>be me >married, with kid >relationship starts great >she starts cheating on me 2 years in with a few guys >first girl I ever loved, I took her back each time >relationship deteriorates and I cheat on her. >preparing to leave her for good and find out she is pregnant and definitely mine >stay with her and we move across country >after baby is born, wife flies home to see a guy. I beg her not to but she goes anyway >come back but we never discuss it, move on >cheats on me again but this time introduces him to our daughter and me and he becomes family friend. >know something is up with guy after I see text messages between the two >ask wife, she downplays it >we get legally married >find out she fucked the guy prior to us getting married >eventually I start cheating >4 months ago I met a girl, we start dating. I fall in love with her >wife finds out 5 days ago. Things escalate and I break it off with side chick and say I want to be with wife
The truth is I miss my side chick, I mean I love her. I’m going over to see her tonight to give her things. She hates me and I don’t think I’ll get another chance with her but I can’t stand going a day without talking to her. I thought I only loved her cause sex was good but it’s more than that
What do I do. I feel like if I can save things with side girl, I’d destroy my marriage for her but also think maybe I should hedge my bets and stay with my wife for my daughters sake. I’m so confused
Well at this point I’m not sure which one. If I follow my heart, I choose side chick. If I follow my head, I pick wife. I’m not sure which to follow
Zachary Sanders
>your wife can cuck you out of a girl but you can't cuck her out of a guy
Who cares? Just go to your side chick and forget your wife, she's fucking garbage and your kid's doomed by proxy of coming out of her vagina of all the accursed spider-holes it could have crawled out of.
Might as well live your life happily. If nothing else ditch your wife you dumb fucking ponce, you don't need us to tell you that-- I have no idea what the actual good ever-loving fuck was going through your head when you put a ring on a cheater's finger.
I'd be remiss not to say you deserve your suffering, at least, but that's neither here nor there. Ditch the wife, find the side girl and if side girl falls through then find another side girl. Ghost your wife hard and fast.
Joshua Williams
Op here
I’ve had those same fucking thought 1000 times but I can’t pull the trigger when it comes to dumping her especially since we have a 5 year old. She says that she’s a better person now and not a cheater like she was 2 years ago
Cameron Green
Have you ever heard of open relationship?
Jaxson Perry
You’re a weak spineless loser my man.
Just wanted to pop in and say my bit.
Jaxon Perez
Those don’t work so good
Thanks bro, I already know this
Brody Ross
Oh my! Tell me how monogamy worked for you
Cameron Kelly
>>those don’t work so good user have you seen the absolute mess you are in?
You and I both know you're drinking the Kool aid. You're a god damned adult. If you won't pull the trigger, who the fuck is going to do it for you?
Maybe you can explain to your parents and they can help bail you out, but I think we both know your best results will come of getting it done and over with.
Mason Butler
Divorce, Divorce, Divorce.
Your wife is a harlot, and was a harlot from day one. There is no fixing a harlot. They are a broken piece of pottery that can never be made whole again.
Your trying to get some satisfaction and justice by having your own side relationship, but that's just adding fuel to your burning heart.
I'm sorry to say man, but the longer you keep this sham of a relationship going, the more damage you are going to do to yourself and your wife.
Really you should not have married her at all. It probably seemed appropriate and normal because of a child entering the equation.
But married or not, your relationship with your wife is toast. You need to end it, set up a parenting arrangement for your kid, and start over. Try to find a decent woman that you can have a relationship based upon respect and trust. If you don't have respect and trust in a relationship, you don't have a relationship.
Daniel Johnson
Your poor kids. Maybe you should try counseling with your wife and both of you can stop being such selfish whores before you ruin your kids lives. You and your wife make me sick, like how selfish and shity do you have to be to bring that trash around your kids. Even if you divorce stop whoring around your going to fuck up your children so badly woth that crap and it sounds like they already have a shit bag for a mother. Poor kids
Cooper Miller
Holy Shit just have an Open Relationship for your daughter's sake you two clearly cannot have a monogamous relationship just fuck other people and not be mad at each other for it
Jack Clark
The thing is open relationships rarely work. Usually one of both people eventually realize there are other things out there that they are not getting at home, and then they want to split.
