Ask anything

Ask for advice on anything, I will respond to every question asked. I do not promise to have good advice. If your question cant fit in a single post, condense that shit.

Ask anything, get a response from me

OP is an 18 yo female from the US, not single

Attached: 1498921282192.gif (360x311, 49K)

How many elements out of the first 100 are radioactive for all their isotopes?

Ive got no idea
Its in the OP

do you plan on having lots of premarital sex; if yes, why?

I'll be on a business trip in a city on the opposite coast of where I live, I know one person there and we knew each other for one day and hooked up. I promised to come back eventually and wrote for a little bit, now our writing is kind of sporadic and its been a while since we last wrote.

Should I bother telling her I'm coming and how do I do it? For all I know she could have a boyfriend now or simply not want to see me.

What advice do you think people here would need from an 18 year old girl?

How do I get her to choose me over her current boyfriend?


Ive been dating my boyfriend long distance for almost 2 years now. Within the year we will be moving in together, and we're gonna get married ASAP. We both have the same life goals, politics, both want to raise kids the same way, get along effortlessly, etc. Im spending the rest of my life with this guy, he's going to be the only person Ive ever had sex with (still a virgin atm)

Since we're not walking into the marriage licensing place literally the day I move in with him, yea we're gonna have sex and not be married for a short period of time.

Yes, bother telling her. You dont know if she has a bf or wants to see you, why act like you think she does have a bf or doesnt want to see you then? Just say
>Hey, Im gonna be in your area again soon on business.

Then maybe chat a bit, and get to the point where you ask
>want to meet up?

Then work it out. You clearly would prefer to be able to see her, so make the effort man, dont not make an attempt due to the possibility it cant happen, that's silly and contradictory.

Ive got no idea. I just figured there were lots of people here with random questions who werent gonna get replies in the bigger threads. If they thought I could maybe help, then they could ask, and be sure to get a reply.

How would we go about overthrowing the current US government, and making Bernie Sanders president instead?

You dont, because Bernie Sanders is a socialist piece of shit with no integrity and he'll be senile soon.

Attached: okhandwaifu.png (705x958, 468K)

Yeah you're right, you miss all the shots you don't take, right?
>why act like you think she does have a bf or doesnt want to see you then?
Because she's an attractive woman, it's my insecurity speaking but I'd be surprised if she hasn't been sexually active and I'm pretty sure pretty much any guy is an improvement over me.

OP, you're my hope
How to get a nice gf for an ugly weak neet?
How to know who your matches are from the dating pool?

I see. So, you support a man who openly mocked a disabled reporter, and who advocated for grabbing women by the pussy?

>If I hate Bernie Sanders I have to like Trump

Brainlet detected, if you can't tell by the very obvious image I used Im libertarian. None of the candidates particularly appealed to me.
Honestly I dont give a fuck whether the president is rude or not. No president is going to actually do what I want, none of them have the power to change the actual system. The only thing I vote for is the person who will generate the least new policies and wont increase the government enroachment as quickly as the other guy.

You're gonna have to have a nice 3.5-5 (out of 10) neet gf.
I met my guy totally randomly. I dont think there is any process you can go through where you are ensured that at the end of that process a gf is waiting for you. You cant generate them. You just gotta be you, keep living, keep doing your best. Youre gonna come across people just in the course of living - talk to them and one day youre gonna end up talking to a girl compatible with you. Good luck user

OMG, thanks!
I thought -1-0 is actually too high for me to hold. Can you define 3,5?
Man, you're so kind... thanks

5 is plain. 3.5 is definitely kinda ugly but hasnt entered the territory of facial deformity and so ugly you wonder what's wrong with them.

I dont know what you look like, so I have you a rough range based on assuming you are somewhere between 3-6. If you were willing to post your face I could say whether you are actually ugly or not and what you can expect as far as what sorts of girls will be into you.

Let me say this - Ive had crushes on cute guys and on ugly guys in equal measure. This happened because I would get to know the ugly dude and really like him. At first meeting I registered their faces as strange - but after months of knowing them, when I saw their face I didnt think it was ugly or super hot. I just thought "thats the face of the person I really like." So seeing them was enjoyable for me and I was attracted to them.

OP, do you need any advice yourself?
How to deal with extremely high libido?

Im actually pretty good, thank you user.

