d-does long term depression really cause permanent brain damage?
D-does long term depression really cause permanent brain damage?
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Oh, sweetie. You believed the thinly veiled Jewish philosophy book, where (((mental disorders))) literally match directly with aspects of Jewish mysticism and their pseudoscientific beliefs?
So tragic. You're not depressed. You're lazy. Maybe try thinking in your brain "What do I want to experience?" Then start doing that.
Whining about being depressed is the most GOYIM thing possible.
It comes from long term stress that caused you brain damage.
Shrinks just sedate you so you stfu and become their paypig.
t. suicidal pharma grad irl
Wait what about thinly veiled jewish magic?
Your insides have an amazing ability to heal themselves
So stop being sad and you'll recover mmkay?
even your brain? I had a stroke last year and the left half of my brain is still fucced up
were you able to recover? are you doing well in school, is there anything that isn't the same?i also have a brain disorder it is degenerative, and i am wondering about other people with similar conditions
also I hope you recover, and yes the brain can heal itself by adapting to take over for lost tissue, other parts of the brain may take over, of course it isn't 100%
OP, in any case it is no fun being depressed so you should get it treated, either by CBT or medications.
spot on mate. the left half of my brain was offline for over a year. july 7th 2018 it came back online. i could literally feel brain decay all over the left side. even walking now i have awakward gait.
are you in college now, i am guessing you are studying a stem field
Yes. I suffered crippling depression during studies after I was burned out by doing 2 faculties simultaneously, then it took me 8 years in total to do my Masters. Now I am doing CAD for sheet metal BIW supplier and am brainless sissy-retard working with people just after high school who came into department from welding machines. Oh and I am 30 next year.
Kill me.
t. will never do CAE in my life ;___;
No. Depression isn't a mental illness. It may prevent you from "working" or functioning like other people. Depression is just a wake up call from your DNA. It means you are heading to the light.
um, sweetie... can you shut the fuck up?
I wanna go back to school to study psychology. I have no money tho. the past year of my life I been a walking corpse. could really use a friend.
Yes. So does virginity.
Same boat buddy. I just wanna win the lottery then go back to school. Maybe ill rob a bank.
Based and redpilled for exposing degenerate lies
Depression is a symptom not a cause. Your body is healthy and is telling you something about the environment is wrong.
Communities, nations, families, friendships, spouses, these are all completely different now than they were 100 years ago. We're all isolate freaks who spend more time in front of a screen than another person, but we do so because finding another person who is loving and caring and gentle is next to impossible because 99% of humans have been turned into soulless bug people
Agreed, thats why Im going to kill myself to get out of this shithole of a planet.
That's not the solution. The solution is find a member of the opposite sex who isn't a sex obsessed, adulterous degenerate and who would make a good parent, and make 5+ children with them and mutually love your offspring. Move to a quiet suburban neighorhood and build friendships with your neighbors.
A pleasant lifestyle is still possible, but it has, by malicious design, been made very difficult to achieve
HEY apply for disability immediately, you could get help for your stroke here is a guide
Nah its not possible user. Fuck that. Anyway, that just a veil for the domestic savagery beneath. I don't even want to pass on any genes. The line of descent that started with Adam must be stopped. Sin must not fester.
Yeah that's really easy when all the jobs out there pay a pittance and house prices are exorbitant.
>Yeah that's really easy when all the jobs out there pay a pittance and house prices are exorbitant.
Was it easy for your ancestors to live they lives they had? With droughts and famine and war?
I'm not telling you it's easy. But if someone wants to know how to be happy, then I will answer them. Having a lifestyle that our minds and bodies and spirits are supposed to have, with interpersonal trust love and loyalty and peers who look like you and share your values is how you accomplish that. It's not easy, even though our ancestors did everything they could to make our lives peaceful and happy. And that is by malicious design of certain actors. Wages are suppressed because of unfettered third world immigration, and it is an uphill battle to become a home owner due to massive immigration coupled with irresponsibility on behalf of bankers and politicians.
But this is the life you should aspire to have because its the only life worth having. Don't spend money on frivolities and find the highest paying job you can. Suck up, become friends with people you don't like, do anything you can to network and achieve a good life for your future family.
>because its the only life worth having
kek stop embarrassing yourself user.
its about overpopulation when the population goes up there are more and more people fighting for a big house, like our grandparents had, if you haven't noticed the places with the biggest population density like china also have the smallest houses, land used to be a lot, a lot, a lot cheaper when there were only 4 billion people. That dream is never coming back unless we can all act more like adults about
You need to train the left side of your brain to work properly again/reactivate those neurons. Consult a doctor on what to do, may involve doing crossword puzzles, certain brain exercises, reading to rewire your brain's neural network, dendrites, etc;
You say you walk awkwardly, its time to see a doctor to get you into physiotherapy. The brain can relearn things after damage done to it from a stroke, to an extent.