Are the majority of selfies that girls post lies...

Are the majority of selfies that girls post lies? There’s one girl I follow on twitter that is always posting selfies and she looks really gorgeous, but recently posted a photo someone else took of her in the hospital and it barely looks like the same person. She’s not ugly I guess but definitely not as pretty as her selfies make her look. How am I supposed to trust girls?

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>trusting women

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There's this one guy that acts really tough and has his shit together, good job and socially intelligent, he paid so much attention to me in public then asked me out, of course I said yes. We make our way to the bedroom and when his pants come off he's only 5 inches. It's not that big a deal I guess (no pun intended) but definitely not what I expected given his charisma and self-confident attitude. Sex was okay my disappointment was hard to hide and probably ruined it. How am I supposed to trust guys?

I mean, he's not using shopped dick pics in his tinder bio.

That depends on your definition of "lie".
If you consider make-up, camera angels, and any manipulation of an image or appearance to be a "lie", then yes.

I’m a girl and even I think this is a retarded comparison, it would only be equiviant if he was going around telling people that he was a thick 8-9”. You assuming he has a big dick just because he’s self confident and “acts tough” is your own problem.

>How am I supposed to trust girls?
Meet them and talk with them. It's not like you stumble upon some random thot in the street and suddenly you can know if you can trust them with your life based on their looks.

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Imagine estimating dick size off of whether someone is confident or not. Why are you so dumb

>Complaining about 5 inches
I hope this is a meme. That's perfectly fine, and that's coming from someone with 7 inches who sucks at sex.

Obv bait lmao u hooked 3 retardo bim bim.

Ye everyone is ugly except me dude

My boyfriend is 5 inches and I’m perfectly happy with our sex life. I feel like girls who complain about average size dicks are just size queens who have been with so many guys and are so loose and stretched out that they can’t even feel anything anymore unless they’re getting fucked by a 9” BBC.

She's in the hospital in the right pic. This has to be bait.

>but recently posted a photo someone else took of her in the hospital

read the fucking post m8

7/10 vs 3/10

women are such frauds

This also

Jesus christ you fucking incels are retarded

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take a photo of yourself at different angles and lighting and you look completely different. that kind of makeup is also taken in good lighting and a good angle, makeup is made for that where normally that would wash out the features. in the hospital is weird lighting and I would think they are sick and not looking their best.

Honestly concerning that you even care that someone doesn't look perfect while they're at the hospital.

OP here she was getting an abortion.
I still love her with all my heart though.
No it was't mine, but if it were I would've raised it as my own.
But I'm sure she knows what is best she is the Perl to my Orient

yeah I don't believe any of this

Look up lip fillers. Now botox. Now hair extensions. Now power of makeup.

And before you get asshurt, women get their value on how hot they are. if you blame them for looksmaxxing, while only being into the girl on the left... well its your fault she does this.

That’s not OP, girl in the pic was in the hospital for cancer treatments. I’m not OP either but I saw the girl’s post on twitter.

theyre hopeless

Trust em cmon u got a bachelor's in engineering. Cmon, they're the best.

True, I've got a big dick but I have no confidence and can't get women interested.

Seconding this but I'm actually pretty confident.

I know there's someone trolling the thread. that's why I don't believe anything here.

found the troll

She looks better without the pound of makeup.

She's in a hospital. What kind of hospital have you been in that has flattering lighting?

bein a hypocrite but
im a girl please stop starting replies with "I'm a girl and even I"
like this is an anonymous board for a reason state your piece and get out

What kind of logic is it to think that dressing up is "lying". Obviously they are going to make themselves look as attractive as possible for photos. Are guys "lying" when they take selfies right at the peak of a cut to show off their abs? Are advertisements "lying" when they show everyone laughing and flipping the fuck out over potato chips?
You're on Jow Forums, so there's not much assumption about your intelligence, but surely you are able to understand the difference between bragging/selling and lying?

Make up is deceptive shit. Fuck off and quit plastering your face like a doll, women.

