a loner, chemically impotent addict shithead, could probably land something feminine.
What about my post besides the use of words did you take exception to?
let's be real, OP wants to fug.
he can fug now, be confident later.
>if I weren't a loner, chemically impotent addict shithead
but you sounded like a mathematician a second ago
>I can now talk to qt girls without getting flustered
So can I and I got over my nervousness by just talking to ugly girls who were just as desperate as me if not more, and it didn't get me in any legal trouble like bying a hooker would
you don't directly pay for sex. you take her out for drinks and buying her drinks and spending your time with her are the proxy by which you pay.
Math is great, but I fail to see what you're driving at besides being broadly insulting. Further, even if I were a mathematician, or an intellectual, or whatever you're implying I'm LARPing as, I don't see how that would effect the fact that I can't function sober (or not sober, for that matter.)
I've only ever actually been to a legal brothel (Nevada, US) so that wasn't an issue. Talking to ugly girls, or fatties, might be a better solution for some. I was always okay talking to girls until it became clear sex was possible, upon which I would sperg out and shut it all down. Getting a couple of practice fucks in from someone I wasn't trying to impress was an experience I value, even if I bought it instead of "earning" it.
Good on you for the progress you've made, sincerely. I'm not claiming any high ground; but, the fact remains, there are more roads to Dublin than one.
OP I know how you feel. I'm 25 almost 26 in a few months. Never even had a gf. Also really want to just have sex with a hooker just to get it out of the way.