Why dont guys like me? The only few guys that have ever talked to me were short and borderline retarded or niggers.
I get told all the time that I look younger than I am and other girls irl have called me pretty. Im very shy and awkward but I feel like thats justified because guys are supposed to make the first move.
Im typically attracted to fresh faced guys who are nice but just a bit shy. not even chad. I overlook subtle actions and always think that maybe one will show interest but none have and im starting to hate guys and its turning me bitter.
Is it because im ugly? I want a boyfriend badly but I want a guy that wants only me so bad that he has to make the first move :/ help
Why dont guys like me? The only few guys that have ever talked to me were short and borderline retarded or niggers
How old are you, are you a NEET, are you a guy or a girl?
im 20, im a girl, and i have a job.
>garunteed replies
you prob look too closed off and unapproachable. gotta be open to people talking to you if you want them to actually do so.
Because you are ugly or painfully average.
>Why dont guys like me?
>The only few guys that have ever talked to me were short and borderline retarded or niggers.
Yeah I wonder why too, OP
can you give some examples of this? i do look down a lot and nervous but cant that be cute in any way? sometimes when a guy at work talks to me because he has to i use all my energy to make eye contact and i feel like thats enough but its not.
i honestly cant tell but i dont want to post my pic. can someone ppst examples of ugly/average girls compared to pretty girls? it bothers me that i cant tell
Why haven't you tried tinder?
>can someone ppst examples of ugly/average girls
No. Stop attention-whoring, my bet is that you are really insufferable irl and guys can tell that it's better to keep their distance
i dont like the idea of tinder, so much thirst. Ive tried classier dating sites and had an online relationship but got paranoid and realized finding someone online is too easy.
I want to be good enough to have a boyfriend that I met irl. I feel like if a guy were to form a connection with me in real life it would be more meaningful.
how is that attention whoring? what do you mean insufferable? im actually really sweet to everyone. im looking for genuine advice..
That doesn't make sense. Why did it make you paranoid? You use online dating to find someone you might be interested in, then meet in real life to see where it goes.
You are insufferable. All men want a girl at their side and usually date down. Or ugly. But you are probably fat arent you?
Dont try to find logic or reason in a woman.
im not fat i have a nice body
most guys online have too many options of ewhores and thats a turnoff. he was too far anyway. i would probably have more confidence if i didnt have to resort to online dating to find someone. dating sites make me feel like im being settled for.
Well how tall does he have to be?
Online is by far the easiest option because you can reach so many people.
What kind of guy are you looking for? Your most desired traits, and dealbreakers?
>The only few guys that have ever talked to me were short and borderline retarded or niggers.
I know your post is bait, but I approve of your digits and it was still kek worthy.
>but I feel like thats justified because guys are supposed to make the first move.
>I want a boyfriend badly but I want a guy that wants only me so bad that he has to make the first move :/ help
whoopsie, the sounds like an excuse to me. You're not entitled to men approaching you so learn to enjoy your lonliness OP.
at least an inch taller than me though i prefer like 6
yeah, as a result everyone is taken for granted so its a waste of time.
masculine, empathetic, and a sense of humor are nice. dealbreakers i guess would be being fake and desperate and like, not laidback at all.
>i have a nice body
Proofs with timestamp needed.
Have you tried posting on /soc/?
how do i enjoy this constant lonliness? do i commit suicide?
its not bait i mean it. if you think about it it makes sense. not like le r9k autistic teenager but literal creepy guys who came from a poor family are too stupid to have a charismatic conversation so they straight up hit on every girl in an abrupt manner.can you blame me for wanting nothing to do with them..
nah..worse than dating sites. why would i wsnt to date a guy that orbits xamwgore after camwhore all day
>how do i enjoy this constant lonliness?
Fill it with Jow Forums
>do i commit suicide?
That's also an option
...or lower your standards and try approaching men.
everyone says lower your standards but really? i feel like I dont ask for much...the guys i like seem like girls dont even like them.
alright don't lower your standards, but if you're after shy guys you might have to do the approaching.
wait...that makes sense..maybe i should try online dating again and just try harder to find a shy guy that i would want irl..
i mean i cant tell if its a good idea..
Being racially conscious is hardly a dealbreaker.
But then again, this is a LARP until proven otherwise, since you're listing a bunch of stereotypes that are proven to get anons riled up.
-"very shy"
-claims to be pretty but asks if ugly
-"why won't guys make the first move"
-"yes, guys do make the first move, but not THOSE guys"
Then the desired traits:
-6 feet
-but not masculine (empathetic/touchy-feely)
If you're being honest, this is like concentrated Jow Forums rage fuel.
But assuming you are. Let's start from the beginning. Are you American? And what race are you?
Also, to get this out of the way, I'm not offering myself for anything but advice. I'm extremely neurotic, so
>not laidback
definitely applies.
Post face. I'm not even baiting, it's just the only objective way there is to say if it depends purely on your look.
Other than that, what others user said is correct; maybe you strike as unapproachable, maybe you have a bitch-rest face, maybe you're a little unkept, maybe you have a bad attitude etc but they're only a lot of maybes.
In my opinion we should first address if you're objectively ugly and so work on your look, it if it's matter of personality
yo I'm pretty hot and guys definitely notice but for majority of them they look for someone approachable. during my shy awkward anxious phase I appear standoffish. on my confident days guys stare even more and approach me.
confidence and body language are 99% of communication. you gotta use it.
yes im american yes im white
i dont have atttitude i have tried to be more kept and i have severe resting bitch face makes me want to die
i think the resting bitch face thing deserves its own thread..
-Are you religious
-Are you in uni, the workforce, or a NEET
-Do you care more about finding a guy or about feeling socially accepted
finding guy
Alright. I think I'm getting a better picture of it now.
The workforce is from everything I've seen much harder to start anything in than uni, and much riskier. Since you're an introvert, I doubt you do many things like going to events or talking to strangers, so you're already restricted in your dating pool. Still, you at least leave the house.
The obvious recommendation which has probably already been given is by going to events related to your interests. This will widen your dating pool, and will also give you a chance to find like-minded people, assuming you have interests in line with your personality (i.e. if you like professional bodybuilding it's probably not a good idea to look there).
Also, if you want to find a guy who is both a little shy and willing to approach you, you have to make yourself seem approachable. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but one thing that you could try if you want to get a guy's attention is to simply ask for help with something (and it has to be believable)--this gives you deniability and if you feel nervous you can just focus on finishing whatever you needed help with, but at the same time it's an opportunity to speak a little, ingratiate yourself to him, and it won't arouse suspicion/paranoia (though I should clarify that most guys won't think poorly of you at all). Of course, the easiest thing to do is approach him yourself.
Lastly, I want to make very clear that you do NOT need to give a guy your body to keep him around, so don't feel pressured into anything. Sex=/= commitment, and you'd just be hurting yourself if you do this. It's actually good to wait for multiple reasons, and while I have to be honest that some guys will bail when they don't get to use your body, keep in mind that if a guy truly cares about you as a person, he'll want to stay around even without the promise of sex.
Good luck, whatever you do.
Soc isn't all camwhores you know. You could for example post on this thread to socialize with people who are similar to you:
Going to /soc/ is just asking to find filth and predators.
>find wholesome young