If Im in the time of the month where Im very horny I just set aside time to myself to really enjoy myself masturbating. The horniest I get is probably to the point where I'll cum 2 times a day max.

If yours is higher than that I have no personal experience. Depending on how high I might recommend a mix of pleasing yourself when/if your partner isnt up for it + a mix of redirecting the energy if its at the point its detrimental. Without higher detail cant say much. If its regularly high, just get off more/do more physical activity. If its abnormally and detrimentally high, talk to your doc.

I see, well that’s good then. I absolutely despise the 2 party system myself. I can’t stand the Republicans or the establishment Democrats because they are all crooks. I think that Trump and Hillary are both garbage people, and I would certainly vote for a Libertarian over both of those retards.

Meet girl at bar. Kinda friendly, didn’t think anything of it.
Match with her on tinder a few days later. Decide to meet up yada yada.

Invites me out to bar with her and her friends. Lots of friends, a couple who I’d met before. End up having a good time, getting somewhat intimate with the girl, spent the night but we didn’t have sex or anything.

Invites me to a big party she’s having the night after. Meet her there. Looootss of people. I’m pretty fucked up that night and honestly didn’t give her much attention in retrospect, but did a heavy amount of socializing around the house.

Here’s the thing:

Half way thru party she finds me and pulls me aside and is all like “Hey so just want to let you know there’s a guy coming here and he’s gonna be like all over me and kissing me and stuff just don’t want you to feel weird. I like you and you’re a cool guy I’m still down to hang out blah blah”

Again I was pretty fucked up at this point and got caught off guard. At the time I was just like “what” and thinking I had no idea why she was telling me this.

Did she tell me that shit cause she wanted me to compete for her affection or give her attention? Or what’s up with it? Just think it’s odd

I think you might need to take some time to figure out what your guiding principles are. If you could prefer Bernie over Trump while also preferring a Libertarian candidate, I suspect that there's some logical contradiction in whatever motives are driving your opinions.

For example, libertarians (minus normies who happen to be somewhat libertarian the way people happen to fall left or right of center) guiding principle is property rights. By guiding principle I mean that given a conflict you will be able to come up with some idea of what you think a good solution is based on these beginning universal principles you think are true, instead of taking every unique conflict and each time kind of guessing your way around what the best way to deal with it is (this is sometimes called pragmatism, but in reality it just what happens when youve got no compass at all so you kinda just do what feels best in each scenario rather than maintaining a logically consistent approach where you can understand and explain what the possible outcomes can be and why some are better than others)

If I were you to me the most likely scenario would be she has a bf who she's willing to cheat on. She probably is flirting with you/looking to have sex with you because she's attracted to you and has little self control/theres a severe problem in her relationship so she's started dating again without actually leaving the relationship/she wants the attention&affection a male can give her but not from her bf/she likes feeling naughty

These all boil down to
>she's cheating because it gives her some form of gratification

The more I have sex the more lackluster it gets. Why do people go apeshit over you women? Sure it's nice I guess but after awhile a woman's body isnt exciting.

I'm not quite sure how to express myself without being offensive so do you think there's something wrong with me? I don't want to hurt any future romantic relationships with my lack of enthusiasm when it comes to sex. What should I do?

I think, I still can't get it what an ugly girl could look like, because I can't see ugliness in girls.

I guess most folks in here would assume that I'm around 2,5 or under. Can't get pics of my face right now, anyway. It's nightmare fuel, I suppose. And none sorts of girls will be into it.

Just thank you for advice, it's a positive conversation. Your dude is lucky to have you around.

A big part of why many people, usually rightwing, advocate for not fucking around (even if youre a dude) is because it can hurt your ability to pair bond and make sex feel mundane. You're associating sex with multiple meaningless experiences involving women you ultimately ended up not caring about. What kinda outcome did you expect?

Attached: TheIllsofPromiscuity.jpg (4349x3678, 1.82M)

Here's a random pic from google. She's definitely ugly but certainly if she brushed her teeth more and was a nice girl, could make a fine gf. Its kinda hard to find realistic examples though since typing 'ugly girl' gets a bunch of people with actual defects and disorders.

Attached: exampleuglygirl.jpg (480x360, 26K)

It's high to the point it interferes with my mental states.
It's not helping that I'm single.

Yeah, I disagree with you. I've never bought into that chastity stuff.

Well user, that was my explanation for you. If you dont agree with it then you dont. No guarantees of effective advice giving.

