
Time to learn things about sex.

Post questions and have others answer them.

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Man here. If I don't touch my cock while it's hard, it quickly softens. I have no problem getting it hard again, but I was wondering if other men experience the same or if you guys can generally stay hard without stimulation.

Is it normal that condoms compress my cock to the point where it makes it difficult to stay hard? Should I try a wider model?

Also, any tips to stay hard inside a condom if you aren't having sex right away? (The only time this was a problem was when my partner was too tight and thus there could be no actual action, causing me to lose my boner and waste a few condoms.)

ITT: all the stupid questions you're scared to ask anyone offline.

Is it true that you can increase your shooting abilities by doing this exercise where you interrupt your pissing, again and again, to strengthen the muscle that blocks it, as it is the same muscle that makes you shoot sperm?

I've been practicing and I think it works, at least it's easier now to perform the exercise than it was originally.

Also, other tips to shoot farther: enjoy it more, which you can do by edging and working your dong for a long time. 2 hours usually works well for me, but it depends. Not having come for a few days and edging for hours is the best result for me.

Buy bigger condoms. Put on your condom right the moment before penetration when you're both already in position. These things helped me.

How common is it to "work the penis" together with your partner to ensure being well hard before penetration?

I have very little experience. I mean, I have years of sex but with the same person, so I don't realise what the average etiquette is.

I have had sex with three women; two of them had very loose vagina, the last one had the tightest vagina I have ever known; she did Kegel's.

Is Kegel's efficient and do most women know about it?

Personally, the loose vaginas didn't give me much pleasure at all, and that was without a condom. I can't even imagine staying hard within one of those with a condom on. It'd be like pumping a pile of clean clothes.

Additionally, once I "nutted", I can keep on fucking indefinitely, unlike the meme, and unlike most men, I suppose.

What's up with that? Does anyone else experience this?

Once, I was able to keep jerking off and experienced some kind of "ceiling orgasm" where I reached that level immediately after the peak orgasming sensation, but was able to STAY there for like 5 minutes.

This only happened once in my life.

Have you ever kissed someone that was so bad at kissing that you completely gave up on doing it with them?

Why were they so bad?

Men, have you ever met a woman who genuinely did not like to suck your cock?

I never did.

It's called foreplay and most people do it as it almost always leads to better sex

Guys how long does your typical sexual experience last?

So far, 0 minutes and 0 seconds total.

Never thought foreplay was intended to prepare the cock for work, good to know.

t. autist

I guess it depends on the person. Mine were always 30 minutes tops, because zero foreplay and she could only take 30 minutes of me, after which it was too painful.

When I fap, however, it can range from 1 to 4 hours. So I'd say it depends on how compatible you are with your partner.

What about masturbation then? Just trying to get an average for men generally.

When I try to fuck my gf from behind, it's always difficult to align myself correctly. I can never just slide it in straight and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, or what she might be doing wrong. I often need to stand halfway to go in properly. When I'm just on my knees it usually doesn't work well

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Usually every day. Usually 2 hours if I can.

Usually start on insta then finish to porn, though not always. I only like tasteful porn, always focused on a model I have a sexual crush on. Can't stand run-of-the-mill porn with nondescript fake ass whores.

If your cock isn't oddly twisted, I wonder why this happens.

Does she arch enough?

If it's just tighter, that's normal. Spit on your cock and let it slide right in. Otherwise start in another position and once the meat is tender, switch to doggy.

What is normal for a first time between two people?

I honestly have no idea. I've had 3 first times and I don't know that any was normal.

My guess:

>discovering the other naked
>taking it real slow
>observing the other's genitals
>touching them and experimenting a little
>taking time
>deciding that penetration is only an option to avoid stress


What do people mean when they say a sexual experience was degrading or humiliating? Not in an extreme way.

My cock is very straight and we use lube often. I think it might be her not arching enough, but I don't know what kind of instructions I should give her. In general she can be a bit stiff as far as positioning goes

>What do people mean when they say a sexual experience was degrading or humiliating?

That the other person did not respect them and violated their boundaries somehow.

When shaving my pubes I get rock solid, when that happens I'm around 7-7,5 inches, is that my dick size? Is that small?

When I'm tired and try to fap I can barely get hard.

Sounds like you found the culprit. She needs to back that ass up. her back must become a valley.

Tell her that: become a valley, that I may become the torrent that runs through it, baby.

