Can sending nudes back fire? Can sending TOO many nudes be considered equivalent to sending like too many texts? Is snap chatting someone that I’ve been sexually active with for some time 3-4 nudes/sexy pics a day gonna bother them? Idk I get weird about blowing up people’s phones. Pic related it’s the kind of pic I’m kinda talking about?
Can sending nudes back fire? Can sending TOO many nudes be considered equivalent to sending like too many texts...
Can sending too many nudes throughout annoy someone? Is that generally a thing.
>Can sending too many nudes throughout annoy someone? Is that generally a thing.
yea why
Are you a girl or a boy?
is that the girl you are sexting? she is hot and im jealous but happy for you regardless
Revenge Porn or Blackmail Dummy
I am girl
Revenge porn? Eh we have iPhones so I’ll know if he screenshots my snaps
Tbh I am girl in pic thanks?
are you married or pimping yourself out for your sons?
>Send Nude
>Guy takes it
>You're now a trading card
It's true. They keep them and show them to all their friends, even after you guys break up
Wut but not married in an on again off again relationship for about 2 years now. Obviously on most/all of the pregnancy. Things were actually rough right when I found out I was pregnant but they’re good now. Kids do have separate dads. First kids dad and I split while I was pregnant, but were married. We kinda worked it out on and off until my son was one and and then I finally filed for divorce. That’s also pretty much the only reason my current relationship was on/off.
looking at your instagram you make terrible decisions so just do opposite of whatever your instinct is like that atrocious tattoo
Ok but like 1) in 2 years you guys don’t think he’s ever gotten nudes of me?
2) I clearly stated we’ve had our disagreements/ break ups and he clearly hasn’t leaked anything.
3) I send everything via Snapchat. iOS is hard af to screenshot anything off of without Snapchat telling you.
>I sent him nudes for two years. Do you think he has even one still?
Not Likely
>fully clothed
Am i missing something here??
Kinda I mean I think an occasional cleavage shot at noon is as nice as a full on nude during a more night time hour. I’m not sure? But if he’s not saving them that kinda invalidates the threat of him suddenly revenge porning me.
>this shit got so off topic
I was being sarcastic, but I don't think he would do it. It's a pretty shitty thing to do afterall, but you asked.
>reading comprehension
Pay attention to the /sexy pics in her post
never got the guy you deserve so you come here for validation. repent woman
In what way am I seeking validation through Jow Forums? I’m just asking if randomly snap chatting someone nsfw pics is annoying or not. I personally don’t think I’d care but work from home/an administrative job at that sooo I don’t really need to worry about the awkwardness of being caught in weird situations while opening a snap.
The tone of this writing grates my ears.
Eh I honestly get that men occasion brag and share nudes and there have been some that were just particularly visually interesting that I’ve let him share. But I did ask that I not be aware who saw them so when I talk to those people I’m not like super insecure about the fact that they saw me naked. My post kid body is not bad and even 5 weeks from my due date I don’t have stretch marks with this pregnancy but it’s still just knowing someone saw me naked that bothers me. Anyway for the sake of answering questions before they’re even asked: visually appealing=we plan on doing rope bondage with black light responsive bondage rope. In reality it’s not that identifiable and it’ll just be a cool pic. I don’t trip if it’s more of an anthestics pic then like a provocative one. (Ie toppless on a beach, some other senic bs...)
Then get off the post?
so you're a camwhore too
But like where are you coming up with that? I’m in administrative healthcare. Specifically billing and coding. I’m going for an associates to accounting for bookkeeping next. I really just found the most promising jobs for remote positions so I could keep staying home with my kid after my divorce. Cam whoring isn’t exactly administrative.
Again though >off topic af. What on earth does that have to do with nudes?
We don't think you're cool so we won't take you seriously.
Welcome to the Jungle
How about asking him? Seems pretty simple..
Don't send too many,. 3-4 nudes per day is too many. Send 2-3 every now and then (not every day). You want him to treasure those. And if you want him to jerk off to you, send 5-6 so he has enough variety to blam.
Wait.. did you just post you instagram on Jow Forums and with a cute pic? Why..?
As a dude with a birthmark that looks like a saddle, yes, yes it can.
Any of you guys feel like being a dad for a relationship with her?
Or you know.... get nudes
Depends how old the kid is, but mostly yes.
Kid doesn't seem to be in school yet- dm her
Are you trying to hook her up or are you lowkeey her? If your her, you might not want to look for dudes on Jow Forums?
>Can sending nudes back fire?
Yes, they can leak and come back to haunt you in the future.
Just wanting my bro to get some is all man. Plus I kinds feel this was a cry into the void and not in a healthy way.
Starting to think she don't mind the whole leaking thing
Maybe op is just some random guy that pic related friendzoned
Can you send me those nudes?
Every cry into the void is unhealthy, but if she wants someone to be a father figure she can do better then this website.
And again as some one who has a birth mark on their dick that looks like a saddle, nudes are a bad idea.
Yknow OP, you could pick up a side gig by actually camwhoring, that way you don't spam whoever you send snaps to and you make money while doing it! Everybody wins.