19, virgin, bitter and doing anything for the sake of fucking other people
I've read all kind of blue pill, red pill, black pill advice but I can't help to be angry
Its your turn Jow Forums
19, virgin, bitter and doing anything for the sake of fucking other people
I've read all kind of blue pill, red pill, black pill advice but I can't help to be angry
Its your turn Jow Forums
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keep going maybe it will be worth it in the end
Get a parttime job so you end up with contact with real people. Internet isnt a healthy place for teens developing brains anyway.
Unironically this.
19 is pretty young to be growing bitter. I know it's pretty important to get your nut, but hey shit happens. The important thing is to meet new people and get exposed to and spend time with people of any gender.
You can't just live life in an insular bubble. You can't isolate yourself. You need to get out there, meet people.
Also; women are whole human beings with a raft of goals, desires, insecurities and mental fuckups that they gotta deal with too. Women enjoy sex too. Women shit and fart and have periods and also have days where they don't want to do anything.
>19, virgin, bitter and doing anything for the sake of fucking other people
If it fucks with you that much to be a virgin, then just go to a prostitute and get it over with. It really shouldn't dominate your thoughts that much mate. Life is too short to always have that shit in the back of your head. Go out and do stuff.
OP here
I'm not an american and the jobs where I live are very exploitative and manual, I'm a meet right now and no I don't see women as human after all the shit I learn about them.
Sincerely right now I just want to die because I'll never get any meaningful experience that inst violence caused by me so idk.
Turned 19 two days ago here and I'm a virgin
My problem is I want to have sex with women, but then I jerk off and then I no longer want to have sex with women
so I don't
I think you've been taking those meme pills a bit too long man. You should take a break.
Women are just people with some altered emotions (and a privileged situation in society, but let's not get into that). With all the good and bad that simplay being "people" brings.
>I've read all kind of blue pill, red pill, black pill advice but I can't help to be angry
Yeah no shit, you spend all your time trying to find an extremist ideology that will explain everything and then rage when they're not perfect. Try going outside and becoming more worldly instead of hunting for some retarded mantra that solves all of life's problems, cause here's a pro tip: it doesnt exist
>I want to have sex with women, but then I jerk off and then I no longer want to have sex with women
This is an important thing to learn. Make of it what you will.
>blue pill, red pill, black pill ((((advice))))
Just remember that f-f-females are humans too you autistic fuck.
>exploitive and manual
So basically free gym. You will get buffed and they will pay you for it.
you come off as annoying faggot with no little to no brain cells
> be slightly autistic beta
> doesn't know how to interact with people
> lifeshouldntbesohorrible/jpg
> goes to get some advice
> autistic beta, so goes to fourchan
> gets a red pill from socially retarded bitter 30 year old omega faggots
> thinks it is the truth because he's an impressionable beta teenager with no life experiences
> is now on his way to either becoming a incel retard
Heatless hypergamous piece of shits, that's what they are, I hate to have lust
I just wanted the truth then I got it but the truth only gave me more misery, outside world can't bring me nothing I can't find online, outside world is for people who won the genetic lottery
They just have human shapes but talk to one and you'll realize they're evil
I didn't won genetic lottery
Counterpoint: females are humans I wanna fuck, and I have no idea how to get humans to fuck me.
>They just have human shapes but talk to one and you'll realize they're evil
You clearly hadn't talked to any f-f-females other than your mom that is getting annoyed that her mid-twenties son is still leeching off her and spends 14 hours a day shitposting on the internet.
once you stop being bitter you get females.
But don't let go of your masculinity, you still need to be resolute, know what you want and manly.
I'm inclined to think this isn't true. As far as I can tell I'm not bitter, at least not towards women, and I'm not exactly the pinnacle of manliness, but I'm told I'm pretty stoic and my friends seem to assume I get lots of hookups but never tell them about it. idk, maybe I'm just not being objective about myself.
First, the average age for losing virginity is 18 (All those guys in high school were lying) so you are not really far behind the curve.
Second, just get out there and be pleasant to girls as you are with guys. Build up a collection of friends-who-are-girls, and one will surprisingly turn into a girlfriend
I'm 20 dude, I just stopped giving a shit at this point.
It's not any girl's fault I'm slightly autistic and can't tell when they like me, so I'm just incapable of being bitter about it. It'll happen when it happens, you can run as many infinite scenarios in your head as possible about how to go about it but that doesn't change the fact that you might get approached at a bar like I have before or just have a co-worker end up matching with you on tinder. Just don't be a retard like me, if you get the chance, take it.
>It'll happen when it happens,
Not op, and I really want to believe you.
>I didn't won genetic lottery
I'm kekking pretty hard at this sentence
Well what are you doing to try to get laid? It's pretty easy to get laid by some dumb slut, so you're definitely doing something way wrong
He wants a pure virgin waifu despite the fact that he hates all women and always assumes the worst of them.
I just wanted sex
Its always fun to punch down
In a fair world the autistic girl will not be getting pounded by high status men every weekend and will be your gf
Its over but I'm in negation
>I just wanted sex
Then just get a whore you brainlet.
Literally just don't think about it, go join a club at your local college, maybe a sport or gaming club, something social, and at one point somebody somewhere will think you're cute, no matter how ugly you think you are.