I saw a survey once that said 5% of married couples had attempted an open relationship. And among that 5%, 90% of the time it ended up damaging the relationship.
We're not meant for open relationships.
Andrew Rodriguez
>marriage is great save the white race etc etc
This board is fucking stupid and all of you are stupid, especially OP, who is a tremendous faggot.
Robert Johnson
But having qt pie conservative wife and 3 children at 19 is based and redpilles
Gabriel Sanchez
If your wife is cheating on you so much then fuck it. If you love the side chick then go make things right my dude. If your wife is constantly cheating on you then she isn't worth shit
Christian Phillips
>If I follow my head, I pick wife. This is fucking stupid. The wife that keeps cheating on you to the point that you've pretty much stopped bothering with her and turned to trying to get your emotional needs met by other people?
Do you think your wife is enough of a piece of shit that she'd be willing to harm her own child by trying to cut you out of your daughter's life if you left what is obviously a terrible marriage that you've checked out of? You should go see a lawyer with experience in family law to see if that's something that would likely happen (you have a history of violence, substance abuse, or are otherwise unstable). If not, I'd bail the fuck out.
Aaron Jones
God, I am going to make damn sure I vet my future wife well.
Angel Edwards
>Marriage is bad, who cares about Europeans! Do you ever wake up and realize how self-destructive you are? You literally have dozens of grandparents, great-grandparents, etc who got married and passed on their Christian heritage. And now there's you, the neoliberal cuck who probably thinks it's immoral to reproduce and that getting your nigger hookup from Tinder an abortion is progressive.
Colton Campbell
We both know you're not religious.
Logan Morales
I bet you won't be able to legitimately express why you think that.
Chase Nelson
OP here To everyone who suggests open marriages, they don’t work, atleast not with us. Me and wife tried it twice. She was fine with everything when I was having a dry spell or we were both meeting people but if she didn’t like any of the guys she was chatting with and I had girls, she shut would want to shut it down. All open marriages do is make you think there is more trust but in reality everyone is just as petty and jealous as before. Only difference between open and closed is that you fight about different shit
I often wonder why I married her too. Probably the kid. We would have broken up 5 years ago if the wife didn’t get preggo. We both had bags packed when we found out
Yeah man I’ve often considered what my wife would do about custody if I were to just bounce. It’s the main reason I haven’t pulled the trigger. Everyone here is quick to say should just dump her but it ain’t that easy. Not only for legal reasons but literally yesterday my daughter came up to me and said “I love when all 3 of us are having fun together” she had the biggest smile and was so fucking happy. Shit destroyed me. Makes me think I should just stay even though it makes me so unhappy and not attracted to my wife anymore.
99% of me feels like she would never compromise me and my daughters relationship because of what happens, however, there’s a huge 1% of me that knows you can’t ever trust someone like that. I have absolutely no history of violence, never been arrested, I smoke weed but that’s it, and no mental illness. I know there’s not much she has on me besides infidelity. On the other hand, she can act quite mentally unstable and emotional. I have a few screenshots of her threatening suicide, she was just being emotional but good legal ammo regardless. So all in all I’m not worried about the courts. I’m mainly worried about destroying my daughters world. She means more to me than any wife or side chick.
Logan Lewis
You seem like a really good guy and I feel really sorry for you.
-How long did you guys date before you married? -How old were you then?
What are your respective careers? Do you think you could get primary custody of your children?
Blake Wilson
Holy shit.
Obviously all the past shit is the past because you've processed it and it is a non issue for you. I don't know why you've included it except to inflame people here and maybe try and gather some sympathy for your situation.
