As a brown man, how hard is it for me to obtain a 6+ WHITE GeeEff
As a brown man, how hard is it for me to obtain a 6+ WHITE GeeEff
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Why do you need a white gf?
Do you have anglo saxon facial features? I think that's the thing that will help you the most. If you're ugly then it's pretty hard, however, I have seen my fair share of mix raced couples here in California. The rare ugly guy and white girl combo does exist, so it's not impossible. Just don't be autistic and go out. I don't think conservative white women will be into you though.
if you aren't rich and/or famous you won't get a 6+ white girl
Cause brown women treat brown men like garbage and worship white men
OP is better off going for a Latina or Arab or something if he likes the white phenotype so much, western white women really don't like minorities unless you're one of the especially attractive ones or have money
Unless OP is black, then he'll get fetish sex from girls with daddy issues or the occasional liberal SJW
You posted this thread before
Any white woman worth her shit won't date a shitskin like you
Just go for the slightly attractive trashy mudsharks and I'm sure you'll do fine
>Cause brown women treat brown men like garbage and worship white men
I was under the impression it's the other way around. Hippity hoppity and all that.
Also white women are just an alternative for the majority of non-white men. An average white girl is going to be way more feminine and normal to a brown dude than some fatty with a mustache who refuses to give head.
Women hate competition and resort to shaming and loads of other bullshit to keep "their" men in line- the same shit happens from white women who are pissed white men go after Asian chicks and Latinas.
Ironically when non-white women actually fucking listen to their criticisms, shave, learn to be sexual and feminine, and go to the gym, they're only doing it to get the attention of white men.
>I was under the impression it's the other way around.
Its a bit of both desu. Whoever started it is up for debate.
Non-white women in the west collectively resent their male counterparts for loads of reasons--not being liberal enough, too controlling, not wealthy enough compared to white men etc.
There's no coincidence that the women who scream the loudest about "their men" leaving them are the undesirables. Only fat obese shitty black women shame black men for not wanting them. Cunty white women who think they're God's gift on earth will tear a white man to shreds for going after an Asian
You are literally aiming for the race least likely to date other races. Realistically, if you aren't white hispanic, it's not going to happen.
White Jews marry out all the time
Jow Forums please go
the entirety of Jow Forums is Jow Forums
this website is not your safe space and if you can't handle being called a nigger then you probably need to go to reddit where mods will send you milk and cookies when you get triggered
based magapede btfoing libtards
Where do you think you are? No one is offended by your racism here. We just don't like you autists shitting up normal threads and never shutting the fuck up about how much you hate niggers and kikes. You have your containment board for a reason.
>normal thread
This literal shitskin has posted multiple threads asking how he can attain a white women as a brown man, and you call that a normal thread?
Fuck off, most white women don't want niggers for boyfriends and the ones that do end up single mothers on welfare because surprise surprise niggers never stick around for their kids.
I'll post wherever the fuck I want and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me
>do end up single mothers on welfare because surprise surprise niggers never stick around for their kids.
You mean when their white fathers threaten the blacks with death if they stay?
The type of black who is realistically going to have kids with a white woman is the Obama/nerd/preppy mixed type with an education and money.
These blacks aren't impregnating white girls like niggers and leaving them. They are being driven away.
Don't reply to him. He probably got here around 2015 or some shit.
>You mean when their white fathers threaten the blacks with death if they stay?
Oh haha wow nice of you to make garbage up like it actually happens. Niggs can't even stick around for the black women they knock up. Is it white men's fault for that too?
Jow Forums has always been racist and if you think otherwise it's just showing how new you actually are
>Niggs can't even stick around for the black women they knock up. Is it white men's fault for that too?
Nice deflection
Deflection? No no you claimed that the only reason blacks dont stick around with their white partners is because their dads threaten to kill them, DESPITE there being no fucking proof or data to back that up. You tell me why black people usually grow up in a single mother household then. Because it's obviously not the non existent white father's fault for that.
