Is 25 too late to start dating? I'm not lying if I say that like 90% of the girls I know around my age range are already in relationships
Is 25 too late to start dating...
You're still very young, but most people your age are starting or just started their professional life. I'm pretty autistic and had no idea what cuffing season was, but apparently it's a thing. Girls will be looking for a man to combat the cold weather, so good luck.
I don't feel very young at all, most people around my age have their lifes set up and Im still trying to find a job I like (been through 3 different ones already). And emotionally I'm a complete mess.
It just feels like there are no single girls anywhere and the ones that are single are because they want to or because there is something wrong with them. And yes I realize this applies to me too, that's why I feel like I'm damaged foods and left behind
I think you need to take into consideration the circumstances of the women you are interested in dating as well as your own. Girls your age are finishing college education, already working or already contemplating having a family. This makes it imperative you adjust your expectations. My advice would be to date younger girls if you want a relationship with less Life changing expectations. If you're interested in girls who are past that and looking into settling go for your age.
do you really think majority of people in relationships when they’re 25 will still be with the same people 10 years from now?
I'm 26. My single friends are generally looking to settle down, but they also have enough shit going on in their lives that they don't feel unfulfilled by not having a relationship. The ones who do want a relationship are generally too busy to find time to date. And they're as frustrated about it as you, if we're being honest.
yes its too late, please do not attempt it
Isn't being single empowering? Most single girls I know take great pride in it.
Not late at all. You feel old because that's the oldest you've lived. Oldfags refinding love in their 40's, 50's, 60's laugh at the thought that 25 is too old.
Most people haven't even met their future SO's at 25.
Only if you buy into the whole "a relationship is two halves made whole" bullshit and therefore think that a relationship is something that's supposed to complete you, rather than supplement your life, which then leads to you thinking that you're making a statement by going against the grain.
But realistically at 40 I'm too old and wrinkled to be attractive or find someone attractive really. After 30 you're kinda SOL.
What a retarded thing to say. Single life in your 30s is the best. You have far more options and can have a lot more fun in your 30s than you ever did in your 20s.
Nope. Not if you want to have sex before you die.
How so? I'll be older, uglier, less in shape and much more burned by work and life in general. My best years are already past me.
You'll have money and stability and be getting younger girls who want that.
Life is a marathon, not a sprint.
Don't focus on getting a girlfriend. When you place the value on the woman, it puts her on an unattainable pedestal. You want to rub her feet and shower her with gifts, you want to be the nice guy.
Focus on improving yourself as a person. When you radiate positivity and manliness, embody your sexuality, women are drawn to that like moths to a flame.
If you're struggling to find a girlfriend look within yourself. You're either looking for the wrong reasons or aren't willing to do what it takes to obtain the right woman.
Just always remember that getting the girl isn't the end goal, getting the RIGHT girl is. Don't fall for the first girl to come along, keep your options open because you've got billions to pick from.
Maybe YOU will because you are a special snowflake whose lifespan is 40 years. Everyone else will be enjoying their youth. 30s is the best decade to live because you are both young and also better off financially. There is literally nothing you can't do in your 30s that you can in your 20s. However there are many things you can't do in your 20s but can in your 30s.
Im not rich by any measure but im honestly fine when it comes to money. Also pretty stable, so eh, maybe I'll make more, sure, but I don't really need any more money, I don't need much
Honestly it just hurts to have never received any attention from the opposite sex in 25 years. Everybody has a story of a girl falling for them or flirting with them or being forward with them except fucking me. Seems like I am completely invisible to anyone with a vagina
Put yourself in a woman's perspective (to the best of your ability) and critically evaluate yourself. List your pro's and con's. With how you look and how you act, would you want to fuck you? Would you want to be with you?
You've likely got a lot to fix in your life. Work on fixing yourself. Feed your body the right food, good fuel helps keep the engine running well, and good food directly correlates to mental processes, so typically the fatter you are, the dumber you are. Exercise. Don't ever tell yourself you don't have the time because it's 2018 and you can literally download an app that will custom design a home workout within an allotted time frame for you. I'm talking 10 minutes from now you can be starting a personalized workout. Also feed your soul, do activities that build character, unlike TV, video games, or social media. Spend time in nature, read some books, get a journal and learn to love yourself.
Bottom line though, you will never learn to love women until you learn to love yourself. And man, I can tell you don't love yourself.
Stay positive my friend.
you're definitely not 25, probably 20 at most or more likely 16-17. Real tired of underages pretending 30 is "over the hill" now.
Not OP but I'm pretty sure there's a difference between getting your 200th lay in your 30s and going on your first date in your 30s.
I didnt get a gf until I was 26. You have less time but unless you want a ton of kids its easier dating in this period.
The latter just means he will take a while to catch up but not that long.
I have been with 18 girls but never had a long term relationship I’m 24 and I’m worried. I do dating apps but I can’t find anyone I click with or is receptive to me. I often get cancelled on by girls.
I'm pretty fit but realistically speaking I hate myself to be honest. I don't even know why, I just have a deep dislike for myself.
I am definitely 25, the fact you don't even believe a 25 yo can be this pathetic makes it even worse.
Definitely not too late to start dating
It's mental conditioning
I don't know where, I don't know when, and I don't know how, but at some point in your life there were situations that validated self loathing in you. Did you ever feel at many points like you simply weren't good enough?
Many people claim to dislike themselves but what they actually dislike is their conditioned realities.
Your parents and society raised you to be a certain way, this is your conditioned reality. For every good characteristic they instilled in you, they instilled a bad one, and it's not their fault, they're victims of the same conditioning as you, but if you never wake up to it you'll never break the cycle.
You need to realize the conditioned reality that you're living in and you need to reprogram your brain and restructure your life or you'll fall back into the cycle that has always kept you down.
It took me a long time to learn how to love myself, but I can truly say that I'm happy now that I've figured it out. And from this point, there's only one way to go and that's up.
Why do you post fake graphs created by incels?
Phone poster and I think it’s funny.
>200th lay
I'd be surprised to find anyone but a thot who thinks this is a good thing
I don't really get what you're saying. My parents have really always been supportive of me, and I've been a pretty normal person seen from the outside.
It's not that I feel like I wasn't good enough ,it's more about never being validated sexually (I honestly think this is a big problem with me, it's hard to be happy when you feel so utterly unattractive and disgusting) and the fact that there is absolutely nothing remarkable about me. I'm not good at anything, there is nothing particular about me that makes people remember me. I'm the most forgettable human alive.