Is anyone here straight edge

With the exception of coffee, how is it? I quit weed and everything except alcohol. I feel like going back to smoking weed every day because life feels so unsatisfactory.

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>straight edge
>except this one drug
One bird, two stones

I guess it depends
You can still have a shitty life without drugs

I never claimed to be straight edge.

Without weed my life is boring, I just watch Netflix after work and go on here. Weed gives me emotional energy.

I keep seeing "straight edge" threads all over the boards of Jow Forums and never once did anyone ever know what it actually meant.

Yes, part of it is no drugs/drink/smoke/sex but that's not it. Muslims or Mormons or whatever aren't straight edge even if they follow that same rule.

The most important part is being a time traveller from the 1980s and listening to shitty hardcore punk music and having big dumb X's sharpied or tattoed on the top of your hand

weedless life is fucking dull
smoke on bro, life is too short

Have you ever tried doing something different? Like going to the gym or creating a puppet opera

I have, went from caffeine/alcohol/weed every day to nothing for about two months. And really, my life didn't change too much. For a week or so it was pretty hard to get out of bed and back to sleep, but that was easy enough to adjust back to. I wasn't any happier or sadder though, maybe a little more bored if anything.

I was working out this summer but gave up. It gave me energy, but I never found it fun.

So find a workout that you think is fun

I don't think any working out is "fun", it was more if a self improvement activity. If that were the case everyone would be outside shakng their body's like a high school musical movie.

he said find a workout you think is fun, so take up a sport/physical activity you like on its own like boxing, climbing or mountain biking.
It's hard to imagine there's NOTHING physical you'd enjoy for its own sake

Okay I'll start playing sports. That'll make my life a lot more fun

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Jesus dude you're acting like that's a strange thing to say, yes people play sports because they're fun, that's the reason most people play sports

not straight edge but I used to smoke weed daily and now I only do it for special occasions (concerts, playing music, etc), and my quality of life and productivity have both improved. I'm happier now.

Me, I don't even drink coffee. It feels normal, since I have never done anything I feel no desire to do it. I've never been in a situation where drinking or smoking was expected.

okay, xxBl00dH4ck1nggrrlxx
it was a long time ago, you can stop hating yourself

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>except coffee
Well, it does change your state of mind. While not technically a narcotic, it...
>also except alcohol
dude what

That's like saying "I want to convert to judaism"

"but I'll still eat pork"

"and not follow shabbat"

wait 10 seconds

take a breath

"or pray or read the scriptures or learn the history or attend anything or change my lifestyle"

"but I won't eat shellfish"

Don't take this the wrong way but it sounds as though your life just sucks. Don't try changing it by finding an new group identity to subscribe to. Besides, trying to quit an addiction while depressed has a near 100% failure rate. Sort out your life first.

How is the mindset against sex? You must be thinking of asceticism. "Straight-edge" is a trademarked label invented to sell blue jeans with holes and punk music CDs to people who want to belong. We need a better title. One that encapsulates being against mind-altering substances, and against careless antibiotics usage, but without the asceticism.

>huge description about how he just wants to be himself
Then fucking do it you weenie
You don't need fucking cheerleaders anytime you decide not to drink. Fucking obsessed with being recognized for absolutely nothing

>Person A: don't be slaves to group identities. This one was only invented to make consumers loyal to a product

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I only have sex. I don't drink , do drugs , or smoke. So not really straight edge I guess.