I clearly stated:
>The type of black who is realistically going to have kids with a white woman is the Obama/nerd/preppy mixed type with an education and money.
>the same type of blacks who fuck black chicks in the ghetto and have Single mothers are the exact same as the blacks who actually date white women in
Where the fuck do you live where ghetto trash nigs are getting anywhere close to white women? Are you counting the fat tramp stamp white trash? No white girl I know would be caught dead with a gangbanger type.
Most white girls want an Obama not a Tyrone
American niggers are the ones doing that ghetto single mommy gangsta shit. Maybe you should stop being a burger
>Maybe you should stop being a burger
Are you actually implying non American blacks are better? Because clearly you're not paying attention in Europe if you think actual Africans are better
Be attractive or rich. Also be an extrovert and "normal".
You could also try for white girls in niche subcultures outside the mainstream. Edm girls, goths , hippies etc
Lol goth culture died a long time ago my dude
black guy here
blacks are the ugliest race, why would white women date an ugly nigger that isn't rich or famous when they can date a 5/10+ white man?
If you act like a thug then maybe you can get a trashy, 3/10, ugly white girl.
It depends on a lot of factors. Depends what you have to offer, how you look, where you live, depends on the girl, etc.
That said, why would you want to date out of your race? Stick to your own kind please, it will be best for everyone.
I'm mixed-black and get pretty white girls all the time
>Edm girls
>Dating anyone but skinny drug-abusing white DJs
>Stick to your own kind please, it will be best for everyone.
>non American blacks are better?
They sure are in America.
My best friend is married to a Kenyan woman. She and all of her actual-African friends are attractive hard working, and really smart. Not at all like black Americans.
It's either a cultural thing, not "duh racism" to blame everything on
Or it's self-selection. We're only meeting the Africans smart and hard working enough to get over here.
Interracial relationships of any kind are extremely minoritary. Please get out of your mom's basement, you have been indoctrinated by Jow Forums bait shillers.
Mixed blacks can be as attractive as whites, they aren't ugly. I'm talking about people that aren't mixed.
>Or it's self-selection. We're only meeting the Africans smart and hard working enough to get over here.
There's also genes at play. There's a lot of inbreeding going on in the hood cause nobody knows who the father is. Plus most black Americans are mixed with irish genes which lowers IQ
>There's also genes at play. There's a lot of inbreeding going on in the hood cause nobody knows who the father is.
There's even more inbreeding in Africa.
>Plus most black Americans are mixed with irish genes which lowers IQ
Kek, any white ethnicity has on average higher IQs than any black ethnicity. But you're prolly joking.
The average African IQ is 70 being mixed with irish people would make their IQ's higher
Im afraid youve got it wrong user.
Black guys dont like black girls because they are ratchet af and try to be hood rat.
Then black women get bitter about it and start snubbing black guys
Then the horny white chads fuck the black girls once and then fuck off
This treatment makes them act even more ratchet and hood rat
ts a vicious cycle
Is something wrong with me? I have no attraction to white women for some reason. I don't hate them but I can't really say I've ever been attracted to a white women. I'm hispanic but very light skinned, I'm even lighter than some of my white friends but it seems like all my other hispanic friends want a white girl.
What is it about white women that other people like?
As far as I know it's actually pretty common to not be attracted to other races. I think it's just a Jow Forums meme to help these guys feel better about themselves.
>As a brown man, how hard is it for me to obtain a 6+ WHITE GeeEff
Read posts by Donovan Sharpe at Return of KIngs
He's got some really good advice on black guys getting white women. Basically, the fact that you're black (or brown) is "edgy" enough that you shouldn't act more ethnic. Act totally white bread (he mentions having a jeep with a bike rack) and you'll make them comfortable enough to date you.
Contrary to what 4channers believe because of racebait shillers financed by (((them))), it is actually the most normal and natural thing to be mostly attracted to people of your own racial background.
You haven't been manipulated by (((them))) into thinking "your" women are whores, so you're normal and doing the normal thing.
>What is it about white women that other people like?