Everything on social media is a lie. There's a super hot goth model that is insta famous that lived 2 blocks away from me in my shit canadian town. She's hugely popular, but she was escorting, I fucked her a couple times and it was dope. Made me realize that probably a majority of the famous instawhores are escorts on the side to pay for what they do. And while this chick was super hot, she wasn't *as* hot as in her pics, so there is clearly tons of lighting, photoshop, and taking tons of pics to get the perfect angles etc. I actually thought this chick was hotter (ie more natural and appealing) irl than in the pics, where she was more trashy.
If the world famous instathots are whores on the side, just imagine how empty and miserable the average girl who takes selfies must be. You can smile for a picture, it takes a second, but the rest of the 23+ hours of the day you can be miserable. It's all a lie.

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You say that as if this girl doesn't look hot in both of these pictures

Well some of the instagram girls with millions of followers are basically high end escorts, so you are correct

Anybody parading their clown face on social media is too insecure to show their real face.
If you want to find a woman you can trust, find one that isn't a self absorbed clown, preferably one not on social media. Good luck though.

I won't and other women won't and you're going to accept it.

She’s way cuter in the hospital than in the pic to the left, why the fuck do women do this to themselves

From the OP, it sounds like she posted the picture on the right herself. So she’s not afraid to show her real face. And if what the other user said about the cancer treatments is true, it’s sad that this is what we’re discussing here

It's pretty sad that the left picture is considered more attractive by most. She looks like a cheap, shallow whore.

> bad lighting
> no makeup
>hospital (nobody looks good in a hospital except for staff and some visitors), might be sick or having surgery (scared, unwell)
>photo taken by other people always look worse than selfies, especially if it's someone with a bad photo motive like jealous sister or friend

and she still looks cute as a button.

you'd look like shit too, but lets me honest, you probably do even with all the good circumstances

Think most people know insta-famous models are prostitutes. Male and female, males usually being gay for pay or just gay anyway.

But the thing to remember is what they're doing is no different than celebrities. Celebrities are all just photoshop too with the added bonus of plastic surgery and million dollar treatments to further keep up the facade.

The reality of humanity is that we all look quite plain. But we'll fall in love with someone that loves and appreciates us for exactly who and what we are anyway. Those who have not yet found someone who loves them that powerfully usually tend to be the ones altering their pictures the most, too deeply unsatisfied with themselves and feeling like finding someone who would be fine with them naturally would not be possible. It'll all be fine. Someday they'll realize it.

Yeah most women don't look as good in person, but in her defense she's in the hospital bro. Not many people look that good after being in a hospital

>uploading a photo of yourself smiling when getting an abortion
shouldn't you be more concerned about this?

y'all should be fucking grateful the only thing women "" betray"" you with is some dumb selfies and make up. the fact that people look better in selfies where they pose should be common knowledge anyway. women don't want you to trust them and no one is asking you to. if anything, please stay away from us.

Whether or not you trust girls comes down to the individual in question

however, you should certainly never trust photographs--they're not the objective reflection of reality we've been led to believe they are

the truth is that both the left and right photo are only somewhat accurate depictions, due to lighting, resolution, etc, of what she looks like in real life

as it turns out, you can't tell everything about a person from an instagram profile

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>Think most people know insta-famous models are prostitutes.
What? How famous are we talking? Examples?
This is quite shocking for me, since Ive been trying to attract them with my talent for nature- and macro photography...

a talent for macro and nature photography is either expensive gear or pure delusion

Fuck off 3DPD

>hey I thought this model/photographer was just a superhuman beauty, was she lying to me and is everyone lying all the time.
no, you're retarded and didn't know that's her whole job. It's like you're complaining that a novelist wrote a story that didn't really happen: yeah, no shit dude

no. you fuck off.

Tits or gtfo

plenty of girls take unflattering pictures of themselves, but the point of selfies is usually to put your best foot forward, is it not?

That's like bald guys wearing caps.

Make up + 30 million snapchat filters = lies

Come on man, it's common sense.

>its your fault she does this

literally all women when confronted about attention-seeking will claim they don't do it for men. so which is it?

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the male equivalent is douchebags hiding their shitty jawline with a beard which is either unkempt and nasty (le ancestral heritage) or autistically oiled and groomed. add snapback to hide receding hairline and being overly loud and obnoxious to appear alpha and you have the male version of your pic