I too get hard when shaving, it's normal. You manipulate your little man and it reacts.

7 inches is enormous, 7.5 inches is monstrous. It isn't small. The average is way smaller. Don't listen to what anyone here says about size, everyone thinks everyone else has a monster cock and anything below 6 is "small", but in reality, most people are slightly below 6 inches. Feel free to check out the average per country.

You have one long ass cock, sir.

>When I'm tired and try to fap I can barely get hard.
Maybe you need more energy, or maybe you need to stop focusing on trying to get hard. In sex, what you aim for usually eludes you. If you try to come, the orgasm will flee, if you try to get hard, the erection won't come.

The secret is to just enjoy what is happening at this very second without aiming for something. Cocks are the most zen thing there is.

Sounds good, thanks.
It was just bugging me, because I often see videos where guys go in so effortlessly, and I was like, it can't be this complicated

>2 hours of masturbation a day
>even then; only gets off once
jesus man

>always focused on a model I have a sexual crush on. Can't stand run-of-the-mill porn with nondescript fake ass whores.

Lightly press on her back, maybe she just doesn't have a feel for it yet.

My best orgasms are these: don't fap for 3 days or more, masturbate for 4 or 5 hours, edging a lot, reaching the borderline of the orgasm at least 20 times but never going across; when you just absolutely can't stand it anymore, go crazy.

As to the rest, my best faps are always to models I feel sexually and emotionally involved, meaning I could imagine a loving sex session with them, and that being sexually accepted by them would mean something to me.

That's what turns me on the most.

Thanks for your answer!

Should I cut back on masturbating/watchincg porn? I am a virgin and I don't have a gf rn, and I used to be really horny and hard almost all the time to the point where it got in my way, but nowadays I'm horny much less often, could porn be causing this? I masturbate around every couple days, not to crazy shit and only to porn when I'm not in the mood, I just need to let out steam.

Sorry for asking questions like this, but you seem like a knowledgable person, and I can't really talk about this stuff with anyone but my gym friends, and they're just as clueless as I am.

I find sex disgusting and repulsive.
There i've said it.

>I'm horny much less often, could porn be causing this?
Many factors can affect this. Stop a few days and see how your libido goes. Mine fucking goes through the ceiling. I cannot go a week without coming.

You physically need to come and enjoy sex, it's part of good hygiene. Not doing it if you need it will only cause trouble.

>Sorry for asking questions like this, but you seem like a knowledgable person, and I can't really talk about this stuff with anyone but my gym friends, and they're just as clueless as I am.
That's why I made this thread, don't worry. I too have questions I've never asked anyone offline.

That is OK. Perhaps you are asexual, in which case, that is fully normal. If not, you may have had trauma of the sexual nature.

Whichever it is, I am with you.

>you are asexual
I wish but i'm not asexual
>trauma of sexual nature
No one diddled me so who knows.

OK, now I'm legit interested.

You feel sexual attraction, right?

Is it the other sex that disgusts you, or the act, or the fluids? Can you narrow down the origin of the disgust?

>sexual attraction
as in wanting to fuck someone?
>disgusts you
Fluids disgusts me but it's not the main cause. I think it's something about pleasing another person. I always mute porn.

>as in wanting to fuck someone?
Yes, but not only that.

>I think it's something about pleasing another person. I always mute porn.
OK, now we're getting somewhere. Can you figure out why you dislike the idea of pleasing someone? Is there someone in particular you disliked pleasing? What in pleasing someone else irks you? Can you imagine some reason for that?

>I always mute porn.
This is really interesting to me because I also suffer from feelings of disgust around sex, however, the particulars are very much the opposite. In fact, I find sounds far preferable to the sights and when I watched porn (I don't anymore), absolutely could not stand anything without sound. Fluids are a big part of what repulses me, particularly the idea of the smells and tastes involved. And I'm just not very comfortable with being touched or opening myself up to a more primal, instinctive way of thinking. I'm a very controlled, cerebral person.

How often is it "normal" for a girl to be horny? Just curious.

i never had sex in the first place.
>irks you
it might seem weird but actual intimate connection with other person like i'm being pulled out of my skin. It's something that goes beyond my rational understanding about things

For your interest: the biggest turn on to me is when my neighbours are having sex. Absolutely nothing else in my life turned me on this much. It's like being safely around someone else's intimacy, without really being there, since they don't know I'm hearing them. It's like the purest form of porn.

