Why has my dick lost ALL sensitivity recently? What are some possible causes for this?

Why has my dick lost ALL sensitivity recently? What are some possible causes for this?

I would go to the doctor but I still live with my parents and don't want to describe the situation to them

Attached: 2a0.jpg (493x490, 46K)

Can't you just walk into the doctors yourself?

Yes, but I’d rather do drugs

Fapping every day, especially multiple times, will do that to ya. Stop touching your dick, dumbass.

I've hard that masturbation, especially with a full palm grip and hard strokes, can kill sensitivity. I've always had problems with it, dunno if condoms or alcohol could be the issue for me though.

I usually fap between 12 and 15 times a day.

Wonder why you are limp dicked

Attached: windiiiieees.png (488x463, 30K)

OP here. Neither of these are me.

Lol lucky bastard. My cock is too sensitive atm. I feel like I'm a woman.

If I don't jerk off for a week and still see no improvement, should I go to the doctor then?

Bump. Would like more opinions if there are any.

You'll see improvement after the first few days unless it's a neurological thing. I'd imagine you'd have to jerk your dick skinless to get to that point though.

It couldn't be low testosterone or something could it? Isn't that something doctors check for when they do blood work, because i had some done not too long ago




Same shit, cant cum with a condom, cant even cum while fucking pussy raw, only godlike blowjobs can make me cum, cutting off masturbation doesnt help, brace yourself

one more bump

I have this too, got some Cialis and a urologist who says it's varicocele... did some research which indicates that free T levels drop with varicocele. Go get yourself checked out user

>but I still live with my parents and don't want to describe the situation to them
okay but why would you need to share everything with them can't you just leave the house for the day or few hours without having to give them an itinerary

I genuinely am wondering about how repair the nerves. I often fap a lot a day and its basically an addiction.

Does anyone have any history with this?

Can't someone on here just diagnose me?

Posting all details in case someone has a different take on this. Don't want to wait and have to make another thread if this doesn't get better.

-no problem getting erections
-healthy sex drive
-can easily masturbate but feel nothing when i do

-i also feel relatively tired all the time, why i brought up T levels originally

last bump from me

Test would have little to nothing to do with the sensitivity of your dick. Tiredness could be a symptom of literally anything, including lack of sleep.