A lot of hispanic women like the look of my wife. But she's got big hips and tits and long thick hair. Basically she looks like a lighter skinned hispanic and so hispanic guys like her.
Most people prefer their own race and culture. It's the unusual cases that get talked about.
Yeah this girl I knew i I hought was cute became some pathetic ratchet cunt and I decided she probably would fuck a stupid nigger that has absolutely no future and cant read at a 5th grade level.
I work out myself and keep my body okay, but appearantly she thinks I have some form of autism or that im poor. She honestly deserves to be taken advantaged over by retarded meat heads cause those are the types she's into. Im not talking about jocks she just like stupid men.
Her brother seems like a redditor beta cuck and would mock me every chance he gets. I dont know him, so he can fuck off. Idk her sister is older than me but Id date her instead she seems nice.
"alt righters," who think theyre gonna save white people are retarded because white people arent going extinct you fucking goyim. plus these types are butt fucking ugly and cant even get laid by negroes. If youre gonna racemix you better have something worthy on the table, the parents have to come to you, not the other way around. pIc related is a kekistani
>mixed black
Yeah they're attracted to your white features
Find a white guy whose with a black woman
You'll notice the black woman has been bleached and has white features
>Most people prefer their own race and culture. It's the unusual cases that get talked about.
Falls apart when you have mixed / border populations. Mulattos tend to look like North Africans. Ethiopians and West African blacks are entirely different and it. Wouldn't make sense for them to be attracted to each other. A tan skinned Arab, Latina, and Italian are pretty indistinguishable from each other and desu might have similar upbringings.
People tend to be attracted to people who remind them of the opposite gender parent in some way or another. If you're mixed or have racially ambiguous parents, you're not some jew brainwashed degenerate who hates your own race if your type isnt the EXACT match as your blood.
If you're black and born to a light skinned mixed mom with green eyes and freckles people act surprise they you like white girls like wtf
Some cultures are more compatible than others. Race exists but it's not as rigid as you think, stop playing skyrim and warcraft.
>hurrr durr mixed people shouldn't exist in the first place mental problems and identity crises waaahhhh
Someone is going to post this
I'm mixed with indian
this your average Male
I dont know user. I'm white and I like black and middle eastern girls mostly. I also dont get the craze white guys have with asian girls.
Probably a bunch of weebfags
Nerds desu
Please take black girls though. More white men need to get with black girls so they can leave black men the fuck alone
Does it not make sense for black girls to go after black guys?
Black women blew it when they became the harbingers for feminism and fucked the black family in the ass in the 60s. They will never be forgiven.
All the SJW feminism career you girl shit came from black women
Theyre only submissive feminine and sexual with white men that's why they divorce them at the lowest rate of every single pairing including white-white couples
Most are fat and ugly anyways.
Actually neither of these generalizations are true.
That’s why they’re generalizations.
Generalizations and stereotypes always have truth backing them. Go back to fucking reddit
Ashkenazi jews are white as fuck
Mizrahi, Sephardic and Ethiopian jews are not
Read a book
That's because it's racebait shillers trying to convince black/latino men that their women don't want them and they have to go for white women.
Black women crave black men and just about anything with a pulse.
They're just garbage, talk with retarded accents and don't go to the gym. Some are straight up ugly and can't compete with women of other races at all they're going to die out in the west unless they resort to raping by gunpoint or something to reproduce
I'm assuming what they're referring to is the fact that NO jews were considered "white" a few decades ago.
Brown woman like white men??
Lol are you kidding me? Latinas are obsessed with bringing home a gringo to give them light skinned children
If you aren't Muslim then forget about it. Muslims are the only non whites white women love.
i don't understand
Lmao no. God bless islamaphobia for weeding that scenario out of reality.
White girl here; ive seen the women who date you it's social suicide. also i have NEVER seen these women married to the guy, it's always her, her ugly curly haired baby, and a string of random black guys who stand outside her door saying hi to everyone who comes past
Literally where? in the USA most white women are scared to death of those dudes, myself included.