It varies widely. I know women who need to come 5 times a day or more. I know some who literally spend sleepless nights because they were masturbating/having sex all night.

The "normal" for women is way crazier than for men, I feel. Some women are asexual, others need a whole lot of it. Since women typically don't have as much of a cooldown as men, a horny woman might be horny quite a lot. Possibly all the time.

It isn't abnormal for a woman to be horny every day and masturbate on the daily.

>it might seem weird but actual intimate connection with other person like i'm being pulled out of my skin. It's something that goes beyond my rational understanding about things
Don't worry, nothing will weird me out. This makes perfect sense. I'd say that intimacy makes you feel vulnerable (that is normal) and you are not comfortable with letting go.

Sex, when faced honestly, is about trusting someone so much that you can be at your most vulnerable with them. This requires a lot more than we are commonly led to believe. People who can't face that will usually withrdraw into mechanical sex and try to repress emotions as much as possible, so as not to feel vulnerable.

The whole caveman stance stems from this. It's an attempt at protecting oneself from vulerability.

The trick, however, is that when you can trust someone fully and let yourself go, that is also when you get the most out of intimacy. That is truly the most beautiful experience you can have on this planet.

Okay, thanks that's pretty comforting. I've been talking to friends a bit and gotten a few "once or twice a week" answers and was hoping they're just lying.

>I'd say that intimacy makes you feel vulnerable (that is normal) and you are not comfortable with letting go.
That's acceptable for teenager but not for me.
>you can trust someone fully
I dont think it's possible. There's void past my surface persona.

Don't worry, people do vary a lot, and the ones who have high sexualities are less likely to casually talk about it. Some might even lie to get it down to "acceptable" levels. No woman will casually tell you she needs to come 5 times a day, but they exist and they may not even be the minority at all. Many have unsatiable needs that not even sex can soothe. Those are the least likely to speak up about it.

Similarly, when a man says he only needs sex once or twice a week, I ponder the meaning of life.

>That's acceptable for teenager but not for me.
That's acceptable for everyone, because that's the nature of intimacy. Don't see it as some standard you can either fail or succeed: this is about what you, yourself, need. If you need more safety, more trust, and so on, then that's what you need. There's no point in trying to adapt to some external list of needs; you have your own.

It depends on your partners also. Sometimes you'll feel fine, others you won't. Obviously, you need someone you can trust.

>I dont think it's possible. There's void past my surface persona.
If you were an empty person, there would be no room for insecurity and the need for trust. The very fact that you need safety, trust, etc, shows there's something to you, and understand this: that very need for safety is what makes intimacy so fucking hot. You only have to understand that it isn't just you that needs it, your partner also. That's what makes intimacy such a bounding experience. It's intense, it's frightening, it's beautiful, it's gross, it's hot, it's full of stars.

Hmm, I've listened in on my roommate and I wouldn't call it a turn-on. If anything, I wanted to study it. To understand the mechanisms of how two people can freely enjoy one another and be so comfortable. I wanted to take notes with timestamps of the various sounds I heard, then give them questionnaires so they could describe what they were thinking and feeling at every moment.

Man, I'm a psychology student and your way of getting interested in this sounds a lot like the scientific method. Me, I'd just vibe with it and fap along.

I understand it very well, so I don't feel the need to study it. I moan as well, I know exactly what that's all about.

I'm pretty autistic. Wat do?
> talk to girl on dating app
> agree to meet in person
Do I hug her when I see her, or do I shake her hands? How do I greet her and not make it weird? I feel "normal" talking to others behind a screen, but I'm a little bit shy in person.

If you're sitting when she arrives, stand up. Smile like you are genuinely happy to see her and give her a hug that shows your interested. Maybe even break the ice and inform her how you're a little shy. Ask how things are and if she got there okay. Actually seem like you care, it goes a long way with people.

I'd say the main trick for you is to learn to rely on the other person. Don't expect to magically know what to do: expect to get signs from her. You'll figure out what can or cannot be done by looking at her and her expressions. If she rushes towards you with arms wide open, prepare for a hug; if she stays coyly away from you, barely able to smile, obviously don't hug her, but try to smile to her.

It's not an exam of things to learn and know by heart: it's a situation where both of you are facing the unknown. Read the signs, improvise, and relax.

A casual "hello!" will be nice enough for a first meeting. You can always tell her in advance you're nervous and might say some dumb stuff; this would help making her feel less stressed also.

