Too cute to fail

have you ever been with somebody so beautiful it makes it almost impossible to break up with them?

its not like she cheated on me, or is a bad person overall. she is just severly basic and dumb. doesnt have any complex abstract thoughts, she is like so so simple.
which im sure many dudes would be happy with, but i need intelectual conversations. and my girl is incapable of that, + she literally thinks and reasons like a child.
what do....
its not like she isnt a necksnapping 10/10. thats the problem, its candy.

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If she were to get into an accident which burned her body including her face

If she is loyal to you then you are a royal jackass OP

she is loyal, she is a very good girl, no doubt. she is just way under a 3digit IQ.

the answer to this depresses me. no, she has nothing going for her apart from her looks. she is not even talented at anything because she is the typical person that will try many diferent things for a bit but not focus on one for an extended period of time.

Maybe you can have intellectual conversations with your friends and co-workers, and just take good care of this poor simple-minded qt and give her the love she needs

How's the sex?

I agree. thats what i have been telling myself. and oh man trust me i loved her, i made sure she is my queen

but you know how hard is to stop my heart beating hard when i talk to a girl about something even mildly intellectual? and my children? i dont want my children to be as dumb as her

it can be mindblowingly astronomically good. mostly a physical thing, not mental.
yet, i had better sex with girls that were smarter and experimented with all kinds of tricks. with my current gf is nothing special, she is just candy physically

Well it's up to you m8, but intelligence doesn't necessarily make someone a good lover or a good parent, and lower intelligence doesn't make someone necessarily worse at either of those things. If she's got a lot of love to give, she could be a good mother.

If you find a smarter girl who you really click with, do your thing. It's your life

>Dumps girl with good heart and morals for girl that can share topical banter
>kids end up spoiled pricks

i pretty much taught her how to handle her pussy, sensitivities etc, she is a proper squirter now and so much more. but im a bdsm type guy, i always liked the rough shit, thats like just alright to me. she fails at having a perverted mind, which i seek. its not like she doesnt want to, but she is just too simple minded for it. for example, she has this sculpture like body, perfection. yet she is incapable of turning me on by words, she fails at communication.

sexually she is pleased, if not overpleased. i do have fetish on licking pussy and im just hot blooded from forever. i make sure she is done for when we have sex

good point

genetics tho, i dont want my children to be the mental sloth she is
for sure she has plenty of lov

*she has plenty of love to give. she would be a great loving mother no doubt.

I don't understand how the lady in the pic is holding that can.


...I really don't like you.

Find someone else to talk smarts with dumbass since you lacks the resolve to break up with her.

At least she’s nice. That’s the most important thing. My friend’s girl is super beautiful. She treats him like trash and he puts up with it. Truly a sad and pathetic thing to behold.

how come? im being real with this.

It's called not having balls user, sorry. My ex was 9/10 (worked as a model), and her personality was cute, but some of the things she did made me dump her with no remorse. Grow a pair and dump her without resorting to mental gymnastics.

Ok, pic of this girl then. We need to see what we're dealing with.

user, I know some highly intelligent people who have some stupid-ass kids, and vice versa. I'm sure genetics do have a part to play, but none of that is set in stone. A person from a loving home with average intelligence has a better shot in life than a smart kid from a broken home

But look, it sounds like you're not sure about this girl, and if you're not feeling it then you shouldn't marry her. I'm just poking holes in your logic

what about afterwards? any girls seemed pretty to you?

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i need it, thanks user, truly appreciated

Keep her.

You are not the first in such a position. And you are not the first to break up and feel shit afterwards. But if you really seek the intellectual connection, the deeper conversation and you know you really need it, then do it. But you are also responsible for the relation (and not for the aftermath). How will she do when you guys would break up?

You never said you had doubts OP. If you have why did you start this relationship in the first place? What did you think when you first talked to her? You knew from the beginning how intelligent she was right.

Dude, if youre seriously considering children in your life, break up with her.
Intelligence and IQ are transmitted solely by the X chromosome, so if you have a boy, he will be as smart (or dumb) as the mom, but the girl will be a mix between you two

You sound like you think you're more intellectual than you actually are. You can't even spell properly and you're using teenage boy terms like "10/10" lol. I don't think she's necessarily less intelligent than you. You guys just don't have much shit in common. You aren't better than her or anything.

>Intelligence and IQ are transmitted solely by the X chromosome, so if you have a boy, he will be as smart (or dumb) as the mom
Do you have a source for this? I feel I'm not a smart as my mother at all.

Yeah dude what the fuck. My mother while not a foam brick is certainly intellectually very different to my father and I. She is all about hanging out, playing cards, playing tablet games, sunbathing, average cook, limited hobbies. Real basic stuff. My father on the other hand is handling fairly detailed crop rotation, building things out of scrap, fixing cars, making water heaters, cooking to a really high standard, doing simple electronics projects. Quite high level hobbies and interests. He'd be an awesome youtuber if he wasn't so antisocial. People refer to me as a savant or something, I can pick up almost anything and get really good at it, I make a lot of my own stuff, I've very hands on and diy and I work at a level which I'm comfortable with which is often quite high no matter what I'm doing. I associate far more with my father intellectually.

Hey OP .. so this is should I break up with my partner because while she is good looking I basically dislike everything else about her.


My gf is objectively smart. She has two degrees, a masters, is still studying because she wants to be as high up in her field as she can get and writes articles for magazines and journals. In the city where we live she is probably the leading person within her career.

In other areas she is incredibly dumb. She can't cook to save her life. Cleaning is basically pushing a hoover around mindlessly while ignoring what is going on. If there is a problem with her car, or the house she'll never pick up on it and her default response to everything is to just ask somebody who does that for a living to deal with it.

We are both pretty smart, but in different ways. I can't understand why she can't troubleshoot the heating. Or not burn everything she cooks. Or why it seems to have taken almost 10 years to figure out how much rice to make.

My point is that even if you were with an intelligent person, there is a high chance a lot of the stuff they do will come across as dumb if your attitude is one where you are looking for it.

Do you think she might be retarded? If so I would stay with her but consider a surrogate or adoption. This world is too cruel for a catch like her to be out here single, user. She’s beautiful and pure of heart woman which are ALWAYS mutually exclusive traits. Don’t defile her with your degeneracy or throw her to the wolves. She may not be smart but she seems free of other crazy problems.

I think if you were to leave her and pursue another woman you would regret it and feel bad, even if things go well with them. And she would be confused and distressed at what she did wrong, when she can’t help her IQ. Just love her

Being this retarded.

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>best advice

Do you come on those tits?

You might be able to get her to express more complex abstract thoughts if you find the right way to talk to her. My girlfriend sometimes seems completely clueless, mixing up "was" and "were", struggling not to install Yahoo toolbars, but sometimes she's smart and articulate. I thought it might be related to conversation topic, combined with period, mood, tiredness or something.

Not everyone is blessed with looks and brains