I dont get it though. Youre literally describing how youre bored with having a lot of sex, but you wont even give chastity a fair look? Whaddya even want?

I would try exercising a lot if you arent already, I find that when Im tired and sore from exercise my sex drive is diminished. Once I feel better again I have much higher focus and energy.

I'm a ~5'0" male am I screwed?

How many stars would that girl earn out of 10? I still think it's bad photo-skills that are in the works here. She's not wearing any makeup, laughing too hard, etc.

Not at all! Im 5'0" myself and would even date a guy somewhat shorter than me if I liked him (and Id only date a guy I liked anyway.) Of course there's going to be a portion of the female population who will not want to date you due to your height - but this is true of almost any physical trait you could possibly possess.

This one will probably make more women rule you out than having a big/too small nose, or dark/light hair, but no matter what traits you have a part of the female population will likely not be into you, and the other part will. There's variation to how much women are in one category or the other, but for most people already the default is most people wont be into you and you wont be compatible with most people.

There are lots of women out there who are compatible with you and capable of loving you. You just gotta keep living and try to live well till you meet a girl who suits you, and when you do, you'll both recognize your compatibility with each other and it'll become a relationship.



Its hard to find examples that arent the result of a genetic disorder on google images. Id say she's a 3.5, and I agree that the camera and face position are affecting that, so she's probably closer to around a 4.

My "friend" more or less stopped talking to me. Only sends what's up text every other month. She claims she values our friendship (were friends throughout highschool) but I have an itch I'm just a faucet of attention when she's in drought. You think she really cares or should I just cut her off?

>r, but for most people already the default is most people wont be into you and you wont be compatible with most people.
>There are lots of women out there who are compatible with you and capable of loving you.
I don't get how both of these statements can be true

How do I stop getting stressed out from my retarded and obese chain smoking loser mooch brother on welfare who doesn’t work and is always over my shoulder pestering me?

The problem is that I don't think I'll ever recover from it. When I was younger women were these mystical beings with their fun bits that made your bits feel good. Now...they're not. They're flesh gross humans just like everyone else.

I wonder if other anons will agree? BTW, I always thought 4-s being super cutes or something. Could you post a google image of a girl that looks close to how you look? That would be 5? I just really couldn't understand that rate-system. And if you wouldn't be bothered, can I hear your opinions on ugly girls without pictures, please? How you see an ugly girl without 'wrong genetics'?

Definitely didn’t think about it that way. Interesting

Well what makes someone ugly is generally that they have an obviously asymmetrical face or one part of their face it out of proportion with the other.

5 is plan, so 4 would be below plain or kinda odd looking. The 10 point rate system is entirely subjective.

Women are human beings just like men. It isnt good to look at all men as being especially cool or mystical and its not good to look at women as being especially interesting or mystical.

How is he over your shoulder? Do you live at home? Is he older/younger?

Try setting hard boundaries. Dont be afraid to look like an asshole by outright telling him to back the fuck off if he's in your personal space. If youre living with your parents the best course of action is to try and move out as best you can user, no real other way to distance yourself from your loser bro.

Remember that his failures arent your failures. Some people who are struggling actually want help and will make use of it. Others, like I suspect your bro is, are blackholes. They just take and take and take and will absorb all your effort and energy - nothing ever comes back out, no improvement is made, just an endless vacuum of your resources. You cant help these people till they decide on their own to stop being black holes.

How can I stop being extremely depressed about things I can't change?

Well I don't anymore. Not at all.

At first stop being delusional about things that you can't change.


Girl problems PART 1:So there’s a friend of mine I really like, I’m crazy for her. On July I asked her out and she was like “I’m having problems at home so I don’t want to bring more into my life that I can’t handle, I hope you can understand. I don’t want to lose you”. So I was pretty sad about it. I skip the class we had together for a week because it was hard for me to see her. Eventually I get over it after two months when I went on vacation. (We don’t talk the entire time, I text her on the last day of school “how was the last day?” But she never answered) when I come back I had to go to summer school and I remembered that the place I chose to do the summer school was the same as the girl I liked. It was nice seeing her and after 2 weeks of seeing her everyday from picking her up in the mornings and dropping her off after, things go back to the way they were before I asked her out it was nice.
School starts back up and we see each other for lunch on the second day of school. The next week I text her if she wanted to have lunch she said “sure”. I wait 15 min for her in my car until I get mad and just leave without her. That was on a Monday so in my head I’m mad because you don’t stand someone up like that without even saying anything to them. That same week on Thursday she texts me “I need your help” “please, I’ll pay you” followed by a phone call from her. She tells me how her brother is sick but she can’t pick him up from school because her card isn’t being accepted on Uber and she doesn’t have anyone to drive her. I didn’t want to see her but I have a little sister so I felt bad if I didn’t help. I pick her up and the whole time I act a bit dry but not too much just enough so that she would see that I wasn’t really to glad on seeing her. At the same time she asks me multiple times “are you ok? what’s wrong? Why are you acting weird?” I tell her “nothings wrong, I’m fine”.

