Should i lose my virginity with hookers to gain experience ?
>22 years old kv
>not ugly but social shut in
>making 90k / year
Should i lose my virginity with hookers to gain experience ?
>22 years old kv
>not ugly but social shut in
>making 90k / year
It’s what I did. Not a bad option at all.
In addition if you fuck enough of them you begin to stop putting pussy on a pedestal entirely.
If you make 90k a year then hell no.
Just wait for the right one. Take your time, and i would only give up when you decide you no longer want wizard powers.
>to gain experience
gain what experience? It's a hooker's job to jump on your dick and do all the work. There's very little you can learn from that other than "don't have sex with a hooker you can get funny diseases and go to jail".
I wouldn't say "wait for the right one" like OP is a lady from the 1940s and she's waiting for her man to come back from the big war. There's plenty of desperate girls and women out there that one can hook up with for practice sex or practice gf
Don’t listen to this user.
At this point the longer you wait, the more likely it is that you will just have performance anxiety for when you do find “the one”.
“The one” doesn’t have to be your first and as you get older it’s extremely unlikely that when you do find “the one” that you will be her first anyway.
yeah but getting a hooker is just an equally but differently bad idea
Not at all.
You can actually learn technique with Hookers and going to AMPs.
You have enough time to gain a lot of experince.
What about hiring hookers and asking them to teach sex lessons ?
>sex lessons
> practice gf
I mean it’s exactly that. I don’t know if you’ve been with a hooker/escort before but they are willing to help you with this shit.
I am dead serious. I started off as some girl's practice boyfriend and had my share of practice girlfriends as well.
>with this shit
with what exactly
it's sex, you're not building ikea furniture together.
The most difficulty I ever had was like the first time taking off a girl's bra but this was before youtube and shit when you can now look up tutorials on taking bras off and pussy eating and just kissing or whatever else
Moving, positioning to hit certain spots, pacing.
Like do you think good sex is just “penis goes in, penis goes out or something?
i agree with the practice girlfriend.
You have money, are young, not ugly.
Just hit random women up, go on dates or fuck dates. You can write as many as possible since there is no pressure for you.
You will just benefit from that, either you learn from bad expierences, gain a female friend, find a fuckpartner or even catch feelings and a real girlfriend.
It's probably hard when you don't like social actions but a hooker ain't gonna fix that. Jeah you had sex but you still have no confidence. Maybe a little because you had your first fuck but i don't know you.
>Moving, positioning to hit certain spots, pacing.
That's something that's unique to every girl.
>Like do you think good sex is just “penis goes in, penis goes out or something?
I've been with over a dozen girls and never needed a hooker.
>That's something that's unique to every girl
True but the more one practices the better one will generally be at all of these aspects.
>I've been with over a dozen girls and never needed a hooker
Great, not including hookers I’ve been with over 100 over the last several years managing to make each one of them cum multiple times a go.
nah you'll just stop caring
t. 25 kv also making 90k/year
Don't do it. You'll always think of yourself as needing a pathetic way of practice before you became a man.
Also the first time is unforgettable, so do it with someone you love.
OP is over 20
At this point it’s just important that he has the experience
>Also the first time is unforgettable, so do it with someone you love
This only applies towards females. If a guy’s first time is shit, (see: stage fright, sucks because he doesn’t know how to move) which in OP’s case very likely will be, it’s a horrible experience and it may as well be with someone you don’t care about and who doesn’t give a shit about the performance in the first place.
OP, just go for impressionable college girls. They love $$$
>ive been with 100 girls
You are a man whore. You probably have herpes.
You can do it cheaper and safer by hangin out at bars and getting really drunk. Cheap hookers are bad they'll give you stds
Aren't date apps a better alternative?
Nah...if you're past 25 this might help but if you're younger you should maybe chill out when it comes to the 1st kiss or loosing your Wizard immatriculation: I had my 1st kiss 6 months ago as a 20 year old. I was relaxed, hold her tight and did the work. She put her tongue in my mouth a minute later and didn't know what to do but I then played with her tongue and made her moan.... a trainstation with ppl around.
I tried "just waiting" like everyone told me to, I'm nearly 27 and still waiting. I actually caved and paid an escort though. Glad I did actually, made me realise how insignificant an act sex really is. After it was over I remember thinking..."oh, was that it? really?"
Just hire an escort OP then you don't have to worry about pleasing them. You're paying them to please you, much better that way.