Yes it's possible. Don't listen to these salty stormfrontcels
Telling you otherwise. Jow Forums isn't real life. It all depends how well developed you are in terms of bone structure and facial harmony. A 7/10 brown guy easily mogs a 4/10 white Jow Forumstard with a recessed chin.
If he can do it you can do it too
Posting lifefuel for currycels
No they don't. They despise white men when it comes to sexual mating because they know white men are only good for beta buxxing. Latinas crave for that gangbanging Sureno.
Got to breed out those evil aryan monsters goyim.
Always makes me laugh when these stormfrontcels think they're attractive simply for having white skin when someone with ethink features like Zyzz would've mogged the shit out of them.
This. Brown men have a massive pool of quality brown women, many from cultures that are not westernized and yet they want thin, beautiful white women who are a minority?
its pathetic to see them in real life unironically claim to be some kind of messiah when in reality their beta cuck genes are freaking out because of association. If a girl from another race doesnt want to fuck you what makes those stormfags think stacy would sleep with them? Im all for people maintaining the cultural identity, but if youre constantly trying to fuck stacy when you're not im her league, go for someone else worthy of your time. Fuck stacy shes overrated.
cause i like em
Why indeed.
>white gf
>white gf 6+
>asking why he needs a white gf as a brown man makes me a jew
>the jews encourage racemixing to genocide whites
Can you just stick to one narrative please?
No, I'm saying that certain people like saying he needs a white gf.
Don't know about America but in Europe, it's a little hard but not impossible as long as you're not a lowlife and has decent liviing.
this stop idolizing stacy shes just a plastic cunt
Retards. Islamophobia is the reason white girls are attracted to us so much. For one thing they see us as victims because of it and feel sorry for us and second they fear us and nothing gets a woman wet more than fear. Just last week I fucked this super religious white Christian girl while hiking.
10%+ muslim men marry white girls in America (even higher in Europe) and that's just marriage, considering that most Muslims just bang white girls and leave them since in Islam it's considered better to marry a Muslim slave than a kaffir princess (unless for political purposes)
this, spbp
Not that hard. My first gf was white and I lost my virginity to my second gf who was also white.
lmao imagine being this delusional
I had a Muslim roommate who worshipped white girls more than anyone I'd ever seen. Sometime he'd get drunk and say he wished he was white. I bet most Muslim men feel the same way.
How is it being delusional? Everything I said is true. With the media sucking our cocks all the time, obviously white girls are very comfortable around us now, with white girls drooling over Zayn Malik and aspiring to be like the Hadid sisters. Then there's obviously our super masculine culture which makes us seem violent at times and as I said, nothing gets a woman wet more than fear.
Just look at
Easy 10/10 white girl with 700k+ followers has a muslim boyfriend. This influences all her female followers to have a muslim boyfirend too, like it or not.
You won't accept it but I'll say it again white women love us for our culture which is super masculine and because the white man is cucked beyond belief now. You can see this in Europe, the women overwhelmingly vote for the partied that promise to bring in as many refugees as possible. See
Watch til the end, the end is the real redpill.
>claims to be alpha chad race who can get any woman he wants
>spends time rageposting out of sheer jealousy for white people on a japanese cartoon website, crying the whole way
Lmao, that is assuming you aren’t just a white cuck larping as a muslim
>uses a fictional illustration to prove white people as ugly
What did he mean by this
>ad hominems only
Okay lol. Btw I only come here in my free time, too busy having sex with delicious white women. My first post was at almost 11 hours ago and I'm here just now.
Honestly, find yourself a French Canadian or a German girl who isn't a bitch.
As long as you're not a piece of shit beta? They'll date you just b/c they think you're 'exotic'.
I dated a French Canadian and I'm Filipino. Shame she was a bitch tho. But her tits were fantastic.
>wtf!!! Ad hominem?? No!! You have to be dialectical!!!
Stay mad. Have fun fucking 4/10s and white trash sluts for the rest of your life tho
Welcome to Jow Forums fellas.
You seem mad lol
Is white trash and 4/10? lol
what race are you