He is a homosexual who spends all day asking me any my family for things. He is an obese homosexual loser on welfare who can’t go five minutes without nagging at someone or begging for money. He is over my shoulder nagging me every waking minute of my day and it’s starting to effect my health. I want to kill myself because I cannot move out in this day and age where the cost of living is so high where I would just be barely making it if I move out. I have no place to go except stay at home and build money up and hope the economy gets better and the standard of living continues to go up under trumps presidency.

He basically never worked a day in his life. His life revolves around nagging me and causing me and my other brother stress. He is a 500 pound obese homosexual who was raised by my feminist mother and has become so lost that he is an animal. He litters, chain smokes and steals everyone’s socks. He also stinks and continues to invade my personal space. I think he is LOOKING for conflict. He is a walking demon who is hell bound and NOBODY can stand to be around him. I have to live with him. I think I should talk to a professional about this because it’s effecting my health but I’ve never been to a therapist or know who should I go to about this.

For instance. I just bought a 4K tv, 400$ gaming chair, and Xbox one. He invaded my personal space and barges into my room demanding that he plays on my new Xbox. When he has his OWN Xbox and can invite me to play online if he wanted to. He is an animal. A rat. And nobody likes to be around him. He reminds me of a special needs kid who is a nasty person. Like nickolas Cruz. A school shooter vibe. Who is nasty and you want to get away from him at all costs but I’m forced to live with him.

Are you happy?

I have stopped talking to my friends and hesitate to be social. Because I feel like getting a friendship with me would be getting a friendship with the both of us because he’s always down my neck and in my personal space. I just want to kill myself to get away with him. There is really no other option when you think about it. Moving out of my wealthy neighborhood to get away from him would be a step down. I would be on my own and indipendant but I would also be moving out of one of the most safest cities in America to get away from him and would be paying my entire paycheck to get a dead end apartment. What is the point of living if this is the case?

Girl problems PART 2: when we arrive at her place to drop her and the brother off she asks if I’ve been skipping school because she hasn’t seen me (we don’t have any classes together this year) I tell her I’ve been going every day. She then tells me that we should meet up in school the next day for lunch I say “ok” coldly. (At this point I just wanted to leave, every time I’m with her I want to scream out and tell her how much I love her, but I was mad at her this time this time I wanted to leave so I wouldn’t have to suffer from seeing her a second longer because it hurt) her brother opens the door and gets out I say bye to him and tell him to feel better. At the same time she gets out and looks at me and says “hey the other day when we were going to meet up I had to take a test, but I’ll see you tomorrow” I nodded and waved goodbye then left when she closed the door. And guess what, the next day, no text before lunch, no text during lunch. That was Friday of last week, it’s Monday today and I haven’t talked to her since.
What should I do? There’s a part of me that wants to completely forget about her, not see her, or anything. I deleted her number last week before she called me for the favor. I even deleted Snapchat. Everything reminds me of her and there’s still a part of me that for some reason hasn’t given up on her. Please help me.

PS sorry if it’s too long.

You need to be a bit more specific I think. Based on that I cant tell you anything but

>focus on the things you do have control over. Find enjoyment in anything you can.

When I was extremely depressed (12-14) I turned it out around by telling myself that I didnt want to be depressed, that even if there was a lot I couldnt control *I* was something under my own control. That I could choose my perspective. I went from truly wanting to die to enjoying the tiniest things - even pouring a cup of coffee and feeling the warmth I would think to myself "I could be sad, or I could enjoy this warmth. I could be dead, gone forever, or continue and still be able to feel this."

