Does white hair improve a girls "sexual marketplace value"?

Does white hair improve a girls "sexual marketplace value"?

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Not if u have homosexual DAB

Only if it suits her and the guy you're asking likes it.

Not really. Besides, you don't need to worry about your marketplace value if you're the one buying.

Yes, it signals that she’s open to casual sex

This, its more of a red flag than anything

If non africian american or brown, no. If anything else, yes.


looks good on most girls sometimes grey too, at least to me

90% of prostitutes are dyed blondes.
All expensive prostitutes are white, even the asians go with a discount, blacks go dirt cheap, and while a little exotic fun may sound appealing I'm way too worried about STDs to go anywhere cheap.

So yeah here's a market analysis for you.

It's very popular among women into casual sex and artsy shit.

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>"i'm right and everyone else itt is wrong"

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Well that's one way of looking at it.

This is going to make some people mad, but i'd really like to attract less low standard people.

Not an argument


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Id fuck a bald head girl. Fuck the market.

t. white hair

I personally find it very unattractive

i had long white hair for about a year before the upkeep became too much and i chopped it. i got respect from everyone and catty bitches tried to fuck with me but couldn't. my hair has grown back out so I'll probs do it again because im a queen anyway so

whoa idk about casual sex tho uhhh someone's hair color/physical appearance has nothing to do with their sexual availability. you have to be 18 to post here

I find white hair really attractive on fair-skinned girls - the contrast is too stark when a dark-skinned girl has white hair.

That being said, you will never please everyone nor satisfy every fetish. You should go for a look that works for you, which means one which you feel comfortable with and one whom your friends/family/coworkers give good feedback on.

The alternative is to slut it up while streaming - learn how to apply makeup, buy pushup bra's, thigh-high stockings, tiny shorts/skirts, really low-cut tops, position cam at a high angle, then spend 8-10 hours a day squealing and jiggling while neets throw loose change at you and beat off.

It kinda does. Girls with body mods like hair dye or tattoos or piercings are really easy to have sex with.

No offense. I love sex so it’s easier to pick and choose.

W-what about white hair on cute young guys? Asking for a friend.

Dyed hair on men is usually effeminate. Most women are not attracted to effeminate men.

gay or art school
any dyed hair is gay or art schoo.

I think it looks nice but I would probably think the guy was gay.

I was going to put that stripe in my hair anyway, was just curious what people might think. I'm bi and taken already so it's not a practical concern, but surely there are girls who are way into dyed guys, right?

i hate to admit it bit yes
it's such a fucking meme
i prefer natural brunettes

Not really.

but why would it? It usually looks very fake, the roots start to show after like 2 weeks and the white yellows with time