Remember, it's always the two of you, not just you.

To avoid making it weird: don't imagine anything is a major faux pas. Don't overreact to your own mistakes.

You're probably the sort that would be mortified to spill your drink on your pants during a date. A confident person will just take this as it comes and make no big deal of it. Someone spilled their drink all over my pants in a restaurant once. I was totally cool with it and didn't sperg out. It's an accident, it happens, take it calmly as it comes and don't judge yourself based on it.

>and give her a hug that shows your interested.
If it's a first meeting, I wouldn't go for a hug right away. Depends on your country, I suppose, but here, that'd be way too soon for physical contact of that sort.

This. You don't need to show you're interested: you're there, for fuck's sake, on a date, that already shows you're interested!

>Obviously, you need someone you can trust.
Perhaps but that's not going to happen (atleast not in current circumstances)
>that very need for safety
Seems like i'm just frightened child inside. Maybe sex is just not for me.

>Perhaps but that's not going to happen (atleast not in current circumstances)
Perhaps we can devise a way to make it happen.

>Seems like i'm just frightened child inside. Maybe sex is just not for me.
I'm 36, I've been in a relationship for 7 years and we had sex 5 times or more per week, and your description is exactly how I feel about sex.

The next time I get intimate with someone, I'll feel exactly the same way as if I were a virgin.

I know this is not related, but how do I asses if someone is attracted to me or not?

Should I just trust my instincts, or are there physical signs?

Is there anything I can work on to help with my confidence?
My gf and I have been together since we were 15, lost our virginity to each other and had 0 sexual experience with others before we dated. I see sex with her as more of a very special thing instead of just getting that nut off.
The problem is that i feel like im not good enough though. My dick is about 6.5-7.0 inches (depending on the day) and even on the bad days she says that it hurts her when i go to deep but for some reason i still feel like its not big enough for her.
I also have trouble lasting super long, is this just because im super into it with her and she's a lot tighter because shes so small? Or do i just not last long in general? She always cums everytime we have sex but i wish it could longer. Any help?

What signs are you seeing?

>Perhaps we can devise a way to make it happen.
It seems so implausible that it's going to movie/anime territory. I dont like flirting with girls, absolutely despise dating as a concept and i dont look to sex as a physical relief that i'd go to prostitutes.

Sometimes it's not obvious at all, especially if you're a man, as women don't want to sound like sluts to you if they want you.

ANYTHING out of the ordinary should get your immediate attention. Smiles, any kind of contact. it may not mean she wants you, but pay attention.

>hand on shoulder
>hand anywhere
>eye contact

Sometimes you'll still get it wrong, but if getting signs, try some signs of your own. Give her an opportunity to demonstrate interest.

Just offer her a drink and see what happens.

A question about trust (and the lack thereof):

Do you find that the 'closer' someone is, the less you can trust that person? In my experience, the people I trust least are my own parents because they wield the most power over me. The more intimate a social interaction, the more uncomfortable it feels. I actually feel most at ease on a stage, performing in front of hundreds of people.

Is this similar to your experience?

I dont mind closeness but i dont want for other people to know about real me, in a way if someone steps towards me, i step back to re-establish the same distance. Relationships feel like i'm feeling the wall with my back and she's walking towards me.

Need advice on new positions to do during sex.

I get that, but it's just dumb. I wish people would talk more openly about their sexuality and desires. Pretty tired of feeling like a freak for enjoying a good orgasm.

>My dick is about 6.5-7.0 inches
That's a monster, don't worry. If anything, it might be too much for many women.

>hurts her when i go to deep but for some reason i still feel like its not big enough for her.

Told ya, nigga. You guys really need to forget Jow Forums and remember that Jow Forums is not reality, it's memes and shit. 6 inches is a long cock out there. Women's vaginas are around 4 inches deep and less.

>She always cums everytime we have sex but i wish it could longer. Any help?
Nigga, you're doing fucking top tier here! Stop being insecure!

>long cock
>makes her come
>shit's tight
>goes to the end of it
>everyone is happy

If you want to last longer, use a condom, take breaks, press your cockhead until it gets emptied of blood, etc.

But most of all, take it cool, you're a based lover with a nice cock.

>7" inches is a monster
So what's the official Jow Forums concensus on 8" then?

I'd advise make a female friend. Let things go naturally. Don't believe the "friendzone" meme: every woman I've had sex with was first a good friend, then my best friend, then my lover. Being a friend is literally the best place to find love.