15 minutes is kind of an early time to leave. I think that for how into her you are, which may be too much, youre not actually leaving enough room or making enough effort for this to work out. Did she say anything but 'sure'? You kinda need to reconfirm dates and meetups in general to make sure each person is still on board.

Youre trying way too hard to be a person that youre not. No relationship can start well if one person is being a totally fake version of themselves. She could tell you were wearing a mask with her and it bothered her.

Id say take a deep breath, get a grip, and just be honest with this girl. If being honest doesnt work out, then the relationship just cant work out. Being fake and succeeding is really just delaying the inevitable moment the true nature of each person is revealed and then it fails anyway.

Alright man, after reading this again and reading the full totally disregard what I said before

You are an orbiter. You do not love her. You barely know her, you are just obsessed with her for some ungodly reason.
She *does not* care about you. You are just a convenient helper in her life that she can put little effort into but still expect to be around for when she has a use for you. You, being an orbiter, oblige her.
Your recent coldness was freaky to her because it shows she might lose her free helper.

Fucking forget about her

Listen, my mother moved me in with my now step-dad when I was 5. This guy is fat, gross, he doesnt work but instead relies on his mother's money. He was verbally abusive to me and my siblings and fucking awful to my mom.
For awhile I hated him, I could not stand living with him. There also came the day where little girl me realized that my step dad didnt actually love me. I was incredibly depressed and apathetic from 11-14.

I decided I didnt want to be this way - I didnt want every moment of my life to be either wanting to kill myself or hating my step dad. I obviously couldnt change my actual home enviroment, but I told myself that *I* was under my own control. I focused on the things I did enjoy in life. When I would pour a cup of coffee I would think to myself "Wow, this warmth is so nice, the flavor is so good. Im happy I can enjoy this."
Slowly, I got better. I stopped caring about my dad because I cant change him, and cared more about the little sources of joy in my life I could find.

Your situation is somewhat different of course, and your brother is directly inserting himself everywhere he can with you. You need to shut him down and increase the distance, HARD. Dont let him do this shit! Youre not a little girl interacting with her dad, if he's in your grill fucking get him out of it. Like I said dont be afraid to be a total fucking asshole to get this cancerous lump off your back, excise that shit with a hot knife.


Attached: boomergrafiti.png (1600x1600, 2.65M)

Girl problems guy: I should forget about her. Thanks for being honest. And thanks for listening, I really appreciate it.

You're a kid. You have next to no experience in the adult world. Why do you think you can give advice to a board where most people are older than you?

I obviously cant give advice on how to best do your taxes, but a lot of the emotional shit and the problems people suffer through concerning their own self image and what not are issues to be resolved with perspective. Some issues just need an outside opinion.

You cant tell me you've never encountered any 40 year old adults who might as well be big horny toddlers. Correctness of thinking and action is not an upward linear line correlated with age.

Anyway, I stated my age and gender precisely so that people could know the source of the advice and let that help them determine if the advice is suitable. I also gave no promise of good advice.

Hey and how can I get my self to avoid these “orbiter” situations.

Dont think that you are in love with a girl who you dont even have a very good friendship with.

If you do favors for her repeatedly, dont really know her, and she blows you off - you're in a beta orbiter situation.

Really user, these sorts of feelings come because you feel a need for love. You need love badly enough that youre creating it inside your head where it doesnt exist. You need to find the source of this insecurity and try to resolve it or your brain is gonna try to keep coping. Maybe try to get a good male therapist? Remember that therapists are something you ought shop around for, you need the right fit. Wouldnt suggest a female one at this stage, you'll probably end up thinking you love her.

4" inches erect, am I screwed?

So how do I become more alpha?

Not at all! The average depth of the vagina is about 4 inches OP. Plenty of women have difficulty with sex with only 6 inches. Some women specifically want 'tiny' penises!

By not giving a fuck about the things you shouldnt care about. Care about what should be cared about, dont care about what shouldnt be cared about.
That's basically it.


I forgot that I was the OP because every day multiple different anons start threads about their ""small"" penises. Kek

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Why do I see no purpose in life?
I just started a new job and already the thrill of not being useless sack of shit has worn off.

I see nothing in my future, no girlfriend, no decent career that I'm passionate about and leads me to new heights, no kids, just a complete a lack of feeling about my existence followed by a suicide that will no doubt deeply harm my family and what few friends I have in this world.