You'll get no sympathy from me you stupid faggot. At every stage red flags were displayed and you ignored them to 'do the right thing' because you are convinced your self sacrifice somehow makes you worth something. Fuck you for tolerating this shit, she wants you because you enable her and support her in some way without stopping her behaviour. Fuck you for raising a child around this drama and setting a poor example of what healthy relationships are supposed to look like.
You don't have the heart to pull the lever on the relationship? No shit you total failure. You never had the heart to pull that lever when she was slip sliding on dicks 1-5 so why start now hey?
When your life is over nobody is coming to give you a medal for doing the right thing. Being a sad, depressed piece of shit is not doing the right thing, especially once you have a child to protect.
So the question is should you date side chick? No dude, you should not have a rebound relationship which is basically spilling baggage from your current toxic af relationship. You need to do a lot of fucking self work and find some priorities before you try another relationship.
Owen Torres
Is the kid definitely yours?
If both of you were ready to leave when she fell pregnant, I find it hard to understand how she would be careless enough to fall pregnant to you.
Despite popular belief, it really isn't that easy to get pregnant, even if you're actively trying.
Dominic Anderson
big chance kid isnt his lol
Levi Carter
>be me Guess how I already know your story will be pathetic? >gf cheats and I took her back every time First love? you can allow one fuck up and forgive because you don't know better, after that you deserve it. >she has my baby because I was stupid and didn't wear a raincoat, she carries on going around cheating >the other guy becomes a family friend who she has been fucking And you keep sticking around? >I cheated and fell in love with other woman while my wife/mother of my child is fucking someone else, she finds out and is upset so I stick with cheating wife Holy shit. Just end the relationship, become a part time father to your kid, chances are as she gets older she will notice her mother having a lot of male friends and will think it is normal to see other men while dating a pathetic man as you will be the benchmark of what she looks for in later life.
Don't stay with someone who cheats on you, don't stay in a toxic relationship because you have a kid, don't marry someone you are in a toxic relationship with, don't stay with someone who doesn't respect you.
Keep documentation of all the shit she did (if you have any proof) and make sure you get access to your kid, accept you're being cucked out of your money each month but aren't meeting every guy who cucks you.
Ian Brown
Oh gee, thanks man Took way too long for someone to call me this We dated for 8 years. I asked her to marry me 2 years in bit after her infidelity it never happened like we planned until 2 years ago. She planned a “surprise” wedding for me. I only knew a month before it was gonna happen. Should of talked a lot with her before hand but I cared more about financial benefits. I’m in construction, she works retail. I don’t know if I could get custody. I’d prefer joint custody, she’s a good mom despite what people here think Yeah yeah yeah lots of edge bro. Not asking for sympathy on Chan. I wasn’t worried about her cock count or bothered by it, I’ve fucked way more girls than she fucked guys during our relationship. The only thing of value was your last paragraph. I’ve actually considered side chick as a rebound a few times. Also I signed my self up for therapy so I am trying to get squared away
Already considered that. DNA test confirm I Am the father. Not that there is a doubt, she looks like me
Julian Brooks
>Yeah man I’ve often considered what my wife would do about custody if I were to just bounce. It’s the main reason I haven’t pulled the trigger.
What are YOU going to do about custody? It's your family...
Try to be civil, get yourself a shared custody agreement and get the hell out of there. You will thank yourself for having done it. Codependency sucks - the sooner you realise it, the better. Time to start acting on your own initiative and get a life.
>Despite popular belief, it really isn't that easy to get pregnant, even if you're actively trying.
Thinking like this is what gets you baby-trapped in the first place.
Getting pregnant is a piece of piss. If timed precisely, you can almost guarantee success.
Jacob Baker
Take the daughter and run away
Luis Lewis
As a child of divorce...
It's more important that you end your marriage sham and divorce than keep this thing going "for the kid".
You are actually harming your kid by having a dishonest life, it will be worse later when they find out about their mom the whore, and how you stayed because of pregnancy. And they will find out eventually, trust me on that. Sooner is better than later.
Joseph Brooks
couldn't have said it better myself user. goddamn people like OP make my head explode.