Don't close the door on women, no matter what you do. Let the ones who want you have a chance.

You and a lot of people.

>Let the ones who want you have a chance.
There was a female who was into me big time but i didnt feel a thing towards her. I'm just too much of a scaredy-cat. I remember asking a girl out to reject me.

immediately after having sex for the first time, a small area of the head of the shaft turned red. I'm a virgin and she only had sex with one dude before me. neither of which had any STD's or STI's.

The red patch on the head doesnt itch, isnt tender or sore. and i dont see any bumps or pus anywhere, so i dont think its herpes.

Today is the morning after sex, I feel like this is useful information to add.

>So what's the official Jow Forums concensus on 8" then?
Elder Gods tier.

I'm serious. My ex's only dick before mine was like 4 or less, and skinny as a finger.

If you have 6 inches of cock, you're on the bigger side of things, and HONESTLY, no woman enjoys a monster cock past the novelty: you can't fuck it down, it hurts, it doesn't get as hard as shorter dicks, etc.

>it doesn't get as hard as shorter dicks
Wait, what?

I've met several who were willing to do it without much enthusiasm but insisted on stopping before I came in their mouths

Perhaps friction on the frenulum? Not sure.

If you study very long cocks, you'll realise their internal pressure is lesser than those of shorter cocks. They can't stand erect as much, physics, I imagine.

The object of the game is not to get there as fast as possible but to have as much fun as possible along the way

ok, I was really worried that it may have been something irreversible

>who were willing to do it without much enthusiasm but insisted on stopping before I came in their mouths
Was that authentic or just simulated? I wouldn't want a woman to suck my cock if she didn't really want to. Not being desired turns me off.

I mean, mine doesn't really stand up, but that's just at the base. The actual shaft seems pretty hard. I suppose it's not like I've touched another dude's dick though.
>If you study very long cocks
Kek. It's the only kind I've studied.

Google something like "100 sex positions"

Word up.


Have you ever "wasted time" kissing a girl when you knew sex was going to happen but this was a preliminary that was somehow expected of you? A LOT of girls think a blowjob is compulsary and do it because it's expected, not because they get anything out of it. And some, at least, have the courage to declare their limits.

(Of course there are also girls who actively enjoy blowjobs. But it can be hard to tell which is which)

> like you are genuinely happy to see her
Is that a banana in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

> get signs from her.
I think that's exactly what autists are very bad desu

>(Of course there are also girls who actively enjoy blowjobs. But it can be hard to tell which is which)

It wasn't hard to guess my women loved the cock.

Yes, unfortunately. Might have to make that list very concrete for them.

>no woman enjoys a monster cock past the novelty
Is this true?

I'd think so, yes. Might always be nice to suck on, but gives jaw pain easily.

Sometimes it prevents sex entirely. Most women kinda fear a big cock. Big cocks might be fun for prestige and one night stands, but for legendary love-making, women tend to prefer average cocks, it's more practical.

>monster cock
>can't bang properly because dick reaches the end of her vagina before your flesh has chance to clap into hers

>applause: 404

My boyfriend wants to use a cock ring. I don't understand the point of it. Can someone explain it to me, and also, is there anything I should know for when we use one?

Cockrings are used to maintain erection after an orgasm, possibly before if he has issues, as it keeps the blood inside the cock.

Some cockrings also have stuff to tickle your clit.

Makes it harder for him to cum so he lasts longer.


Have her spread her legs more so she's lower. Sounds like she might be too high and your dick is going in at a weird angle.

So... is it enjoyable for him, or does he only want to do it for me? Because honestly I am satisfied with how long he lasts.


Question to guys.
Have you ever experienced performance anxiety?
I have sex with my gf on a very regular basis however whenever I have stressfull things in life or something I get ED. Sometimes I fuck and go limp inside her (maybe I don't feel anything and lack of stimulation causes the erection loss?).
I'm starting to freak out a little bit and feel really bad and unmanly when things like these happen.
I recently started working out and eating more healthy.
Feels bad men.

what do you mean by that? is it going to be red forever?

Not sure that's enjoyable for a man, might be, I never tried. It's normally more a thing for you, yes.

>(maybe I don't feel anything and lack of stimulation causes the erection loss?).
I've never had ED but in some women, the vadge is so wack that I don't get stimulated enough and lose it.

The movie.