Why dont you see these things in your future? Theres probably no good reason to think that all that cant happen user. As long as you keep waking up and making effort every day to do what interests you, maybe seek some classes that give you licensing to do things, maybe online college, maybe just engaging in a hobby like wood working...All these things can lead to a job you love one day.
Romantic partners appear suddenly for everyone, youre no different and the fact you havent met a compatible girl right now isnt a mark against you. The kids will come after.

This is the time of your life where you just keep doing your best and keep furthering your own interests/improving yourself because you want to be better, and the fruits come later. A farmer doesnt think life is meaningless because for months no fruit has shown up yet and he hasnt had the big harvest he wants. He works for a long time pulling up weeds, watering, using fertilizer, and one day all of this culminates in the crop.

Your life and self is the farm, you are the farmer. You planted a seed by moving out and finding work, right now youre looking at the dirt and saying "Where's my harvest?" Dont do this! You have to wait for it to grow. You need to water it and water it till you see a little sprout, a little sign of progress in life. Then you need to keep working it, seeing it get a little bigger, get a few more leaves...Progress comes in tiny spurts, and then one day you look around and youv got a fuck ton of big watermelons.

I'm at peace when I am fulfilling a worthy purpose.
But unlike the farmer, I haven't planted seeds to wait for the fruit, I've waited and watered many different ones without any concept of what the farm will be.

I'm scrambling around in the dirt, occasionally watering and tending to the odd crop for a period before stopping and tearing at my hair and asking 'what is this farm?!'.

Why aren't you using a tripcode?

Help me out with this dilemma?

Stop tearing your hair, water the crops you think are important, and put some fertilizer down too.

Because theyre gay and I dont know if Im gonna do this regularly, also my manner of speaking is distinct

Its hard to let go of insecurity. Im not quite sure what to say since for me, one day I just thought
>worrying about this crap is the opposite of helpful to me. I keep failing and failing so you know what I dont carr anymore

I then actually stopped caring, and stuff got better.

Sorry I am not so helpful here

My boyfriend is more feminine than me and it bothers me. He can be normal when he's mad but he's usually really flamboyant and girly. Oh and it only happens around me.

>Because theyre gay
> I dont know if Im gonna do this regularly
It could have just been for this thread only.
There's no obligation to continue using it.
Do you have commitment issues?

>also my manner of speaking is distinct
It isn't.

If it only happens around you that means its his real personality and he's relaxing around you and letting it show.

I think the answer here is - how much does it bother you? Is it a minor problem? Then you gotta accept thats who he is, and be glad he lets you see it even if it isnt your preference. Maybe in some minor stuff you could ask him directly "hey can you be aggressive with me a little more often?"

But - if its a thing that's going to bother you for years, if its something that makes you hesitate more than you otherwise would thinking of having kids with him...Then you should probably break up. As much for him (if not more for him) than for yourself, considering this would render you two to have pretty incompatible personalities if you cant get over it and mean either youre not ready to date or that you just shouldnt lead on men you cant truly be interested in.

Alright man, not sure what your problem is. I didnt think to use a tripcode, dont really feel a need to, dont want to. It hasnt been an issue

>either youre not ready to date or that you just shouldnt lead on men you cant truly be interested in.

He wasn't like this before so I wasn't leading him on. I think we are just incompatible and no I wasn't and am not ready to date someone with a girly personality. I can't think of having kids with him because he cries all the time and will overdo niceness in threatening situations. It doesn't exactly scream stable future.

I meant that continuing to date past the point of thinking your incompatible is leading him on, not the the beginning part getting to know him

If that's honestly how you feel, whether other anons think youre cruel or totally agree and think hes a bitch or whatever - no matter who is "wrong" or if no one is - its now just a fact youre not gonna work out. So break it off now and gently rather than stick around with this inside you.

great thread

Ive been having fun. I feel like Im in a good place in life, happy, and know what I want. I see other anons struggling with things Ive felt before and got over, I see anons with issues they could resolve, I see anons asking for help in threads where they probably wont get a reply...So I made this thread in case I could be of use.

It makes me feel happy to think that even one person here could be partially helped by anything I said, even if that help came from them figuring out why I was wrong.

Attached: sweaterTAgif.gif (320x320, 47K)

just legit brightened my spirits to see this. been blackpilled af lately. best wishes hun, hope you and he have a long wonderful happy life together

That makes me happy user, I hope you can find happiness in your life and succeed in your dreams.

>being this defensive